Styx Galaxy.

"My god Karl...... We're going to get you done!".

The gluttonous king fell to his knees on one knee, and looked at Carl with a book floating in front of him with his eyes extremely reverently.

There are countless gluttonous people behind him.

They were to carry out Karl's orders to invade Earth.

Karl looked at the group of gluttons who had left with the gluttonous battleship, and Gu Bo's eyes twitched.

"These people, it's time to make a difference!"

Carl closes the book in his hand, as he hides behind the scenes to study the creatures of the void, and the ultimate fear of him known as Karl the Grim Reaper.

The Styx galaxy was discovered more than 20,000 years ago, and although it is as old as the Kamigawa civilization, it is a stagnant galaxy.

During this time, he spent 3,000 years helping several races to develop into the space age.

And as a result of these actions, these people worshipped him as a god.

Now he has hit a bottleneck, and he needs to expand his scope, expand his power, and gain more power.

Sending the Gluttonous Legion to invade Earth was the first step in Karl's plan to gain more power and power.


At this time, in the Ministry of Earth Defense, many generals of various countries who were resisting the alien invasion all looked at Dukao not far away, as well as another person, Derena.

Both are technically aliens, one from Norr, and the other from Sun.

"Now that the earth has reached a very critical moment, we must train warriors to fight against it, only this group of people with super genes who are responsible for the three major projects of creating god genes...... to be able to fight against the impending danger ......".

Dukao said righteously, and the generals of the surrounding army heard Dukao's words.

They didn't protest, after all, they knew that what Dukao said was the best they could do at the moment.

It is also the only way to resist the invasion from beyond the earth, and the only people with these super genes can do it.

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the door.

"You can't go in!".

At this time, the commander of the Huaxia Military Region of Juxia City heard the movement and quickly judged the source of the sound.

"It's the voice of our soldiers!".


commander had a wary look on his face, you must know that this is the general headquarters of the major military regions.

It's not like ordinary people come in if they want to.

"If it's an enemy, I'll deal with it!"

Delena clasped her hands in front of her chest, her eyes looked out of the door proudly, as a third-generation warrior from the Sun Star, and she was also the main god who inherited all the dark matter plane construction from the Sun Star, she didn't think that there was anything on Earth that could threaten her existence.

But just as Delena was about to act, a piece of chalk suddenly pierced through the gate and came towards Derena's forehead.

In an instant, she slammed Dilena to the ground.

Then, the crowd saw a muscular man walk in.

To everyone's astonishment, the muscular man in front of him was completely covered with plaster on his head.

"Who are you?".

Dukao, as the former Marshal of the Norse Star, has waged the war in the Deno system, and is a war maniac, and it stands to reason that he has seen any strong man.

But he hadn't seen the man in front of him.

Including the ability of the man in front of him to use a piece of chalk to exert a huge power attack.

Ducao was also seen for the first time.

"The universe is vast and intellect is all-encompassing!"

The man flipped over the door panel and walked in, and the indestructible steel door was torn apart like a piece of paper in the man's hand.

"What is he talking about?".

Dukao was still a little confused at this time.

But fortunately, the man in front of him didn't drag out too much, and said the following.

"In the Polymath Society, there is such a maverick academic star, who is low-key and luxurious in his gestures!".

The man continued to walk forward, and the soldiers behind him began to hear the noise.

They want to catch the plaster man in front of them who has forced his way in.

But the man didn't care about the soldiers behind him at all, and these soldiers gradually found out.

Their attacks didn't have any effect at all, and the plaster man in front of him seemed to be able to spot their attack trajectory in advance and dodge.

"That's really...... Hell!".

For a moment, the chief showed a look of annoyance on his face, this was the first person to break into their general headquarters alone, and he couldn't take it at all.

But before the commander could get out of his frustration.

The plaster man gestured, dodging the attacks of the soldiers behind him with great fluidity.

I finally began to introduce my identity.

Just the first sentence made their faces darken.

"Stupidity is a disease, it must be cured!".

Su Bai closed his pupils tightly, and suddenly opened them at this moment.

"I'm Veritas Ladio, alias Su Bai, a scholar and a teacher! If you have a sign of dullness in your head, you can call me Doctor of Truth!".

Su Bai looked at the people with pale faces.

Obviously, they all understood that Su Bai in front of them was calling them all stupid people.

And Di Rena also stroked her forehead at this time, and looked at Su Bai in front of her with anger on her face, if it was usual, Su Bai would have extremely well-proportioned muscles, and she would definitely earn her a little favor.

However, Su Bai had just thrown out a pencil and sneak attacked, coupled with Su Bai's words that were a little more narcissistic than her, and Su Bai was secretly saying that they were extremely stupid people.

This made Di Rena very angry, as the goddess of the Sun Star, where had she suffered such humiliation.

But just when Di Rena was going to continue to get up and teach Su Bai a lesson, so that Su Bai would suffer.


Su Bai's other piece of chalk slammed into Di Rena's forehead.

"Do you still think I'm going to be knocked out by this chalk again?"

Dilena's eyes showed a confident light, as the granddaughter of the sun god, one of the three god-making projects, the sun light gene is possessed.

There's no way she could fail twice in the same move.

This time, she directly controlled the fireball, scorching and burning the chalk in front of her in midair.

"Now you should be helpless!".

Seeing that the fireball had successfully scorched Su Bai's chalk, Di Rena's eyes looked proudly at Su Bai in the distance, but at this glance, she unexpectedly found that the second chalk only arrived in the next second.

And this astonishing speed made Dilena unable to react at all, and when she reacted, her forehead had been violently hit by chalk, making her lie on the ground again.


This scene also made the surrounding people dumbfounded, because of Di Rena's identity, they knew.

A powerhouse of the Burning Sun Star civilization that is much stronger than the earth civilization, but just like that, he was easily knocked down by Su Bai with two pieces of chalk.

"Su Bai...... Why are you here?".

When everyone was dumbfounded, Dukao was the first to come to his senses and looked at Su Bai.

He picked up the chalk that Su Bai threw Di Rena and found that this was ordinary chalk, plus Su Bai did not throw the important parts of Di Rena's body, but only made Di Rena faint, which also made Du Kao know that Su Bai in front of him may not have any ill will towards them.

And when Su Bai saw that the crowd was intimidated by his momentum, he began not to look for trouble, but listened to him quietly, and nodded.

directly expressed his intention to come here.

"I come from the starry sky of the universe, and I firmly believe that wisdom and creativity are not exclusive to geniuses, and I am committed to spreading knowledge to the whole universe, healing the stubborn disease called dullness, and popularizing the power of destiny!"

Su Bai's sonorous and powerful words directly shocked everyone.

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