Southern Naval District, command hall of the aircraft carrier battle group Giant Gorge.

Just after the end of recruiting Qilin, Mercy Wind, who was urgently recalled by Ducao, took Yuqin with him and stepped into it.

Commanders and fighters at all levels lined up in various virtual sand tables, whispering about the battle that occurred not long ago on Airport Road in Juxia City.

This kind of discussion is not only happening here.

All major military districts across the country, commanders and fighters at all levels, and even grassroots soldiers are talking about the same thing!

How to fight?!

When you face the invasion of the orc civilization from the space class.

When the Starfleet where Styx resides, it accumulates more and more.

But you sadly found that the land aviation composite battalion, which is known as the first land combat capability on the earth, is particularly weak when it is a single soldier of the hostile civilization!

Please believe that anyone in the know will be exhausted by this.

Ducao clasped his hands in front of his chest, listening to the summary reports of commanders and fighters at all levels on the battle, while also thinking about how to use the current earth’s technology to win this interstellar invasion.

“Chief! Mercy Wind (Yuqin) came to report! ”

When Ducao heard this, he indifferently put away his inner thoughts.

After saluting in return, he took the two women to the communication room.

“Mercy Wind, Yuqin, the chiefs have been online for a while, and what we have encountered this time is a precursor to disaster that this civilization has never heard of!”

“Now, the chiefs need to hear your ideas.”

“After all, you were born as a technical officer.”

The door was opened by Ducao’s face, and the three stepped into it.

Each of them found a place to sit down, and on the table, the Daoist virtual light screen stood up, and on it were the pavilion elders who were in charge of the overall situation of Donghuang.

In fact, this webinar has been going on for some time.

There is no need to avoid the Deno family, led by Ducao.

The fundamental reason is that the high-level leaders need to discuss a series of pre-war preparations, including but not limited to: strategic combat readiness, food and grass materials, wartime production, scientific and technological research and development, people’s evacuation, and even the selection of post-war base areas, and the preparation of materials in advance

With a lot of pre-war preparations, Ducao, who has experience in interstellar warfare, certainly does not need to be on the scene, in comparison….

His more important job is to find that glimmer of life for Donghuang in future wars, and even hope for victory….

“Xiao Du is here, sit, our side just talked about the matter over there in Juxia City, and you just gave us some advice over there.”

“Yes! Heads! ”

Ducao sat down again and asked immediately

“The question of the chiefs should be… Those two electromagnetic weapons that fell from the sky, right? ”

The chiefs nodded one after another, and Elder Huang, who was slightly rich, took the lead in speaking:

“Reality shows that with current technology, to fight against space-level civilization, it is normal to touch a nose of ash, we can’t even break through the defense of a single outpost!”

“At first, we even thought that the two electromagnetic guns were fired by the Black Great Wall plan.”

“In hindsight, I learned that this was not the case, and now the question is, Ms. Mercy Wind, can this satellite electromagnetic weapon be replicated over the Black Great Wall?”

Mercy Feng nodded slightly, and then said positively:

“It can be done, so that electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons, landing on satellite combat platforms is not a problem.”

“On the way just now, Yuqin and I calculated with the Denuo 3 satellite that even if a war breaks out, if we can retain enough space-based kinetic energy weapon systems, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to the war situation!”

“But this combat system has an unavoidable omission…”

Elder Huang continued to ask:

“What’s the difficulty?”

Mercy Wind Road:

“The system equipped with electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons must be hung in near-earth space, but once so, there is a gap in the survivability of the weapon platform!”

“I believe that when those two alien sentinels died, their command system also knew about satellite weapons…”

“Once war comes, they will definitely be the first to clean up all man-made objects in Earth’s orbit.”

Several chiefs frowned when they heard this.

This is undoubtedly the worst news.

In addition to the fighting and engagement on the front line, the more important thing in the war is, of course, communication and intelligence!

In modern warfare, satellites are the most critical part of this.

“Is there a remedy?”

“Yes, use underground optical cables to build a basic communication network.”

“In terms of satellites, there is no way to do it at all?”

“Not really, in essence, satellites can always hang in the sky as long as they are not destroyed. But if this is the case, the dark iron of the Black Great Wall plan will not be enough… Dear chiefs, the most urgently needed material for the Mangdang Mountain is dark iron! ”

“Mercy Wind, you mean, build a brand new satellite with dark iron?”

“Yes, sir. But there is no need to build pure dark iron, only 0.3% of dark iron can be mixed to effectively avoid the electromagnetic suppression of space-level civilizations, and even global detection can be directed avoidance! ”

“So, the completion of the Mangtangshan has to be greatly delayed? How long will it be delayed? ”

“About three to five years.”

The chiefs frowned and pondered, now they need to make a choice!

If you choose to continue to maintain the satellite system, or even the satellite armed strike force, you must bear the price of the delayed delivery of the Mangtangshan!

But if you choose to do this, you must first overcome the first problem!


Can it hold out in the war, until three or five years later?

After a whispered exchange, Elder Huang first looked at Ducao and asked

“Xiao Du, what do you think?”

In fact, Ducao has been weighing the problem.

Hearing the chief’s question, Ducao immediately replied:

“Satellite armed platforms can not be built, but communication and monitoring satellite systems must be replaced!”

After a moment of silence, Elder Huang questioned:

“Tell me specifically what you think.”

“Yes, sir. The first is the issue of armed satellites, even if we send them to the sky at great cost, even if they are well hidden in the first wave of strikes. But…… When it is officially launched and the attack is launched, it is exposed, and I believe that this weapon, which can only be activated once, has no value in assembling troops. ”

Several chiefs nodded when they heard this, and their biggest entanglement was the problem of wartime efficiency.

If you spend a lot of money, hit a bunch of weapons into the sky, but in the end only a few alien invaders can only take over each one, then the picture… I can’t bear to look at it directly!

A general named Li Mu of the military department asked

“General Du, tell me about your other opinion.”

“Deno III, I remember, that thing can provide a back for surveillance and communication?”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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