“Well, the surprise is indeed in place, even the big people like Jin and the like accidentally set their sights on you.”

The weasel adamantly disagreed.

“Tell me, how did you get Kim to target?”

Zou Jin frowned, it was indeed difficult for him to understand Jin He’s brain circuit, even if Frank had analyzed it before, Zou Jin said that he couldn’t understand.

So he simply said nonsense:

“You said there is no such possibility… For example, Jin is not fancy Mrs. Gao! ”

Stunned, the weasel hurriedly looked around and found that no one was paying attention.

Only then was he relieved, and he didn’t have a good breath :

“Slandering the big guy casually, and it’s the underworld boss… Young man, you’re tired of living, aren’t you?! ”

“Then I don’t know why Kim is eyeing me! It is clear that the people I killed a few days ago are from the Hand Association and the Russian gangsters, what is the matter with Tajin? ”

“Eh… Wait a minute! You mean the hand rendezvous?! ”

The weasel had to confirm it twice.

Zou Jin nodded.

Then explain:

“I remember you have a mission here about the Hands Guild, in other words, can the ninja who killed the Hands Alliances claim some commissions?” I have photos! ”

Saying that, Zou Jin planned to take out his mobile phone to prove himself.

The weasel hurriedly called a halt, and then said helplessly:

“Don’t don’t, don’t show me your loot, my legs are soft!”

“The tasks related to the Hand Association were gone during martial law last time, didn’t I tell you?”

Hearing this, Zou Jin frowned and recalled.

It seems that he really said it, but he didn’t name it.

The weasel at that time said that no one dared to hire others in the near future, and no mercenaries dared to make trouble.

His face turned dark, and Zou Jin secretly cursed a scolding….

This is not pure work for nothing, the benefits are not obtained, but it also attracts a double reward!


A punch smashed on the bar, Zou Jin’s face was full of resentment, and he swore resolutely:

“Wait, I will definitely find an opportunity to take all of Mrs. Gao’s miserable industry!” If it weren’t for that watch, I would still be playing the Novice Village quest with the Russian gangsters! ”

The weasel spread his hands, indicating that this child was not saved, the kind that was completely helpless!


For Wade’s sake, I have to advise a few words:

“Russian gangsters, Jin, and the Hand Association, I can be regarded as having seen your ability to make trouble, but believe me, don’t show up frequently recently, Jin and the Hand Association are not good men and women.”

The weasel knows very well.

The little fart in front of him, like Wade, has awakened certain mutant abilities, and even his abilities have been perverted to a certain extent.

But that didn’t work!

There is no shortage of mutant groups.

Being able to control the Niuyo gangsters, and even let its business spread throughout the whole magnesium, Jin He’s subordinates have never lacked equal strength.

Therefore, the weasel did not think that this little brother of Donghuang could win favor in the hands of Jin He.

But Zou Jin has little interest in this:

“Don’t worry, my disguise is still very reliable!”

The weasel was speechless.

As far as bounty missions are concerned.

Such a big gangster alliance, you can’t even get a photo, and the specific expression is that there is nothing else except Asians….

Such a disguise, it can be said that it is quite in place!


Five days later.

Zou Jin rarely swayed.

Of course, the nightlife projects of the past can only end in vain.

What project?

For example, with Donghuang travelers as the appearance, full buttons are swaying everywhere.

Believe me, this project is really interesting.

Those little blacks definitely can’t resist the temptation to move their wallets, and they will follow Zou Jin to a hidden and dark street.

But that’s exactly what happened.

In Xiao Hei’s circle, there has been a legend circulating in recent days, it is said that in the late night of Niuyo, there will be an egg maniac wandering in the shadows!

He would target his homeless compatriots and then give them the painful experience of forcibly converting his black compatriots to gender affiliation!

For this.

There are already voices within the black group to boycott those fanatical special gender people, and their priorities are almost higher than the priority of confronting whites and bullying Asians….


Another legend has also begun to circulate among the medical groups in various hospitals in Newyo, according to which a radical special gender group has emerged in recent days, and they usually use radical means to attack themselves to prove that their gender is convincing enough.

Of course.

Zou Jin was not interested in the above rumors.

What really interested him was that tonight was the time for the final crystal nucleus crossing function to recover.

In the sea of knowledge, a familiar space-time tunnel appeared.

Zou Jin smiled and calmly stepped into it.


When I opened my eyes again, it was already clear.

A dark golden black hole appeared on the outer edge, shrouding Zou Jin from top to bottom, and disappearing in an instant.

In the process, Zou Jin was dirty on his body.

It is also accompanied by the disappearance of the space black hole, and there are no bits and pieces left.

It must be admitted that human beings can always put this thing into practice with 100% mental effort!

Zou Jin is not exempt from vulgarity.

Push open the window.

Angel International under the morning sun has already had a trend of popularity.

The increasingly dehumanized eyesight even allowed him to see the spit spit of several ladies in professional dresses when they exchanged their heads and ears.

Slight silence.

Zou Jin began to think of another thing.

Previously with Natasha, when they met at Mother Margaret’s bar, he… It seems that I saw the large pores on Natasha’s face, and even the dirt that hid the pores!

Now that I think about it, that’s not an illusion!

It is not a visual error guided by subjective will!

“Lying groove, how can I look directly at those beautiful scenery after this?!”

There is a reason for such emotion.

Continue to be the same as ever, to maintain the preferences of the human being… Then you have to endure the piles of mites on the face of the young lady in the real world, the accumulated dirt in the enlarged pores, and even the peculiar smell emitted by the other party!

More even.

With the paranoia of modern women about makeup.

The devil knows what a complicated and strange taste it is….

But if he doesn’t even have that hobby, how should Zou Jin face that bleak life?

Shh Is this bleak world completely unsaved, or completely destroyed!

Right now.

A glowing light passed through the window and fell on Zou Jin’s room.

The visitor was dressed in a noble dark silver armor, and the white wings on his back swayed with specks of light, and on the delicate snow-like skin, the glow of the morning sun made it difficult to divert one’s gaze.

The one who came was Ah Chao!

A strange man who can control a big golden back and looks particularly sassy and heroic… Angel!

Zou Jin was a little stunned for a while.

Speak from the heart without going through the brain:

“Ah chase! You saved the world! ”

Ah Chao, who was about to say hello, was stunned when he heard this, no, how can I save the world!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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