“It seems that you, like Wade, have awakened an incredible mutant ability… No wonder you survived, not considering your appearance, it was my mistake. ”

Speaking of this, Francis took the initiative to throw away the two tomahawks that had been held tightly in his hands.

The situation was so bad, but he saw no fear or fear.

Without nerve endings, he has never felt death, even if death is about to befall him.

“I envy you, Wade, you… You are all God’s cousin darlings. ”

“I used to be one of the test specimens, but unfortunately… My ability to awaken is mediocre. ”

“It has greatly increased my reflexes, and it has also enhanced my divine physical quality a little…”

“In order to maximize my combat power, through surgery, I removed my nerve endings…”

“Don’t expect to torture me, you know, I can’t feel pain!”

With a mouth full of white teeth, Francis’s arrogance as an Anza race is not visible.

The uninformed thought that this product was a winner.

“Thank me, Donghuang boy, you and Wade should thank me… If thank God for that, I activated your 887 genes, I gave you a whole new life. ”

Zou Jin scoffed.

Backhand slammed the muzzle of Warhammer 40 into Francis’s mouth.

By the way, he lost a few half-amputated front teeth.

“Shut up, silly, I Zou Jin is so powerful, I have never relied on half of the external force, it is all due to my personal talent and efforts!”

Francis: “…”

Although you gagged my mouth with a firearm, you are really embarrassed to say such blatant nonsense!

Let’s make a face.

Who was the first time to start, a weak chicken performance of crying daddy and shouting mother.

At that time, any genetic test result was a mortal you, where the talent can be worked on.

Pulling the muzzle out of Francis’s mouth and wiping saliva on his jacket, Zou Jin asked curiously:

“Being able to climb from the patient to the position of the surgeon… Francis, your career experience is so Xuanqi that Hollywood does not dare to shoot like that…”

Thinking back to myself in the gloomy research institute, tortured in turns…

Looking at Francis, who is now like a dead dog, Zou Jin was quite touched for a while.

Then again.

It seems that Francis is only an administrator of that institute, and perhaps a part-time physician.

The important thing is, who will really be behind the scenes?

“I know that you are not the founder and behind-the-scenes financier of that institute, after all, looking at your poor and sour appearance, I know that you are a migrant worker like me.”

“Tell me about it, who is behind the scenes of the research institute?”

Francis scoffed:

“You think I’ll tell you? Don’t be naïve, kid…”

Zou Jin interrupted and threatened maliciously:

“I think you will! It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel pain, modern medicine is so developed…”

“If you don’t find a mutant with healing powers, believe me, your pain will come back.”

“And then… I had to think hard about how to implement the list of plans in my head. ”

After a moment of contemplation, Zou Jin said thoughtfully:

“How about stuffing you in a coffin? I will find a treasure of feng shui and bury you deep in the ground. Believe me, except for the sound of groundwater seeping into the coffin, water droplets falling, you will not see anything, do not hear any murmur … It is said that it is rare to carry it for three days, so I want to try it! ”

Francis’s expression changed slightly.

As if he hadn’t seen it, Zou Jin was still chattering about his creativity:

“If you don’t like it, I have other packages, even if the punishment of Donghuang Ancient is settled, it looks quite inhumane… In this way, after your nerves are repaired, I will pull out your tendons, tie a knot and plug it in place, and stitch it up…”

“How about you peel your skin with mercury and hang it on a street lamp to dry it into bacon?”

(BEBA) Zou Jin became more and more excited the more he spoke, his hands rubbed like flies, and he looked eager to try.

Break the tendons?

Still want mercury peeling?

After that, you still want to hang the street lamp to dry into bacon?

Francis’s face twitched, how could humans come up with this?

Seeing that the goods were getting more and more excited, Francis admitted that he was really intimidated.

He felt that with the disposition of this neurotic teenager, he would really reproduce those bad methods on himself!

“Don’t say it, I want to know what I’ll tell you…”

“All I know is that I work for a company called Essex!”

“Responsible for managing the operation, research and sales of several research institute branches.”

“As for who the higher managers of the company are, that’s not a secret I should know.”

Francis said that this is the capital society, for the sake of money not to fall.

Similarly, in order to protect yourself, it is not normal to betray your superiors.

“The Essex Company … It’s a little familiar, this name…”

Zou Jin doubted that he was in the timeline.

It won’t be the version of Old Uncle Wolf, right?

Or is it really genetically modified food, silently killing a large group of mutants!?

Tut…… This means Indian old iron, deep experience can be said.

“Wow, my dear child, I hope your mental state is okay…” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Wade walked over with Vanessa.

Even if he stepped a little cautiously, he seemed to be very worried, Zou Jin was unhappy, and he also locked himself in a coffin and buried it in the ground.


Just a conversation with Francis.

Wade and Vanessa both heard the loss.

Zou Jin looked back, but saw Wade’s ugly and ugly hood being held in his hand.

Zou Jin knew that he had already recognized Vanessa…

Fortunately, I didn’t pay attention just now, otherwise the taste of being stuffed with dog food in my mouth is estimated to be too good.

“Leave it to you Wade, remember not to kill him, I still have a series of surgeries to verify, Francis will like it.”

“In addition, through the practice just now, I always feel that my Warhammer pistol, there are still areas for improvement, and I always feel that the power is not enough…”

Watch Zou Jin walk away.

Wade looked confused, looking at Francis two meters away, there was green smoke, and the high temperature was still the steel hole…

Are you sure that such power is not enough?

I know that you Donghuang people suffer from a phobia of insufficient firepower, but you have gone too far this night, right!?


More than ten minutes later.

Zou Jin returned, and the new Warhammer series of pistols loomed in the hem of the trench coat.

He also found the motorcycle hidden in the corner of the scrapyard like a treasure hunt.



What’s wrong with you, Francis!?

Tell me what’s going on with those bullet holes in your body?!。

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