Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1701: Steep boulder

Chapter 1875: Steep Boulders

When they reached this middle zone, everyone was surprised to see that there was a huge impact crater in the middle of this plateau.

Zhao Zhongyao and Feifei were very happy when they saw this huge impact crater. After all, with such a huge impact crater, it means that there may be conditions suitable for the existence of amethyst gems in this place.

‘Dad, this place looks like there are amethyst gems! Feifei said as he looked at the huge plateau in front of him.

‘Of course, there is a huge impact crater here, which means that there may be conditions suitable for the existence of amethyst. We have to look for it. After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he drove the spacecraft again and flew towards this impact crater.

Soon, they flew to this impact crater. When their spacecraft flew to the top of this impact crater, they were surprised to see that there was some heat coming out of this huge impact crater.

Upon seeing this, Feifei said in surprise, ‘Dad, what’s going on, how can there be heat in this impact crater! ’

You must know that this is Eris, this place is very far away from the sun, there are 141 astronomical units, and the surfaces of all the planets here are very cold.

‘This shows that the temperature in this impact crater is very warm. You know, the interior of any planet is high-temperature and high-pressure matter. Whether it is a planet closer to the sun or a planet far away from the sun, their interiors have high temperatures. Said Zhao Zhongyao.

‘Dad, can we go down there and see, maybe there will be life down there. Feifei looked at Zhao Zhongyao with expectant eyes and said.

‘Okay, then let’s go down and take a look. Here, there must be the eleventh amethyst gem we are looking for. "Zhao Zhongyao said, while driving the spacecraft to the bottom of this impact crater.

When they flew to the bottom of this impact crater, they saw a small lake below. In the middle of this small lake, there is a small island.

This kind of terrain is exactly the terrain where amethyst gemstones generally exist. As long as you can see such a terrain, you can find an amethyst gem in nine out of ten.

‘Dad, look, this is the topography of the island in the center of the lake. So, the eleventh amethyst gem we are looking for must be on the island in the center of the lake. ’Feifeiyi said excitedly.

‘Of course, let’s fly to the island in the middle of the lake and take a look. "Zhao Zhongyao said while driving the spacecraft to fly to the island in the heart of the lake.

Soon, their spacecraft flew to the island in the middle of the lake. When they flew to the island in the middle of the lake, they were surprised to find that the island in the middle of the lake was a world full of vitality.

There are big trees and small grass here, and some small birds are flying around in the sky. Being in this place doesn't feel like being on Eris outside the solar system, but rather like being in a certain tourist attraction on the earth.

‘Dad, this place is so beautiful, I can’t imagine that this place is actually on Eris. Looking at this place like this paradise every day, I feel very surprised.

‘Dad, how can this place be the same as on earth! This is Eris! Feifei looked at Zhao Zhongyao incomprehensibly and asked.

At this moment, Zhao Zhongyao looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him and said, ‘this is caused by the special terrain of this place. Although this place is very far away from the sun, it does not receive much sunlight. But this Eris is also a relatively large planet, and inside this planet, there are also many geothermal resources.

Since there are geothermal resources here, it is possible to form such a unique topography. Such terrain, although relatively rare on other planets, is not uncommon. Relatively speaking, any planet is very large. If we don't personally go to this planet, but just study on the earth, we will definitely feel that there is no other life planet in the universe except the earth. ’

‘Dad said so good, the universe is so big, there is nothing strange about it. There is such a magical beauty on this Eris, which is also a matter of reason. Feifei said so too.

‘Let’s go! What's the use of just enjoying the beautiful scenery? We are not here to travel. Zhao Zhongyao looked at Feifei and said.

‘Okay, let’s hurry up and find amethyst gems! Feifei said so too.

So, Zhao Zhongyao, Feifei, Qu Yuqian and Tiantian got off the spaceship together, and then walked towards the depths of this lake island together.

Along the way, nothing dangerous happened. Feifei also wondered if they would encounter some dangerous things after entering this piece of woods.

But when they actually entered the woods, they did not encounter any dangerous things. There were no large animals at all, only some small birds flying around in the trees.

‘Dad, this place is pretty good, there are no large animals at all. Said Feifei.

'Yes! It is not as good as a large animal, so that we can safely find the eleventh amethyst gem. Said Zhao Zhongyao.

In this way, everyone walked another distance, and they felt that the front suddenly became open.

Not far away, a clearing appeared, and on the ground of this clearing stood a huge boulder.

As soon as they saw this boulder, Zhao Zhongyao and Feifei felt that the amethyst gem they were looking for must be on this boulder.

Sure enough, when they walked to the boulder, they saw some colorful light emitting from the boulder.

‘Dad, look at it, there’s a sparkle on it, it must be an amethyst gem. Feifei was very happy to see the glitter on the boulder.

Of course Zhao Zhongyao saw it too. He also said happily at this time, "Yes, there must be amethyst gemstones on this huge boulder. We can get the eleventh amethyst gemstone by climbing on top of this huge rock. . ’

‘Dad, what are we waiting for, let’s start climbing this boulder! Feifei said as he looked at the boulder in front of him.

‘Okay, let’s start climbing this boulder! Of course, Zhao Zhongyao also wants to climb onto this huge boulder quickly, so that he can quickly get the eleventh amethyst gem.

However, when Zhao Zhongyao and Feifei were about to climb this boulder, they saw that this boulder was different from the boulder they had seen before.

The boulders seen before, seem to have a side that is not so steep, and you can climb up from this side. But this huge boulder seems to be very steep all around, and it is difficult to climb directly from a certain side.

Seeing this situation, Feifei said helplessly, ‘Dad, what can I do? This boulder is very steep! How can we climb up! ’

Zhao Zhongyao also looked around this boulder. I also feel that there is no way to climb directly on this boulder.

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