Super Military Scientist

Chapter 211: Mission Not Disgraced (7)

A colonel under the steps suddenly called and stood up, and then many officers and soldiers stood up.

Zhao Zhongyao and Yan Mingcheng and other leaders on the stage also stood up.

At this moment, the colonel turned around and watched Zhao Zhongyao salute him, and said loudly: "Comrade Chief, all officers and soldiers of the Jianghai Armored Division are ready for the mobilization meeting, please give instructions."

Zhao Zhongyao was shocked for a while! You know, he thinks this officer must have reported to Yan Mingcheng, how could he report to himself!

But no matter what, now that people report to him, he has no choice but to become a leader. "Start!" Zhao Zhongyao had to pay the officer a military salute.

"Sit down!" The officer turned around and shouted orders to the crowd.

Zhao Zhongyao and the leaders on the stage also sat down.

"Old Yan, what are you doing, how can you get that officer to report to me!" Zhao Zhongyao sat down and asked Yan Mingcheng beside him in a low voice.

"Zhongyao! Is the opportunity rare! Give you a chance to be a leader, don't you thank me!" Yan Mingcheng secretly smiled.

"Damn, then you have to tell me in advance! I was caught off guard!" Zhao Zhongyao still looked at Yan Mingcheng a little unhappy.

"Tell you, why do you have this surprise!" Yan Mingcheng said with a smile.

"Surprised ass! I almost don't know what to do." Zhao Zhongyao muttered again looking at Yan Mingcheng.

"Okay, the meeting begins." Yan Mingcheng was no longer talking to Zhao Zhongyao.

He cleared his throat and looked at the officers and soldiers in the audience and said: "Comrades, a few days ago, I told everyone that we are going to participate in a large-scale joint exercise of the three services. As for why this exercise is to be conducted, I have not said yet. clear.

I think everyone must be speculating wildly! Some veterans even wondered if they would go to war!

Here, I want to explain to everyone that we are not going to fight. It is to participate in an exercise. But besides the exercise, there is another important job! What is this job! I don’t think anyone can guess.

This task is to protect a gold ore vein discovered by our Jianggong University exploration team on a large mountain in Nanyun Province. This is a very high gold mine. Worth tens of billions.

But this gold vein is on the border of Nanyun Province, which is a very dangerous place. As you all know, the border has not been peaceful for some time. Some hostile elements of country Y have been spying on our country's Namyun Province for a long time, and they are thinking about how to occupy this province!

Everyone knows that country Y is a very small country, and they always want to expand their territory. So I thought about occupying some of our Chinese territory!

But our Hua is not easy to bully either. Some time ago, one of our armored divisions stationed in Nanyun Province beat an armored division of country Y to the bottom of the water! During this period of time, they never dared to invade us anymore!

But anyway, the border is not very peaceful now. Therefore, the gold mine discovered by our Jianggong University this time is very dangerous. If you let the enemy know, I'm afraid they will come to seize it!

Therefore, the superiors ordered our Jianghai Armored Division to go to the Nanyun front line to defend this gold mine discovered by our Jianggong University exploration team!

Now everyone should understand the real purpose of our exercise this time! Our main purpose is to protect this gold mine. It's not something like a war!

A small country Y, our country, a big country of China, doesn't take it seriously at all! They are not our opponents at all. Their entire country is not as large as our Nanyun Province!

They want to invade our territory, they are killing themselves! Our troops stationed in Nanyun Province are all elite divisions of the whole army! Our troops stationed in Nanyun Province can already occupy the entire country Y! There is no need at all, our inland troops do it!

So, don’t worry about us all, think that we might be going to war in this exercise! In fact, we are going to protect the gold mine. The reason why our superiors did not tell us the truth. This is mainly because this gold mine is too close to the border, not to mention, is it necessary for confidentiality?

Having said that, everyone must be strange. Even if it is to protect the gold mine, why does it take so long! Here, I would like to explain to everyone. Because the gold mine is on the border, it is naturally very unsafe.

Therefore, after our Jianggong University's exploration team discovered it, it immediately reported to the superior that it was going to mine this gold mine immediately. Because this gold mine contains a large amount of gold, and the buried stratum is very shallow, if it is not mined immediately, it is very easy for the enemy to take the lead. Only if we mine all these gold mines as soon as possible, can we rest assured!

But everyone knows that to mine a gold mine, it is not a joke. There are many ways to work together! A lot of preparatory work needs to be done! From the discovery of the gold mine to the start of mining, it will take at least three months!

This is why we will go to Nanyun Province for at least three months. Don't think about it, everyone. What do we say, we are going to war and things like that.

This is impossible. There are troops in Nanyun Province, and even if it goes to war with country Y, it will not talk about us!

Okay, I won’t be verbose anymore. I invited Director Zhao from Jianggong University to the site of our mobilization meeting to convince everyone that we are definitely not going to fight this time.

But to protect the gold mine!

Next, let Director Zhao talk about the gold mine! In this way, don't you believe it more!

Well, everyone welcomes Director Zhao to speak. "

After Yan Mingcheng finished speaking, he let Zhao Zhongyao speak and also took the lead in applauding!

Everyone also applauded.

"Papa! Papa!------"

Zhao Zhongyao is also caught off guard now! He didn't make any preparations before. Let him talk now, he really doesn't know what to say!

"Old Yan! What do you want me to say! I'm not prepared!" Zhao Zhongyao looked at Yan Mingcheng helplessly.

"Damn! Director Zhao, you are a professor at Jianggong University of Technology! You teach students every day! Why, when you arrive in this auditorium, you won't be able to speak! Just give everyone a geography class. Let's It’s enough for everyone to understand some gold mining knowledge."

Yan Mingcheng looked at Zhao Zhongyao but didn't know what to say! So I reminded him. If he knows it, just treat it as if he was teaching the soldiers.

"Well, in this case, I will give you a lesson about gold!"

As Zhao Zhongyao said, he began to teach everyone.

"Gold is a very precious metal. Whether in industry or other aspects, it has a high value. It can be said that since the human society, gold has played an important role in people's lives.

It's just that human beings' excessive greed for gold has gradually reduced the amount of gold on the earth. Before the nineteenth century, humans produced only two hundred tons of gold in five thousand years.

This is mainly because before the nineteenth century, humans did not use any scientific technology for exploration and mining, so naturally there was very little gold.

However, as mankind enters the industrial age, science and technology are changing with each passing day, and mankind's ability to mine gold is also greatly improved.

At present, the annual amount of gold mined by human beings is more than two thousand tons. It can be said that the gold produced by mankind in the first year is ten times as much as the gold produced by mankind for five thousand years.

Gold is of great significance to human civilization and progress. The reason why humans like gold is not only its beautiful luster, but also its malleability.

The ancients said, "True gold is not afraid of fire." In fact, there is no scientific reason. The ancients said this because the smelting temperature of the ancients was not high enough. It is difficult to exceed a thousand degrees of high temperature. And the melting point of gold is 1064 degrees!

One of the most important characteristics of gold superior to other metals is its ductility.

It can be said to be second to none in all metals. Gold can create extremely thin gold flakes that are easy to roll up. One ounce of gold can be hammered as thin as 4 millionths of a foot thick and 100 square feet in area. The ancients hammered it into thin slices and used it to decorate temples and palaces. All these can explain the strong flexibility and malleability of gold.

The color of gold is golden yellow, metallic luster and hard to decompose. Hardness 2-3, pure gold 19.3, melting point 1064.4℃; has good ductility, can be pressed into thin foil, has extremely high heat transfer and conductivity, and the resistance of pure gold is 2.4p. Pure gold has good chemical resistance and is the best electroplating material.

Although gold is a very soft metal, it is not as good as lead and tin. Marks can be made with nails on pure gold. This softness makes gold very easy to process. However, this is not ideal for manufacturers of decorations, because it is easy to scratch the decorations and make them Lose its luster and even affect the appearance. Therefore, when making jewelry with gold, copper and silver are generally added to increase its hardness.

Gold is easy to forge and stretch, and can be rolled into transparent and transparent green gold foil with a thickness of 0.001 mm. 0.5 grams of gold can be drawn into 160 meters of gold wire.

It is precisely because of these characteristics that gold has become an important metal element in modern industry. The reason why Western countries quickly entered the industrial age is inseparable from their exploitation and utilization of gold.

This time, our Jianggong University discovered such a high-content gold mine, with a content of more than ten to fifty grams per ton.

When everyone heard it, they thought, a ton is only 50 grams, is it not worth mining? You don't know this. Generally, the grade of gold mined in industry has industrial mining value as long as the content is 0.5 grams per ton!

The content of this gold mine discovered by our Jianggong University is already a super rich mine, and this is the largest gold mine discovered in our country! It is preliminary estimated that this gold mine contains 200 tons of pure gold!

Think about it, everyone. In the past five thousand years, our country produced only 200 tons of gold! There is also a very important feature, which is unique to this gold mine.

The veins of this gold mine are very shallow, only about fifty meters. In other words, this is a gold mine that can be mined in the open pit!

Maybe there will be some gold outside that big mountain! It can be said that that big mountain is a real ‘golden mountain’!

The gold mine we discovered in Nanyun Province now contains two hundred tons in one mine! What a great discovery this is! For my country's gold output this year, it is very important.

As long as our country mines this gold mine this year, it can become the country that produces the most gold in the world this year!

Okay, I'm going to say so much. I think everyone should also know the importance of this exercise! Our exercise this time is not for money. I am going to make money!

This is a gold mine worth tens of billions! If the enemy is taken away, wouldn't it be a huge loss for our country!

Therefore, we must protect it this time. This is our great contribution to the country! "

Zhao Zhongyao talked a lot about gold. Everyone is really fascinated by it!

You must know that the leaders of the previous meeting all talked about the style and discipline of some troops and military training. These old-fashioned things, just listen to the soldiers fan trouble! But this time, Zhao Zhongyao's "The Story of Gold" made everyone listen with gusto! One by one raised his ears and quietly listened to Zhao Zhongyao explaining some knowledge about gold.

After Zhao Zhongyao finished speaking, he let Yan Mingcheng speak again.

At this time, Yan Mingcheng looked at everyone again and said: "Comrades, you should understand now! This time we are going to protect the gold mine. This is a rare opportunity!

Director Zhao has already talked a lot just now, so we should understand! We are not going to drill this time! Instead, go for gold! I don’t know if you are interested! "

When Yan Mingcheng said this, someone below laughed quietly. And I started talking for a while!

"Ah, we're going to pick up gold! If I can pick up a piece of nugget gold, then I will be rich!" The recruit who was afraid of war just now heard that they are going to protect the gold mine in this exercise. of. I also heard from Director Zhao that that mountain is full of gold, and it is a real ‘golden mountain’! He immediately began to dream of getting rich!

"Damn! You still have to pick up kotou gold! It depends on your kid, whether there is such a knack fortune!" The veteran squad leader sitting next to him, listened to the new recruit egg, and scolded him with a smile.

"Squad leader, don't laugh at me, I happen to be a dog! Maybe, I have a dog head blessing, I can pick up a piece of dog head gold!"

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