Super Military Scientist

Chapter 274: Battle of Missiles (8)

Chapter 281 The Battle of Missiles (8)

Yan Mingcheng knows that their superiors are all famous and famous, and it is absolutely impossible to cancel this major military exercise because of this major issue that Zhao Zhongyao said!

"You are right! Although the issue I mentioned is a major issue, it is also imperative for this exercise! Our army now has several new weapons, but these weapons , Our enemy countries don’t even know! They still regard us as a country with backward weapons!

We have new weapons, one is to test this weapon in actual combat, and the other is to let other countries take a look at our cutting-edge weapons and let them know that our country’s current weapons and equipment are already ' Yesterday it was not today! In this way, it will naturally have a deterrent to their country's policymakers!

The ancients said it was good, go to war and make plans, then turn in troops, and then siege the city! As the highest level of military combat readiness, it is a soldier who retreats without fighting! We can defeat the enemy without a single shot. This is the highest tactic! "

Zhao Zhongyao is an intellectual. He may not have much experience in leading soldiers to fight, but he still has some experience in ‘talking soldiers on paper’!

"Zhongyao! What you said is very good! So it is impossible for the superior leaders to cancel this exercise plan this time! They will only change the original exercise plan! At that time, you can command you mightily The rocket battalion has gone to the battlefield!"

Yan Mingcheng listened to Zhao Zhongyao's analysis, and he became more confident in his prediction.

"You are right! This exercise is really important! It is impossible for higher-level leaders to cancel this military exercise.

Although we say that it is the best policy to retreat without a fight, it is really not an easy task to defeat the enemy with one soldier and one soldier!

Therefore, exercises are still very necessary, especially this kind of exercises in the form of new weapon performances that can demonstrate the power of our army, it is even more necessary! Because only such an exercise can let the powerful forces of our army be seen by the enemy! Only if the enemy sees the powerful forces of our army, they will also have more lives! "

After thinking about it, Zhao Zhongyao felt that it was impossible for higher-level leaders to cancel this major military exercise! Although he is still a little worried, it is reasonable to say that this major military exercise cannot be cancelled no matter what.

"Okay, Zhongyao! Don't think about things here either, it's going to rain your mother and let him get married! Let's do our military training!

You are now the battalion commander of the rocket battalion, and you have to get to know your men about anything! You also have to familiarize yourself with the process of leading soldiers to fight with them first! "

Yan Mingcheng knew that although Zhao Zhongyao was wearing this uniform, if he wanted him to truly fit into the ranks of the soldiers, he had to fight with the soldiers!

"Yan Mingcheng, you don't have to talk so much nonsense. You should take me to meet my soldiers! I want to say something to them too!"

Zhao Zhongyao knows that the morale of soldiers needs to be encouraged, and it depends on the work level of a commander.

A truly excellent commander can always mobilize the enthusiasm of the soldiers at the right time, and it will also enable the soldiers to fight for the most powerful combat effectiveness!

"Okay, let's go to the training ground together!"

After Yan Mingcheng and Zhao Zhongyao finished talking, they came to the training field of the rocket camp together.

This is a clearing of the division near the foot of the mountain.

There are no buildings here, just a gentle **** of grass. On this piece of grass, thirty armored vehicles fired by forty rockets were parked.

These are all the equipment of the rocket battalion. All the weapons are here. It depends on how your commander trains these equipment so that they can exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

Now the soldiers are still conducting orderly military training under the leadership of each company commander. From accepting the password, to entering the shooting data, to the simulated launch, the first step is being carried out very seriously.

Looking at these vigorous warriors in front of him, Zhao Zhongyao felt a kind of youth and vigor boiling on him!

"Well! It should be like this if it is a man, advancing in the torrent of steel, fighting in the test of blood and fire, for the benefit of the motherland, you can sacrifice everything, including your own young life. This is a great spirit of dedication. , A great spirit of sacrifice, a great feeling of patriotism."

Zhao Zhongyao looked at these exciting scenes before him, and he was also driven by the urge to make poetry!

Now he can also deeply feel why the great men of this parallel country in the world before his death liked dancing and writing so much during the war years, because the pictures of these wars are also very poetic in a sense.

Ms. Li Qingzhao, a poet of the generation, once said, "Poetry expresses will, words express emotion". Perhaps only the sonorous and powerful poems are most suitable when describing the great war scenes!

Zhao Zhongyao looked at the picture in front of him for a while, and he was a little stunned!

"Comrade commander! The rocket battalion company is undergoing gun-handling training. Please instruct, company commander Hu Dagang!" A voice like Hongzhong's voice suddenly rang in Zhao Zhongyao's ear.

While Zhao Zhongyao was still thinking about his great poems, he heard a loud voice. A young captain ran up to Yan Mingcheng, paid him a standard military salute, and then reported it.

Yan Mingcheng also raised his hand to return a military salute, and then said to this company commander Hu, "Commander Hu, you will serve as an on-duty officer and gather all the personnel of the battalion. I want to introduce you to a new battalion commander."

Yan Mingcheng knew that now that the battalion has changed its commander, it must be explained to the soldiers and the company commanders! Otherwise, everyone still doesn't know what's going on! How come my leadership was replaced by others in just a few hours.

This company commander Hu also saw a strange young man standing next to Yan Mingcheng, wearing a major’s training uniform, which was the same as what their battalion commander just wore, but he just didn’t know who this young man was!

But no matter what, he can't just ask who Zhao Zhongyao is now, he is just a small company commander, in front of the teacher, he had better not talk nonsense.

"Yes!" Captain Hu replied loudly, then turned and ran to a clearing in front of the training ground.


This company commander Hu suddenly blew the whistle of emergency assembly.

The soldiers who were training hard, as soon as they heard the sound of the emergency assembly, they quickly got off the gun wagon and ran to the open space in front of the training ground quickly.

"Stand at attention! Look to the right, look forward..."

Captain Hu quickly organized the team.

And Yan Mingcheng and Zhao Zhongyao also walked in front of this team.

"Report to the commander, all members of the rocket battalion have assembled, please instruct! Hu Dagang, duty officer." Company commander Hu once again reported to division commander Yan Mingcheng in accordance with the troops' procedures!

"Please rest!" Yan Mingcheng returned another military salute to Captain Hu.

Yan Mingcheng came to the soldiers. He looked at the soldiers and said, "Comrades, for some reason, I want to temporarily replace you with a new battalion commander. He may also stay in your camp for half a month. . Your original battalion commander temporarily assumes another post. All of this is related to this military exercise! As for the specific reason, it can’t be explained clearly in a few words, let’s say it, and our ordinary soldiers Having said that, it doesn't make much sense.

So, you don’t have to ask why you want to change to a new battalion commander. This is definitely not because your previous battalion commander made any mistakes, or because your superiors were transferred away. All this is just a temporary ‘program’. Everyone can perform this ‘show’ together, regardless of why such a ‘show’ is arranged.

In short, I hope everyone will cooperate with your new battalion commander. You can tell by looking at his face, he is still very young, and may be about the same age as some of your veterans!

But don't you think that this temporary battalion commander is very young and thinks that he is not very good, so you are not convinced with him, then you are wrong.

Although you look at him, you may feel very strange and don't know who he is.

But I want to tell you that without this new battalion commander, there can be no new rocket battalion of yours, nor can you have your current commander Wang.

The equipment behind you now comes from your temporary battalion commander. This new type of tracked rocket weapon was designed and developed by your new battalion commander himself.

Of course, this weapon, although powerful, is only one of the many advanced weapons developed by your new battalion commander.

In addition to this kind of weapon, there are also the land tyrant tank, the small antelope helicopter, the new AZ-47 assault rifle used by the infantry, and the S-300 missile that is currently undergoing live-fire drills in the exercise. As with the latest S-600 atomic missiles, all of these advanced weapons were developed by your new battalion commander alone.

Having said that, some of you have already guessed who your new battalion commander is! "

Yan Mingcheng said these words, and then quietly looked at the soldiers in front of him.

"Ah, he wouldn't be my youngest and most famous military industry expert, Comrade Zhao Zhongyao!" Hu Dagang is a company commander. He has long heard that many of the new weapons and equipment of their troops are now called Zhao Zhongyao. It was developed by a young military expert, but he had only heard of Zhao Zhongyao, and had never seen it before!

"Company commander, you mean, he is the famous military industry expert Comrade Zhao Zhongyao!" When a second lieutenant platoon leader standing next to Hu Dagang heard what Hu Dagang said, he was surprised when he looked at Zhao Zhongyao!

"Yeah! Didn't you listen to the commander just now, all the advanced weapons of our army were developed by the new battalion commander in front of you! Then he is not a famous military expert, Zhao Zhongyao, who else can he be!"

Hu Dagang is now sure that the new battalion commander in front of him is Zhao Zhongyao!

"Haha, that's amazing! Our battalion has been replaced by the most famous military industry expert in the whole army as the battalion commander! The superior leader is the one who sang it again!" The young second lieutenant platoon commander heard what Hu Dagang said, he said Looked at Zhao Zhongyao in confusion and said something.

"Hey! What are you talking about! Is this a small platoon leader of yours thinking about this? Didn't the teacher say it just now, for some reason! What is a certain reason, of course, it is a reason that cannot be said casually. You are a soldier, do you know what military secrets are! Why don't you have any sense of confidentiality! Looking back, I will give you a good secret discipline class!"

Hu Dagang heard the platoon leader's mutter and taught him a lesson.

"Company commander, I was wrong, I won't ask anymore." The young platoon commander quickly apologized to Hu Dagang.

"Stay honestly, wait a while, and see what Expert Zhao will say! He also has to say why he wants to be our battalion commander! He will not only say that it is for some reason! Always say one, two, three!"

Hu Dagang knew that after Yan Mingcheng finished speaking, Zhao Zhongyao, the newly appointed battalion commander, must speak too!

When the time comes, the newly appointed battalion commander will have to say why he will become a rocket battalion commander.

"Yes! Let's listen to what the Zhao expert said!" The young platoon leader was no longer talking, just quietly watching Zhao Zhongyao and Yan Mingcheng!

"Well, I have heard someone say the name of your new battalion commander. That's right, he is the most famous military industry expert in our army-Comrade Zhao Zhongyao. He is now temporarily serving as your rocket battalion. Battalion commander, that is the glory of your rocket battalion. You must cooperate with your Battalion Commander Zhao to complete this important military exercise."

When Yan Mingcheng said this, he stopped again and watched everyone's reactions.

"Hey, I didn't hear that this military exercise did not have the mission of our battalion! Our battalion did not participate in this military exercise! Why, the division commander just said that we should complete this important military exercise mission! What is going on!"

The young platoon leader listened to the teacher's words, and then began to mumble softly in front of Hu Dagang.

"Hey, why the **** are you mumbling again! You won't know if you listen to Commander Zhao's speech later. Stop mumbling, or I will punish you."

It seems that the platoon leader is also a poor-mouthed guy, and he panicked after not talking for a while. So Hu Dagang scolded him again.

The young platoon leader quickly said to Hu Dagang again: "Company commander, I'm sorry! I---I will never mumble anymore."

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