Super Military Scientist

Chapter 713: New gun exploded

Chapter 734 The new gun has blown up

"Yeah! That's right, these must be what Zhao Zhongyao said, which made the two fighters a little nervous. When shooting, they couldn't perform at their own level." Xiao Zhao also said.

"So, we have to calm down, and there are still ten bullets! These ten bullets, as long as the two of them play well, they will still be able to pass the grade." Shi Qingshan was still dreaming at this time. ! I also want these two fighters to pass ten bullets!

Shi Qingshan thought that the reason why the two fighters hadn't played well just now was definitely affected by what Zhao Zhongyao said just now, so he came to Zhao Zhongyao unhappily again, and he stared at Zhao Zhong. Yao said, "Zhao Zhongyao, take a look, this is because you scared the two little fighters just now. They did not perform well, and now they have not achieved good results. This is all your fault. This time, if we You are responsible for your bad shot."

When Zhao Zhongyao heard Shi Qingshan's words, he sneered and said, "Hey, Shi Qingshan, don't you say that, okay. Even if I said just now, the two fighters are a little worried, but are they not wearing helmets now? If they don’t wear helmets, you say that they are afraid of shooting badly. That's the past, but they are wearing helmets now! How can you say that they are afraid of not shooting well!"

When Zhao Zhongyao said so, Shi Qingshan had nothing to say for a while. He watched Zhao Zhongyao hesitate for a while and then hesitated again: "Anyway, what you just said must have affected the mood of the archer. Otherwise, they would not be able to achieve such a bad result."

"Does your statement make sense! Even if what I said just now made them a little nervous, they just said that they didn't play well. They should have played ten rings, but they ended up playing seven rings or eight rings. Ring, this is fair. But now they both used ten bullets, they were all beaten up. Do you think this has something to do with their psychological tension! No matter how nervous they are, it is impossible to fight. Ten bullets, all miss the target! Don’t you think it’s unusual for them to achieve such results! There is only one possibility, and that is that the new sniper rifle designed by your master and apprentice is not so good."

Zhao Zhongyao was able to speak well, but how could he let Shi Qingshan's two sentences be questioned, and he immediately explained a lot to Shi Qingshan.

After Shi Qingshan heard what Zhao Zhongyao said, he immediately became dumbfounded. After all, what Zhao Zhongyao said is very reasonable, even if the words of others make these two fighters a little nervous, but they have already put on their helmets, how nervous they will be. Even if you are still a little nervous, it is impossible to beat ten naked eggs!


After hearing what Zhao Zhongyao said, Shi Qingshan couldn't say why.

At this moment, Liu Tianming came to Shi Qingshan.

"Expert Shi, go to the rostrum, Minister Liu has something to ask you." Liu Tianming watched, still hesitating, Shi Qingshan said.

When Shi Qingshan heard Liu Tianming's words, he immediately became nervous again. After all, he had already guessed what Minister Liu would ask him.

"Well, I'll go with you." Although Shi Qingshan was a little nervous, since it was the leader's order, he must go and talk to the leader.

However, this is also good, Shi Qingshan can leave Zhao Zhongyao temporarily, not thinking about how to answer Zhao Zhongyao's words.

Shi Qingshan agreed, then turned and walked towards the podium. Liu Tianming and Zhao Zhongyao looked at each other now, but they both smiled and said nothing.

Shi Qingshan soon came to Liu Changyun. Liu Tianming also returned to his seat. "Minister Liu, what's the matter?" Shi Qingshan was standing in front of the rostrum. He looked at Liu Changyun and asked.

"Expert Shi, you shot these two sniper rifles!" Liu Changyun asked knowingly, deliberately asking like this first. "Yes! This new sniper rifle was designed by me and my student Xiao Zhao." Shi Qingshan could only say that.

"What new type of sniper rifle you designed. Now that you have fired ten rounds, it turns out that all the bullets are burnt out. Is there a front sight on your gun? I wonder if you forgot to design this. The key sighting device."

Liu Changyun looked at the shooting results of these two new sniper rifles, he was really a little angry. However, in front of Shi Qingshan, he didn't want to embarrass him too much. After all, this is also an old expert, and he has to give others some face.

"Minister Liu, I---of course we designed this aiming device." Shi Qingshan looked at Liu Changyun, feeling a little nervous. "Then how can you achieve such a bad result." Liu Changyun still stared at Shi Qingshan, still a little angry.

"This---this---this is what Zhao Zhongyao said just now that the two fighters should wear helmets! This is because what he said scared people. You think he said so seriously, people When shooting, my heart will definitely get nervous. This tension, of course, is not good enough."

Naturally, Shi Qingshan would not say that there was a problem with the guns he designed. Of course, he had to put all the responsibility on Zhao Zhongyao.

After listening to Shi Qingshan’s words, Liu Changyun said angrily: "Hey, why are you like this? Why do you always put the blame on others! Even the two fighters were a little nervous when they were shooting. It’s not going to be such a result! Don’t forget, they are all wearing helmets now! Even if they were affected by what Zhao Zhongyao said just now, I don’t think they are really scared. They are not new recruits. They have been veterans for more than three years. How can they listen to a few words and they are frightened. You do not believe in our soldiers too much! Their psychological quality is comparable to Your imagination is much better."

When Liu Changyun said this, Shi Qingshan was speechless again. However, he was still not convinced. So, he looked at Liu Changyun again and said, "Minister Liu, don’t say that. Just ten bullets were shot, and there are ten bullets below! Even if they were all shot just now. But the ten bullets below, Maybe you can get good results!"

"Really! Okay, let's wait and see!" Liu Changyun looked at Shi Qingshan at this time, he was still not convinced, he had to say such a sentence first, wait a while, see the results before talking. If he is still naked, then he has to reprimand this Shi Qingshan.


Just after Liu Changtian said this sentence, he suddenly heard a loud noise. This sound is not like the sound of bullets flying out of the barrel. It's like the sound of something exploding.


Following this sound, I heard a scream from a person.

"What's going on, what's going on, something happened! Something happened!"

That is to say, after the bang appeared, after a while, the whole match scene was in chaos. Many people immediately gathered around a player who had just participated in the competition. It seems to be looking at something.

Several people on the rostrum looked at the situation and their expressions changed drastically. All of them stood up and wiped their heads, trying to see what happened on the shooting range not far away.

When Shi Qingshan saw this situation, he was also completely dumbfounded. Seeing these noisy crowds, he didn't know what to do. He just stood in front of the rostrum in a daze, the whole person was like a wooden sculpture.

Liu Tianming was also a little surprised now. He stared at the crowd in the distance, not knowing what to do for a while.

After Liu Changyun was stunned for a while, he dashed off the rostrum and ran to the crowd of onlookers. He seemed to have a foreboding that something was going on. He is the supreme leader on the scene, and if there is a fatal accident, then he, the supreme leader, has an inescapable responsibility.

Liu Tianming and Shi Qinghai saw Liu Changtian flew off the rostrum and ran to the crowd. They also did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed. Shi Qingshan also reacted, and followed Shi Qinghai's ass, and ran to the crowd of onlookers.

Besides, after the loud noise just now, Zhao Zhongyao was also taken aback. However, he knew before anyone else, what caused this explosion, he knew better than anyone, how serious the result of this explosion would be.

Therefore, Zhao Zhongyao was the first to arrive at the scene when everyone was still there at a loss.

In the situation at this scene, one of the two fighters who had been shooting just now was lying on the ground and was not awake. Although he was wearing a helmet on his head. But there was blood flowing out of his neck. Obviously, he is already injured. And the wound is on the neck.

The new sniper rifle he was shooting had a serious shooting failure. The entire barrel of the sniper rifle was completely exploded. This new type of sniper rifle, like a twist, lies on the grass a few meters away from the soldier.

"What's wrong, how can this gun explode. What is going on?"

"It's really weird. I have been in the soldier for so many years and I have never encountered such a strange thing."

"Yes! I have worked in the military base for so many years, and I have never encountered such a thing."

"This must be a gun problem, otherwise, it's impossible for such a thing to happen. This soldier doesn't know how to shoot, how could he let the gun blow up!"

"Yes, this is a problem with the gun design, otherwise, such a thing would not happen."

"Who designed this gun? This person has the greatest responsibility. He is not designing guns. He is killing people!"

"Yes, who designed this gun, stand up quickly, you are responsible to this soldier."

It is not the leaders of the various bases who watch the game that are most angry now. It was these fighters who participated in the competition this time. This soldier, although representing the 308 base in the competition, is also a soldier from the General Armament Security Department. They are all comrades-in-arms!

Besides, Shi Qingshan and Xiao Zhao are now standing among the crowd of onlookers, watching the scene in front of them, and hearing the angry voices of these soldiers again, they are scared of cold sweat, and their legs are really trembling.

Not only because, the two of them felt they had already made a big disaster. Also, the two of them felt that if these fighters knew that it was the new sniper rifle designed by the two of them, they would probably be beaten by them soon.

"Old---teacher, what---what can I do, I---we seem to have been in a disaster."

Xiao Zhao is young after all. After experiencing such a thing, his face paled in shock at the time, and he looked at Shi Qingshan and said shudderingly.

Shi Qingshan was also frightened, and he felt that he might have really caused a disaster. But after all, he is a person who has seen the market. When encountering such a major event, he is somewhat better than Xiao Zhao's psychological quality.

Looking at this situation, Shi Qingshan felt that now this soldier was afraid that it would be more fortunate. He is almost a murderer. If this soldier is really dead, then even if he and Xiao Zhao are not shot, they will be sentenced indefinitely.

"Grass, since it's so messy now, I might as well oil the soles of my feet-slip away!"

Shi Qingshan suddenly had an idea of ​​running away. After all, he knew that if this soldier died, his guilt would be the greatest. Not only did he design an unqualified sniper rifle, but he didn't listen to Zhao Zhongyao's words and still used such a gun to participate in the competition. He committed a deliberate crime!

Thinking of these things, Shi Qingshan felt that he couldn't stay here for a minute. To leave quickly. Otherwise, wait for a while, if you want to go, you may not be able to go. These soldiers, if they knew that the sniper rifle designed by him and Xiao Zhao killed the soldier, then he might be beaten to death immediately.

"Xiao Zhao, hurry up! Neither you nor I can afford this."

Shi Qingshan saw that everyone's attention was now on the wounded soldier, so he winked at Xiao Zhao, and then the two of them squeezed out of the crowd again. Immediately ran to the gate of the General Armament Department.

However, these two guys were also a little stupid, and they ran quickly without seeing what the warrior was doing. This makes their guilt much greater than the original. Of course, this is something to be said later.

Besides, Liu Changtian, Liu Tianming and Shi Qinghai are now crowded into the crowd.

Liu Changtian is the highest leader here. He squeezed into the crowd to take a look at the scene, and then quickly shouted at the two soldiers around him: "Why are you still stunned! Quickly take him to the hospital."

The General Armament Department also has a hospital. Although it is not like a large local hospital, there are various equipment and some expert doctors. But in the army, it is more than enough to deal with some sudden traumas.

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