Super Military Scientist

Chapter 748: My instructor Zhao is amazing

The seven hundred and seventieth chapter is awesome, my instructor Zhao

"Awesome, my instructor Zhao, why don't you be so arrogant? You are like this, let us real soldiers, how embarrassing it is!"

"Instructor Zhao is really awesome! People can even complete difficult moves like the giant swing, let alone other simple actions. It seems that we really can't underestimate instructor Zhao. They are just one. All-rounder, no one can't do anything."

"It seems that we have to confess to Zhao Zhongyao! People's level, we really can't keep up."

"Yeah! Now, we have to train honestly. As far as people's level of the big swing is on the horizontal bar, we will not be able to keep up with them even if we practice for another six months."

These fighters, seeing that Zhao Zhongyao was able to complete the giant swing movement now, they did not dare to look down upon Zhao Zhongyao anymore, so they had to stay honestly and prepare for horizontal bar training.

Zhao Zhongyao is on the horizontal bar. After a few turns, it came down again. Even with this lower bar movement, Zhao Zhongyao did it completely according to the lower bar movement of the national gymnastics team. It turned out to be an somersault in the air and then landed smoothly on the ground.

All this is so skillful, as if Zhao Zhongyao is not an expert in military industry, but like an athlete on the national gymnastics team.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!---"

"It's great, awesome, awesome---"

"My instructor Zhao is awesome."

These fighters, now that Zhao Zhongyao has finished his performance, everyone is very excited. After all, Zhao Zhongyao’s performance has opened their eyes to them. They never thought that Zhao Zhongyao could have such a level. This is completely beyond their expectations.

"Well, you don’t have to talk so much nonsense, hurry up and start training! I don’t expect much of you, as long as you can complete one to seven exercises. You have also seen it just now. I, as an instructor, can still complete The eight exercise loop! You young fighters, you should have completed the exercises from one to seven exercises."

After Zhao Zhongyao said these words, he began to let everyone train one by one.

After listening to Zhao Zhongyao's words, everyone didn't dare to say anything anymore, naturally they quickly started training equipment one by one.

Even the two fighters who had completed the seven exercises before, seeing Zhao Zhongyao's level, the two of them didn't dare to sit there anymore, and began to train with the other fighters.

This afternoon, Zhao Zhongyao took these fighters for some equipment training. Originally, these fighters were a little dissatisfied with Zhao Zhongyao. They felt that Zhao Zhongyao must be inferior to them in this equipment. However, Zhao Zhongyao's performance just now showed them their gaps, so everyone seriously Start training.

At the end of the day, Zhao Zhongyao had almost rectified these soldiers. Now no one dares to look down on Zhao Zhongyao anymore. After all, Zhao Zhongyao's performance on this day made them completely see a different military industry expert, Zhao Zhongyao with a military quality.

By the next day, the work in the morning was almost the same as yesterday. In the morning, I had to run a five-kilometer trip first. After that, it is to organize housekeeping and clean up. After eating, military training began again.

Today, Zhao Zhongyao gave everyone a new physical training subject. Said it is new, but compared to their work in this training camp these days, it is new. In fact, compared to the work of the army, this kind of training is not new.

The subject Zhao Zhongyao wants everyone to train today is the 400-meter obstacle. This subject can be regarded as a regular training subject in the army. In any unit. As long as it is a grassroots unit, most units have such a training subject.

Now everyone has come to this training ground. All the soldiers stood on the grass next to the training ground.

Zhao Zhongyao first watched everyone say a few words: "Comrades, we are all no strangers to this 400-meter obstacle! Any one of you who has served as a soldier in the recruit company is no stranger to this kind of training program. At that time, it must have been trained!

Regarding the 400-meter obstacle, how to train, you may know better than me, and I won't be long-winded in the rules of the game. Next, what I want to say is a digression about this 400-meter obstacle.

What I want to say are some life imaginations about this 400-meter obstacle, or some life associations!

In fact, the life of any one of us can be divided into four stages. These four stages are childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The 400-meter obstacle in front of us can also be divided into four stages.

The first stage is the two obstacles in front, that is, the low wall and the high and low walls. When we were young, our favorite thing to do was to climb up and down. And this low wall and high and low walls are for our childhood games.

Of course, there is a deep hole in front of this low wall. The pit is about one and a half meters wide and one or two meters deep. As soon as we run the obstacles, we have to jump over this pit. This is just like when we were young, we always liked to play games across small puddles.

After jumping over this deep hole, there is a low wall in front of which there is a square hole on the side. But we can't drill through this square hole now. What we have to do is to step directly over this low wall.

After crossing this low wall, we are about to face the test of a high board.

This high board is an obstacle in front of the high and low walls. Only when we get on the high board, can we run up to the high and low walls, and then we can successfully pass this relatively complex obstacle that is composed of three obstacles.

The single-plank bridge and high wall in the second stage are equivalent to our half-year period. The first thing we have to experience in this period is an important thing for our ordinary people's life. This is the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination is like crossing a single-plank bridge with thousands of horses. Everyone should have a deep understanding of what I said. The college entrance examination is undoubtedly a single-plank bridge in our lives, almost, every one of us will encounter such things in our lives.

Regardless of how we crossed this single-plank bridge, some people may have passed smoothly, or some people may have fallen off in the process. But no matter what, our life has to go on. We are also facing the goal of the next life. This is like another difficulty in life that we will encounter after crossing the single-plank bridge.

This other life difficulty is naturally the two major life events we will face, marriage and work. And these two major events in life, like a mountain that lay in front of our grown-ups, tend to overwhelm us.

But even if we get married and have a job, the rest of our life may not be very smooth. We may have to live a crawling life like living a barbed wire fence.

Even if we worked hard, we passed this hard life of barbed wire. But what we have to face next is still many difficulties and tests.

When we got a job, got married and had children, and after working hard to have a house and a car, our life seemed to be easier. As everyone knows, there will be many tests waiting for you below.

Any one of us, when we reach the prime of life, is faced with a life of little and old. At this time, we are all the pillars of the family. It is also the head of the family. We have to deal with all matters outside the house and home.

At this time, we will feel that before us, it is not a smooth road, but a rugged road full of challenges. It's like we climbed over the barbed wire fence and came back to pass all the obstacles again. We will still experience many difficulties in life.

First of all, the high wall. When you climb over the high wall hard, below is the single-plank bridge we were familiar with before. Only at this time, we no longer need to climb to the top and jump down. What we have to do is to pass under the ‘pier’ under the single-plank bridge. It’s like when we’ve reached middle age, we’ve learned to fight roundabouts in the face of many difficulties in life. We are no longer like when we were young and full of blood. No matter what kind of things we encounter, we will run wild. Too!

After we cross the single-plank bridge, we will see the previous high and low walls again. At this time, we no longer need to climb directly onto the high board. Instead, go up the low wall first, then go up the high wall. Finally jumped off the high board.

Wait until we jump off the high board. At this time, we came to the low wall before. At this time, we don't need to turn over the low wall, but can drill through the small hole on the low wall.

It seems that when we are middle-aged and old, we must pay attention to some skills in doing things, rather than acting recklessly. Of course, it can also be understood that when we are middle-aged and old, we just like to speculate and drill camp. After all, we have been polished very smoothly by the river of time. We will no longer be stunned by the young lads. We don't think about things through our brains, we are more of'thinking before acting'.

Wait until we drilled through the small hole on the low wall. We even passed this barrier. However, the obstacles we face below are the biggest difficulties we face on the journey of life back.

This is a deep pit on our way forward. At this time, it is time for us to be old, and it is no longer possible for us to jump over this deep pit. We can only jump out of this pit first, and then climb out of it.

This is a great test of the physical fitness of our elderly people. When we are already tired and don't have much strength, we still have to jump into this deep pit and crawl out of it. This is a difficult job to accomplish.

This deep pit is like some serious diseases that we will encounter when we are old. If at that time, we can't get up after the case, then our life may come to an end.

Of course, if we can still crawl out of this deep pit, then we might be able to go further. This deep pit is a great test for our elderly students.

And when we were finally able to crawl out of this deep pit, there would be no great test in front of us, that is, the few plum blossom piles, we can easily and calmly step on them.

At this time, our whole life will be considered more complete. Only in this way, when we ran through these 400-meter obstacles, we even won the battle of life. "

Zhao Zhongyao is also an expert in military industry, so he can be regarded as an intellectual. Although when he was in college, he studied science. But even for a science student, that writing style is also very important. After all, even if you are a science student, don't you need to write a thesis? Isn’t it necessary to write proficiency in this and thesis?

Therefore, whether it is liberal arts or science, for a person who wants to achieve something, writing and writing are both basic skills.

Zhao Zhongyao is like this. Although he is a science student and a military industry expert, his writing skills are also very high. Now that we see this 400-meter obstacle, it is possible to have some life associations.

After hearing what Zhao Zhongyao said, every one of them opened their eyes again. Everyone can't think that Zhao Zhongyao still has such a level of literature. It turned out that the 400-meter obstacles in the army could be connected with philosophical ideas such as life thinking, and gave everyone a very meaningful life philosophy lesson.

"I'm cautious, instructor Zhao's level, you can write books. I promise that the books written by instructor Zhao will sell out. It will definitely become a first-class bestseller in the country."

"Great my instructor Zhao, you are a waste of talent when you become a military industry expert! You should become a writer."

"Instructor Zhao is awesome, at this level, is it possible to be a university professor! Being the leader of a military base here is a bit of an overkill."

"What the hell! A university professor and a military industry expert are so different. The so-called university professor is not an expert in a certain aspect!"

When these soldiers listened to Zhao Zhongyao's philosophical words in life, they all looked at Zhao Zhongyao with admiration. Originally, they had already seen from yesterday's training work in the equipment yard that Zhao Zhongyao was a very talented all-rounder in all aspects. Now, Zhao Zhongyao has shown his literary talent again.

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