Super Scan

Chapter 879: Sky-high termites

Originally, if Jeremy was not injured, if Xiang Tianze cooperated with him, and let Jeremy use his control ability to help himself push the boulder together, it might be possible to succeed.

But... Now that Jeremy is backlashed by mental power, it is definitely not suitable to use his genetic power in a short time! And the situation of Hua Xing Yi is worse than Jeremy, so... now it can only rely on Xiang Tianze himself!

In fact, Xiang Tianze now takes the two of them back to the other path of the secret road, and then walks out of the dark castle swaggeringly, it is also possible! After all, the dark castle has been completely messed up now, I believe there are no werewolves to stop them now!

But... Xiang Tianze is a little worried about the old monsters coming out of the dungeon... God knows that after they are sure that they can get out of trouble, will they have any other thoughts?

So Xiang Tianze felt that he would rather stay here for another three hours, wait until the cooling period of the life energy liquid has passed, and take another bottle, which is better than taking a risk like this! it really safe to stay here for three hours? You know... this time when he took Jeremy into the secret passage, he kicked the brick wall at the entrance of the secret passage and collapsed, so... there is a secret passage there. It won’t take long for the photo gallery to be discovered by others, so... the longer they stay here now, the more they will be exposed.

It seems...I still have to recover as soon as possible.

Uh... by the way, the bee venom on the bee needle is not strong enough now, but... if it is the toxin of the alien termites, it should still be very powerful, if several alien termites bite on the body at the same time, then... overdrawn You must be able to replenish your physical fitness soon!

Of course... now this is a normal earth world, there must be no such alien creatures, but... Xiang Tianze has already scanned the images of the alien termites long ago, and now it can be downloaded naturally. , Downloaded the alien termites into reality!

Thinking of this... Xiang Tianze refreshed, and quickly put Jeremy here, and then said that he had to go back to find something, so he left in a hurry...

Of course, Xiang Tianze didn't go far. After walking a certain distance in the secret road, he turned a few turns, and after confirming that the two of them would definitely not see him here, he quickly took out his mobile phone and found the alien creature. I downloaded three pictures of termites in one go!

Xiang Tianze didn't care at first, but when he saw that his account balance had dropped by more than 10 million, he was shocked!

I'm going... what's the situation! This...this kind of termite actually requires 38,000 energy points to download one, which is 3,800,000 Huaxia Coins! Oh my god... this is nothing short of robbery!

Just like that, more than ten million is gone! Three termites the size of a mouse came out, which made Xiang Tianze almost mad!

This thing is too bad! Well... even if this kind of termite is more mysterious, it shouldn't be so expensive! If I didn't pay attention just now and downloaded hundreds of them in one go, wouldn't it make me go bankrupt?

Xiang Tianze shook his head. Although he was upset, there was nothing he could do. The scanning software is a big bully, and it still monopolizes the business. This family is the only one, and they will order this family style. If you love Super Scanner, please remind: Please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading on biohacker readad1(); if you want it, if it's too can't buy it anywhere else!

Got... I can't afford to provoke us or bear it!

But if Xiang Tianze thought about it, he probably understood it! Want to come... The reason why downloading a alien creature in the small world is so expensive is definitely because you are afraid that you will be flooded with downloading those alien creatures in the small world, which will cause this normal world to lose its ecological balance!

After all, these termites are too terrible! Just a few are not a big deal, but if you make thousands of them... then it is not impossible that this termite army will be used to attack cities and land and destroy the world!

If a queen evolves out of these termites... it will definitely become a catastrophe on earth!

Of course...Because Xiang Tianze has a certain ability to control the creatures he downloaded, if Xiang Tianze is close to keeping these alien creatures under his own supervision, that's fine. And... Xiang Tianze can also use these alien creatures to dominate a party, but... using a bunch of ants as helpers, it feels weird!

Xiang Tianze ignored that much, and then caused the three termites to climb onto him, and each of them took a bite on him first...


Although he was mentally prepared, Xiang Tianze was still blue when he was invaded by the ant poison, his neck was raised high, the blue veins on his forehead burst, and his mouth opened wide... but because he was afraid of being caught As soon as they heard Huaxing, they did not dare to shout.

That's it... Xiang Tianze forcibly endured the pain of being bitten by termites, and after five or six minutes of torture... he was finally resurrected with full blood!

I have to say... the termites in this small world are awesome! The bullet ants on the earth, even if they are equally toxic, but after every bullet ant bites a person, it will be impossible to spit out ant poison at least one day later!

And the alien termites in this small world don't have this restriction, at least... just now, every termite bit Xiang Tianze seven or eight times, and they haven't shown the symptoms of ant venom exhaustion.

But... Although the speed of recovery is fast, it is definitely not a good experience for Xiang Tianze. Until now... his body is still in a state of slight spasms... It is, too. It's so painful, this is not a sin that people can suffer! Xiang Tianze estimated that this means that he was in a state of physical overdraft, and his pain sensation was at least reduced by more than half, otherwise... it is absolutely impossible for him to keep not screaming!

If you use these termites to force a confession to some ordinary people, it is estimated that if you take a bite, you will be able to recruit everything! I believe that no one wants to take a second bite! Of course... that also has to be someone with a good physique in order to hold the bite of the termite, and replace it with a bite of a lesser physique. The pain can cause the person to die directly, and there is no chance to confess. what!

After Xiang Tianze recovered his stamina, he sat on the spot and breathed for a while...until his convulsive body calmed down slightly, and he was about to get up and go back. But... how to deal with these three termites has become a problem!

Give them abandon here and leave it alone...not to mention that this is more than 10 million Chinese coins in exchange, which is enough to make Xiang Tianze feel distressed, even if Xiang Tianze doesn't care about the money! But... the destructive power of these three termites must be very scary. If they were to let them go, God knows how terrible the three termites will cause trouble!

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