Chapter 76 – Selling Rika Tactics

Coach Liu and his assistant each drove one of those electric carts that are common in tourist areas, and Shen Yu and the others sat in them with their eyes dutifully closed as requested.

It felt like the car was moving and the road was not so flat and swaying. Asaba Rika, who was sitting next to him, grabbed the corner of his shirt nervously, but kept her eyes tightly closed not to peek.

“Number one, number two, open your eyes and get out of the car.”

Down went two men and the vehicle continued on its way, and after another moment, “Three, four.”

Listening to Coach Liu announce the number and scatter the players into different areas at random, as with their eyes closed, Shen Yu now has no idea where he will get off later.

“Fifteen, sixteen.”

Shen Yu opened his eyes, held his helmet and got out of the car, but suddenly he felt the corner of his shirt being grabbed, and pulled down Asaba Rika, whose eyes were still closed.

As Coach Liu drove on to release the men, Shen Yu and Rika stood by the road for a while, surveying their surroundings.

There are a number of large trees on this side and, apart from the grass used as cover, the rest of the weeds and thorny branches have been cleared away and a dilapidated residential house can be seen vaguely through the trees a short distance away.

Shen Yu took out his phone and opened the player-side app, on which two almost overlapping red dots showed his and Rika’s positions, approximately at the bottom right corner of the entire circular area.

Vitality: 100

Teammate status: 100

Helmet connection status: Primary helmet (normal)

Vest connection status: Primary vest (normal)

Weapon connection status: Bayonet (normal)

Acquired backpack items: none

Number of people remaining in the field: 24

Time until the first toxic circle is refreshed: 10 minutes 24 seconds

Shen Yu hardly plays games in his spare time, so he reads them in detail, but it’s good to know that there’s not much information to be had on the player’s end, just a few.

He took another close look at the helmet and vest he was wearing, which had several raised sensory points on it.

Apart from the helmet and vest, there was only a ‘knife’ that looked like a small stick.

Shen Yu took the knife, gestured twice at the vest on his body and made a point of touching the raised inductor wire, but there was no reaction at all.

“I don’t suppose it’s broken ……”

While Shen Yu is busy researching games, Asaba Rika is now picking small wild flowers from the roadside.

There are quite a few wild chrysanthemums here, with beautiful little golden flowers in bloom. She squatted down, held her helmet up, plucked one with her hand and brought it to her nose to smell it, and there was no scent, which came out when she twisted it hard.

” Shen Yu ! Are these the chrysanthemums you can make tea from? It tastes like it!”

Shen Yu : “……”

It’s true that when you’re in Rika’s group, you’re the first to be eliminated!

Shen Yu ghostly took the knife in her hand and slashed it against Rika’s vest, and the sensor on her vest immediately flashed red, while the player side of her phone beeped: [You’ve been attacked! You have lost 10 life points!

Asaba Rika is frozen.

Shen Yu was also frozen.

“That …… you listen to me explain ……”

” Shen Yu! You! You stabbed me!”

Asaba Rika was very aggrieved, his mouth deflated and he did not want to care about him.

“I’m just trying this out to see if it’s broken, you can poke it back at me.”

“I don’t want it.”

Shen Yu picked up the knife she had dropped on the ground and also slashed herself on her vest, the sensor lit up and Shen Yu was also deducted ten life points.

“So we’re even now, are we?”

“Well, I forgive you.”

Looking at his ninety points of life left, Shen Yu was lost in thought.

Why is this game so hard!

He and Rika had lost ten life points each before they even started.

Presumably, with a gun in the back, more life is deducted from a single hit.

Shen Yu also dared not mess around and took Rika with him to prepare to leave the place.

[First Poison Circle Refresh]

A beep came from the player’s end and Shen Yu rushed to take out his phone to see that the refresh was right in the middle of his two positions.

“We’re super lucky!” Asaba Rika also looked at her phone and said excitedly.

“Then we don’t have to run blind, let’s look around for any equipment.” Shen Yu couldn’t help but sigh too.


Asaba Rika was just about to run when Shen Yu hurriedly called out to her, “Catwalk, you’re strutting around like that, you’ll be killed.”

The two men then sneak around, catwalking through the cover of large trees and grass, looking for any equipment to pick up around them in the meantime.

It was only when I never ran into anyone else that my sense of caution gradually slackened; after all, walking catatonic can be tiring.

Shen Yu searched a large area and found nothing, so he couldn’t even touch his gun for the whole game.

At that moment, Asaba Rika, who was on a treasure hunt on the other side, excitedly ran towards him, clutching a gun.

” Shen Yu! I found a gun!”

“Where did you find it?”

“Just throwing it on the ground over there.”

“Just drop it on the ground?”


Shen Yu rolled his eyes, expecting to hide some hidden place, but it turned out to be dark under the lights.

” Shen Yu , the gun is for you!”

Asaba Rika graciously shoved the gun into Shen Yu’s arms, who nodded and said, “Then you can have the next one you find.”

Shen Yu opened the player side and swiped the code to bind the gun to the arsenal, which showed twenty rounds of ammunition.

Looking at the player information again, half an hour had passed and two players, number eight and fourteen, had been eliminated. The girls were both doubled up and both of those eliminated were girls.

While Shen Yu was checking his phone, Asaba Rika shouted at him again from a distance: “Shen Yu! I found another gun!”

Shen Yu was dumbfounded and thought to himself, “Are you a magnet? I’ve been looking for something for half a day and you’ve found two guns just by wandering around?

The noise she made as Asaba Rika ran towards him with her gun in her arms excitedly finally caught the attention of numbers five and six in the distance.

Five and six didn’t see Shen Yu or the gun in her arms, they just saw this single girl, a bully at first glance, and together they raised their knives and killed her.

“Don’t run! You’re finished!”

When Asaba Rika looked back, he was dumbfounded and fled towards Shen Yu, screaming.

” Shen Yu Help!!! I’m dying!!!”

Shen Yu hid in the bushes and did not come out first, but first observed the weapons of Five and Six and saw that they were only two knives, so he was reassured and waited for Five and Six to come closer before he started to raise his gun and shoot.

“Da da da da da da ……”

The laser gun flashed red and the sound was still loud. Seeing that they had been ambushed and that the other side had a gun, Number 5 and Number 6 turned into the shape of Rika in fear and drew up their legs and ran.

Shen Yu’s marksmanship was not great, but after some chasing, he killed the girl in number six and then took out number five as well, and managed to get a double kill.

Number five took off his helmet and looked speechless, “Holy shit, Shen Yu, you’re too shady! How dare you use your girlfriend to go fishing, doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

“How’s my marksmanship?”

“It stinks to high heaven!”

“Cut the crap, got any equipment, hand it over.”

Asaba Rika also hid behind Shen Yu with his gun in his arms, looking very happy and spitting out his little tongue, “Hmph! Let you bully me!”

Seeing the gun in her arms, Five Six got even more desperate: “…… Why are you running if you have a gun! Fishing! Naked fishing!”

In the end, they had to reluctantly hand over their equipment, and they were so poor that they only picked up a bottle of potion with a QR code on it, which could restore twenty life points if they swept it.

Shen Yu is not in a hurry to use it, he will give it to Rika later.

The kill just made his eyes light up, selling Rika seems like a good tactic!

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