Super Scientist

Chapter 10: Ogami

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Complaints also obey the evil battle theorem that "starting first is better." As long as you sue first, you will always have the advantage and have many advantages. However, what is unexpected is that **** didn't even want to listen, and it was necessary to deduct Li Shaohong's bonus directly, which was too confusing.

"Thank Sun Zhu ... what? I deducted my bonus?" Li Shaohong thought that ****** was to give him a bonus, and after a while I realized that it was to deduct his bonus.

"In this case, I'll tell the finances later, and your bonus this month will be deducted." ****** said.

"Sun Zhu, why is this?" Li Shaohong just wanted to break his head and couldn't understand why.

"Li Shaohong, listen to me. Xiaoye is a newcomer, but his character is very good. He will never do what you say is not disciplined. If I guess correctly, you are relying on you It was the old man who wanted to bully the new man, but he cleaned up Xiaoye, and you came to me to complain, didn't he? "****** His face was heavy and his tone was very harsh.

"Leading wise." Zhong Lijun and his colleagues unanimously.

Although some of these colleagues want to find some superiority from Ye Chen's low diploma, they only stop there, and they won't do too much. Li Shaohong was too much, which made them displeased.

Li Shaohong wanted to justify and didn't want to confess his account. So many colleagues saw it and couldn't help relying on it. He just kept silent.

"Li Shaohong, listen to me. I warn you, if there is another time, you will roll away." **** Very upset, said: "If the center wants to develop, it must be united and not allowed. Do something. "

This is an ultimatum. Li Shaohong is very unconvinced and dares not to speak. He only holds his nose and recognizes it.

****** is a technical house. If you want to solve those loopholes as soon as possible, you don't want to have extravagance. If you have a good face with Li Shaohong, it will become a weird thing.

"Everyone is seated." ****** I greeted everyone to sit down and said, "Xiaoye, you already know me, so I will not introduce it anymore. Although Xiaoye is a fresh graduate, the diploma is low and it is big. Ben, but you must not look down on him. Xiaoye's standard is very high, and even the doctor is not comparable. "

Boom, immediately exploded, colleagues looked surprised, thought they heard it wrong.

Ye Chen is a bull, a talented student of the Central Plains University of Science and Technology, or a graduate of the best major and best class. If Ye Chen is no worse than a graduate student, they will believe. If they believe that Ye Chen is no worse than a doctor, they really won't believe it.

If they knew Ye Chen had mastered the light brain technology, they would not think so.

"I know you don't believe me. Like you, I didn't believe it at first. After talking with Koba, I had to believe that there is really a genius in this world."

genius? Colleagues' eyes almost fell to the ground.

Is it so easy to be a genius? There are many doctors in the center, and no one dares to call a genius.

****** The data in his hands dangled and said: "This is the result of our research. Zhuang Lao personally reviewed it and found no problems. We have also won a grand prize and are hailed as one of the best cloud computing achievements in China. No loopholes were found in so many levels, but Xiaoye found them, or a dozen ... "

Buzz. As a swarm of bees flew by, colleagues fry.

"Sun Zhu, are you joking?" Qian Ying first spoke, saying: "This achievement is one of the best cloud computing achievements in China. We have scrutinized it and found only three loopholes."

"Sun Zhu, you have always been ridiculous. I didn't expect you to laugh and laugh, which is very funny." Yao Yingcai interrupted.

"Haha. Your level of joking needs to be strengthened, which is not funny at all." Wu Key shook his head.

Colleagues think it is a joke and will never believe it.

"Every month end, there will be problems; the calculations of 1XXX3, 9XXX9XXX8 will be garbled; some inexplicable data will be stored, and the user's information will be leaked ... aren't these loopholes?" The voice of ****** was a little high.

"Sun Zhu, although this is a problem, it is not necessarily a problem on our side. It may be a problem elsewhere." Zhong Lijun would not believe it.

"Yeah." Colleagues echoed in unison.

"Isn't it our problem, you know what Xiaoye told you. Xiaoye, it's your turn." ****** I can understand the mood of my colleagues. Yesterday he didn't believe it, but he was shocked by Ye Chen. Arrived, had to believe.

What can he say? With this thought in mind, colleagues gathered their eyes on Ye Chen, but they had to look at what mystery was going on in Ye Chen.

Ye Chen came to the front without saying a word. "Although this set of results is very advanced, there are indeed a dozen loopholes, which has reduced the level of the results a lot. For the three bugs you found, I will Do n’t talk, let ’s talk about the loopholes you did n’t find. ”

Colleagues stared at Ye Chen with a look of unbelief. In addition to Ye Chen, at least all of them are graduate students, there are also many doctors. It is not difficult for them to believe that Ye Chen can find a problem that so many people have united.

You know, even if they can't find it, can the Zhuang Lao academician not find the cloud computing authority? Not to mention, the award winning stage has to be reviewed by many experts. So many cattle people haven't found it. How can Ye Chen He De find it?

"The first problem, problems will occur every month. This is similar to the millennium bug. It is the designer's negligence. Here and here ..." Ye Chen began to explain.

"Well." At first, they didn't believe it. As Ye Chen's explanation went deeper, they became more and more surprised.


"Did we not find out?"

Immediately afterwards, they wanted to understand. They took a straight shot of their foreheads, and they suddenly realized.

"Awesome." Colleagues began to praise.

Although they don't quite believe that Ye Chen will find the problem, they are all rigorous technicians and will not ignore the problem. Ye Chen finds it out and they are convinced.

Only Li Shaohong's nose is not nose, eyes are not eyes, and his face is very ugly.

He didn't believe it at first, but he had to believe in the face of the facts.

"Xiaoye, garbled is something wrong?" Qian Ying's nice eyes widened.

"It is the result of a conflict of instructions, here and here ..." Ye Chen explained.


"Damn it, I didn't expect it?"

After my colleagues heard it, a frustration sounded, and there was no lack of self-blame.

"The inexplicable data appeared in the storage because the redundant instructions were entered. This instruction is not necessary ..." Ye Chen explained the next question.

"Yes, yes, this instruction is really not needed." After colleagues understood, admired: "I did not see it, leaflet, you are sincere. Admire and admire!"

"The leakage of user information is caused by negligence, but also by instruction conflicts and redundant instructions. You see, this is negligence, this is instruction conflicts, this is redundant instructions ..." This is particularly important and is the worst of all BUG It can be said that it is a fatal loophole.

The leakage of user information is a very serious incident. If it is leaked out, it will bring a catastrophic disaster to the center and destroy the entire center, so Ye Chen also gave the most detailed explanation.

My colleagues listened the most.

"Papapa!" Ye Chen finished with a warm applause.

The language of colleagues is no longer able to express their feelings, only applause to express their recognition of Ye Chen.

Li Shaohong was embarrassed and wanted to stop clapping. Colleagues were clapping. He wouldn't be justified if he didn't pat. Well, he really didn't want to praise Ye Chen.

"Let's get lucky." Li Shaohong disparaged Ye Chen fiercely in his heart, and pretended to pat his palm a few times.

Zhong Lijun raised his right hand high, and he wanted to speak.

"Zhong Lijun, what's your problem?" Ye Chen named him and asked him a question.

"Dude, I'm wrong." However, Zhong Lijun's words were so nonsense that people were puzzled.

Not only Ye Chenxi, but my colleagues have been circled. What does this mean?

"What are you doing wrong?" Ye Chen was stunned.

"I shouldn't say that you are a bull, because you are a great god." Zhong Lijun looked seriously.

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