Super Scientist

Chapter 408 Friendly Countries

No one who can become an admiral is a good one. Ye Chen is looking forward to a better idea from Admiral Gan.

Not only Ye Chen was looking forward to it, but everyone was also looking forward to it, all staring at Admiral Gan with wide-eyed eyes.

"Xiaoye, what are you talking about? What do you mean holding back bad water?" Admiral Gan was a little annoyed, and gave Ye Chen a blank look.

Ye Chen was the only one who dared to talk casually with the admiral. Even Gao Lao and the others, although very polite, were not so close.

"Xiaoye, you can modify the instructions of the Aegis system. This is a trump card. How can you use it here?" Admiral Gan said with a serious face, "There is an old saying that 'good steel should be used on the blade', now let's It's too wasteful to use it."

This made sense, and everyone nodded their heads.

"Then when will it be used?" Ye Chen also agrees with this statement.

"If you collide now, it's just an aircraft carrier. If you want to collide with several more ships, let the aircraft carrier collide with the aircraft carrier, and a series of collisions will be called powerful." Admiral Gan said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Aircraft carrier collided with an aircraft carrier? A series of collisions?" The light in Ye Chen's eyes became more and more intense.

"If you hit it now, it will alert the United States, and maybe it won't work in the future. This is to scare the snake away." Admiral Gan said again: "Such a good trump card, of course we must seek the greatest result."

There is absolutely truth to this statement. Even if Ye Chen can modify the order without anyone noticing, the United States will not be able to find out. However, a warship colliding with an aircraft carrier is a major event. The United States will definitely take some precautionary measures. It will be much more difficult to collide again in the future.

Moreover, it is just an aircraft carrier now, and the results of the battle are not too great.

It's better to wait, when the opportunity is ripe and the US aircraft carriers gather in groups, let the US aircraft carriers collide with the aircraft carriers, and there will be a series of collisions, which is so beautiful to think about.

"It's still you generals who are ruthless." Ye Chen had to be convinced. In this respect, compared with General Gan and the others, he was really not enough.

"Hmm." Everyone looked at the retreating US fleet and mourned for them.

"You guys are lucky." Ye Chen accepted Admiral Gan's proposal and planned to let the US fleet go.

"By the way, I just wanted to be happy, and I haven't reported to the chief yet." Admiral Luo and Admiral Gan suddenly remembered that such an important matter had to be reported to the superior.

later things,

There is no need for Ye Chen to operate, Ye Chen stood up and returned the position to the operator. The operators got busy and quickly connected to the command center.

The chief's figure appeared on the big screen, with a smile on his face, he greeted everyone and said, "Hi everyone!"

"Hi sir!" Ye Chen and the others said together.

"I would like to congratulate you all! This exercise went smoothly and achieved the expected purpose. It proves that photon information technology is very reliable. This is a remarkable achievement!" The chief applauded.

Clap clap!

Everyone applauded vigorously.

This exercise has fully proved the power of photon information technology and the reliability of equipment. This is a remarkable achievement and of great significance.

Although the result has been known for a long time, it is the best affirmation if the chief says it himself, and it is very inspiring.

After the chief had finished speaking, General Gan and General Luo reported the situation to the chief, and the two told the situation.

"Xiaoye, is it true?" The chief has always trusted Ye Chen, but this time Ye Chen's incident was too big, beyond people's imagination, and the chief was also in shock.

"Chief, it will take some time to prove the hack into the Pentagon. However, I can prove the hack into the Aegis system now." Ye Chen played the call between James and the commander of the Seventh Fleet while speaking.

Hacking into the Pentagon needs to be done through the Aegis system, which requires waiting, waiting for the Pentagon to contact the aircraft carrier. Therefore, Ye Chen can't prove it now.

The chief watched and listened very seriously, the more he listened, the more happy his face became, and he was shocked in the end.

Those who achieve great things must have calmness, and the chief has this kind of concentration. There are not many things that shock the chief in the whole world. Now, the chief is really shocked, who told Ye Chen to do something amazing this time.

"Xiaoye, thank you! You are really amazing!" After listening to the chief, he did not hesitate to praise Ye Chen.

The Aegis system is well-known all over the world, and it is one of the most difficult systems in the world to break through. Ye Chen broke through it, which is really amazing. Ye Chen has done a great thing that benefits the country and the people, no matter how much he praises him, he can't praise it too much.

"Thank you, Chief." Ye Chen said, "Sir, will the United States become angry?"

Although the phone call between James and the commander of the Seventh Fleet was tapped, it was just a phone call between a military commander and his subordinates, and it did not represent the United States. Ye Chen was really worried that the United States would become angry.

Even if the United States becomes angry from embarrassment, our country is not afraid, but it is a bit troublesome to fight like that.

Not only Ye Chen has this kind of worry, but also the team members are a little bit worried. After all, the United States lost a nuclear submarine.

"Xiaoye, don't worry, the United States can't make waves." The chief said calmly and calmly, "Our country is no longer what it used to be. Although it is not as powerful as the United States, it is no longer afraid of the United States. Even The United States became angry and wanted to question the culprit, but we are not afraid. By doing so, the whole world will not know about it, and it will not get any benefits. If the trouble is so disheartened, the United States might as well hold its nose and admit it.”

The chief is the chief, the analysis is very reasonable, Ye Chen and the others suddenly realized.

With the strength of our country, the U.S. is unstoppable. Even if the U.S. transfers ten aircraft carriers to China, China will have no fear. The 712 confrontation is the best proof.

Doing so will not only fail to reap benefits, but will also embarrass the United States even more, make the troubles messy, and make the whole world laugh.

Instead of this, it's better to pinch your nose and admit it.

"Besides, our country has a lot of cards to play." The chief continued to analyze, saying: "Economically, our country and the United States depend on each other. If one party makes trouble, the other party will definitely retaliate with all its strength. This will cause Huge loss, the U.S. economy is at its lowest point right now, and the Western world is still struggling with economic crisis, and to do so is to add insult to injury.”

The subprime mortgage crisis has erupted for several years, and the western world, led by the United States, is still in a trough and has not yet come out, and the economy continues to be in a downturn. At this time, it is unbearable for the United States to have a stalemate with China.

The United States is very short of money now, how short of money is it?

When fighting Libya, the United States had no military funds to launch the attack, and the Secretary of Defense at the time had to embezzle funds for recruit training. Recruit training fees, which are not allowed to be used for ten thousand years, no matter how difficult it is, they cannot be embezzled. With no money left, the chief of defense had no choice but to embezzle it, which is rare in American history. This is enough to show how short of money the United States is.

Confronting a world power like the Celestial Dynasty, not to mention whether you can get it or not, the cost alone is enough for the current United States to bear.

"Moreover, the advent of photonic chips has given our country a trump card against the United States. If the United States dares to make trouble now, we need to re-evaluate." The chief analyzed again.

There is no need to say how important photonic chips are. The United States needs them so much that they dare not offend China. If the Chinese government finds an excuse to stop the supply, the high technology of the United States will become empty talk, and it will be squeezed out by the Chinese government before long.

"Chief, I can tell that we have nothing to worry about, and that's why we gave the United States such a hand." Ye Chen concluded.

"Xiaoye, don't talk nonsense." Admiral Luo hurriedly reminded.

"Well, that's a good statement. We are confident." The chief actually admitted, saying: "Being confident requires strong strength. Our national strength is already good. With Xiaoye's contribution, we can be even more confident."

This is remarkable. If you want to be confident, you must have strength.

It is the prerogative of the strong to be confident with strength.

If you have no strength but no fear, that is stupid.

In the end, he talked about something again, and the chief asked Ye Chen to return to Huangchenggen as soon as possible to solve the problem of hacking into the Pentagon, and set up the control center first.

There are too many benefits to hacking into the Pentagon, who wouldn't want it?

The exercise ended successfully, and Ye Chen and the others embarked on the return journey.

Next, we will go to Antarctica for experiments. For safety reasons, Ye Chen can't go and needs to send someone else to go. However, this experiment takes a long time, and it will take several months to get results.

Based on Ye Chen's argument, the problem is not big, and even if there is a problem, it can be solved in a short time. The country can proceed with the promotion of photonic communication technology.

Thinking of the great significance of the promotion of photon information technology, Ye Chen is very excited. This is the credit of Ye Chen. As the promoter of photon information technology, Ye Chen will be famous in history.

Excited, General Luo and General Gan looked for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen arrived and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The Pentagon is holding a press conference," General Gan said.

"What? The Pentagon is holding a press conference?" Ye Chen's eyes widened and he asked, "What will the United States say?"

With such a big incident and the loss of a nuclear submarine, the United States will definitely make a statement. Ye Chen is very curious about what choice the United States will make.

Not only Ye Chen was curious, but General Gan and Luo were also curious.

A female reporter asked: "Spokesperson, hello! I am a reporter from the New York Times. We have received news that China has attacked our aircraft carrier with anti-ship ballistic missiles. Can you confirm it?"

This question was so shocking that the scene exploded immediately, and there was a commotion. The reporter looked shocked and his eyes widened.

China's attack on the United States is definitely a big deal, it will pierce the sky, and if it is not good, it will cause World War III. If that were the case, it would be difficult to find countries in the world that could stay out of the matter, and almost all of them would be involved. Who told this to be a collision between the two most powerful countries in the world today?

On the screen, a Japanese reporter even shook his hand, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground.

"Little Japan is also afraid?" Ye Chen was very disdainful.

"Can Japan not be afraid?" General Gan said with a sneer: "China and the United States are really going to fight, and Japan will be the first to be unlucky. Who told the United States to station so many troops in Japan and reserve so many military supplies?" Materials? Such a base must be destroyed immediately."

Ye Chen agrees with this statement very much. If you don't destroy the US base in Japan, isn't it just letting the US deal with China?

At this moment, the speaker was about to speak, and Ye Chen's eyes widened.

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