Super Scientist

Chapter 76: Why is the ticket expensive?

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Fengzhou is a third-tier city. Although there are airports and flights to Feihuangcheng, there are only once a day. What's more, air tickets are very popular and must be booked in advance. It's already dark, and I will fly to Huangchenggen tomorrow. Where I booked a flight ticket, I've been robbed of it. Ye Chen was not worried in vain.

"It's easy, Xiaoye, you just hang on the wing and just fly over." Zhuang Lao joked.

"Zhuang Lao, don't bring such a joke." Ye Chen protested.

"You can rest assured, trivial matter. National treasure scientists are still a bit privileged, although not many." Zhuang Lao smiled.

Ye Chen was relieved, saying, "Zhuang Lao, are there any ways you can invite Zeng Guoming? My dad's illness is said to be the only one he can cure."

Ye Da ’s illness has always been very worrying. Fengzhou Hospital has no choice. Ye Chen has to pin his hopes on Zeng Guoming, which is troublesome.

"Zeng Guoming? I've heard of him, but I haven't met him." Zhuang Laodao.

Ye Chen sank with a heart, Zhuang always was Ye Chen's only hope. He and Zeng Guoming had no intersection. If he invited him, there would be no hope. What should I do?

"This man's medical skills are very good. He sees the doctors of state leaders." Zhuang Lao continued, "Don't worry about me. Although I haven't met him, it doesn't mean there is no way."

"Really?" Ye Chen's eyes lit up suddenly.

"I have no intersection with him, but people I know have an intersection with him and can take a roundabout strategy." Zhuang Lao made an idea.

Yeah, trusting people is also a way. I did n’t expect it? As an old academician Zhuang, the people he knows are very extraordinary people. As long as people promise to help, there is hope.

"Let's do it first, let's talk about the situation, I think about it." Zhuang Laodao.

Ye Chen said the situation.

Zhuang Lao's face was dignified and he groaned: "In this way, the risk of this operation is very high, and even Zeng Guoming is not sure. So let's take the information from the hospital examination and I will trust him to transfer to Zeng Guoming Look, see if he is sure. "

Damage to the nerves makes the risk of surgery extremely high, and even top experts are not sure. Let Zeng Guoming take a look first, it should be.

After dealing with the patent, it was time to go to dinner. Ye Chen was so hungry that he felt so hungry.

Ye Chen called Su Weimin and heard that a celebration party would be held. Su Weimin said nothing and promised to rush. Today, Su Weimin wholeheartedly defended Ye Chen and made Ye Chen particularly grateful to him. This feast is definitely indispensable for him.

Ye Chen first rushed to the hospital, found He Chengwei, took out the information, and planned to come to Huangchenggen tomorrow to handle the matter together. He Chengwei was off work. Hearing this, he rushed to the hospital to give Ye Chen information.

This moved Ye Chen very much. Although the current hospital has been criticized, charges are arbitrary, and even cheated doctors, there are still good doctors like He Chengwei who have conscience.

Ye Chen picked up his father and mother, and went to a celebration party together.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that Dad and Zhuang Lao had a particularly speculative talk. The two people's viewpoints often matched, and there was a tendency to meet late and hate each other.

This surprised Ye Chen very much. How many things did Dad have that he didn't know? Zhuang Lao, who is a national treasure scientist, knows a lot of secrets. His point of view is very insightful. Although he is not in the official world, he has no worse grasp of the national political policy than even the official people.

Dad was not worse than Zhuang Lao, which really surprised Ye Chen. Ye Chen tried to inquire about Dad's past several times, but Dad's tone was very tight. He didn't say a word, which made Ye Chen very depressed.

Taking advantage of this gathering, Ye Chen entrusted his younger brother Ye Xiaohua to Su Weimin, asking him to help him through the admissions procedures. Originally Ye Chen wanted to accompany his brother to do it himself, but he will go to Huangchenggen tomorrow. God knows how much time it will take. The younger brother ca n’t wait to read. Only Su Weimin can help.

Su Weimin promised, he liked Ye Xiaohua very much. Don't look at Ye Xiaohua as a bear child. He loves mischief, but he is clever. He likes Su Weimin and treats him as his biological brother.

The celebration party tonight did not end until very late.

Early the next morning, Sun Hao drove Ye Chen, Zhuang Lao and Xiao Lingyue to the airport, and flew to Huangchenggen by plane. The plane took off at 8:30 in the morning, and Ye Chen arrived at less than 8:00.

While waiting for boarding, Xiao Lingyue looked at Ye Chen, her eyes blinking.

Ye Chen has always had a psychological shadow about this demon girl. Is this woman looking at him like this? Is she thinking about it? "What are you doing? What do I look good on?"

"Your dad is amazing." Xiao Lingyue said.

What? Are you talking about my dad? Ye Chen was very surprised. She thought Xiao Lingyue was going to deal with him, but she didn't expect that she praised Dad.

Although Xiao Lingyue was young, she was a Ph.D., a world-class demon, which made her compliment a rare word, even using the word "very", which shows how dad the father performed last night.

"Indeed," Zhuang Lao agreed, saying, "Xiaoye, your father is a fighting hero?"

"Yeah." Ye Chen was very sure.

Dad was the hero of the self-defense counterattack, a third-class winner, and was injured in this war. He lost half of his feet and left a shrapnel in his lumbar spine. He was tortured for decades.

"In my opinion, Uncle Ye is very tight-lipped. He didn't say many things. You don't know everything about him." Xiao Lingyue was very sure.

Dad's tone is very tight. This is a big truth. He doesn't say a lot of things. Ye Chen thinks carefully. He doesn't know much about Dad's past.

"Although I am not in the official world, but I have come from a special era. What kind of experience has I never had? My views are not worse than those in the official world, especially in the area of ​​national policies and policies, and I know more than ordinary officials Your dad's opinion is not worse than mine. Some opinions are better than me. He must have a story. "Zhuang Lao was very sure.

It is very rare to be able to praise him in the status of Zhuang Lao. Ye Chen is not only happy for Dad, but also thinking, what did Dad do in the past?

As I said, it's time to board the plane. The three of them boarded the plane and were sitting in first class.

This is the first time Ye Chen has flown, and she feels very novel, and her eyes keep looking.

"Is it the first time to fly?" Xiao Lingyue sat next to Ye Chen, looking at Ye Chen's appearance and asking.

"Yeah." Ye Chen admitted not having thought of swollen face and fat.

With Ye Chen ’s family background, I ca n’t wait for two pieces of money to be used for two purposes. In the past, I used the cheapest train to and from school to save money.

"Xiao Ye's family is not good. It's normal not to take a plane. Who says that our country's air tickets are particularly expensive?" Zhuang Lao knew Ye Chen's thoughts very well.

"Yeah. The air ticket is so expensive. You can take the train several times by flying once." Ye Chen agreed with this statement.

"It's okay to take a plane. If you take a question, you said, why is the air ticket in our country so expensive?" Zhuang Lao asked with a smile.

"This ..." Ye Chen didn't really think about the expensive air ticket. After thinking about it, he said, "The reason for the three barrels of oil? From time to time, there will be negative news about three barrels of oil, which are sold abroad. Fuel is much higher than in the country, and car owners are always complaining. "

"Three barrels of oil are one reason, but not the main one. Think again." Zhuang Lao said again.

Why is this? Ye Chen frowned and meditated.

It has always been known that air tickets in our country are very expensive. Ye Chen has never thought about why it is expensive. Now it is not easy to think about it.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen's eyes lit up and he said, "I see."

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