Super Success System

Chapter 481: Smile

Jiang Nan listened to these words and laughed in his heart.

The two sisters Tu Xuan next to the bodyguard sister also snickered.

Their secrets can actually be broken by others.

Just guesswork.

As the bodyguard sister continued to release a head of demon wolves.

The exclamation of the person in charge of the hunting guild is getting smaller and smaller...

"Good guy, the seventh devil wolf..."

"My God, the 8th devil wolf..."

"Oh my god, the ninth devil wolf..."

"I...I...Did I misread the 10th devil wolf? It's been a long time since I saw my rich harvest. I heard yesterday that someone hunted 15 devil wolves. I was very shocked, but Today I witnessed 10 wolves with my own eyes."

Facing the shock of the person in charge of the hunt, Jiang Nan laughed and said nothing.

Now the three members of their squad have become the focus, and countless squads are looking at them.

Because such a harvest is indeed very eye-catching.

This situation made Jiangnan suddenly realize a problem. If every time they hunted with so many prey, and they were so attractive when they were sold, then their faces would be noticed soon. Will it be bad?

They would be noticed, and this was not low-key enough. He thought about whether he could come over with a mask or a hat next time he came, at least not let others remember their face.

Jiang Nan was thinking about something on his mind.

The person in charge of the hunting guild stopped after seeing the beautiful bodyguard and released 10 demon wolves, and couldn't help but ask, "Are there any more?"

Apparently they've been talking since the 5th and they've gotten used to it until the 10th.

"No more." The bodyguard girl said with a smile.


The person in charge of the hunting guild exhaled a long breath and said, "It's finally gone, it's already very perverted, okay?"

Although he said so, he did not forget to record it.

Finally saw the beautiful bodyguard and said: "A total of 10 devil wolves, 100 honor points, take out your exclusive spar."

The bodyguard girl nodded and looked at Jiangnan.

Interrupting Jiangnan's thoughts, he calmed down, put his previous thoughts aside, read the wind space, took out his exclusive spar, and handed it to the person in charge of the hunting guild.

The person in charge of the hunting guild held it in his hand, and then in the other hand there was a large blue spar, and put the two spar together like last time.

The blue light that flashed suddenly blended together.

In the next moment, Jiang Nan's consciousness already felt that there were 100 more honor points in his exclusive spar.

"All right."

The person in charge of the hunting union handed over the insemination transfer to the bodyguard girl.


The bodyguard girl habitually said thank you, handed the spar to Jiangnan, and then they left.

And looked at the stunning girls in the distance, they are still lining up.

The two teams exchanged glances imperceptibly.

The stunning girl even gave Jiang Nan a special look. Jiang Nan blinked at her, and left the hunting guild with the bodyguard sister, and waited outside for the stunning girls and the others to return to the inn.

After waiting for a while at the gate of the hunting guild, I heard the exclamations coming from inside again...

"Good guy, there is actually another team with so much harvest..."

"How come there are so many teams and such good luck."

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