"Damn, why is this female spider so difficult to deal with?" Xiao Zhe felt Rose's intrusion speed increased a bit, and could not help whispering inwardly.

But he immediately woke up, this must be some secret technique she used to increase the strength of the soul.

Otherwise, it was the critical moment of life and death, and Rose had no reason to retain her strength at this time.

"Strength, I want more power!" Xiao Zhe's thoughts turned, his mental power quickly stirred, forming a whirlpool in his mind, "give me more power, let me defeat this ugly female spider! "

This mental power vortex grew larger and larger, and in the end it even formed a tornado-like existence.

Of course, none of this really existed, but Xiao Zhe felt it with his mental power.

More mental power rushed out of this tornado, flowed through Nicole's body, and then returned to Xiao Zhe's mind - in the end, it formed a perfect cycle.

In this cyclic process, not only did it not produce any loss, on the contrary, more mental power was continuously produced.

Could it be that Lao Tzu has also reached the legendary realm of harmony between man and nature?

Xiao Zhe thought not without evil taste.

One lap, two laps, three laps... the mental strength of the two people's bodies goes back and forth, but each time they go back and forth, they will grow stronger.

On one side, there is no supplement, so use a little less; on the other side, it is constantly replenished, even exceeding the loss when fighting against Rose.

How do you fight this? How does flying dragon ride face lose?

Rose's failure has entered a countdown.

The balance of the strength of the two sides has greatly leaned towards Rose from the beginning, and has now been maintained in a stalemate.

However, this stalemate was only temporary, and it was quickly broken.

The combined soul strength of Xiao Zhe and Nicole finally surpassed the critical value, reaching the same level as Rose.

At this time, the facts were already very clear, no matter how hard Rose tried, she would not be able to complete the surrender technique, devour Nicole's soul and occupy her body.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Rose continued to scream. She has continuously increased her invasion, but the opponent's resistance has become stronger and stronger. So far, she has been completely forced out of Nicole's body, "You are just mortals, and I am a god, you can't defeat me!"

"Prince generals, would you rather have a kind?" Xiao Zhe grinned, showing an ugly smile, and gave her a famous saying from a previous life.

"You are just mortals, you want as many as you want. Just like mortals like cows and sheep!" Rose screamed unwillingly, "How can you do this?"

"If you didn't have me, you might really have succeeded!" Xiao Zhe shook his head, "No one in this world is more noble than anyone else. No one is born to be slaughtered cattle and sheep, as long as it is a wise creature, turn on With Lingzhi, under constant pressure, amazing power will inevitably burst out!"

Rose was in a daze when she heard what he said. She seemed to have seen the moment when the female elf who was killed by herself was dying and dying, looking at herself with pity.

That's right, her own strength has indeed greatly surpassed her. But she still looked at herself with that look at the weak.

This irritated Rose at the time.

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