Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 48: On the eve of blowout development

Two years of development. For Lishuping, in addition to the renovation of old houses, countless wastelands have been developed. Short hills and dry old rivers have been transformed into flat land by the army of workers. The entire scale of Lishuping has been large. A lot. This does not include that Shu Sheng Company has set up some factories in the mountains, leaving only one road leading out of the mountains.

The scale of Lishuping is already much larger than that of the town office, and it has initially the scale of experimental small towns in rural areas in later generations.

To the west, on a construction site near the river, the construction team is working hot. The ground was excavated. There were more than a dozen pits large and small, all of which were the foundation of the new school. On the construction site, workers are pouring cement, lowering the steel bars, and then pressing hard, large stones.

"Dangdangdang ..."

"One, two. One, two ..."

A group of workers carrying stones lifted the large stones from the carriage, and then carried them into the foundation pit to consolidate the foundation. Throughout the construction site, the sound of hammers and hammers, mixed with the yelling of workers' yells, seemed extremely busy.

A younger man with a lighter skin, wearing a wear-resistant gown, a straw hat, and several middle-aged people in their thirties, was carrying a large bar of more than 200 kilograms towards the foundation.

Heaving a heavy stone, the four pressured people couldn't speak, until they reached the foundation and laid down the stone, they took a few breaths.

"This stone is really heavy. Where are the older brothers?" Said the young man.

"It's from the village next door. Boy, look at your fine skin and tender meat, won't it be school students who come to work part-time?" The three old folks joked with the young men as they walked.

"Oh, be it." The young man lifted the sackcloth on his shoulders and wiped his sweat.

"This stone is not heavy. It was really sinking when you built your school last year. At that time, there were few people. Such a stone was lifted by two people. Now it ’s better. Four people lift it. Lighter. "

Young man: "So tired, why were you willing to do it then?"

"Tired? You do n’t understand, young man. In the early years, it was a miserable thing to sell a piece of wood that was not much lighter than this, and it would be miserable. A few trips would not be enough for a day's work here," said a worker.

Another co-worker picked up the small kettle on the belt of his pants, took a sip, and quickly took a sip: "The old peasant's stick has some strength, but there is no place to make money. Boss Zhang has a kind heart, and both pays for the school and pays for the work. Photo I said, the children have school, and I will fight against the stones. "

"Eh?" The young man smiled.

"No? Young man, don't say you. Even the little calf in my family can also be regarded as the ancestor of Jieshang Jide. When I met Zhang Dashan, I had school and food. What a good little school, I wanted to go to school when I was a kid, don't say this nearby, There is no school in the town, there is only a shabby school. "A five-year-old and three-year-old co-worker waved his hand heartily," Every time he goes home on vacation, I will let the little animal kneel to Lao Tzu to see if there is a school. Did n’t listen to the truth, did I have a good class. If not, Lao Tzu did not pump him to death, and punished him to kneel for one night. For dozens of generations, grandparents have never encountered such a good opportunity, never encountered such a good intention. boss."

"Yeah, little reason, what do we poor guys know? It ’s just that who gets the good, remember who is stubborn. This is a circle of ten or twenty miles, old or young, who dares to say that boss Zhang is not good, Lao Tzu was the first to raise him. "

The young man smiled. He hadn't been to the construction site for a long time, nor was he lazy. There were too many things. He jumped into the carriage first, set the ropes, and asked, "I'm going to do some short work and earn some pocket money. Do you know the wages of a few brothers, enough for home? "

"Enough, why not enough? Buy oil and salt for clothes matches, can you drop more than a month. Without a child's mouth, there are wages, and cheap matches, clothes and salt to buy. On this day, I have never dreamed of this life. Never thought of it, "said a worker.

"Student baby, have you heard any other news at school? I heard that it seems like we are building this, what university? I do n’t know if my little calf has a chance to go." A worker feels Road.

Several people joined forces and lifted a smaller stone, and one laughed, "Qu Laoyu, your kid is only a few years old, and is still lying in the upper grades of elementary school. This is a university. Do you know what a university is?"

"What is a university?"

"I also listened to the foreman said that this university can only be attended by people in the city. I heard that even Kunming can't see one or two. That's only for those in Shanghai and Guangdong."

"I've heard it, but I don't know where Shanghai and Guangdong are."

"You care where it is, as long as you know that if it is not Zhang Da, our little boy wants to go to college? Let's talk about a hundred years of spring and autumn dreams."

"This is ..."

The young man asked, "Is there any difficulty in working here? For example, being bullied by a foreman?"

"The foreman is a good man or a guard, so he won't do this kind of thing."

"Boss Zhang is really a good person. I am studying here, and I heard that it is a hospital under a mountain cripple. There are even barefoot doctors who look down on my grandparents. I didn't expect to see a Western doctor like a Western mirror in the future."

"Hurry up, take a few more trips and have lunch. I have nothing else, and this is the only strength. It can also be used to help boss Zhang. Whether it is school or hospital, this is all for the benefit of our children and grandchildren. Sun stuff. "


All morning, Zhang Shusheng wandered around three important construction sites. Wearing a straw hat and a wear-resistant coarse cloth melon gown, a poor work-study student took advantage of the monthly vacation to do some small jobs.

He has always believed that no matter what the people below tell you, only people who really walk to ordinary people, listen to them, listen to their complaints, listen to their anger and sorrow, and listen to their stories about chai tea, To achieve eye and ear access.

There are more and more things between Xiaoqingshan Regiment and Shusheng Company, which will be filled with all kinds of things almost from morning to night, but he still insists on taking out a day or two every month, disguise it a little, and go to the construction site below Or factories and mines.

Our company, although it is essentially for the purpose of making money, but it will not be built on the flesh and blood of the poor people, **** the blood of the poor people, even if they have worked hard, they must give the same compensation.

I do n’t need workers to hire them. That ’s not my basic idea. Workers can actually hire them with cheaper wages, but that way is only a matter of catching money, not hiding wealth. At least let the people in your sphere of influence not follow you on an empty stomach.

I don't mean how many companies have been built and how many people have guns, the better I do, the better my career. For him who has great plans, the effective and wide circulation of wealth can ultimately promote the economic and social development in the area under his control.

I ate something in the cafeteria at noon with a few coworkers who wanted to improve their lives. It was not bad. It cost less than two cents. Although it is not rice, it is also a sweet sweet potato rice. Cheap, easy to fill your belly, not expensive, it is a favorite of workers.


"Does Japan really want to replace Germany and have all the interests of Germany in China, especially Shandong?" I returned to the office at noon and picked up the urgent telegram sent back by the special intelligence department's telegram station set up in Kunming. It was reported that the Japanese were moving around in Beijing. Zhang Shu slammed the document onto the desk, scaring the guards outside.

What should come is still coming. The butterfly effect driven by myself has not yet fully manifested, and the impact of selling tank drawings in advance on Germany has only increased the number of British and French casualties. At most a month or two later than in original history, Germany will still surrender.

The time was not enough for him to plan the layout. World War I had reached the end of 1917 in the collision. Historically, Japan formally acquired German interests in the Shandong Peninsula in late September 1918. Now it is early October 1917. Perhaps this time next year, the humiliation of the Japanese invaders in Shandong will not change fundamentally. It is shameful that China may still be the victor in the name of World War I! !! !!

Zhang Zhangsheng has no spirit to scold anyone. What President Feng, what politicians in this school, this school, this house and that house, he can only greet the relatives of Little Japan and scold the mother of Little Japan.

But he is not discouraged!

Yes, I did not catch up with the Sino-Japanese War of the Sino-Japanese War and the Northeast turmoil caused by the Japan-Russia period, and I did not change the fact that Japan accepted Shandong's rights and interests. However, I will not miss the most important war of resistance against Japan, let alone miss the perfect opportunity to lay the foundation for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the two wars.

Now it is only the end of 1917, and he is still left with a full twenty years. On the premise of dream machines, as long as he is determined to develop and grow, on the day of twenty years later, his power will be enough for little Japan. Go for a walk, and even go back to the land of beasts.

Isn't Little Japan known as the No. 1 industrial power in East Asia? Lao Tzu is going to build the largest industrial belt in Asia, one of the best in the world.

Isn't the Japanese army famous for its cruelty during the War of Resistance Against Japan, for its bayonet, heavy firepower, and airplanes? That Lao Tzu is going to train a more stubborn army, build more advanced tanks and cannons, and build more advanced fighters.

Isn't Little Japan fighting internally and internally because of China's internal and external problems? In the face of national justice, Lao Tzu didn't recognize anyone. As long as he obstructed the War of Resistance, and who was a traitor, Lao Tzu personally held him with a bayonet.

On the way to the orphanage, Zhang Shusheng's mood was unprecedentedly excited. Originally, the Sichuan-Yunnan junction was cut off from the world. It seems that those major political events are still far away from themselves, but now the behavior of robbers in Little Japan is ringing again.

The orphanage was built in a very hidden mountain, and it was even described as difficult. The school also included a large residential area. Compared with the three schools outside, the place became much more severe.

Barbed wire, deep trenches, rigorous sentries, and live ammunition guards completely isolate this place from the outside. No one can believe that this is an orphan school, it will only be considered a military restricted area, although it is nominally an orphanage. .

The militias' guard forces do not directly remove the battle sequence from the troops, but are full-time security guards who have been specially trained. Iron military orders and extremely strict military regulations have covered the mysterious tulle with a guard of the militia.

Every soldier who is selected into the security forces is trained by Zhang Shusheng himself.

"In your future vigilance tasks, whether it be a civilian or military officer, or even me. Whoever it is, whether you are the enforcer, or the trespasser of the enforced. As long as you violate the alert, there are only two The result. Arrest, even shooting! "

After strict scrutiny of documents, Zhang Shusheng and Luo Feng only entered this orphanage isolated from the world.


On the playground of the orphanage, more than a hundred children finally met their dean who would never laugh and the dean who would always be loyal to him.

多个 More than a hundred children, the youngest five years old, the oldest ten years old, without exception, straightened, saluted, stood there with their heads raised, and did not dare to move.

Zhang Shusheng walked to the training platform alone, looking at the more than a hundred young faces below, thinking about it for a long time, with a big wave of his hand, he asked, "Tell me what your mission is."

"Train, train, train!"

告诉 "Tell me, who are you allegiance !!"

"Dean, Dean, Dean!"

The children blushed one by one. The youngest child was so scared that he almost didn't cry, but no one dared to have any disciplinary practices.

The children who almost died of starvation and frost on the streets and alleys. At a very young age, just two months, they have learned to obey and learn discipline. They know a lot of things.

不是 He is not here for the first time. He will come once every three days. He will personally preach, take care of these children, give them lessons in person, and bandage them.

Zhang Shusheng nodded and asked, "People who did not complete the training task came out yesterday."

With three children, the oldest was only about 9 years old, and stood out, shaking a little, apparently hungry. Walked forward in the sympathy and shame of all eyes.

告诉 "Tell me what punishment you deserve."

"Breaking Article 3 of the rules of the hospital, wasting time and doing nothing. You should stop eating for one day and detain for one day." The oldest child, who could not stand the shame, said in a mourning voice.

"Come with me in the office!" Zhang Shusheng left with a face, and the other students disbanded. In the afternoon, there will be a cultural class, a military training class, and even a simple psychology.

In Shu's office, Zhang Shusheng closed the door and looked at the three children who were standing still, and looked at their hungry eyes. He felt worse than anyone else.

"Tell the dean why you didn't complete the training task." Zhang Shusheng asked kindly.

我 "I, I forgot a Tang poem."

"I, I missed it from the training net."


"Dean, he was ill yesterday and fell asleep in the afternoon class."

Zhang Shusheng nodded and wiped away tears one by one. Compared with the flowers in the greenhouses of later generations, these seven- and eight-year-old children have a lot of mentality and mature a lot, and they were originally picked children. Although small, they are very sensible.

Think about the huge national crisis, the vengeance of tens of millions of people during the War of Resistance, and the pressure that the western nation will put on the Chinese nation in the future, and he will have to prepare a long time in advance. From all aspects of preparation, plan A of the orphanage can only be the tip of the iceberg.

"How hungry are you?"

"Two, two meals."



"Blame the teacher and the dean?"

"No wonder, the deputy dean said on the first day that he brought us back. Those who ca n’t finish training are useless people. Those who are useless are a waste of food. They should be kicked out of the orphanage. Starve to death. "The oldest child, crying and shouting, felt both shame and fear for not completing the task.

Zhang Shusheng nodded, turned around, and secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, opened the drawer, and took out three large and red apples, and a pot of meat porridge.

However, although the children are full of desire, they dare not eat.

告诉 "Tell me, what is the dean's order?"

"The highest order!"

"Now I order you to eat!"

Put the apples one by one in the hands of the children, and carefully fill the bowl with meat porridge. Looking at the children's longing and excited eyes, Zhang Shusheng handed them one by one and motioned them to eat, "Tell the dean With the exception of sick classmates, can I complete the task tomorrow? "

"Um! Dean, we can definitely complete the task tomorrow."

"Good, finish eating the apples here. Don't tell other students. This is the dean's order and the biggest secret between the dean and you. The dean believes that you will not let the students laugh at you as a coward or me. Disappointed. However, if you still cannot complete the task, you should know that the Dean can only visit you once every three days. "

"Hmm!" The children nodded firmly. They were very young and had understood a lot of things. The three children quickly ate the apples, wiped away their tears, and thanked Zhang Shu for his life ~ ~ Then they opened the door and were picked up by the orphanage guards. Except for the sick children, waiting for them will be closed for a day.

For similar things, Zhang Shusheng from the orphanage once every three days would do it once or twice. And he and many students also have a secret hidden in the hearts of children.

Zhang Shusheng stood up and Luo Feng, the deputy dean who had just arrived, was watching the children go away. "Luo Feng, did you say I did this, was it wrong?"

"Dean, you are right. They were supposed to starve to death on the streets. They were taken back from the king by one by one! Without Plan A, they would have died long ago. This cannibal society, To survive, to eat, to dress, and to live, they must pay some price. They just use their own efforts in exchange for life and long-term survival.

The tranquility of billions of people must be guarded by the sacrifice of a small number of people. Strictly train them just to enable them to complete their tasks better in the future. It just keeps them from being spotted and killed by the enemy in the future. "

For a long time, Zhang Shusheng didn't say a word. Finally, he walked back to the office door, carrying Luo Feng, and said, "In the future, punish the students. You can be closed for one day and the punishment will be reduced to two meals, otherwise the child will starve. Psychological issues must be reported to me and let me handle them personally. "

"Jade can't be made without tools, Dean, wouldn't it be too kind?"

"This is an order!"


还有 "Also, starting next year, the first batch of foreign children with next steps will be sent in. The preparatory work will start from now!"

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