Super Wizard

: I want to fight, are you still there?

Somewhat anxious!

It will be available tomorrow, and it means charging!

Compared to the last time it was on the shelf, this time the mood was much more complicated.

The last time was when Jiu Deng’s first book Super Appraisers was on the shelf, but then Jiu Deng was not really upset, because the data was like that, and the results on the shelf could be guessed. The chapter was updated after the shelf was updated that day. Soaked a foot.

But this time it is different. This is the second book and it is under great pressure.

Because there was no full-time at that time, writing a book is just a part-time hobby, but now this is full-time, and the achievements on the shelf mean income.

There was a lot of pressure when opening this book.

As Jiudeng said at the beginning, the new book was conceived last year. There are a dozen first drafts and five editions. Many book friends in the bookstore group have also seen Jiudeng published the first edition of each edition in the group. A chapter.

But in the end, none were adopted.

Why, just fear, panic.

There is a big difference between a full-time author and a part-time worker. Part-time writing people will say that you are motivated and literary.

But for full-time writing, once the grades are not good, there will be various voices, especially the scores of the teacher are very dazzling. The top three in the city search, and the major platforms are also selling well.

Maybe Jiudeng is lucky. Compared to many authors who have written a few books, it is better to be satisfied.

But it was because of the grades of the teacher that he was afraid to open a new book.

After the glory, who would like to start again and work hard again.

Too many concerns make it harder to open a new book.

It wasn't until he was chatted with a friend of the author in the circle.

You are still young, don’t you dare to open a new book because of your fear, and escape is really the way to go. Since you have already written a new book, then why should you worry so much? Just send it out. You don't want to fight anymore.

Big deal, come back!

I am still young!

Yes, I want to understand, write my new book, as for the results on the shelf, then let it go, at least rely on the book of the teacher for a year, I am still hungry!

I still want to fight!

I also want to make another one, not only this one but also the next one.

I still want to fight, are you still there?

Tomorrow morning, we will give you two chapters first. The only thing Jiudeng can do is to go to the code word, and the rest depends on everyone.

Let's borrow a sentence from Liu Huan's "Come Again".

"Yesterday, all honours have become distant memories, and I have worked hard to finish a book, and I have to go on a journey again tonight. I don’t want to go up and down. In order to support my book friend, I will be tired no matter how bad. To finish writing, just for those looking forward to the look."

Everyone, I hope that this chapter of the first chapter of the morning will say goodbye to your figure!

At the same time, two groups of book friends are opened, and one subscription genuine book friends group: 320537897. Subscription required.

A group of ordinary book friends, anyone who likes this book can join: 485179586

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