Brilliant red light gushed out in the magic array behind Huo Tianhua, intertwining cobwebs one after another, and attacking the wind and seeing the fragrance.

However, Kazami Yuka's attack did not have the effect it should have.

She kept flying backwards to avoid the beam, and then put away the parasol unhurriedly, and then aimed the tip of the umbrella at Huo Tianhua.

The next moment, extreme energy fluctuations converged between the umbrellas, blooming into a brilliant giant light cannon!

Huo Tianhua realized what move this guy wanted to use when he saw the wind see the fragrance put away the umbrella, and the ancestor of the Oriental Light Cannon Flow definitely wanted to use the Light Cannon!

The extreme huge light cannon swept away the red cobweb, swallowing Huo Tianhua where he should be--the victory and defeat have been divided?

No way!

An even larger magic array appeared in the sky above Kazemi's head, and unlike other magic arrays, this magic array was not composed of the four elements of "Earth, Water, Earth, Earth, Wind, Spirit", or "Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Sun, and Moon" as the basic elements.

Instead, the magic array that uses the five elements of heaven and earth to "gold, wood, water, fire and earth" is the basis of the five elements, and this magic array is regarded as having an exorcism effect in various places, but in fact, the specific attributes are different, and Huo Tianhua adopts the Japanese native "Kirito-seal" magic array.

This is one of the foundations of the Yin-Yang Art taught to him by the former White Fox, Abe Haruaki, who is regarded as the apex of the Onmyoji, according to the five elements of heaven and earth, and the specific effect is "Sealing Demons"!

Five different magic spells representing their relative elements quickly appeared at the five vertices of the bellflower seal, and based on the five element magic spells, the pentagram was once again covered by a larger circular magic array, maximizing the effect of the bellflower seal.

Kirito-print... The technique that Abe personally used to suppress the Tamamo before killing Tamamo?

However, you are not the invincible Onmyoji Abe Yaeko, and I am not the stupid nine-tailed celestial fox...

The fragrant parasol was raised upwards, and the straight light cannon rushed directly to the giant magic array in the sky, and the giant magic array was also stimulated, giving rise to a powerful light cannon attack.

Two powerful magical attacks collided in the air, and the stirring aftermath shattered the nearby clouds, giving a colorful color to every corner of the sky.

However, the Sunflower Field was not damaged in the slightest, just as intact as when Huo Tianhua first came.

Finally, the others in the fantasy village noticed the strangeness of this sky, and thus paid attention to the Fengjian Yuxiang and Huo Tianhua, who were fighting.

The extremely fast Crow Tengu stopped its wings not far away, floated in the air, and recorded this moment with a camera.

In the interval, the blond sky fox who was observing Huo Tianhua on a mission saw the bellflower print, suddenly shivered, and then continued to carefully collect and record information.

At the Boli Shrine, Lingmeng was enjoying afternoon tea with Morisha, looking at the big scene in the distance, and didn't care about a few words with emotion, anyway, it will not be a human being persecuted, and it does not belong to the responsibility of the Boli witch. At the top of the shrine's torii, the green-haired grievances sitting at the shrine also turned a blind eye and were preoccupied with their own affairs.

The seven composite magic spells that make up the Kirito seal continuously extract Huo Tianhua's magic power, but the energy that the sun can provide him is enough for him to release from now until the maximum power

of the sun sets, the moonlight is the light of the sun shining on the moon, and then the moon reflecting back to the earth, but this light is not enough to maximize the

energy supply.

That is to say, it cannot be delayed until dark, if it is dark, Huo Tianhua will definitely lose, and he needs to find another way to change the deadlock!

However, Huo Tianhua couldn't find a way to win, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he tried hard, he couldn't change the fact that he had only studied magic for half a year, even if the Kryptonian bloodline brought him talent and energy, even if Teacher Hui Yin taught him the use of all kinds of magic--there was a limit of improvement after all.

As a magician who has only studied magic for half a year, being able to do this is already excellent, good enough.

But it's still not enough.

Why can a gifted human who has studied magic for half a year be able to confront the same gifted monster head-on but does not know how many years he has studied magic?

Huo Tianhua searched all over his body and could not find anything that could be placed on the balance that belonged to him, and could not make the balance tilt towards him.

Unfortunately, the wind can tilt the scales in her favor, and it is easy to do so.

"Want to see the flowers bloom?"

Huo Tianhua, who was putting all his computing power into the magic array calculation, suddenly heard the sound of the wind and fragrance, how could this be!

How could her voice reach Huo Tianhua's location through the huge energy disorder layer generated by the collision between the bellflower seal and the light cannon!

This can only show one thing, the stronger her strength is than Huo Tianhua!

"Do you hear the blossoms? Not only the sound, but you can see it now? Fengjian

Youxiang's voice was still so relaxed, there was no serious tone at all, and her words made Huo Tianhua's heart even more confused.

Because at this moment, the magic array representing the "wood attribute" in the seven-fold magic array [Kirito Seal] suddenly appeared in an energy disorder.

In the next second when Huo Tianhua saw it, the energy of that magic array actually turned into a beautiful flower, directly destroying the magic array representing the "wood element", and then directly destroying all the magic arrays of the inner five elements in the order of the five elements!

One by one, the flowers competed to open on Huo Tianhua's magic array, and he finally knew what the sound of the flowers blooming was.

He heard it.

And the price is the collapse of the entire Kirito Infa.

The giant energy light cannon shattered the broken magic array of the bellflower seal, and directly slammed into Huo Tianhua, who was adjusting the energy disorder in his body for a while.

There is no time to adjust... But...... I'm not going to just throw in the towel....

Huo Tianhua's whole body was filled with intense pain, and the ubiquitous dangerous energy wrapped around him, hurting him, and stimulating his pain like never before.

However, this did not change his will, which remained just as clear and tenacious.

The pillar of light rose from the tip of the parasol in the hand of Feng Jian Yuxiang, directly pushing Huo Tianhua to rise, but it froze for a moment.

It's like a picture has been taken.

Huo Tianhua felt that the pain in his body suddenly disappeared, and he immediately quickly concentrated the energy of the sunlight to heal himself--he was surprised that he actually survived this attack.

The pillar of light disappeared, and its owner dispersed it.

"Raven, is it fun?"

"I can't let him die, right? As the owner of the sunflower field, can you only think about a child?

Huo Tianhua saw a pair of pitch-black crow feathers, he looked at the girl's face, sure enough, it was Paparazzi, she was still a little conscientious, and knew to come back and fish for Huo Tianhua.

Kazemi Yuka still has a relaxed expression, perhaps in her eyes, there is no difference between one more shooting pill and one less shooting pill, they are all goals that can be solved casually.

"Uh-huh, I'm also human, I don't look a few years older than him, right? How can you bully children? "

It's too much for a big monster to pretend to be a human, right? Although it is beneficial for me to take the material. Shooting

Pill Wen held Huo Tianhua, who looked like he was about to hang, hovering in mid-air, and a camera was hanging in his hand.

"Let's start the next game, right there... Dream Hall. "

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