After defeating the Bucks, the Lakers slowly came out of the haze of four consecutive losses and achieved two consecutive victories.

Thanks to the Eastern brothers for the warmth. The Lakers lost in the first few games. In addition to the strength of the opponent, another reason was that they did not find a reasonable rotation.

With three people missing at once, there will definitely be problems with the rotation.

After playing a few games, Mike Brown found a new rotation plan.

And changed the team's style of play, from a stable position type to a brisk offensive type.

The Lakers have Nash, and the team can be fast or slow. As long as they adjust and adapt, they will crush their opponents in both games.

But just the day after the game against the Bucks, in the early morning of January 16, the Lakers broke out a deal.

They packaged Earl Clark as a future second-round pick and sent him to the Phoenix Suns for center Jermaine O'Neal.

When this transaction happened, Li Liang just woke up from his sleep, and then heard Wei Dazhi shouting outside.

"Traded, traded! Clark for O'Neal, Clark for O'Neal!"

Li Liang got dressed and came out, wondering if O'Neal had retired, why did he return to the Lakers?

Rubbing his eyes, he heard it again, it turned out to be a trade, Clark was sent to the Suns for O'Neal.

Once the team trades, it will be a feast for reporters and media.

After Wei Dazhi saw the news, he immediately packed up and went out to the Toyota Center to attend the press conference.

Knowing that Clark was traded, Li Liang felt a little emotional.

The last time this happened was during the summer league, the African boy Ienga who had a good relationship with Li Liang.

When he was traded to replace Howard, he sent a text message to say goodbye to Li Liang.

Clark didn't send Li Liang a text message, and the two didn't have much contact with each other on weekdays.

Clark has performed very well recently. After three insiders were injured, he has a lot of opportunities to play due to his tall stature.

It turned out that it was for inspection, the better the performance on stage, the greater the possibility of leaving.

In the first few games, the two cooperated well on the court and practiced pick-and-roll defense together off the court.

When Li Liang went to the Toyota Center in the afternoon, the team's trade conference had already ended.

Li Liang didn't see Clark. He was notified last night and flew to Phoenix early this morning for a medical examination.

The locker room no longer has Clark's locker, replaced by Jermaine O'Neal's.

After Shaquille O'Neal retired, the Lakers ushered in Jermaine O'Neal again.

Li Liang met Jermaine O'Neal, who had already changed into the Lakers' training uniform, on the training ground. This super power forward who once dominated the basketball world.

Injuries knocked him down completely. After leaving the Pacers, he tried to form the inside twin towers with the Raptors and Bosh, but did not produce a good chemical reaction.

Out of consideration for recuperation, O'Neal joined the famous "Too Hospital" in the summer, the Phoenix Suns.

The dry climate in Arizona is conducive to the healing of injuries and the recovery of the body.

The Lakers players stepped forward to say hello to O'Neal.

Who would have thought that the elites of 1996, Kobe, Nash, and O'Neal would gather together this year.

If their combination was seven or eight years earlier, it must have been very scary.

This kind of idea has already been realized on the south coast, and the effect is not bad, winning the championship.

Seeing Li Liang, O'Neill said, "Hi Bruce, I've heard you famous for a long time."

Li Liang is still a little confused, why, my reputation is already so big? Am I that good?

The NBA circle is actually very small, with only a few hundred people playing every year.

The season is almost halfway through, and Li Liang's "doing" has already spread in this circle.

It's normal for a senior veteran like O'Neal to hear some rumors.

What kind of rookie boss, with boundless accusations, capable of three skills D, the law drives the alliance.

In addition, the Suns played against the Lakers before, and Jermaine O'Neal felt it. He was indeed a bit irritable, and anyone dared to spray it.

After being traded to the Lakers, you can experience it up close.

Li Liang quickly understood what O'Neal meant, and said sternly: "O'Neal, there are some bad rumors and gossip about me in the league. These are the words of villains. Don't believe their nonsense. I play Bruce Lee. He has always been upright, elegant and easy-going, he is a good teammate, and I hope we can get along well in the future."

As he spoke, Li Liang hugged and shook hands with O'Neill.

Xiao Ao looked to the side, Kobe and Nash laughed like fools.

He probably understood in his heart that this Li Liang is a big talker.

Also elegant (Ruya), they play basketball and have a relationship with Ruya.

I have greeted the new teammates one by one, but they are not really new teammates.

For example, Ci Shiping and Xiao Ao stayed in the Pacers together and fought together.

Jamison, Kobe, and Nash all participated in the All-Star Game with Jermaine O'Neill and are familiar with each other.

As for the coach, Chuck Payson has worked for the Pacers and coached O'Neal.

So, a veteran like him who has the qualifications of the rivers and lakes will not feel that he is born anywhere.

Because he was just traded to the Lakers, the contract has not yet officially come into effect, so O'Neal will not be able to play in the next game against the Heat.

Clarkson, who was still playing well, was traded away, so Antawn Jamison can only be used.

The training ended after 1 pm, and Mike Brown asked the players to go back and have a good rest, preparing for tomorrow's focus game.

The next day, upon waking up in the morning, Li Liang heard Wei Dazhi's ghost screaming outside again.

"You're in the All-Star! You're in the All-Star! Open the door!"

Wei Dazhi knocked on Li Liang's door while screaming.

As soon as Li Liang opened the door, Wei Dazhi rushed up and gave Li Liang a hug.

A fat man weighing two hundred catties rushed to Li Liang's body, but Li Liangneng remained motionless.

It shows that his core strength and stability have reached a certain level.

Li Liang told Wei Dazhi to get out, and Wei Dazhi said cheerfully, "Li Liang, you're in the All-Star! The fans voted you into the All-Star!"

Li Liang let out an "oh", without any expression on his face.

He feels hungry and wants to eat.

Seeing Li Liang's indifferent reaction, Wei Dazhi said, "Hey, hey, All-Star, you're in the All-Star, do you hear me clearly? Did you wake up?"

Li Liangdao: "I know, all-stars, just go to a city and play an exhibition game with a group of stars. What's so great about it? I even signed up for the three-point contest."

Wei Dazhi said: "Li Liang, you are too big now, you are the second Chinese to enter the All-Star after Yao Ming. Do you know that Jeremy Lin was almost promoted to the All-Star starting lineup, but it is a pity that in the end Lost to Paul. Otherwise, two Asian faces in the All-Stars must have made history."

Since the 2003 All-Star Game, Yao Ming squeezed out Shaquille O'Neal and became the All-Star starter as a rookie, and this happened again.

Li Liang, a second-round pick, was voted into the All-Star Game by Chinese fans abruptly.

According to the rules of the All-Star, the first ten players in the East and West are voted by fans.

On the one hand, it depends on strength, on the other hand, it depends purely on popularity.

Back then, Yao Ming was far inferior to O'Neal in strength and fame, but with the backing of hundreds of millions of Chinese fans, who could stand it.

This time the situation is the same. Even though the official weighted calculation of overseas votes is carried out, Li Liang's performance is indeed surprisingly outstanding, and he is playing for the Lakers, which is particularly attractive to fans.

Like Jeremy Lin, he is far behind Paul in terms of strength, but because he is in the Rockets, his final voting result is only a little worse than Paul.

Because the All-Star substitute is selected by the coach, Jeremy Lin must have missed the All-Star Game.

If Li Liang lost the starting vote, the coach would definitely not choose him as an All-Star.

Although Li Liang's performance is impressive, he is still a role player after all. In terms of personal ability, especially offensive ability, he cannot afford the title of All-Star.

Because of this, Li Liang is not particularly excited about this All-Star starter.

This is an honor due to the love of Chinese fans, not earned by Li Liang himself with his performance.

So Li Liang was more stressed than happy.

He was thinking, with the help of so many Chinese fans, I have entered the All-Star, how should I act aggressively?

this is a big problem.

At this time, Wei Dazhi had already tweeted:

"After Li Liang learned that he was selected as an All-Star, he was very calm and wanted to have breakfast. He had expected that he would be an All-Star and signed up for the three-point contest. Please look forward to his outstanding performance. Ha Ha ha."

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