Superstar Athletes’ Black Tech Systems

Chapter 217 It's been a long time

When Li Liang hurried back to get his passport, the Los Angeles Lakers went to the Air Canada Arena on the night of the 20th to play against the Toronto Raptors.

The Lakers have good news and bad news.

The good news is that Howard will be back in this game, and O'Neal has also entered the team's roster.

After experiencing lineup turmoil caused by inside injuries, the Lakers finally slowly and neatly returned inside.

The bad news is that although Dwight Howard is back, he still doesn't look like he's at his best.

Doctors assessed his shoulder and lumbar spine injuries and concluded that Howard's herniated disc had not fully healed.

This may have something to do with Howard's insistence on exercising a lot during his recovery from injury.

But no matter what, Howard didn't want to rest anymore.

If he rested any longer, his center position would probably be taken away by someone.

So Howard chose to come back, but his state may not be very good.

Brown wanted Howard to simply rest until the injury healed.

But he had disobeyed little Bass before, and could no longer resist.

Besides, Howard himself wants to play. He said he can play, which means there is no major problem.

There was still a period of time before the start of the game. In the passage to the locker room, the reporters did not see Li Liang.

What's going on here, I played well in the last game, and I didn't say I was injured.

The staff of the Lakers explained that Li Liang's passport was left in Los Angeles, and he was rushing over as soon as possible.

Now many fans in Toronto will be disappointed.

As Li Liang said, there are many Chinese in Toronto, and many international student fans came to watch the game tonight, just to see Li Liang's demeanor.

In the end, he was not injured or sick, but he didn't come because of passport problems.

Before the game started, Brown called Li Liang, indicating that the phone was turned off.

It means that Li Liang is on the way, and it depends on fate whether he can catch up.

The roads in Toronto might be a little congested today.

Without Li Liang, Brown put Gasol back in the starting lineup.

Gasol was a little reluctant. He played well as a substitute and was very comfortable, but he wanted to play hard as a starter.

After the opening ceremony, the two sides stood on the field.

The camera of the TV station scanned and could see many fans wearing Lakers jerseys in the auditorium.

Some of them wore the number 28, and some people were holding up Li Liang's head, but found that Li Liang was not on the court, and their disappointment was palpable.

After the game opened, the Lakers encountered a little trouble.

It's not really a problem, iron.

In the opening six minutes, two goals? !

Are you still number one in the league? Or the Los Angeles five-star Lakers?

Without Li Liang's support and three-pointers, the Lakers wanted to play inside, but found that they couldn't.

Howard has just come back and failed in two singles.

Gasol seems not very adapted to the starting lineup, 1 of 3 shots.

Kobe began to hold back and didn't make a shot, but later found out that it was impossible, you are all iron, how could I be missing?

Angrily hit the three irons, causing the Lakers to be beaten by the Raptors 19:4 in the opening game.

When you get to the northern border, the whole team can't find the north. In fact, you don't need to look for it. This is the north.

Mike Brown watching the team not score is a headache.

What's the matter, you guys can't play without a second-round pick?

In fact, the Lakers are entering a period of fatigue, both psychological and physical fatigue.

Needless to say, physical fatigue, they are all veterans. After more than two months of continuous fighting, they will feel tired.

The mental fatigue is that the old Lakers are tired of the regular season.

They wanted to play in the playoffs, not travel to Toronto in the cold.

Any championship team will develop such mental fatigue.

Although the Lakers have just formed a team, Kobe has won five championships and Gasol has two.

Nash is 38 years old, and he has already won the honors that can be won in the regular season, and what he is thinking about is the finals.

After playing the Heat, the veterans all had a feeling of "the next game is boring".

As for Howard, he was powerless, really powerless.

Not only weak, but also incompetent and furious, and got a technical foul at the end of the first quarter.

He missed the shot and thought the opponent fouled, but the referee didn't give it.

Li Liang wasn't here tonight, no one reasoned with the referee, and the referee directly made a technical foul.

Kobe went 1-for-8 in the first quarter, paying tribute to the 81 points he scored against the Raptors.

In the second quarter, things got even worse.

Howard became more and more unhappy as he played, and clashed with Alan Anderson while grabbing a rebound.

As a result, both of them got technical fouls. Howard accumulated two technical fouls and was sent off.

When he was off the court, Howard made 1 of 3 shots and 1 of 2 free throws, scoring a total of 3 points.

Obviously, in the comeback battle, he wants to prove his importance to the fans.

As a result, it proved that his condition was really bad.

After the last game with the Heat, some people said that "the Lakers will be even more invincible after Howard returns." I don't know if they feel distressed after seeing Howard's current performance or other places.

After Howard was sent off, the Lakers slowly recovered and began to hit shots to chase points.

The Lakers dug a big hole for themselves in the first quarter, slowly climbed up from the hole, and they were about to climb out, and the first half of the game was over.

The Lakers trailed by 3 points at 50:53.

At halftime, in the Lakers locker room, Howard was already lying on a physiotherapy chair with a thick ice pack tied around his waist.

Lumbar disc herniation is a fatal injury.

For athletes, severe lumbar disc herniation often spells the end of their careers.

After all, no matter what kind of exercise, the waist is the most important power point.

Even if you play Go, you have to sit with a good waist, and you can’t play with a backache.

Not to mention basketball, the waist is extremely important.

Mike Brown appeased Howard, "Dwight, if it doesn't work, you can rest for a few more games until you fully recover and come back."

Howard sighed, lumbar disc herniation, unlike muscle injuries and soft tissue injuries, will slowly ease over time.

It will only get worse as time goes by. I have had an operation before, and I can't do another operation in a short time.

Howard thought for a while and said: "I will get better, I will adjust my style of play and give the team more help."

This is the first time Howard said in front of Brown and everyone, "I will adjust my style of play." Before that, he always wanted to be the "king of the low post."

Now he still has not given up, but seeing that the team is in good condition, if this continues, he will only become a side effect, so he must change.

When he recovers from his waist and back injuries one day, he will continue to be his low-level king.

Whether this day will come, no one knows.

The halftime break ended, and in the third quarter, Mike Brown called Li Liang again before going on the field.

Found out!

Li Liang answered the phone and said that he was on his way, and the road was not considered traffic jam, and he would arrive in 15 minutes.

Mike Brown immediately informed the Lakers players of the "good news."

"Bruce Lee is on his way, he will be here soon and should be able to participate in this game."

Brown originally wanted to encourage the players, but then he felt wrong. He is not the boss, so does he need to encourage him?

The reactions of the Lakers players were very strange.

Everyone looked at me and looked at you, looking at each other, an inexplicable pressure shrouded the locker room.

Kobe curled his lips in disdain, "He is late, his salary should be deducted."

Nash, Jamison and others did not speak.

Only the upright Ci Shiping expressed everyone's aspirations, "Play well in the second half, otherwise Bruce Lee will laugh at us when he sees us playing like this."

Now the Lakers players are talking a lot, it turns out that everyone wants to go together.

Think about it, when Li Liang came and found out that the Lakers were behind at halftime, what kind of arrogance should he be?

"You're all trash, you wouldn't be able to play without me?"

"Boss, what did you blindly cast?"

"Can you play? If you don't know how to play, I'll teach you how to play."

"You guys can't beat the Raptors, so what's the use of you?"

Everyone could imagine this scene, and goosebumps rose in an instant.

Howard hurriedly said to Vitti: "Send me back to the hotel, just say I'm injured, ah, my lumbar spine hurts badly, I need to rest, send me back."

Howard got up from the physiotherapy chair in a hurry, he had to go back first, otherwise Li Liang would go to the locker room first and it would be bad if he saw himself.

The newcomer O'Neal expressed some incomprehension. Howard patted O'Neal on the shoulder and said, "Brother, play hard in the second half. It's time for me not to show you. Play hard, come on, I'm leaving first."

Bryant gritted his teeth on his way to the court, "Throw it in, throw it in, throw the damn ball in it!"

He didn't want Li Liang to mock him wildly after looking at his stats.

This shit is worse than losing.

As for the other players, they all secretly encouraged themselves to play hard.

Mike Brown even wiped his sweat. In this winter, the arena is too heated.

Hey, it seems that in three months, the Lakers players have been suffering for a long time.

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