Superstar Athletes’ Black Tech Systems

Chapter 364 Kneeling to Finish

Li Liang's decision made the entire NBA go crazy.

The influence of Xinke FMVP is so great. Fortunately, Li Liang cut the mess quickly. After everyone was shocked for a while, everything returned to normal.

In addition to the Clippers, other teams should strengthen their reinforcements and renew their contracts to prepare for next season.

Li Liang is also preparing for the next season.

After deciding to go to the Clippers next season, he knew he would face more challenges in the new season.

Among other things, the confrontation with the Lakers will undoubtedly be a big topic.

After his vacation in Cuba, Li Liang decided to go back to his hometown to accompany his parents and relatives.

Li Liang did not alarm anyone when he returned home, although his height of 206 was very conspicuous at the airport, and he was quickly photographed and uploaded.

But there are a lot of Chinese celebrities, those who fly by plane and train every day, all kinds of announcements and photos.

As long as you don't deliberately hype, except for a few senior fans who will get excited, there will be no news soon.

Therefore, Li Liang enjoyed the life of the rich second generation at home!

It was only when Li Liang returned to China that he remembered that Lao Tzu is a rich second generation!

His family has a villa in the countryside, a large yard, a fish pond, and a basketball court, surrounded by tea mountains, pine forests, and farmland.

Because the son came back, both father and mother put down their work and came back to accompany Li Liang for a few days.

There are also several servants in Li Liang's house, who cook, housekeeper, clean, water the flowers and feed the birds.

When Li Liang returned home, he was naturally treated like a young master.

Of course, Li Liang did not receive any preferential treatment in terms of material and spiritual.

Ask Aunt Chen who cooks, has she ever seen herself on TV?

"No, Xiaoliang, are you an actor now? Hey, you're just too tall. If you're smaller, it's good to be an actor."

Aunt Chen likes to watch TV dramas when she has nothing to do, and she doesn't care about sports or news at all.

Li Liang felt very disappointed, and went to the garden to ask Uncle Bao who was watering the flowers and feeding the birds.

"Uncle Bao, hey, have you read the newspaper recently?"

"Look! How is Xiaoliang in the United States? Americans have guns, right? Those guns are dangerous. I see that there are shootings every day in the United States..."

"No, Uncle Bao, I'm living a good life. Do you watch basketball?"

"Basketball? Watch basketball for a while, if you don't watch basketball, you're not interested!"

After asking around, no one in the family except his parents knew that he was now the winner of the NBA championship and the owner of the finals MVP!

And his father didn't seem to care about his achievements. Although he was still very proud in his heart, he still said, "A part-time worker, what's the use of winning a championship? How much money can I get a year?"

When I met my grandparents, let alone my grandparents, I asked him what he did for work, and he said he played basketball.

"Is there five social insurance and one housing fund?"

"Playing abroad is not playing domestically, okay, come back and play?"

"Have you found a girlfriend? When will you bring it back to see?"

Zhu Shu didn't come back with Li Liang, she went back to her home, and after staying for two days, she flew to the United States to help Li Liang and the Clippers make an early contact.

Fortunately, the old people closed their eyes and listened, and their peers still understood current affairs. Li Liang immediately became the big star of the whole family.

The cousins ​​and cousins ​​who had the summer vacation all came to take photos with Li Liang, and they wanted to show it to the classmates in the class.

Li Liang's fragile heart finally got a little comfort.

During this period of time in his hometown, local enterprises, local sports departments and other institutions kept looking for Li Liang to participate in activities, but Li Liang refused them one by one.

He would like to contribute to the propaganda of his hometown, but he knows that this thing will never end from the beginning.

If you go to this one, you have to go to that one, right? I went to elementary school, so I have to go to middle school, right?

Li Liang is a low-key person and doesn't like to participate in various activities.

Of course, he did not participate in the event, but he did not give less money.

Donating money to some school to build a playground, donating money to a local area to build fitness facilities, etc., he should or will.

He pays attention to a good deed without leaving a name!

Because he knows that he can no longer be so popular, which will affect his anger value harvest.

He stayed in his hometown for about a week, reliving his addiction to being a rich second generation, and soon he didn't want to stay at home anymore.

The days without basketball games are really boring and boring!

In order to relax, Li Liang did not enter the system to do tasks during this time.

In mid-July, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and started to enter the system to do tasks and further improve himself!

Choosing the Clippers is definitely a challenge for him.

Don't look at the blessings of the whole network now, if you can't beat the Clippers by then, you will definitely be black on the whole network.

In terms of strength, the Clippers' lineup is inferior to the Lakers.

Having played against the Clippers in the playoffs, Li Liang knows how much the Clippers are.

The Clippers team is strong on the outside and capable in the middle. The lineup looks good, but they still can't get together.

However, Li Liang still has the confidence to stick them together, but he may have to work harder than he did with the Lakers.

The Clippers rely heavily on Paul on offense. With the arrival of Li Liang, Li Liang believes that Paul will be a good helper.

Defensively speaking, Li Liang believes that his current level is still sufficient, and he just needs to move forward steadily.

From an offensive point of view, even if Li Liang doesn't learn anything else for just one three-pointer, he is still a top salary in the NBA.

From the current point of view, in terms of offensive means, it can be gradually improved, so there is no need to worry too much.

What really needs to be improved is his ball handling ability and passing ability.

Li Liang's offense with the ball, so far, except for a sudden stop jump shot after a tentative step, the others are basically zero.

Relying on this trick alone is definitely not enough.

In the Lakers before, there was Nash and Kobe on the outside, and the ability of both of them to hold the ball was at a historical level.

Basically, there is no need for Li Liang to digest the ball. He can concentrate on off the ball and steal chickens in the offense.

But it's different when it comes to the Clippers. Although he hasn't met and practiced with the Clippers players and coaching staff yet, Li Liang's characteristic of the Clippers is that he has a clear understanding of the Clippers.

No way, the one who knows oneself best is often not a friend but an enemy.

The Clippers have only one and a half effective ball-holding points, one Paul plus one Crawford.

Others are either engineers or endpoints, unable to be a playmaker.

If Li Liang wants to achieve higher achievements in the Clippers than in the Lakers, he must improve his ball handling to a higher level.

It is certainly impossible to be promoted to James' level in a short time, at least to be promoted to Danny Granger's level, right?

With this in mind, Li Liang went to the system at night to start selecting tasks.

This time, he set his sights on the dimension [transmission and control ability]:

[Basic pass: 35/100]

[Long pass: 12/100]

【Short pass: 35/100】

[Hanging pass: 40/100]

[Hits to the ground: 40/100]

[Passing awareness: 45/100]

[Basic ball control: 40/100]

【Ball Acceleration: 35/100】

[Possession and change of direction: 20/100]

【Turn with the ball: 18/100】

【Ball control and withdrawal: 10/100】

【Empty running: 41/100】

[Inside footsteps: 25/100]

【Back card position: 15/100】

[Special skill: one shot into the soul]

Li Liang decided to start with the two items of [Basic Ball Control] and [Basic Passing], and try to improve both items to 60 points in a short time.

Then improve the details, and then I will have a ball in my hand, and I have it in the world!

Li Liang first chooses to enter the task of [Basic Ball Control].

The subtitles flashed in front of my eyes:

[Mission: Like a grand rogue, neither too far nor too close, mission content: control the ball to avoid Walter Fraser's defense, keep an appropriate distance, and cannot be intercepted. Task reward: basic ball control ability value +5, speed ability value +1, task level: normal. 】

Li Liang tensed when he saw the name "Walter Fraser".

He had already forgotten that it was Frazier who had done the [Basic Ball Control] task before.

And Fraser told him that until the basic ball control ability reaches 60 points, he will be allowed to wear a cape!

"Fuck, is there still time to go out now..."

Li Liang is still naive, you still want to go out after entering the mission?

Needless to say, Frazier was waiting for him at the training ground with his hat on again.

"Brother, if you have something to say, let's talk about it, can we not wear a cape?"

Now Li Liang trembles when he sees Fraser in the system, not because he is afraid, but because he feels pain.

Fred took off his hat and said, "Bruce, if you want to be successful, you must endure torture. Let's start. The one who will train with you today is Mr. Don Booth. Let's work hard!"

Fraser didn't say anything more, and put the cloak on Li Liang again.

Then, a small guard in an Indiana Pacers jersey arrives on the field.

His name is Don Booth, and he was the main shooting guard of the Pacers in the 1970s. He is 6 feet 4 and good at defense.

He was selected to the NBA's All-Defensive Team four times, and won the league's assists and steals titles in 1977.

He used to be a very capable player in the league, but because of his age and not having won a championship, his reputation among fans is not obvious.

Of course Li Liang didn't know him, but he knew that every player who appeared in this system had two skills.

What should I do, I chose this task, and I have to complete it even on my knees!

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