Of course Li Liang will not go to CBA, he went to CBA, how can those NBA players who have been defeated by him seek revenge from him?

One cannot escape, but must face challenges.

When you make a wrong decision due to carelessness, don't waste time reviewing and regretting, but find a remedy as soon as possible.

Li Liang's plan is bold and out of the ordinary, but he knows he can succeed because he is the league's best resource.

Of course, with this lesson learned, Li Liang decided to change jobs next time. He must be cautious, listen to opinions more, investigate in many ways, learn more from James, and think carefully rather than just relying on his temper.

Fortunately, he is the father of the system, and his contract is not big. If you want to get a 40 million contract, it will not be easy for the team to send you out.

Li Liang was waiting at home. In the system's "simulation world", he conducted a simple simulation of the situation of each team in the next season.

He found that if he teamed up with James in the Cavaliers, the Cavaliers' regular season record next season is not particularly conspicuous.

The predicted victory is 60 wins and 22 losses, so it will be 60 wins.

According to previous media bragging, Li Liang and James won 80 wins without a problem.

It seems that people's expectations are always very different from the actual running-in situation.

But the Golden State Warriors team surprised Li Liang. Their predicted record for next season turned out to be 65 wins and 17 losses.

This is the number of regular season wins at the championship level.

Li Liang did not expect that the Warriors would rise next season.

They didn't do anything special, they just changed coaches, fired Mark Jackson, and hired rookie coach Steve Kerr.

Will the Warriors really rise next season?

Li Liang wanted to see if this simulated world was really that accurate.

If it is true, then in the future, Li Liang's best manager should be decided.

The Cavaliers didn't make Li Liang wait for too long, because the bargaining chips offered by each family were very generous.

For example, like the Knicks, they are willing to pay for the draft rights for the next 8 years, and then you can choose the remaining players. They just want Li Liang to save the Big Apple City.

But the Cavaliers Knicks chips have no interest.

What is the use of my Cleveland Cavaliers wanting a draft pick?

If I want it, won't I fight for it myself? Need your Knicks?

Don't agree with our ability to compete for the number one pick?

Therefore, Griffin quickly ruled out a naive team like the Knicks.

The main idea of ​​the Cavaliers is to send Li Liang back to the west.

After all, if Li Liang goes to other teams in the East, the Cavaliers and James will face a strong opponent.

But the problem is, Li Liang doesn't want to go back to the West.

He has been in the west for two years, and he wants to come to the east to have fun.

It is said that the east is weak and the west is strong, and the alliance is unbalanced, so I, Gan Liliang, will come to balance it.

Since everyone has come to help the poor, how about a big eastern development?

Because Li Liang has the right to veto transactions, Zhu Shu has already called Griffin and asked him to reject all Western Conference offers.

Griffin had no choice but to send Li Liang to the Timberwolves and exchange Kevin Love.

That being the case, Griffin set his sights on the East.

First exclude the Celtics, there is no reason, just exclude the Celtics.

Not to mention the Knicks, stay away, anyway, you are not short of money.

After choosing left and right, and answering many phone calls for several days in a row, Griffin finally received a very satisfactory offer, so satisfied that he couldn't believe it.

After finalizing the details with the team, Griffin called Zhu Shu and asked for her opinion.

After thinking about it, Zhu Shu said that there was no problem and was going to tell Li Liang.

Griffin said on the phone: "Oh, can I just make a request that he wants to call Bruce in person to tell him the news, so ... is that okay?"

Thinking of this person's famous name, Zhu Shu thought that there should be no problem, so she agreed to Griffin not to tell Li Liang the news for the time being, and let the other party notify.


As August approached, Li Liang became increasingly uncomfortable in Cleveland.

If he was still in Los Angeles, he could go to the beach at any time, and he could walk on the peaceful and quiet Pacific coast.

Although there are no stars at night in Los Angeles, the night scene composed of brilliant neon lights is equally charming.

So on July 28, Li Liang left Cleveland, leaving Zhu Shu here to handle related matters.

But he didn't choose to go back to Los Angeles either. Since he was leaving, how could he go back easily?

He chose to go to Kentucky, go to college, and find Calipari for a meal.

Li Liang felt that only with Calipari could he regain his original intention of playing.

After all, he had no system at that time, just a rich second generation who insisted on pursuing his basketball dream.

When he met Calipari, the old card was worried about the personnel of the new University of Kentucky basketball team.

The failure of the NCAA finals made Lao Ka very sad, but it is already a success to reach the finals under the NCAA competition system. One championship and one second is enough to prove Calipari's ability.

Seeing Li Liang, Calipari joked: "Bruce, why don't you go back to Kentucky to go to school? With you here, we will be the champion next year."

Li Liangdao: "Don't make fun of me, my free agency is too hasty."

Calipari didn't say much, he asked Li Liang to stay at his home for a few days, and then followed him to the school's arena during the day to inspect the players and accompany him in training.

After falling down in the finals, Kentucky recruited a group of high school strongmen, including Willie Stein and other high-level talents.

The tall people mentioned here not only refer to their high level, but also to their tall stature.

Li Liang looked at the roster of these players. The height of the starting lineup was completely at the NBA level, which was a bit taller than the average NCAA team for each position.

Calipari explained: "There are no talented guys in this group of players, so it's better to focus on physical fitness."

For Li Liang's arrival, this group of young men were in awe and fear, and only Li Liang was watching the game from the sidelines, expressing themselves like crazy.

Li Liang just wanted to shake his head, thinking that I'm not a scout, so what's the use of showing me.

I don't even know where I'm going next!

After staying in Kentucky for three days, Li Liang cut off all contact with the outside world, as if he was back in college.

Get up early, eat, go to the training hall for basic skills training.

Occasionally, he helps Calipari take a group of students.

Calipari is still amazed now, what happened to Li Liang in two years, from a small weak chicken to a big muscle tyrant like he is now.

Although Li Liang's muscles are not as exaggerated as those of the black players, his figure is really strong, full of strength and elasticity.

Not to mention the ball skills, the first in the sky and the first in the ground.

Calipari wanted Li Liang to hand over his training cheats more than once, and the answer he got was always "1,000 push-ups, 1,000 sit-ups, and 1,000 leapfrogs, and you can be as strong as me."

Let your shit go.

On the last day of July, Li Liang got up as usual, had breakfast, went out for a morning run with Calipari, and then went to the gym for training.

There have been rumors about the transaction, but Li Liang doesn't care.

Rumors are things that deceive fans and traffic, anyway, there is only one result in the end, and everything in front of it is just nonsense used to entertain people.

In the morning, he trained with the Kentucky team. He used his big butt that he had just exercised to abuse the group of boys. Calipari felt that this kid had another weapon in his arsenal.

At noon, I ate with Calipari as usual, and I ate a lot, which made Calipari wonder if this guy came here just to eat?

While eating, Li Liang's cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Not many people know Li Liang's mobile phone number. It is a private mobile phone number.

Generally, if you have anything to ask Li Liang, you will go through Zhu Shu.

Only family and close friends call him.

Li Liang answered the phone, still chewing on the steak, asked: "Hello, who is it?"

"Bruce? This is Larry." A middle-aged male voice came from the opposite side.

"Larry? Which one?" Li Liang didn't remember that there was a friend named Larry among the friends he knew.

"There's only one Larry in the NBA."

"Only one Larry?" Li Liang frowned and thought for a while, "Larry Sanders?"

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