
Chapter 1591: Sweep the world

In the first week of August 1996, the strong performance of "Independence Day" made this week a seven-day history in the history of North American cinema. At the same time, "Independence Day" has also made a step by step in overseas markets outside North America. Towards a new historical record.

In the first week of July, South American countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and North America premiered the film "Independence Day" simultaneously. In the third week of July, "Independence Day" took the lead in taking the lead in the British and German film markets, opening up Europe. Sweeping the box office; in the first week of August, only six countries around the world screened "Independence Day", but they achieved amazing results for everyone.

"Independence Day" not only created a 20 million-level premiere box office in the United Kingdom and Germany, creating a new history, but also achieved a 10 million-level premiere box office in Brazil, Argentina and other countries. In the history of the Americas, in the past month, "Independence Day" actually swept the box office data of 140 million U.S. dollars!

Only six countries and regions! One hundred and forty million dollars!

Although this data does not seem so shocking compared to the box office of more than 300 million U.S. dollars in North America within a month of "Independence Day", it is harvested in the relatively barren overseas box office market, so performance. It is completely comparable to the North American market.

In the global box office market in 1996, the U.S. and Japan were the biggest ticket warehouses. In addition, European countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, France, and Germany, as well as South American countries such as Argentina and Brazil, and China in Asia. country. delicious. Hong Kong and China. country. tower. Bay and South Korea can also be included, and they are both important ticket properties in overseas regions.

However, the reason why Hollywood in the United States can become the center of global film—at least the center of commercial films is because the North American film market has a very strong box office pulling ability. There are 22 works that have earned 200 million US dollars in the box office in North America. However, there are only 31 works with a box office of 200 million US dollars in overseas markets. There are only two countries in North America, the United States and Canada, but there are more than 200 countries in the world. Thirty or more. But there are only 31 overseas box offices that exceed 200 million.

From this data, it can be seen that the North American film market has the ability to attract money.

However, North America is only a limited area after all. The world market is so vast and still has a strong explosive ability, such as "Forrest Gump", "Lion King", "Terminator 2," "Star Wars", and "Alien e." The final overseas box office of works such as "t" surpassed North American box office data. The current highest overseas box office record holder in world film history is "Jurassic Park". The box office of 626 million US dollars is amazing. Limited to a height that the North American market cannot reach.

Therefore, the overseas market has always been very important, but how to operate in the overseas market and obtain higher box office, the film company is still groping. Obviously, commercial movies have the advantage. Whether it is the "Jurassic Park" of the Great Dinosaur Rebellion, or the "Terminator 2" of the computer destroying the earth, including the cartoon classic "The Lion King", these movies are not profound or profound. A literary and artistic film with superb artistic value.

This is also one of the focal points of disputes between the supporters and the opposition. The former believes that this is a great opportunity to expand the territory of American films, but the latter believes that films should be a vehicle for promoting the level of American art, rather than simply a means of attracting money.

Now, the emergence of "Independence Day" has once again demonstrated the infinite potential of the overseas film market. Just like North America, each week of "Independence Day" is making history, not only in South American countries. For four consecutive championships, it also easily regained the weekend box office rankings in Germany and the United Kingdom, and surpassed "Jurassic Park" in one fell swoop, becoming the fastest overseas film history film to exceed 100 million US dollars in the box office.

This record was only created in six countries and regions.

In the first week of August, the world witnessed the pace of "Independence Day" making history in North America. Then in the second week of August, "Independence Day" was simultaneously screened in 20 countries and regions around the world. The film swept the world prelude.

Seven box office markets including Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, etc., where the grand premiere of "Independence Day" was held this week, all broke the historical record of $10 million weekend box office. Japan is even more powerful with a box office of 20 million U.S. dollars, joining the ranks of Brazil, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries and regions before, setting off a record-breaking frenzy on a global scale.

"Yomiuri Shimbun", Japan's top-selling newspaper in the world, shouted loudly, "Hugo Lancaster saves the world. After Independence Day, the world opens a new chapter!"

Korea’s largest daily newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, used a series of exclamation points as the headline news, and the picture is the last photo of Steve’s return from victory on “Independence Day.” The news declared, “Keep the curtain on record. Embarked on a journey of rewriting history."

From incense. "Ming Pao" in Hong Kong, which has always emphasized taste, also rarely handed the front page to "Independence Day", sighing, "The film industry has officially sounded the clarion call for dynasty change!"

In the specific report, Ming Pao said, “Hugo Victor Hugo, from'Notre Dame de Paris' to'Les Miserables', he used excellent symbolism and special poetic forms to accurately He shouted out his changing voice of the times. Hugo-Hugo-Lancaster, like that great writer, is using his unique way, from music to movies, to reflect the world, Changing the world. Perhaps Hugo is a poet in his bones. He is using musical notes and film to compose his great chapter!"

The French "Le Figaro" reported with the title "Hollywood tap dance to play a symphony of destiny on the global stage!", expressing this view in the news, "A "Independence Day" has become a game that determines the direction of the game. The key word of "Hollywood" once again led the global film industry into a new stage with its powerful influence!"

The British "Guardian" focused on Hugo, "The birth of a global heartthrob!"

In the report, the “Guardian” stated, “After Marlon Brando, the Hollywood starmaking project seems to have been silent for nearly two decades. At one time, people thought that the birth of Tom Cruise would once again lead Hollywood back. The glory of the peak period, but in the end it was this "young man" named Hugo Lancaster who stepped forward, not only recreating the grandeur of the golden age of Hollywood, but also physically changing the direction of history! Left-handed acting Trophies, right-hand commercial box office, the world entertainment industry is entering a Hugo era. This may be the best era in Hollywood since 1975."

As the “Guardian” said, the strong momentum of “Independence Day” is affecting all corners of the world. Starting from the entertainment industry, it gradually penetrates into all industries of society. As the core representative image in the movie, Hugo is creating An unprecedented idol era. This is also after Hollywood's golden 30s and 40s, the top superstars who can change the trend of this society have once again appeared.

People originally thought that last year was the year when Hugo became a superstar, but it was not until the emergence of "Independence Day" that people realized that Hugo at this moment is already comparable to Hollywood's golden age—or even better. For one thing, the energy maintained by him is quietly infiltrating every corner of society. As a carrier, "Independence Day" fully demonstrated the power of Hugo.

There are endless exclamations from various countries and regions around the world. All news media in various countries are thoroughly fried. Focus news is overwhelming. "Independence Day" and the name of Hugo-Lancaster are spreading unstoppable all over the world. Every corner.

"Independence Day" has gone beyond the scope of a simple film work, and is changing the course of film history with practical actions. The "disaster" wave of aliens attacking the earth, like a tens of thousands of horses, rushed into the big screen of the movie in the summer of 1996, setting off a movie-watching frenzy that shocked countless people, making the heat of this summer indistinguishable. The earth rages in the northern and southern hemispheres.

In just three days of the weekend in August, "Independence Day" swept over 150 million U.S. dollars overseas, and once again created a new one-week box office record in overseas markets with a stunning posture, and in one fell swoop, "Independence Day" The cumulative overseas box office has reached 384 million U.S. dollars!

With this outstanding performance, UU Reading also made "Independence Day" soar in the historical rankings of overseas box offices, defeating "Star Wars", "Forrest Gump" and "Terminator 2". Waiting for a series of classic masterpieces, ranking third in overseas box office film history, standing in front of "Independence Day" only two works are left, 564 million "Lion King", and currently no one can The shaking 626 million "Jurassic Park".

After creating a 400 million box office miracle in North America, the enthusiasm of "Independence Day" in the overseas film market shocked everyone once again. What is even more frightening is that this is only the first time that "Independence Day" has been released on a large scale overseas. It's only a week. At least forty countries and regions have not held public screenings. In addition, some countries are still intensively negotiating with Twentieth Century Fox, which may further expand the scope of overseas screenings on Independence Day.

It is conceivable that the overseas box office of 500 million US dollars is no longer a problem for "Independence Day". Everyone agrees that the historical record of "Jurassic Park" is the goal of "Independence Day". As for "Independence Day" The final box office performance will still depend on the performance of collective screenings in more than 60 countries and regions.

Maybe it's 600 million, maybe 700 million, maybe... the box office data of "Independence Day" has far exceeded people's imagination, no one can know when its final footsteps will stop!

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