
Chapter 1634: Alien dreams

"I need more dreams and less life; I need more light in the darkness. You will never see the tears in my heart, so go to hell! You can cry until the tears become an ocean, and then let go to me. You It is the self you love, not the way others love to see you (.are.what...,...), in a world surrounded by shouts of'yes', I heard a roar :no no!"

Hugo's mind was resounding with a slow, steady but full of passionate rhythm of drum beats. The surging emotions were like a huge wave hitting the rocks on the coast. The rhythm was not fast. Once, again, it hit endless echoes fiercely. , A sound wave shook under the blue sea and blue sky, causing the whole world to start to turbulent slightly.

This is a complex world full of countless controversies. People always reject outliers, because the unknowns they represent are often scary. Giordano Bruno (.) was once condemned by the Inquisition for opposing geocentric and propagating heliocentric theories. As "heresy", burned to death in Rome's Campo de' Fiori.

This is true when every new thing appears.

When rock and roll first appeared in the late 1940s, it was considered a product of moral decay; when punk first appeared in the mid-1970s, it was considered the beginning of rock’s destruction; when the Internet appeared in the late 1980s, it was considered the greatest human security. Threats; when garbage rock appeared in the early 1990s, it was considered to be a kind of garbage music that was groaning without disease...and more and more, once women were considered to be obscure appendages, once blacks were low-level creatures without human rights, and once a cold was A disaster that can take lives. Once homosexuality is a heresy that needs to be sentenced to capital punishment. Once flying is considered an impossible dream, once landing on the moon is considered a ridiculous wishful thinking...

This is the necessity of society. Too many people are comfortable in life, and too many people dare not dream. Any dream that is a little bit bigger will seem to be the product of destroying life, will make their "quiet life" fragmented, and everyone is willing to be ordinary , Trying to hide themselves in the general public in society, lest any little heresy will make them the second Giordano-Bruno.

But if everyone is like this, society will not progress; if no one dares to take the first step, the dream will not be realized. The future is as far away as the dream is. Once upon a time, outer space was considered an impossible dream, but now it is within reach; now, people think that the outside of the galaxy is too vague, but who knows the future One day, will that become a simple and ordinary thing to go shopping?

We need a little more dreams and a little less life; we need a little more light in this endless darkness to guide ourselves forward. We can't restrain our dreams, smooth out our personalities, and curb our edge just because of the ordinary and ordinary of society. This is a road full of thorns. No one can deny this. Perhaps it seems to others to be extremely simple and casual. It seems that "personality" represents unruly and freewheeling, but in fact it is the opposite.

It is precisely because this society rejects the aliens that individuality has become a representative of the aliens, and people will concentrate all their efforts to squeeze the aliens out. This makes every footprint of the aliens extremely difficult, just like the gender in the workplace after more than half a century of fighting for "equality between men and women." Discrimination still cannot be completely resolved; after blacks have won their rights, the "Ferguson Incident" that caused a global sensation still occurred in 2014, decades later.

The aliens need to work harder and struggle on the vast road ahead. What’s even more frightening is that they have dreams, but they don’t know the end of the dream, because they are pioneers who open the way. They can only Groping forward on his own, bearing the repulsion and pressure of the entire society, took a step forward. But what is ridiculous is that no one can see the tears in the hearts of the aliens, and no one wants to see them.

So, go to hell! Those so-called social mainstreams can turn tears into a vast ocean, but please grant me freedom.

"You are the self you love, not the way others love to see you (.are.what...,..., you are what you are*, insist on being yourself, and don't treat you because of others The expectation, prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion change ourselves, because everyone is so different, and we become ourselves precisely because of our speciality. Everyone is an independent individual, not the same Barbie doll. We are not responsible or obligated to change ourselves in accordance with the expectations of others.

So... in a world full of "yes, yes, yes", that "no" full of all this anger, rises from the ground!

Hugo once thought that his small dream was impossible to achieve-he wanted to plant the seeds of rock and roll faith again, and pour out shoots to make it grow strong. This is an unfulfillable dream, because the historical trajectory that Hugo understands clearly proves it, but Hugo has made his own choice without turning back, even knowing that he will be battered and bruised, even if he knows to work hard. The result is still nothing, even knowing that the end of the dream is a vast abyss...but Hugo still took firm steps.

But now, all this is no longer an illusory fantasy. Because the great success of "Young Volcano (. told Hugo: the seeds of rock belief have been successfully buried in the soil, although this is only the most trivial first step, although there is still a long way to go. To go, although this is a contest with the entire historical process and with the entire society, but... he has already succeeded in the first step!

This small success made Hugo's heart surging. The unparalleled joy even surpassed the victory of the War of the Century, surpassed the achievements of "Young Volcano", and surpassed the glory created by "Independence Day". Because this convinced Hugo that his dream is not an invisible fantasy, his life is blooming infinitely in his own way. Maybe this is a road full of thorns, but he will still go on unswervingly.

The melody created at London’s Heathrow Airport at the beginning, today once again excites in Hugo’s mind, agitating the slow but enthusiastic surging, but Hugo still can’t describe the whole music completely. , The huge dream and persistence in his heart vaguely appeared in his mind, but he did not find a clear appearance.

What should this song be called? "Rock Faith"? This theme is too big, Hugo is not confident that he can express it completely, but the core idea of ​​the song is indeed so, so...maybe he can name it temporarily, and then wait for the whole song to be completed, and then try again. Think of a name.

This is indeed a good idea.

"Hugo, Hugo..."

In the blood, you can still feel the collision of the exciting drums and the exciting guitar, and the hot sparks made Hugo immersed in the world of music, aftertaste for a long time. Suddenly, Hugo felt that someone was tapping his arm, which made his eyes blur the focus and focus and blinked, and then adjusted the focus again. Only then did he see Joseph’s helpless expression and lazily leaning on him. Henry Bloom was about to fall asleep on the sofa.

"Oh, sorry, I'm lost." Hugo blinked, let out a long breath, looked at Henry and Joseph, who was about to speak, but he hesitated, but he forgot what they were talking about, and then turned towards Henry said "sorry", ran all the way to the house, found a pen, looked around, didn't see the paper, and finally simply put it on the wall calendar and started to quickly record the inspiration just now. Come down.

Seeing this scene, Joseph and Henry exchanged their sights, and then all smiled "You know I know".

After Hugo recorded everything, he trot back again, "Sorry, where did we just say?" This made Samura next to him laugh, but he stood up immediately. , Ran to the calendar and carefully watched Hugo's creation just now.

As Hugo's assistant, what Samora enjoys most is that there are food everywhere, and secondly, he can witness the birth of countless outstanding music from glory to death up close. When Samora saw the lyrics, "You are the self you love, not the way others love to see you", she was stunned for an instant.

At this time, UU reading Hugo and Henry's conversation began again. Henry didn't mind Hugo's fragments at all. After adjusting to a more comfortable sitting posture, he said unhurriedly, "We just now …Well, I’m discussing the issue of the touring company. Have you read the proposal that the two touring companies gave you?"

"Yes, the tour company!" Hugo also nodded suddenly, and Henry made a special trip today to ask Hugo's opinions about the tour company.

Glory to Death is about to embark on their second tour, and it is also the first tour around the world. After the news has been announced, it has aroused heated discussions. Everyone knows that this will be a grand performance. And the craze of the War of the Century has made people realize that maybe this will be a tour that will change history: what height can the resurgence of rock and roll reach? Maybe this tour will give some clues.

Therefore, while the market was boiling, the major tour companies also began to boil. Each company contacted EMI and Henry at the first time, hoping to win the glorious tour contract. This time the tour is very likely to be a plan with a revenue of over 100 million yuan, so tempting. People’s sweet buns, no one wants to miss it.

Now, it's time for Hugo to make a decision.

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