
Chapter 1665: Top of the pinnacle

"The last song, ‘good day (...updated so fast. day)’." After Hugo finished teasing, he didn’t pause, he just raised his voice and announced the name of the last song tonight.

This song is undoubtedly a song with the iconic "sex" of the glory to the death, because it was after the "good day" that the new metal rock advocated by the glory to the death was finally accepted by mainstream music critics and even highly regarded. , This high-quality, high-level and high-popular song made New Metal Rock truly on the stage of history.

But tonight, glory to death has not sung this song, it turned out to be here, the last song.

It starts with "Young Volcano(. and ends with "A Beautiful Day". This is undoubtedly the best interpretation of the theme of "Sunshine" in the first stage of the "Blurry Rain" world tour. Until this time, it is glorious. The blueprint for the tour this time has just revealed the tip of the iceberg.

"Look at the colorful colors of this world, see the mysterious east appearing in the field of vision, see the canyon destroyed by dark clouds, see the tuna shoal hollow out the sea, watch the nomadic Arabs lighting a bonfire, watch the oil field burned, watch the bite The bird with the olive branch soars. After the disaster, there is a chaotic splendor."

In that familiar and beautiful melody, Hugo’s voice vividly and perfectly displays the magnificence and magnificence of the world, the mystery from nature, the beauty from life, and the joy from music. In this song " "A Beautiful Day" is shown incisively and vividly, just like the theme of "Sunshine" in the first stage, which fully interprets the glorious music theme.

At the very beginning, Glory to Death is to uphold this idea and this concept and embark on the road of music. From "almost fame" to "bath in the morning light", Glory to death dedicated to the'fine' and brilliant music, and The new metal rock has been brought into the stage of the times and appeared in front of everyone with a magnificent momentum.

After nearly four hours of singing, Hugo's voice was a little tired, but he was stained with a faint layer of laziness, ‘sex’. Feel uninhibited. Instead, it gave this classic single a different style, just like the sun at 8 o'clock in the morning, the lazy, warm, and translucent gold color is infinitely beautiful, which makes people want to stretch out. He touched the'touch', only after raising his hand, he realized that the clear gold'color' had a faint gold border between his fingers. The smile at the corner of his mouth was sketched involuntarily.

"You are on the road, but you don’t know where to go. You’re stuck in a quagmire, lost in her fictional house of ‘mystery’, you like this small town, even if it sounds unreal, you feel like you’re everywhere , And she runs through your whole body, this is a beautiful day, don’t miss it, this is a beautiful day."

At this moment. The audience was quiet, no one screamed, no sound, and even the breathing almost disappeared, not because the audience was exhausted, but because any sound at this moment seemed to destroy The beauty in front of me, Hugo's singing does not have any'fancy' skills. But when you close your eyes, you can hear the fragrance of the sun in his voice, and outline the magnificent picture of the waves. The magnificent shock almost calms everyone down, just listening quietly. , Feel the charm of the scene.

Sally was silent. Watching Hugo singing loudly with tears in her eyes, the hot tears almost burned her cheeks, and her heart was moved well; Jessica was silent, looking at Hugo on the stage in disbelief, just A melody portrayed such a spectacular scene in her mind; Nicholas was also silent. This was the first time he truly understood why Hugo insisted on forming a band. He can not only feel Hugo's enthusiasm, but also Hugo's soul. All the thoughts in his heart can be ‘touched’ in the melody, close at hand.

At this moment, silence is far more powerful than screaming, because the cry from the bottom of my heart is roaring, the echo of the soul is trembling, and the soul is bathed in the shining starlight, ‘dang’ cleansing the dust, enlightening, and awakening. Even though people are familiar enough with the song "Good Day", tonight, this song is so special. It belongs to the "Good Day" of the Rose Bowl, and this is the "Good Day" of the "Blurry Rain" tour. "One day", this is a "beautiful day" for young volcanoes. Everyone is savoring the taste that blooms on the tip of the tongue.

The'exciting' melody burst out infinite energy in the dazzling lights, and Hugo's voice reached its peak, igniting the whole night completely, "You don't need it now, don't need it now, what a beautiful day! "Everyone stood up straight, looking at Hugo's subconsciously raised right hand, followed by raising his right hand, raising it high, as if a believer was expressing it in this way. With his own beliefs in general.

At this moment, everything is as sung as the first line of "A Beautiful Day", "The heart blooms like a'flower', and it grows crazily and drills out a ruthless and hard ground." The seeds of rock and roll quietly broke out of the heart. , Madly drilled out of the dry and cracked ground, sprouted a little bit of tender green sprouts, and began to grow silently under the nourishment of Hugo's singing.

After the melody reached its peak, the members of the band suddenly stopped collectively, the sound in the stereo stopped abruptly, and the lights of the audience went out instantly, and the entire rose bowl plunged into darkness again. The misty night completely lost sight of sight. Only the heat from the breath reminded people that the surging ‘excitement’ was still spreading in the air.

"Oh!" Scattered sighs were heard everywhere, directly and clearly expressing everyone's deep regrets and dissatisfaction, just like the beginning of a concert, abruptly opening and ending abruptly, without any warning. Without any reminder, the sudden power swept over, making people lose the ability to resist, and can only passively sink deeply into the melody, and completely become a slave to the music.

Four hours of madness, four hours of screaming, four hours of excitement, four hours of dedication, four hours of concentration... This makes every audience’s'energy' almost exhausted, but At this moment, almost everyone has the same idea: they are still not tired, they are still not sleepy, they are still not over.

Nicholas could hardly control his emotions. The first one yelled, "Encore!" This time, he was pretty sure that he didn't yell wrong. Although as a reporter, he shouldn't show his preference so obviously, but tonight is an exception. He is just a fan of the song, an ordinary fan of the song-he is one of the young volcanoes. Member, he is eager to continue this'prestige' color, he is eager to return to the stage again in glory to death, and he is eager to make this night eternal.

Therefore, "Encore!" Nicholas did not hesitate, and immediately shouted out his inner thoughts.

These words were like magic, and they were quickly recognized by others, "Encore! Encore! Encore!" The fans of the rock standing area immediately united, and everyone shouted. Then, "Encore!" Even if the voice is hoarse, I don't hesitate to do it, I just hope that their inner enthusiasm and desire can be heard with glory through this line of shouts, and then they are called back to the stage again to continue this miracle .


One hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people... The continuous shouting sounded earth-shaking, once again shaking the whole rose bowl, as if an earthquake was coming.

But Jessica found out that Sally didn’t yell "Encore" with them. She originally thought it was because Sally was tired, but soon this idea was overturned because she saw Sally start to applaud. "Bang! Bang!" The crisp applause was so clear, once, and then again, stepping on a powerful rhythm, rubbing a burst of fire "flowers" with the air, and then Sally jumped up, as if in slow motion , Jessica could clearly see the dust that's stirred up' when Sally landed on her feet, followed by the dull sound, "Pop!"

"Boom! Boom!" The rhythmic sounds gradually joined together. "Boom!" Sally looked at the empty stage firmly. At this time, there was no one on the stage, obviously a glorious band member. They have already left, but Sally's eyes are not willing to leave at all, just firmly locked on the spacious stage, and then concentrated on hitting the rhythm, "Boom!"

Jessica quickly reacted. This was the signal between young volcanoes and glory to death, and it was also the most direct way for young volcanoes to support glory to death in public. Jessica knew this beat, and it was the earliest It started with Sally. As a result, she also stopped shouting "Encore" and followed Sally to do so.

One, two... one hundred, two hundred people... The Encore gradually calmed down, and everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the rhythm. When Nicholas heard such a noise, he immediately reacted. It was a signal for young volcanoes. He was obviously a novice on the road to becoming a young volcano. Nicholas quickly realized that it was more than shouting. In other words, such a uniform rhythm sound is obviously more so he stopped yelling, and followed the beat rhythm together.

One thousand people, two thousand people... 10,000 people, 20,000 people... Everyone in the entire Rose Bowl stood up until 100,000 people stood up and beat the rhythm together, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One hundred thousand people, one hundred thousand people! Everyone was hitting the same beat. The overwhelming and energetic momentum made the Rose Bowl shiver. Even the galloping horses couldn’t describe the magnificent sight in front of them. It even made people wonder if the Rose Bowl was in the next moment. It will collapse. With the Rose Bowl as the center, the entire Pasadena can feel a clear shock, which makes people suspect that the real earthquake is coming.

There have been too many surprises tonight. People have repeatedly thought that the whole audience has come, but the glory to death and the audience will always bring surprises again. Up to this moment, it really belongs to the "hurricane" tour. The pinnacle has just arrived. This is the pinnacle of the pinnacle, forming a gust of wind and rain, venting violently, announcing this history-changing tour and truly kicking off the curtain. This is a historical moment.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

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