
Chapter 1669: Grand prologue

"One hundred seven thousand three hundred and forty-seven people worship!"

This is the headline of the "Los Angeles Times" on October 26. The picture is a dazzling stage. The golden lights envelop the entire stage. Only a few figures in the halo can be seen vaguely. I can’t see the specific appearance at all. The front of the stage is dark, and the black crowd stretches to the bottom of the photo. The raised arm forms a dense forest, but it looks like countless pillars, bringing the bright light. The stage is supported.

There is no need for more language at all, just a picture, to fully present the magnificence of the scene, the glory and brilliance in the golden halo jumped on the paper, even if you haven’t started to read it yet. The article, you can feel the inner surging, people can't help but want to be a part of the scene.

Cameron Diaz looked at the newspaper in hand repeatedly, and the photo before her seemed to clearly show the passion and enthusiasm of the Rose Bowl last night, although she could also feel the endless surging in her heart at this time, but She still resisted her emotions, her eyes kept searching and staying among the headline photos on the front page, she couldn't help but wanted to look for Hugo in the halo of the stage.

The slender figure in the center is obviously the man she is most familiar with. Even if there is no way to see Hugo's facial expression, she can still read his excitement in that body language. Uncontrollably, Cameron raised his hand and touched it lightly in the center of the photo, as if he could feel Hugo’s body temperature. Even Cameron didn’t realize that the smile at the corner of his mouth was already light. Outlined.

We slept together early this morning, and the whole world was covered with news about the start of the "Blurry Rain" world tour concert! Since the victory of the War of the Century, the attention to glory to death is not what it used to be. This world tour is an outpost for the final battle of the War of the Century, and it is also a vigorous battle of the "Independence Day" and the War of the Century. After that, Hugo once again started the journey of the world under the attention of all the people, and the attention was naturally very important.

Not only the “Los Angeles Times”, more than 60 newspapers and magazines across the United States reported the “Blurry Rain” world tour for the first time, and its popularity is catching up with the war of the century. It also includes a large number of professional music magazines. High-cold magazines such as "Rolling Stone" have also reported unprecedentedly. In fact, since the report of the War of the Century, "Rolling Stone" has completely opened up to the glory to death. This time they will naturally not be on the world tour. Will miss it.

But "Rolling Stone" has obviously missed the best time. Now people want to pay attention to glory to death and there are more choices. Even the "Los Angeles Times" will be a better choice.

Turning to the newspaper, Cameron found the page and began to read the news. This news was actually written by Nicholas. As a film reporter, Nicholas McLen’s name Cameron was already very familiar, but he did not expect that the news of the tour would also be written by Nicholas.

"When you arrive at the Rose Bowl, you will be in another world, a world of glory to death and a young volcano. From the audience who witnessed the miracle of the concert in person, to the fans who participated in the mythology of the concert outside the venue, on this night , One hundred seven thousand three hundred and forty-seven people plus five people experienced a great adventure in a strange world together."

In a few words, Nicholas sketched out the magic and beauty of last night’s concert. Cameron couldn’t help sketching that picture in his mind, and couldn’t help but start thinking about what would it be like if he was on the scene. Scene?

"The concert started with the passionate melody of'Young Volcano (.)', and ended with the beautiful singing of'A Beautiful Day (.day)', let us truly appreciate the first stage theme of'Sunshine' The true meaning of..."

Cameron read Nicholas’ article carefully. This is not a music review. It is more like a travel note of an ordinary fan participating in a concert. But it is precisely this approachable perspective that makes everyone A reader is immersed on the scene, and the unparalleled magnificence and magnificence of the scene naturally emerges in his mind.

"When 100,000 spectators beat the beat neatly, calling for the encore moment with the iconic support method that belongs to the glory to the death, at that moment, we can clearly feel the greatness of this band, not because they created What epoch-making music, but because they use their own music to integrate us all, they use their own music to awaken the enthusiasm in all of us, and they use their own music to build up among us all The bridge... They used their music to re-emerge the rock belief.

The moment the Encore melody sounded, I couldn't help but want to worship, not because of the achievements made by the glory to the death, but because of the persistence of the glory to the death. They used their persistence to lead every rock lover in the fog and darkness. Go ahead and find the rock and roll faith that belongs to our hearts. Just for this, I offer my highest respect.

At this moment, I am not a reporter, just an ordinary fan, an ordinary rock lover. Glory to death, either glory or death, I am willing to follow. "

Nicholas’ words are filled with passion and excitement, as if through the black fonts, you can see the noise and boiling of the Rose Bowl scene, making every reader excited, and can’t wait to rush to the Rose Bowl scene and join this grand performance. Among.

In fact, it’s not just the Los Angeles Times. Cameron also read the San Francisco Chronicle just now. This newspaper’s competitiveness has risen sharply in the past two years. Their style of work is also good and evil. With a lot of sight, this time they chose to support the glory to death. The sentence "The grand prelude is unveiled, and the tour recorded in the annals of history" directly pushed the tour last night to the focus of hot discussion. In the article, they He exhausted all the words of praise to describe the grand occasion last night.

On the other hand, professional music magazine "q Magazine" called this concert "the best performance since the rooftop concert of the Beatles in 1969!"

In the article, "q magazine" believes that Glory to Death now has the same qualifications as Michael Jackson, who pioneered the new trend of pop music. Michael has given many wonderful tours, but Michael pays more attention to stage effects. , His live concert experience is unparalleled; and Glory To Death is closer to the Beatles, because the musicality, thoughtfulness, profoundness, etc. they showed in the concert cannot be replicated.

"Glory to death, under the leadership of Hugo, dedicated a performance worthy of the admiration of the world. They interpret the true meaning of music vividly and vividly. The vigor and vigor that belongs to glory to death is carried through from beginning to end; and As the lead singer, Hugo's performance has reached the pinnacle and can be described as perfect! This is a tour that must not be missed in life, and it has now kicked off!"

From national media to local media, from comprehensive media to professional media, the concert held at the Rose Bowl last night received unanimous praise.

A sample survey conducted by the "Los Angeles Times" also showed that among the 718 viewers interviewed, more than 95% of the audience believed that this concert was definitely worth the price. The remaining less than 5% of the audience expressed dissatisfaction—because they thought the concert was too short and it was over without having fun; among the interviewees, as many as 43% of the audience were Said that they hope to participate in the tour after the glory to death.

Such excellent feedback information can be said to confirm the truth of the media's claims on the other hand.

In contrast, the report Nicholas wrote for the Los Angeles Times seemed less obtrusive. Despite this, Cameron noticed that this article was not posted on the entertainment section, but on the essay section. It can be seen that the Los Angeles Times also believes that the tendency of the article is too obvious, so it cannot be published as a factual report or professional commentary. Deadly support.

There is no doubt that the performance of Glory to Death last night was a huge success. They conquered the audience again with the way they became famous. The stage was moved from the street to the Rose Bowl, but Glory to Death still did not lose their scene. Charm, dedicated a wonderful performance.

The well-known petty bourgeoisie magazine "The New Yorker" listed one hundred things that must be done before the end of the nineteenth century to the scene to listen to a glorious performance" ranked third, only Behind "Go all over the world to listen to the sounds of nature" and "Return to the place where I lived in childhood".

The TV station’s trump card morning show "Today" also made a similar list. Ten things that must be done before the end of 1996. "Participate in the glorious world tour" topped the list and became the last quarter of the year. , The hottest topic of focus.

His eyes rested on the front page photos of the Los Angeles Times again, and Cameron's inner excitement gradually calmed down, but he began to feel an indescribable loss. Seeing the successful completion of the concert, Cameron knew that Hugo was fine, and it could even be said that Hugo was in good shape. While she was fortunate, she also knew that she had lost in this dispute.

Perhaps, deep in her heart, she knows that Hugo belongs to the stage, she knows that standing on the stage again can cheer up Hugo, and she knows that deep down in her heart, the pursuit of dreams has never stopped. Because this is the reason why she fell in love with Hugo in the first place.

But Cameron still started this cold war, maybe just because she wants to try to change Hugo, she wants to make Hugo change for herself, she wants to prove her existence and importance, she wants to explore love in the rain The location of the fruit. But... is this really the right thing to do?

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