
Chapter 1677: Soul baptism

Close your eyes, hold your breath, close your other perceptions, let the darkness slowly surround yourself, shield all noises, leave only your ears, and listen carefully.

In the dark night, the iceberg moved forward quietly, almost without any sound, even the sound of breaking waves dissipated in the biting cold wind, quietly like a deserted desert, but the air was gently shaking, that The bitter and bleak aura gradually rushed forward, and when he reacted, the overwhelming coldness had swallowed himself up, and there was no chance of resistance at all, and then he fell into a icy, snowy, blizzard, and lost himself.

This is David’s only feeling about "Navigation (. There is no fancy melody, no tedious arrangement, no modified lyrics, no dazzling singing...just the simplest drumbeat, just The simplest words, however, burst out infinite energy in Hugo's mellow and gentle voice, making him lose the power to fight back and completely lost in this music.

The biting cold slowly envelops itself, like a snowflake falling on the skin, light and gentle, and then penetrates into the skin little by little, all the pores under and under the body are opened, and the harsh breath is all poured in in an instant In the body, entangled with blood. Sponge together, tightly entwining every bone, and finally let every bone and muscle of the body freeze into ice.

He opened his eyes suddenly, but found that the hot tears in his eyes made the whole world blurred and at a loss.

Trembling, trembling, trembling again. David was breathing heavily, but the whole person was still sitting there, feeling the shock and trembling of his soul being baptized. The energy that burst out from the depths of the soul was like a storm of ice and blood, swept in, but released Out of the scorching heat comparable to a volcano. The collision of extreme cold and extreme heat left David's brain blank and ethereal.

David did not snap up the tickets for the "Blurry Rain" Rose Bowl concert. He planned to go to the scene in San Francisco to experience the glorious to death charm, but he heard from his colleagues countless times that he sang the glorious to death in Encore. The repertoire is simple, large and intricate, Hugo uses the simplest, most concise and direct way to convey the purest, most authentic and most shocking nature of the music.

When he heard these rumors, David still sneered. Although he admired Hugo quite a bit, in his opinion, the praise of his colleagues is still too exaggerated. Of course, deep down in his heart, David is still a little eagerly looking forward to it, because even if he does not agree with those views, it still means that the third series of glory to death is worth looking forward to.

But now... far beyond expectations! David even thinks that even the perfect praise is not enough to express his inner love for glory to death, nor is it enough to express his admiration for such a musical genius as Hugo.

Some people say that Hugo showed the atmosphere and grandeur in the song "A Good Day (.day. The accomplishments of arrangement and lyrics perfectly combine classical rock and modern rock, and almost created an insurmountable peak; some people say , Hugo showed the delicate and fragile in the song "Miqiang (. The melody and poetic lyrics reveal the most true emotions in the heart, almost writing a historical imprint. .

It is precisely because the album "Bath the Morning Light" has brought so many surprises, people are more and more looking forward to the third album of Glory To Death, and worry that the third album of Glory To Death will collapse and fall into bottomlessness. abyss. But now, David knew that Glory to Death did not live up to any expectations. On the contrary, in the high expectations, Glory to Death once again brought surprises and shocked his soul again.

In terms of arrangement, the song "Navigation" is definitely not as good as "A Beautiful Day", and it cannot even be regarded as the first-class level of glory to death; in terms of lyrics, the song "Navigation" cannot be compared with "The Wall". You can't count the best songs with one hand. But the fact is, "Navigation" returns to the basics. Under Hugo's interpretation, he uses the most essential way to bring the most unimaginable feelings, as if... like a master of martial arts who has reached the realm of martial arts, he fundamentally You don't need a sword that is as iron as mud, just flying flowers and picking leaves, you can also see the blood in the throat.

For David, "a beautiful day" is only suitable for appreciation, and it is too cold; "Magic Wall" is only suitable for listening, and it is too weak. But "Navigation" is the favorite, this is the crystallization of the glorious rock spirit, which fully demonstrates the unyielding, tenacious, tough, free and easy, and tenacity of this rock band, just like the sun shining out of the sky. Released endless heat, even if the moths are fighting the fire, they want to be bathed in the sun, and then rush towards the sun desperately.

Even David himself did not expect that after he dedicated two such high-quality and high-level works, "Almost Fame" and "Bath in the Morning Light"-almost equivalent to other people's four or even six excellent albums- , Unexpectedly broke out such energy, the title song is already an absolute classic that transcends "Good Day" and "Masked Wall"-at least David thinks so. He waited until the hot tears on his cheeks became cold before he remembered and wiped away the traces of the tears.

In fact, "Navigation" is just the beginning, and the shock has not had time to dissipate. The next wonderful tracks are one after another, just like a gust of wind and rain, without any breathing space, layer upon layer, continuous and continuous. The Jedi swept across. Perhaps this is another explanation of the album title.

David couldn't help but once again compared to his eyes, he opened his hearing sensitivity to the maximum, carefully savoring each song, feeling the soul hidden in those melody with heart, and all the cells in his body were happily Dancing, using all his strength to express his joy and happiness. After the entire CD was played, David still couldn't help but savor it, as if music was dancing on the tip of his tongue, and his taste buds bloomed proudly like the sunshine of early spring.

Side a has finished playing, what about side b? What is going on with b-side? This is the most curious part of the entire album of "Blurry Rain", and perhaps...the biggest surprise.

This is the fact. When David heard the melody of the outdoor recording studio version of "Navigation", his brain was attacked by a powerful shock wave, and instantly fell into a crash. Hugo is really too bold, too wanton, and crazy! Glory is crazy to death, EMI is also crazy! But... the madness of all this is really wonderful.

Listen, listen carefully. The sound of wind, humans, and engines after the drum beat is the purest natural sound and social sound, which can be called the sound of life. Those trivial and messy sounds are completely integrated with the melody, and may not be called perfect—because they are not perfect at all, on the contrary, there are many flaws, but it is precisely this kind of flaw that makes the back of the music extremely vivid. The way is sketched in my mind.

Closing his eyes again, David seemed to be able to see the noisy streets, noisy crowds, and busy life. The glorious team members stood in the crowd, with pleasant smiles and enthusiasm on their faces. While playing the musical instrument in his hand intently; suddenly, the scenery changed, David seemed to see the canyon, the grand canyon, the raging wind whizzed past his ears, Hugo ran wildly in the woods, his mouth Li Zai kept roaring, "Sailing! Sailing!" The sound of the wind became his help, making him run faster and faster, and then... Then even if he jumped, Hugo jumped into the sky. Fly high in the wind.

In an instant, all the adrenaline rushed towards the heart. David himself didn't realize it. He stood up abruptly, his hands clenched into fists, his whole body trembled slightly because of his excitement, and his blood flowed. But he couldn't find a catharsis for his passion, he could only breathe in big mouths, his chest undulating violently, even with his eyes closed, the tears oozing from the corners of his eyes because of excessive excitement were still shining.

If side a is the rockiest album, side b is the most glorious and deadly album.

David wanted to worship like never before. Even if he exhausted his life's thoughts, he couldn't think that Glory to Death would create their third album in this way. Almost without any explanation, he knew clearly: This is glory to death! Glory to Death is such a band! That kind of shock, that kind of moving, that kind of purity, vividly shows the beauty of music and the spirit of rock and roll, and penetrates into the soul of every listener.

In worshipping, David couldn't hold any thoughts in his heart at this moment except for such thoughts.

David just stood there stupidly, raised his chin slightly, looked up at the "darkness" above his head, listened to the indescribable melody in the speaker, and waited for the entire album to finish~www. He didn’t relax any muscles, he just stood in a daze. After a long time, his muscles suddenly relaxed, and then he fell on the sofa and let out a long breath, but he couldn’t get his heart out. The raging flame went out.

At this moment, David finally understands the purpose of EMI Records. The reason why this "storm" is successful, or the reason why EMI Records is full of confidence, is not only because it is so much-anticipated glory to death, but also because it is The most essential and purest glory to death. This is a big bet. In the overwhelming propaganda battle between Maria and Oasis, EMI is not moved at all, because they know that Maria and Oasis's bet is not worth mentioning in the face of glory to death. "Rapid storms", either achieved unparalleled brilliance, or fell into a terrible defeat in the bottomless abyss, there is no middle value. The innovation and challenge of the b side, this is an unprecedented gamble.

Therefore, even without any propaganda strategy, "Blurry Rain" is already invincible. It is not the propaganda war that can really defeat this album, but the passion in everyone's heart that belongs to music and rock. This is also the most glorious way to die. There has never been another choice for glory or death.

Just when David had all the shock vented, he forgot the player that was still running. The passage of time was no longer important. After a long time, the melody again flowed out of the stereo, a magical and beautiful melody. .

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