
Chapter 1939: Threading

"For me, the difference is actually not that big. Read the full text of the latest chapter on Baidu or search."" Hugo looked at Snoopy-Doggo in front of him, said with a smile, and made Snoopy lean back. On the sofa, he looked over with a provocative face, but Hugo didn’t care, and then said, “The West Coast incorporates a lot of funk and soul beats, which is a breakthrough for rap. n.w.a is the rap group I admire the most so far, none of them; but the east coast retains the traditional style, the rhythm is more angular, the style continues the tradition, and it is also very popular."

Hugo noticed that Snoopy’s face was getting worse and worse. He seemed to be on the verge of an explosion at any time. He shrugged slightly, "Rap is to me. I am just a listener, not a professional, so you don’t need to use it. Look at me with that kind of hatred of the enemy." These words did not let Snoopy relax at all. He still looked at Hugo in an enemy attitude, which made Hugo laugh dumbly, "At least I think, hip-hop is The statement that originated in New York is not necessarily completely correct."

In fact, when hip-hop was born in New York, hip-hop has also appeared in the areas centered on Los Angeles and San Francisco. The hip-hop confrontation between the East and the West is not only a confrontation between regions, but also a confrontation between history and style, especially after the rise of "gang rap". In the past two years, the hatred of both parties has risen to the level of firearms, waiting for you.

When Snoopy heard Hugo’s words, his face showed a little smile, "No wonder dr. Dre said, you are a smart guy."

Hugo replied with a smile, did not admit, but did not deny. Roger, who was sitting next to him, interrupted and said, "Unexpectedly, there are many topics in common between you. I have been trying to join the conversation and tried several times. They all failed." This half-joking ridicule made Snoopy squinted, "Isn't this the purpose of you bringing him here today?" The thick ridicule caused Roger to choke, and Hugo and Fujin laughed directly.

Today’s meeting actually has nothing to do with Hugo. Although Hugo’s influence in North America is now the only one in the world, it is more confined to the field of rock and roll. After all, it is still limited in other music genres, especially the complicated hip-hop. Hugo is not even on the number at all, he can only be regarded as an unknown person. But Roger invited Hugo to come forward today, obviously he has an abacus.

Snoopy-Doggo is the representative of hip hop on the West Coast, and the bragging dad is the representative of hip hop on the East Coast. It can be said that it is an unshakable enemy, especially b happened last year. i. After the shooting incident, the smell of gunpowder on both sides could hardly be suppressed. Read the full text of the latest chapters, but in fact, the wheel of history is already moving fast.

After West Coast hip-hop took the lead in making a breakthrough, it has carried out many innovations-this is much earlier than the rise of new metal rock; and now thanks to the emergence of new metal rock, especially in the new metal rock Small branch: rap rock, the sense of innovation has gradually penetrated into all aspects of music. For example, the integration of popular and rhythm is a typical example. In the film industry, the traditional academic school and the high-investment high-return venture school have also stood on the opposite side. All this implies that with the approach of the new century, innovation and challenges have inevitably entered all aspects of life. Therefore, East Coast hip-hop has also begun to innovate.

With bragging daddy, jay-z, b. i. g. A group of hip-hop singers led by the Wudang faction integrated the style of southern hip-hop and successfully substituted "gangster hip-hop" into the mainstream. Before this, the lyrics of gangster hip-hop always opposed the police and the government, accusing law enforcement of atrocities. Overwhelmingly negative reports have made it a banned song, but now East Coast hip-hop has successfully brought the media to their camp and achieved great success.

——The 1997 year-end album sales charts can be seen.

In fact, quietly, the hip-hop of the East Coast and West Coast are gradually approaching and gradually merging. Although they still maintain their respective characteristics, the historical torrent has arrived unstoppable.

EMI has previously signed a contract with Bragging Daddy to bring the hip-hop power of the East Coast to its banner, and now they hope to bring the hip-hop power of the West Coast to its banner. For "outsiders" EMI Records, this is the key to their decisive breakthrough in the American record market. If they can grasp the lifeblood of rock and hip-hop, they will have the qualifications to compete head-on with Universal Music and Warner Records.

As the world's largest record company, EMI has a lot of appetite.

However, EMI Records was not in a hurry. Today they did not directly find the current West Coast hip-hop person in power dr. dre, but found Snoopy-Doggo, just hoping to test it out. Roger chose the "river" where he met, and Hugo and Fujin were invited to accompany him. Everything was planned and purposeful.

Although Hugo has almost nothing to do with hip-hop, the music circle is a very small circle, just like Shirley Lansing, Kevin Burns, and Barry Meyer. There is no direct connection between each other, but the interest relationship is complicated, but they are closely linked to each other. Hugo has almost no influence on hip-hop, but those bigwigs will sell Hugo more or less as a face, because no one knows whether the interests of both sides will overlap one day in the future.

Therefore, the bragging father sold Hugo a face, and Snoopy also sold Hugo a face, which made today's meeting possible. This is also a profile of Hugo now at the top of the pyramid. His influence has gradually surpassed the music line, and even surpassed a large record company such as EMI Records. As an actor and a singer, he wanders freely among artists and companies. between.

Hugo’s biggest advantage is that he is firstly an artist and can be recognized by his peers, rather than those businessmen with money-smelling money; secondly, he has the ability to influence the decision-making of large companies, and can even become a decision-making One of the people, this allows him to have more space for activities, not only DreamWorks, but also EMI Records. Hugo's position is quietly changing bit by bit. My girlfriend is a fairy. Read the full text.

However, after the meeting, there is nothing about Hugo. He is a facade, a buffer, and Roger is responsible for more important tasks.

Unexpectedly, Hugo relied on his understanding of the development curve of hip-hop in the next twenty years. There were many topics between Hugo and Snoopy, which made the atmosphere a lot softer; and Fujin, who has been rocking underground in Los Angeles for many years, He has a detailed understanding of the history of hip hop on the West Coast, which surprised Snoopy. Roger didn’t feel anxious and really talked about business. After drinking three rounds, he actually started to play Jiuquan. Fujin is a master of Jiuquan. After winning Snoopy five in a row, he inspired Snoopy instead. The heart of winning and losing is thoroughly played.

Hugo, who was incapable of drinking, was obviously despised by Snoopy. Seeing Snoopy and Fokkin who were in awe, Hugo smiled, and then stood up to go to the bathroom to solve his physical needs.

Walking around the dance floor, one inadvertently hit a shoulder in front of him. Hugo raised his right hand with an apologetic smile, and first expressed his politeness, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."

"I should say sorry..." The other party is actually very polite, which is not common in clubs like "River". Then the other party paused, and a surprised voice said, "Oh, God, Hugo? Hugo Lancaster?"

Hugo turned his head and looked over, and then saw a completely unfamiliar face, "Hehe, I am glad to see you here." Hugo obviously regarded him as an ordinary fan or movie fan, otherwise Enthusiastic general audience.

At this time, Michael only felt bitterness on the tip of his tongue. He had seen Hugo several times before and after, but Hugo had no impression of him. Of course, Michael had heard of Hugo’s face blindness and knew that Hugo was not good at remembering names, but Michael didn’t think that Hugo knew nothing about him. Now that Hugo is posing like this, he is obviously taking Joe. . But even if this is the truth, there is no way for Michael. He is the one who needs a low profile. This makes Michael a little bit aggrieved. He finally sat on the position of head of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, but it was not for the sake of showing up. Low profile!

"Hugo, I'm Michael Roselle..." He had to introduce himself, but Hugo still had a blank expression, looming in the dim lights of the club, but it became more and more ironic. Michael even I have to take a deep breath to calm my emotions, "President of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association."

Hugo suddenly realized that he finally understood who he was in front of him, but in fact Hugo still didn't realize why Michael would find himself-he has been busy in the "Trumen's World" crew for this period of time, Rick He didn't even mention the Golden Globes with him. He just thought it was an accidental encounter, "Hey, Michael, sorry, I was really rude. Please forgive me for being rude."

In fact Even if Hugo knew about the Golden Globes, he would not take it too seriously, just like Michael found him at the Berlin Film Festival last year. Hugo didn’t quite understand the intertwined interests behind an awards ceremony. He simply felt that the lack of an actor would not have much impact on large-scale awards ceremonies such as the Golden Globes and Oscars. Marlon Brando and Woody Allen. I have missed the Oscar many times, and I haven't seen anything wrong with the Oscar, have I?

Hugo's apology made the smile at the corner of Michael's mouth stiff. It was obviously an apology and I should feel relieved, but Michael felt a bit guilty in his heart, but Michael concealed his emotions well, "It's okay, it's okay at all. "Michael chuckled, "So, are you here to party too? I thought you should be filming in Florida now."

Hugo waved his hand and replied with a smile, "I just finished work not long ago, come here today to relax." Hugo did not tell the truth, but only responded politely.

Hugo’s polite attitude is another kind of provocation in Michael’s eyes, because he thinks it’s impossible for Hugo to not know about the Golden Globe Awards, which made Michael feel tricky, so he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. , The smile is almost unsustainable.

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