
Chapter 1982: Flustered inexplicably

Charlize closed his eyes, and the complicated thoughts slowly calmed down in the cold sea breeze, and the restlessness and uncertainty quietly disappeared in his heart. The alcohol in her chest burned and the brain began to become chaotic. She seemed to have only drunk two glasses of champagne and a cocktail, but all her thoughts were mixed into a paste, and it seemed that all the scenery was groggy. Cast a halo.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the night sky. The bright stars were surrounded by a blur of light, and the whole night sky was lit up in one piece. The navy blue dome had a thrilling beauty, and even the exclamation disappeared from my throat. Here, he can only open his eyes and accept the baptism of the beautiful scenery in front of him in a daze.

"What's the matter? Are you really drunk?" The familiar warm voice broke the silence in the middle of the night. Even if Charlize didn't need to look up, he knew that Hugo was standing next to her. This voice was too familiar to her. Up. But Charlize did not lower his head, still looking at the night sky in front of him, and then immediately heard Leonardo's voice, "Here, the warm water you want."

Leonardo put the warm water into Charlize's hands, which made Charlize chuckle, "Don't worry, it's not that serious, it's just that I was choked while drinking." At this time, she lowered her head. Looking forward again, I saw Hugo and Leonardo standing side by side in front of me.

Charlize's answer was really short and rude, making Hugo and Leonardo both a black line, Charlize himself couldn't help but chuckle.

In the dim lights of the party. Charlize looked at Hugo's star-like eyes and looked at it quietly for a while, which made Hugo a little puzzled. Wei Wei raised her eyebrows and asked with her eyes, "What's wrong?" Charlize's heartbeat slowed down slightly, and then she drew a smile, shook her head, then bowed her head naturally and started drinking water, hiding her eyes. The fluctuations, let the entangled water vapor relax the stinging eyes.

"You all left. Is the party okay?" Leonardo said with some worry and some joking. Tonight, there are really too many temptations. Confused. But Leonardo still chose to attend, because he knew he could not escape for a lifetime, otherwise his dream of being an actor would come to an end.

However, came to the party scene. Leonardo was at a loss again, facing the dense crowd, his first action was to drink, trying to use alcohol to numb himself, and then drunk and dreamed of death. When he reacted, he was half drunk, holding the last bit of sanity remaining, Leonardo hid in the corner, trying to calm himself down.

But Leonardo hasn't fully woken up yet. Then he, Charlize and Hugo all hid in this corner.

Hugo noticed Charlize's somewhat uncomfortable expression, but before he had time to explore, Charlize lowered his head. Then Leonardo’s words caught Hugo’s attention, he turned his head and looked over, "Hehe, it’s okay, the most important protagonist of this night is not me or Charlize. You can barely count as half, but As long as the king of the world stays on the scene, I believe there will be no problem."

The word "King of the World" made Charlize and Leonardo both laugh unkindly, especially Leonardo, who participated in the "Titanic", laughed happily, forwards and backwards. turn.

"I thought, we should be able to leave secretly now, and the paparazzi will come up in a while." Hugo looked back at the still lively party scene, and let out a long sulky breath-something useful tonight His brain is overdone. He only feels extremely tired now. Even thinking is a little reluctant. He just wants to leave here to breathe some fresh air. "I plan to visit Ernst at Sunset Plaza-I hope he is still have not slept."

Charlize rolled his eyes and said, "I bet he will send you a basin of footwash directly." It was already midnight, and Ernst had always fallen asleep early. It would be a natural time to disturb him at this time. Dead end.

Hugo shrugged, "I will bring a raincoat." Then he looked back and forth between Leonardo and Charlize, "Are you planning to join me?"

Leonardo immediately raised his hands, "I'm going, I'm going!" But the result was too strong, and the whole person began to shake, and he almost fell over. It can be seen that his wine is still not complete. Awake.

Charlize was about to blurt out and agreed, but raised his head and took a deep look at Hugo, then lowered his gaze and twitched the corner of his mouth, "No, I'd better go back to sleep first. I really feel uncomfortable." After a while, Charlize adjusted his breathing, as if everything was back to normal, "You can drop me back to the apartment, and then go to Sunset Plaza."

They are friends, just friends.

Hugo did not detect Charlize’s abnormality, or to be more precise, he felt Charlize’s abnormality, but thought that Charlize was just uncomfortable, "Okay, no problem. I think we should secretly now. After leaving, I always feel that when Leo came to look for me just now, a reporter saw it. We had better leave as soon as possible before causing him further suspicion."

After speaking, Hugo stretched out his right hand and placed it in front of Charlize. Charlize looked at the well-knotted palm in front of her eyes. The familiar lines drew a faint shadow under the not bright light, causing her heart to pause slightly, and she could not help but hold her breath. His right hand was placed in Hugo's palm—familiar temperature, familiar touch, familiar breath, but it made Charlize feel the difference.

With the power of Hugo's right hand, Charlize stood up, then let go of Hugo's hand and quietly put his hand on his side.

Hugo didn't think too much, and then he patted Leonardo on the shoulder, "Go, let's lead the way, Charlize you will follow." Then followed Leonardo and strode away calmly. Try to avoid any special movements that attract the attention of others.

Hugo's back figure outlined an undulating arc under the light, like a continuous undulating curve in an ink painting. The heart paused once again. Charlize lowered his eyes, let out a long breath, and walked quickly. Up.

Leaving the Sunset Tower Hotel, unconsciously getting rid of the paparazzi's stalking, Hugo quickly sent Charlize to the door of his house, "Are you sure you can't go to Sunset Plaza?" Hugo asked again.

Charlize shook his head, "Take me to say hello to Ernst-if you can see him." After speaking, Charlize grinned, then turned to look at Hugo in the driver's seat. , Stunned, she actually a little forgot how they usually say goodbye, is it a hug? shake hands? Or is it a veneer gift?

The short circuit of the brain made Charlize silent for one or two seconds. There was a momentary silence in the carriage. Hugo cast his eyes in a puzzled manner. Charlize quickly retracted his eyes as if his chest was scalded. , And then she remembered: They usually say goodbye without any special actions at all, and even if they say goodbye by just waving their hands, today should be no exception.

Charlize opened the door straight away, and the sound of the "bang" door opened broke the silence, "I'm leaving." Charlize waved his hand directly, and then got out of the car. Although she wanted to stay calm and tried to walk back to the apartment at a normal pace, she couldn't help but began to speed up, as if...

Hugo looked at the back of Charlize, who was leaving quickly, and soon disappeared into the apartment building on the first floor. Hugo noticed the anomaly, but couldn't tell why. Tonight he really has too much information stuffed into his brain, and now the whole person is very tired from body to spirit. After thinking about it, he found that he didn't have any clues at all.

With a light sigh, Hugo withdrew his gaze, without thinking any more, started the engine again and drove towards the sunset square.

When he arrived at the destination, Hugo found that Leonardo was actually asleep, which made Hugo laugh dumbfounded and patted Leonardo's cheek lightly, "Are you sure you want to go up with me?"

Leonardo sat up immediately, "Go, of course I want to go." Those blank eyes showed that he didn't even know where to go, but he insisted on his own opinion, which made Hugo chuckle. Laughed. Hearing this voice, Leonardo was completely awake, looked around, and then realized where it was, and his spirit came back, "It’s been a long time since I’ve been back here, and I feel really kind. ."

Leonardo opened the door first and walked down. Hugo turned off the engine, then got out of the car, followed Leonardo along the strange and familiar alley and started up the mountain.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and there was silence around the entire Sunset Plaza, in stark contrast to the lively parties. But this silence has an indescribable beauty, which calms all the irritability and all anxieties ~ It seems that the whole world is brightened-at one o'clock in the morning.

Climbing up the steps, Hugo and Leonardo didn’t speak, they just walked quietly. The sound of the friction between the soles of the feet and the gravel was the only sound in the entire world, but it made the two people’s steps slower and slower. , The tight shoulders gradually relaxed. When he walked to the familiar apartment building, Leonardo, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. This made Hugo who followed him by surprise and said, "What's the matter?"

In an instant, the quiet night was broken, and the moonlight into the water rippled.

Leonardo looked back at Hugo, his face was full of surprise, but Hugo still did not understand, and was about to step forward to take a look, when he heard a deep and hoarse voice in front of the apartment building, "Because He saw me and thought he saw a ghost." This voice... is Ernst?

Hugo stepped up the steps, stood beside Leonardo, and saw Ernst sitting under the big tree in the doorway. He lit a cigarette in his hand, and the curling smoke slowly rose. There is not even a bit of prestige around, the smoke is straight and straight, and there is a kind of indifferent and tranquil Zen.

"Everyone is caring or sleeping at this time, why are you suddenly running over?" (to be continued)

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