Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 332 Exchange Student Dormitory—Villa Small House

India's natural climate is mainly divided into two seasons, namely the dry season and the rainy season.

It's September now, and it's the end of the rainy season. It's hot and rainy, so when Li Zian and his group just walked out of the airport, they felt a wave of humidity and sweltering heat blowing towards them.

As soon as they took two steps, they saw several Indians holding a sign saying "Welcome exchange students from Huaxia University of Arts to Mumbai for exchange and study". Looking at their modern and well-dressed appearance, they felt like teachers.

After actual contact, I found that they were indeed teachers.

"Teacher Wang Chen, hello, I am a teacher at Bollywood Film Academy. In the next six months of exchange life, I will be in charge of your learning and exchange. My name is Sanjay Singh. You just call me Sanjay Singh." Just Jay."

Sanjay Singh, the teacher in charge of connecting with Wang Chen, speaks fluent Chinese, and skillfully communicated with Wang Chen and others. The accent is also very pure, not the strange accent of Li Zian's fans just now. , If you don't look at it from the outside, but only listen to the voice, you will even feel that this person is from China.

"Sanjay Singh?" Standing next to Li Zian, Anya muttered the name, and then whispered in Li Zian's ear: "The surname Singh is commonly used by the standard Kshatriya in the Indian caste system." Surname, just judging from the surname, this teacher should have a high status in the Bollywood Film Academy."

When talking about India, the caste system is a topic that cannot be avoided.

This system divides people into four grades, namely Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra. Because of this system, some people are born noble and can enjoy the support of low-level surnames, while some people are born with low surnames. Low and humble, even if you work hard all your life, you can't escape the shackles of your surname.

In fact, in addition to these four surnames, there is another unrecognized surname level, that is Dalit. Anyone with this surname, in the eyes of people with the upper class surname, is a pariah, and they can only engage in the profession of pariahs all their lives. , Life after life, children and grandchildren cannot escape the cage brought by their surnames.

Information about the caste system related to India quickly flashed through Li Zian's mind, and then he shook his head: "Don't be so subjective, India has announced the abolition of the caste system for many years, and people are making progress."

"Hmph, then India claims that they have been equal to men and women for many years, do you believe it?" Anya asked back with a soft snort.


Li Zi'an was at a loss for words.

"Hey, even if we all understand, but in other people's land, it's better to save face for them. There are quite a lot of people in India who can speak Chinese."

Li Zian smiled slightly.

"Okay, okay, you are the boss, you have the final say."

Anya replied with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Li Zian nodded with a smile.

In fact, he could see that Anya had a certain prejudice against this country. After all, as a woman, it was normal for her to feel uncomfortable in this kind of country where everyone inherently thought that women were inferior.

In front, after Wang Chen and Sanjay exchanged simple greetings, everyone began to board the car one by one.

The Bollywood Film Academy sent them a luxury bus with plenty of air-conditioning, and every seat looked brand new. There were brochures about India and snacks on each seat. There are drinks, brand new blankets, brochures of Bollywood Film Academy.

These things were neatly stacked, and on the top of these things, there was a card with a flower on it, and it was written in Chinese: Welcome top students from Huaxia Arts University to come to Bollywood Film Academy for exchange and study!

"Hey, this treatment made me feel less unbalanced towards those exchange students in Europe and America."

Looking at the environment in the car and the things on the seat, He Yilun smiled and expressed emotion to Li Zian, Lin Cheng and others.

Everyone smiled, and then found a place to sit down one by one.

This time, there were only 12 students sent by Huaxia Arts University Film Academy to Bollywood Film Academy as exchange students, and Li Zian's 12-member team also went to India.

In other words, the entire team of exchange students going to India is all from Li Zian's team, and there are no other people. Wang Chen said that he is the teacher who leads the whole team. The teacher that Li Zian was connected with, and before departure, Zhou Guochuan personally approached Wang Chen and explained some things.

Li Zian took the team to India this time, both Wang Chen and Li Zian knew what happened.

As early as the beginning of August, Li Zian already knew the destination of his exchange students. After learning that he was assigned to Mumbai, India, Li Zian once said in their team group that if anyone does not want to go to India , he can ask Zhou Guochuan to make adjustments.

However, none of them chose to leave the team, and they all chose to follow Li Zian to India.

All of them knew very well that it didn't matter where they went, what mattered was where Li Zian went.

One of them counts as the other, they are all elites in various departments, and they are also people with extremely high dual quotients. They all understand that at this stage, it is the most beneficial choice to mingle with Li Zian.

At the same time, they are all eager, hoping that their abilities can be seen by Li Zian, and then they can truly join Li Zian's core team and become a real team member under Li Zian's command. This is the goal in everyone's heart.

Because they share a common goal, their exceptional unity and cohesion are unmatched by other teams.

After everyone found a place to sit down one by one, after Wang Chen counted the number of people, the luxury bus began to drive towards Mumbai city.

During the driving process, Sanjay stood at the forefront, a bit like a tour guide of a tourist group, holding a microphone in his hand, speaking his fluent Chinese, and began to introduce his country to everyone, introducing him to Mumbai The city introduces the customs and landscape features, and finally introduces the Bollywood Film Academy and Bollywood film and television base in detail.

Sanjay is not very tall and has a dark complexion, but he is very funny. He often makes witty remarks, which makes everyone in the car laugh. After nearly an hour's drive, everyone did not feel bored at all. Think of yourself as a tourist here.

When the luxury bus drove into downtown Mumbai, it was already past six o'clock in the evening, and the sky began to gradually darken. The traffic in the city was crowded, and the speed of the luxury bus gradually slowed down.

Everyone leaned out the window, looking at the foreign city outside the window.

Looking around, there are very few tall buildings, most of which usually do not exceed five floors, and looking at the Indian people walking on the street, they generally wear short-sleeved clothes of a single color. It seems that it would be impolite to use If you use an adjective to describe it, you can only use one word to describe it.

Sometimes passing by places where street vendors gather, the flow of people is huge, and the feeling of hustle and bustle is full of chaos.

Everyone silently observed the surrounding scenery and the place where they would live for half a year in the future.

Located in the heart of the city, the Bollywood Film Academy occupies a very large area.

When the luxury bus drove into the Bollywood Film Academy, everyone's eyes lit up slightly as they looked at the environment inside the school.

Gardens, fountains, squares, buildings full of modern and artistic sense, and students dressed in fashion and elegance.

Compared with the disappointment along the way, the school environment still meets their expectations.

However, when the luxury bus pulled them to the dormitory area, everyone cheered up.

"Holy shit, luxurious villas and bungalows with their own small gardens, five people live in one house? This life seems a bit cool!"

Looking at the surrounding environment, He Yilun couldn't help but swear.

"It's really cool."

Even Li Zian had to admit that the environment here was quite good, but Zhou Guochuan didn't lie to him.

"Students, your dormitory area has arrived. There are four villas for you to choose from. Our school staff will come to contact you later. If you have any needs in life, you can tell them , or you can call me."

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, our school will send students from our school to accompany you to Mumbai for a day. We will gather here at that time. I hope you will not be late."

After getting off the car, everyone took their luggage, and Sanjay stood in front and said to everyone with a smile.

Everyone was very happy when they heard that someone would take it with them for a day of play tomorrow, and responded loudly to Sanjay.

What Sanjay should say has been said in the car, Wang Chen explained a few more words, and then everyone dragged their luggage and began to divide the villas.

In fact, everyone had already been divided when they were in the car. Li Zian took Anya to a villa with four people. As for the rest plus the other three bodyguards in Li Zian's company, there were exactly 20 people.

After everyone divided the villas, they began to arrange their own luggage.

Next, after eating, exchanging cards, exchanging coins, filling in forms and other trivial matters, after finishing all this work, it was almost late at night, and everyone soon went to bed early...

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