Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 348 Asian Film Festival

"Good luck with the boot, I wish you all the best!"

"Big box office hit!"

"Come on, make new achievements!"


Since coming off the stage, Li Zian has been lingering in the front row of the auditorium with a glass of red wine.

Those who can sit in the front row of the auditorium are all invited guests.

Among them were the deputy dean of the Bollywood Film Academy, the director of the Bollywood Film Studio, and many people from the Mumbai film industry. Besides, some local dignitaries from Mumbai also came.

Some of these people came for Li Zian, and some came for Harry Tiweedy, anyway, it didn't matter who came, the so-called visitor was a guest, and Li Zian showed enough enthusiasm to everyone.

After all, in the next few months, maybe these people will be able to use it.

Holding the red wine glass and turning around half a circle, Li Zian came to the last table where a toast was needed.

"Student Li, I wish you a good start."

When Li Zian walked towards them, Raj Sharma and others had already stood up from their chairs.

The last table was Raj Sharma and others.

On the first day when Li Zian and others arrived in India, these people accompanied them on a tour of Mumbai. Naturally, Li Zian would not forget this favor, so at today's opening banquet, Li Zian invited them over , is to express some thanks.

"Raj, thank you!"

Li Zian smiled and clinked his glass with Raj Sharma, and then he gave a slight gesture to the students behind Raj Sharma.

It is still the same sentence, the so-called generals against generals, soldiers against soldiers.

Li Zian and Raj Sharma can be regarded as people of the same level. Facing this table, Li Zian only needs to deal with Raj Sharma. As for the others, He Yilun and others behind Li Zian will naturally deal with them .

After the two clinked glasses, they each took a sip of wine.

Putting down his wine glass, Raj Sharma looked at Li Zian with complicated eyes.

"You are very courageous and courageous, I am not as good as you."

Raj Sharma said with a sigh.

Hearing this, Li Zian smiled lightly and said, "Restrictions on your status make you scruples about many things, but I am different. I am a passer-by after all to this land and this country. If I am in In your position, I will not be so aggressive, this matter varies from person to person, there is no need to make comparisons, and there is no need to make comparisons."

"You don't have to be humble. Even if I am in your position, I don't think I would have the courage to go directly to Mr. Hari Tiwidi and invite him to cooperate." Raj Sharma retorted earnestly.

Facing Raj Sharma's serious expression, Li Zian shrugged his shoulders: "Well, since you insist on praising me so seriously, then I can only be disrespectful."

After finishing speaking, Li Zian and Raj Sharma looked at each other and couldn't help laughing at the same time.

"By the way, what have you been up to lately?" Li Zian took a sip of his wine from his cup and joked with a smile, "You won't be frightened by my big fight, right?"

Raj Sharma smiled when he heard this, and gently shook the bright red wine in the goblet with his right hand: "I am busy preparing for the project, and it is estimated that in half a month, my movie will almost be ready to start." , maybe our movie may be released at the same time, so we can compare it then?"

The two were testing each other, and there was a little tit-for-tat in their words, but the smell of gunpowder was very faint, or even almost non-existent, just like a conversation between two good friends.

"Okay, but how do you want to compare? If you want to compare the box office, I think you should forget it. There is a great possibility that my movie will be introduced to China. If you compare the box office, it is really bullying you. "Li Zian replied with a smile.

Although Li Zian said that it was very possible, in fact, the probability of this high possibility was almost 100%.

With Huaxia University of the Arts to blame, and Zhou Guochuan as the platform, Li Zian wants to introduce movies to China, who would dare to stop him?

Whoever stops him is unlucky!

"Of course I won't compete with you at the box office. The investment of your film alone exceeds 1 billion rupees, and Mr. Harry Tiwidi joined in. I'm not as brave as you, nor as big as you." battle." Raj Sharma smiled frankly.

"Then what do you want to compare?"

Li Zian looked at him curiously, and asked.

"In June next year, the Asian Film Festival will open. Let's compare and see whose film gets the most nominations? How about who wins the most awards?"

As for the content of the competition, Raj Sharma seemed to have thought about it a long time ago.

Hearing this, Li Zian frowned slightly: "Asian film festivals usually don't bring us Chinese people to play, can I also participate?"

The Asian Film Festival, as the name suggests, is a grand event in the Asian film circle, representing the highest film award in the Asian film circle.

But what is more interesting is that since Huaxia is also entrenched in Asia, and Huaxia’s film output capacity has been unprecedentedly strong in recent years, this has led to the fact that if the Asian Film Festival includes Huaxia, then this Asian Film Festival is almost unnecessary. It is estimated that the awards are almost all won by Chinese filmmakers.

So since ten years ago, Asian film festivals have gradually stopped bringing Chinese filmmakers, and Chinese filmmakers are less willing to make do with Asian film festivals.

After all, every time I go, if I win an award, but fail to gain fame, and instead get scolded by filmmakers from neighboring countries, anyone will feel upset.

In the end, it evolved into the current model. The Asian Film Festival is held every two years. For filmmakers from all Asian countries except China, it is considered a relatively grand film festival. Great fame.

In China, however, they play by themselves. The domestic film festival Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award is held every year. The gold content of this award is not low compared to Asian film festivals.

Externally, it is the Dragon Bottle Film Festival. This film festival is held every two years and is open to global film festivals. It is currently the largest event for filmmakers in the world. The ultimate dream of every filmmaker is almost impossible to escape the golden dragon bottle trophy.

This is the current status of world film competitions. After Li Zi'an learned about it, he felt very novel and interesting.

"Although you are from China, your "Let's Wrestle, Dad" was produced in India. The actors and production team are all Indians. The content of the story is all Indian materials, and the relevant procedures are also in India. It was done in China, and if you take this work to participate in the Asian Film Festival, who can find fault?"

Raj Sharma asked with a smile.

Li Zian nodded when he heard the words: "That's fine, then do as you said."

Hearing that Raj Sharma mentioned that he wanted to compete at the Asian Film Festival, Li Zian was also aroused a little interest.

Domestic film awards are relatively high-end, and every time they are held, it is really a fight between great gods. With Li Zian's current achievements, he can't even make a fuss about it.

His current fame and the touted points of the media are basically making a fuss about his age.

Age + achievements far beyond age = gimmick

However, in fact, Li Zian's achievements, if he put aside his aura of age, are actually far behind those directors who really stand at the top of the domestic food chain.

Domestic PK is not good, but in foreign countries, as far as this movie is concerned, Li Zian has a little confidence and feels that he can fight for it.

After all, this movie of mine, whether it's the cast or the script, is top-notch, there's no reason to be cowardly.

After Li Zian made up his mind to go to the Asian Film Festival to see the world, he casually asked Raj Sharma, "What kind of movie are you going to make this time? Find out."

"I plan to make a film that reflects the current inaction of domestic officials."

Regarding his subject matter, Raj Sharma spoke out very generously, without any cover-up.

Hearing this, Li Zian nodded slightly.

Raj Sharma aimed at this social issue, which is not a small step, and this is somewhat sensitive issue.

Thinking of this, Li Zian suddenly envied Raj Sharma for having so many materials to shoot.

Unlike my country, there are no problems, it's perfect.


You say I lied?

Come on, bring me my little leather whip of Socialist Harmony, and see if I don't get whipped to death!

Don't ask, just ask!

Li Zian chatted with Raj Sharma for a while, and finally toasted a glass of wine again, and then proposed to leave. After all, there were so many people present, Li Zian still needed to visit the rest of the tables.

And just when Li Zian's side was getting drunk, Huaxia Network, which was already approaching midnight, was suddenly boiled by the news that just came from India's side...

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