Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 376 A single spark can start a prairie fire

#《打打吧,巴哥》The little heroine Rama Gower dedicated the ending song of the record! #

#shock sound, children's voice! #

#Small body, big energy, Rama Gore's voice of nature! #


After the first roadshow, one post after another quickly swept the entire Indian Internet, and then quickly swept the entire Southeast Asia and even the entire Asia in a very short period of time.

In just 24 hours, the video of Rama Gore singing the ending song "Who Am I" of "Let's Wrestle, Dad" on the road show stage was reposted by countless people.

Li Zian forwarded it!

Retweeted by Harry Tiweedy!

The number of views exceeded 100 million, the amount of forwarding exceeded 10 million, and the number of likes exceeded 10 million!


In just one day, Little Lama exploded!

Through this short video, I don’t know how many people know Lama Jr., and how many people know the movie "Let's Wrestle, Dad" because of this.

This situation was something neither Li Zian nor Harry Tiwedi expected at first.

Before the two reposted it, the video itself had already become popular, and the reposting by the two of them only served as a boost.

And the reason why this video became popular is mainly because Little Rama sang so well.

Being sprayed on the Internet, being abused, and booed.

These negative voices are constantly piling up in her heart like a fuel for combustion. Over the past few months, she has become accustomed to using music to express her inner negative emotions, so on that stage, she ignited the fire in her heart, I integrated my desire, stubbornness, persistence and other emotions into the singing, and then burst out.

This kind of music will make everyone feel shocked from the inside out when watching this video.

At the same time, while Little Rama became popular, the background and experience of Little Rama were also picked up.

In Southeast Asian countries, although women in other countries are not as miserable as Indian women, gender discrimination is still quite common in Southeast Asian countries, and the idea of ​​patriarchal preference is deeply rooted.

So many girls have had a similar experience. When they heard Little Lama's singing, they would have the same empathy as Little Lama. The kind of singing that is full of longing for the future is so touching.

Little Lama became popular overnight, but what followed was huge controversy.

The abuse and criticism still exist, and their voices have become louder.

But this time, it was no longer one-sided scolding.

Voices of support began to appear, and this voice was like a spring fire. It only took a few days from a single spark to a prairie fire.

These voices of support are almost all from women.

Perhaps in real life, their status is very low, and they are determined not to argue with the men at home, but online, who cares who you are.

I have suffered enough grievances on weekdays, do I still have to get used to you male chauvinists online? !

The combination of new and old hatreds has made these women who speak out on the Internet extremely powerful in combat. Not to mention one against ten, but one against five is absolutely no problem.

Because of a small video, a huge public opinion on gender equality shrouded the entire network of Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, after realizing the popularity of this video, Li Zian's film promotion team immediately made a series of plans around this video, and then quickly started promoting around this topic.

Because the protagonist of this video is Little Rama, and Little Rama is the heroine of the movie, and she sang the ending song of the movie.

So the more popular this video is, the more beneficial it will be for the promotion of the movie.

Under the operation of Li Zian and others, Li Zian's new movie "Wrestle, Dad" has long been the most anticipated movie among all the women in Southeast Asia among the recently released movies.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to this matter. The expectations of this movie in women's hearts are extremely high, but in the hearts of many men, they are very resistant.

"Women hold up half the sky. Looking at the world, which major country does not advocate and firmly implement the policy of equality between men and women?"

"The country needs to develop, and women need to be independent!"

"Fart, what else can a woman do besides take care of the family and take care of the children? Can she defend the country? Can she go to the battlefield?"

"Then what can you men do? It's hard to say whether we women can defend our home and country, but I can be sure that those fighters who defend our home and country are born of us women!"

"We women can have children, but can you men?"

"Only when men and women have equal status can there be no discrimination in society and the country can prosper. The example of Huaxia is right in front of us. Why do so many people turn a blind eye to it?!"


Because of a video of Lamar Jr., this old theory has once again been brought to the fore.

As for Li Zian and others behind the scenes, whenever the popularity of public opinion drops a little, they will choose an appropriate time to throw out some videos that can maintain the popularity.

Or the trailer, or the tidbits during the filming process on the set.

Most of these tidbits are about Little Lama and several heroines. In one tidbit, Little Lama is filming a scene of wrestling in a sandpit. The tidbit uses fast-forward techniques to shoot Xiao Lama in the sandpit over and over again. The process was filmed.

For half an hour, until Little Lama was too tired to get up in the sandpit, she didn't yell any tired word.

There are also tidbits in which the heroine finished filming the wrestling scene in the gymnasium, came off the set, took off her clothes, her elbows and knees were covered with bruises, but she smiled and said it was okay.

These videos were released one after another, making the wave of public opinion even bigger, and more and more women began to leave, and even many women with status and status even entered the venue with their real names to support women's independence.

Most of the countries in Southeast Asia are small countries with a small land area and a small population.

In such a small country, the cycle of topics is usually very long, and the popularity will last for a long time.

For example, in the Wanwan Province in the previous life, even if a certain leader farted in public, it would be repeatedly discussed by various media in the Wanwan Province.

Why is she farting on this occasion? Did she fart on that occasion with any deep meaning? What does this fart taste like? What does she think of that fart?

It's really a fart for those media. These small countries are similar to Wanwan Province. There is not so much news for the public to entertain every day. Therefore, in the face of the current wave of public opinion sweeping across Southeast Asia, the media in these small countries are very concerned. It's very positive, and those people are very happy to eat such an international big melon.

In the continuous upsurge of public opinion, "Wrestle, Dad", which was the initial core of public opinion, was officially released simultaneously in more than ten countries in Southeast Asia on March 26 after a grand premiere...!

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