Supreme Demon

Chapter 3278: Glory to the country!

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The Yaotian Mission is coming back!

The God of Glory is coming back!

This news instantly ignited the Kingdom of Glory. For a time, thousands of people were empty, not to mention the City of Glory, but all the cities that the Yaotian group passed by were all looking forward to it.

Although the battlefield of the Five Kingdoms Battle is in Wanshan, this grand event has attracted national attention, even a three-year-old child knows it. Therefore, every battle has people sending news back to the country, which makes people aware and concerned.

When Yaoshi Tuan and Yao Kong Tuan were defeated, the hearts of the entire Kingdom of Glory sank. People had difficulty breathing and felt the same, and they were extremely pessimistic.

At that time, people felt that the Kingdom of Glory would be completely gloomy, and it would be difficult for the Yaotian group to turn the tide.


The Yaotian regiment swept through the three large regiments with invincible posture, destroying the Wanyu battle regiment, and let Hao? Foundation

A person.

A battle group.

Turn the tide!

What kind of style is this?

What kind of strength is this?

When the glory of the emperor and the glory of the world could not provoke the glory of the ancient country, the glory of the sky and the glory of the war **** came forward and cast a mythical record.

They are well-deserved kings of war!

They are the well-deserved first battle group!

Today, every battle of the Yaotian regiment has been turned over by people, chewing carefully, chewing the glory that belongs to them, chewing the glorious deeds like the sky.

The Yaotian group was trapped, which made them worry, the Yaotian group was killed and wounded, causing them heartache, the Yaotian group...too many, and now they all converged into the most satisfying smile.

At this moment, the Yaotian group is back.

The people of the Glory Kingdom are the easiest and easiest to satisfy. When the Yaotian regiment returns with a big victory, they can do not much. They can applaud, they can cheer, and they can crown those heroes.

Mo Kong City is empty.

There were crowds of people on both sides of the street, but they were extremely quiet, everyone's eyes were looking straight ahead, even though the place was empty and the Yaotian group had not come, but they were willing to wait.



The heavy footsteps sounded, which was still very shallow at first, but only for a moment, the footsteps became heavy.

Not long after, in front of the wide open gate of Mokong City, a battle group appeared, with more than 8,000 people, with clear armor and strict military discipline. They came slowly like a torrent of steel.

Their steps fell on the ground, but only made the same sound.

Their expressions are solemn, they are cold and solemn.

What followed them was the evil spirit that made everyone present chill, but people did not reduce their enthusiasm because of the cold, but became more energetic.

Yaotian Mission!

Only the Yaotian group!

At the forefront is Wu Ming. He is holding a large flag on which the Yaotian flag is flying. Although it is damaged and stained with blood, it adds to the charm of the Yaotian group.

Behind Wu Ming is a coffin. It is the martyrs of the Yaotian regiment who sacrificed in the Battle of the Five Kingdoms. Now they are all brought back by the Yaotian regiment to accept the glory together.

Glory, they deserve it!

Behind the coffin were more than 8,000 members of the Yaotian group. They did not look sideways, they moved forward high, with unparalleled strength in the weight.

The already quiet streets became quieter due to the appearance of the Yaotian group.

People brought ribbons and flowers, but no one came forward at this moment, no one cheered, they just looked at Yaotian Group.

People thought it was a grand carnival, but at this moment they couldn't carve anymore, because in front of this battle group, any carnival was a kind of blasphemy.


When the Yaotian group came to the center of the city, Xu Hang shouted, put one hand on his chest, and saluted the people.

When all the members of the Yaotian regiment salute, put one hand on their chests, and unify, the sky full of momentum merges into a frenzy, representing the strongest fighting will of the Yaotian regiment.

"The Yaotian regiment has lived up to the expectations and returned with honor!"

Yuan Qing snorted and walked forward with the Yaotian group. They don't need praise anymore. When people spontaneously come and stand all over the street, what they want is already in their hearts.

Scattered applause sounded, and then merged into an ocean, people's eyes were wet, people trembling with excitement.

People cannot wear ribbons for the Yaotian group, they cannot send flowers to the Yaotian group, but they can give the Yaotian group the warmest applause.

The applause penetrated the void, and the applause exploded the universe.

Today, the Yaotian group returns with honor!


City Lord Mo Kong shouted, punched his chest with a fist, and expressed his strongest respect for Yaotian Group.

Only then did people realize that the sparse salutes were very scattered and completely different from the Yaotian group, but it moved the Yaotian group even more.

This was not the first city they passed through, but in each city, they received the same treatment.

This is exactly what they want!

At the beginning, God of Glory bluntly stated that they would make them the first soldiers and win the crown of the Five Nations. Although their tone was firm, they lacked confidence.

Now, they are standing here, all doubts and denials are annihilated, only the strongest will.

They did it!

They are the first soldiers of the Five Nations!

It is a pity that God of Glory did not walk with them and returned to the country directly, but the Yaotian regiment was ordered to stay. The enthusiasm of the people of the Glory Kingdom always needs to be vented, and the Yaotian regiment also needs this enthusiasm.

They paid, people are always embarrassed, right?

To tell the truth, when the Yaotian Mission passed through the first city, they were really surprised by the enthusiasm of the people. The applause and flowers in the sky made them tremble with tears and excitement.

But now they are calm.

It is not only applause, but also the expectations and respect of the people of the glory kingdom.

"The God of War is injured!"

Yuan Qing sighed, her eyes full of sentimentality.

To be able to win this battle, Ling Feng paid a lot. In order to make Yaotian regiment and Ye Blade appear on the battlefield of Wanshan as quickly as possible, Ling Feng had confronted Wanshan Tianwei twice and suffered heavy damage.

In the end, Ling Feng returned home "seriously injured".

Everyone in the Yaotian Group was not only grateful to Ling Feng, but also respected.

Without Ling Feng, there would be no Yaotian group now.

Without Ling Feng, there would be no glory to return to the country at this moment.

Because Ling Feng didn't enjoy such glory, everyone in the Yaotian regiment felt owed and sad.

The next day.

The Yaotian Group appeared in the City of Glory, and the vast crowd instantly moistened everyone in the Yaotian Group. The people were full of enthusiasm, shouting the name of the Yaotian Group, shouting "Return to the Kingdom of Glory", and shouting "First Battle" Soldiers".

That was what Ling Feng had threatened to do, but now that Yaotian Group has done it, they deserve this kind of glory.

The Kingdom of Glory personally came out to welcome the King of Dao, the King of Domain and the Kingdom of Xiangguo, which can be said to be the highest standard treatment in the history of the Kingdom of Glory.

Same day.

The Yaotian regiment entered the main palace, and the King of Glory personally put on them the title of "Invincible". Unfortunately, Ling Feng did not show up due to "serious injuries". Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and Zou Yuan did everything for them.

no doubt.

Today, it belongs to the Yaotian group.

Today belongs to Ling Feng!

Everyone in the Kingdom of Glory knows the invincible battle group of the Yaotian regiment, and also knows that the leader of the Yaotian regiment is the Glory God of War, whose prestige has long overshadowed the Glory Son and Goddess.

This is a great sorrow for the emperor of glory.


"Wait any longer?"

In the Garden of God, the Son of Glory stood in front of the garden, stroking a bunch of flowers, his eyes deep, like a deep pool.

"Before finding out its origin, the father and ancestors didn't want to touch him!"

The goddess of glory came slowly, with a flowery temperament.

She frowned slightly, and there was a flash of worry in her eyes.

They thought it would be a big help, but now it seems that they have invited a plague god, Ling Feng's performance is too bright, the Yaotian group is too strong, directly overshadowing the glory of the emperor.

Even now, the influence is great. The longer the time, the deeper Ling Feng's influence will be. By then, the ancient country only knew to glorify the God of War, but not the emperor. That situation was the most frightening.

The King of Glory can wait, but the Son of Glory dare not wait any longer.

"Up to two months!"

The Son of Glory shook his head and said dullly.


The Goddess of Glory frowned slightly, and couldn't help but persuade: "He is of unknown origin, but he is a dangerous person. It's right for the father to be careful. You don't want to..."

"I can't wait!"

The emperor Glory's eyes were cold, and he sighed and said, "He can't wait any longer!"

The Goddess of Glory wrapped her face in coolness, but she didn't say anything to refute. Although the Lady of Glory felt that Ling Feng was a dangerous person, he could wait any longer, but could Ling Feng wait?

Shen Lie is now a hostage.

After so long, can Ling Feng still not feel it?

Before the battle of the Five Kingdoms, the force of the palace was Ling Feng's force of battle. If the Kingdom of Glory did not release Shen Lie, then Ling Feng was afraid that he would go out of the Kingdom of Glory.

"If he dares to counter, he will be killed on the spot!"

"Everything needs an excuse!"

The emperor Glory shook his head and said: "He is in my country now, and he can only be killed by a few fingers. What really worries me is the popularity."

It is easy to kill a Ling Feng, but Ling Fenggui is the God of War of the Glory Nation, and he has made a wonderful contribution to the Glory Nation. At this time, if you want to kill Ling Feng, what infamy will the Glory Nation bear?

With this kill, the Yaotian group would be completely chilled.

This killing is equivalent to a resounding slap in the face of the people of the ancient country.

By then, the people of the ancient country will lose their minds, how many people will be willing to sell their lives for them?

Ling Feng's actions at that time completely established a moral position and stood in an invincible position. No matter what the Glory Kingdom does, it will be backed by treachery and punish the heroes.

"Indeed, he can't wait."

The Goddess of Glory chuckled and said, "But, he will still wait!"

"Yes, at least he has no strength for the time being, nor does he have the courage to stand in front of us." The Son of Honor said on the forehead.

"Victory has rewards, sin has punishment."

The Son of Glory smiled and said: "So, this merit must be rewarded, and it must be a great reward. As for sin, then we have to see how our God of War will dig out of the ancient country."

"Unfortunately, our God of War is very smart. After he returned home from a serious injury, he never showed up again."

The smile of the emperor of glory froze on his face again.


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