Chapter 343: On the list, swallowed again

These greedy hydras will quickly split after sensing and absorbing emotions.

And the speed of split is getting faster and faster!

If the growth rate of the Zerg is 2, 4, 6…

This addition rate has doubled!

Then the split growth rate of this greedy Hydra has reached a multiplier level!

Instantly grow from 2 to 2*2, and then to 2*2*2……

It grows at the multiplier level!

The doubling speed is simply unimaginable.

And as this greedy Hydra gets stronger and stronger, this growth rate will also be faster.

Once he reaches ninth-level, the growth rate will reach exponential.

With the ninth-level growth rate, the observable universe will be filled up by rapid attack.

So the defenders are trying to besie it in the same place.

At the same time, they sent out their civilization to eliminate the greedy Hydra that ran out with all their strength.

So, these civilizations are all very busy!

The movement caused by Shen An.

It’s not that no one found it, but that it couldn’t control it at all.

They can’t spare extra power to detect.

And on the other side.

At this time, the dimensions of the alien beasts began to gradually shrink,

The original small Universe, which was millions of light-years away, has now only a few hundred thousand light-years left.

Most of the power has been swallowed by Shen An.

“I need to digest it!”

“Leave Yuanyuan the rest!”

Shen An said and stopped swallowing immediately.

At this time, in the Universe in his body, it seemed that a universe explosion had occurred.

Various particles are transformed into the original superstring after compression.

Then as the substance exploded, the universe within the body also spread.

All kinds of particles are born again!

This process is like breathing, and the small universe in his body also grows rapidly.

At this moment, Shen An could feel the skyrocketing amount of Internal Energy.

According to his absorption rate.

Soon, it only takes a while to digest, and he can reach ninth-level!

“About three hundred years, I will be able to digest it thoroughly!”

“This deformed body can reach the ninth-level alien beast civilization!”

Shen An murmured in a low voice.

Three hundred years, it sounds like a lot.

But on the scale of Universe, this may be just a moment of civilization.

So Shen An is not in a hurry at all!

“Just have time!”

“You can go and see what’s going on with those psionic hydra!”

As Shen An spoke, he immediately returned to the Little Universe.


Shen An’s voice fell off.

Hearing a scream, Xiaomi’s silver figure appeared beside Shen An.

“Master, you are back!”

Xiaomi looked at Shen An curiously.

She could feel the enormous power in Shen An’s body.

The owner seems to be much stronger.

At this time, Shen An took a shot of the super instrument and slowly came to this Xiaomi.

“Xiaomi, how is the battle between Xujing and Daoist?”

Just as Shen An asked, Xiaomi shook his head.

“Master, from the current point of view, the defender does not seem to be optimistic!”

Then she stretched out her hand and waved in the air!


A light curtain projection appeared in front of Shen An.

I saw a universe of starry sky, and countless warships were attacking frantically in it.

And the Karma fortress of the defender is in it, releasing a terrifying particle stand.

Separate the Galaxy around here.

And in these Galaxy, there are countless psionic hydra.

With the Karma fortress flashing.

These segmented Galaxy immediately turned into a piece of particles, and the psionic Hydra in it was also eliminated.

But even so, the remaining psionic hydra only returned to the virtual realm once.

When he came out again, he was out of the control of Karma fortress and fled frantically around.

And according to the growth rate of the psychic Hydra.

It may only take a few days before the number of these psychic hydras will double again!

At this time, in the chat channel.

These survivors are complaining.

“These Hydras are too hard to kill!”

“Kill one and two, my warship was blown up just as soon as it went out!”

“Mine too, can only defend in one place.”

Seeing these people crying, Shen An’s heart moved.

These Hydras can travel freely between the virtual world and the material universe.

And in the virtual realm, they will all recover quickly.

In this case!

“I might as well just enter the Void Realm and wait for the rabbit!”

Shen An murmured in a low voice.

Then his heart moved.


Shen An’s psychic energy instantly appeared in the virtual realm.

At this time, he suddenly found out.

At this time, the surrounding area has been eroded by the subspace.

A lot of psionic Hydra wandered around.

And as Shen An appeared here, hundreds of thousands of psychic hydras rushed over immediately.

“That’s it?”

Shen An hooked the corner of his mouth.

The psychic energy was released instantly and began to swallow.

Under normal circumstances, the psionic quality of these Hydras crushes other psychics.

But in front of Shen An, they were the ones crushed.


The seven-color psychic energy of Shen An’s body stirred.

Cyan and yellow psionic energy transform into a huge furnace.

Then the orange psionic energy turned into tens of thousands of slender tentacles.

In an instant, these Hydras were immediately drawn in and fell into this melting pot.

Soon, these psychic hydra felt the danger and began to flee.

And Shen An also ate a lot in the process.


Shen An looked at the empty realm around him.

Can’t help but slurp, a little lost.

It would be better if I didn’t leave!

And at this time, in the chat channel.

The survivors who had been chatting suddenly noticed the task leaderboard.

“Well, the number of kills of the big man Shen An has appeared.”

“I’ll go, a lot! A thousand, still killing!”

“Big Shen An has to kill tens of thousands at a time, it’s normal!”

These people said, but they all looked at the mission kill list given by the system intently.

I saw that the number of kills continued to increase!

Ten thousand!

fifty thousand!

One hundred thousand!

“One hundred thousand, awesome!”

“Have you entered a battlefield of encirclement and suppression? Killed so fast!”

“Fuck, it’s faster again!”

At this time, Shen An’s kills had already reached 500,000!

Only then slowly stopped!

And Shen An has rushed to the top of the list of killing psionic creatures.

At this moment, these survivors were immediately speechless.

They managed to kill tens of thousands these days!

And the big man Shen An has killed hundreds of thousands in just ten minutes!

Is this the speed of the big bosses?


And the other side.

Wang Yichuan also saw the boss on the list.

“How did the boss do it?”

“My warships bombed for so long before they killed tens of thousands.”

“No, I have to ask.”

While Wang Yichuan spoke, he immediately came to the Little Universe.

The Great Wall at this time.

Shen An is already here.


Wang Yichuan stood in front of Shen An.

He rubbed his hands with an embarrassed smile on his face.

“What’s the matter?” Shen An asked.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yichuan smiled and scratched his head.

“Boss, how did you kill those psionic creatures?”

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