Chapter 65 The Most Cruel Civilization in the Universe, Predator Civilization

A large number of engineering robots spewed out of these battleships, as well as warriors wearing armor and holding weapons.

A battleship is stationed on the meteorite.

There are also some mining ships collecting meteorite materials from the surrounding area.

No. 3 solid planet.

The lights on Planet are dazzling, and the thousand-meter-high high-rises rise into the sky.

A space electromagnetic extends from the surface of the earth to the planet’s synchronous orbit.

Various small aircraft are flying in the sky.

This city is not much different from the future city that mankind once imagined.

To the north of the planet, surrounded by mountains, there is a huge radio telescope with a diameter of two kilometers in the valley.

In the radio telescope base.

Several civilized intelligent beings of Gangman in formal clothes are staring at the screen.

One of the intelligent beings of the steel barbarian civilization said, “Are you sure it is the predator civilization?”

“Almost certain! Judging from the construction style of their spacecraft or the style of action, it should be a predator civilization.”

The intelligent beings of these steel barbaric civilizations couldn’t help but frowned slightly and murmured: “Predator civilization, that’s terrible!”

“Hurry up and inform the leader! The predator civilization has invaded, and we have to respond!”

Predator civilization.

This is the most notorious civilization in the universe.

They have no productivity of their own and do not know how to develop.

They are the wanderers in the Galaxy, belonging to the spacecraft civilization.

They will not be permanently stationed in a resource-rich Star system, nor will they stay on that planet to develop technology.

There are only two words in their dictionary “Pillage!”

Their development only depends on plundering, plundering wherever they go.

They are more Damn it than space pirates.

As long as the places they pass by, the lives are overwhelmed and no grass grows, the intelligent life in the planet can’t escape the fate of being extinct.

This civilization is extremely cruel and has no humanity at all.

It’s ridiculous to say that in the dark universe, human nature may be the least valuable thing.

Talking about human nature in the universe, isn’t that moral kidnapping?

No. 3 solid planet.

Gangman civilization.

The people were in panic.

The city is in chaos, crime is everywhere, and some people kneel on the ground and pray for forgiveness and redemption from the gods.

Some people are releasing their last desires and want to have the last carnival before the end.

Some wealthy people gathered in the port, wanting to escape from this Star system.

Gangman civilization was thinking about whether to make an escape plan and leave with the fire of civilization.

But a large number of people gathered in the port, which has been blocked.


Why can those rich people escape and we have to wait for death here?

no! The idea of ​​fleeing is absolutely not allowed.

When the disaster does not really come to oneself, everyone can show profound righteousness.

For the continuation of civilization, for the race…

It sounds very noble anyway.

But when it’s your turn, it’s another face.

Why can others survive? Why should I stay here and wait for death?

no! Since I can’t go, don’t you guys want to go!

As a result, the only plan that could continue the fire of civilization was thus terminated.

Can’t go?

Then find a way to deal with it!

The other party was already stationed in Howling Valley.

There are more than 2,000 warships, among which the mothership is probably the D-class warship.

The length of the battleship is nearly 1 km…

With a civilization that is voyaging across the Star System, the level of technology must be higher than that of them!

how to spell?

The leader of Gangman civilization issued an order.

First of all, the full text clarifies that the people need to unite to survive this disaster.

All space fleets unite to form the first line of defense to resist the predator civilization outside the home planet.

Passive defense is worse than active attack.

If you wait for the other party to attack the home planet, it will deal a huge blow to the industrial assembly line they have finally established.

The second layer of defense.

If the sneak attack fails.

All military forces on the surface enter a state of emergency combat readiness, and conduct ground landing blockade after the first layer of defense is breakthrough.

Article by law was promulgated.

The entire Gangman civilization is waiting, and they are facing the most severe crisis in history.

They need to assemble the power of the entire civilization!

Howling Valley.

The strange predator civilization.

The huge D-class mothership is stationed here, and they are preparing forces.

Inside the mothership.

In the control center stood a lizard man with a body length of more than two meters and wearing armor.

“Chief! It’s sure that the baby Yuanchewer escaped to this Galaxy!”

“Really! A juvenile Elemental Devouring Beast. Haha! This time it won’t run away!”

Lizardman leader: “Let the wisdom civilization in this Galaxy hand over the Elemental Eater Beast, we can consider opening up the net.”

The subordinate asked: “Do you really want to open the Internet?”

The lizardman leader laughed and asked, “What do you think?”

“If they can hand it over, we won’t have to waste this time looking for the Elemental Devourer.”

Good guys!

Gangman civilization is inexplicably given to Shen An!

What kind of beast?

They have never seen that stuff at all!

The fleet of Gangman civilization departs from the 3rd solid planet.

A total of more than 6,000 warships of various kinds were assembled.

There are three fleets, led by three large mother ships.

This is all the space power of the Gangman civilization.

Some people may have questions.

A civilization has existed for so long, why is the number of warships similar to that of Shen An?

Even in some respects, it is not as good as Shen An.


It’s very simple.

The operation of a civilization is not just about industry.

Scientists are like locomotives, and others are like carriages.

It is the locomotive that drags a series of carriages forward. Except for scientists, everyone else is slowing down the progress of civilization.

Of course, this analogy is not very appropriate. After all, the continuation and development of a civilization is still imperfect relying on science.

Like Shen An, alone.

He does not need to consider social conflicts, demographic problems, economic problems, inflation, or unemployment.

All he has to do is to mine, build spacecraft, upgrade, mine, and build spacecraft.

If all the power of a civilization is used for industrial development, the development speed will definitely be much faster than that of Shen An.

Shen An was inside the Great Wall, eating steak and drinking wine, hugging the cat maid, and looking at the scenery outside the porthole.

Ugh! Life is boring!

Xiaomi: “Sir, it was detected. A fleet of D-class motherships and a large number of E-class and F-class warships, the number of warships is about two thousand.”

Shen An: “Oh”.

I don’t know how strong the opponent is, why don’t you grab it?

No more! Let’s not move for the first time! So far, it’s pretty good.

As long as you don’t provoke me, don’t care about him for the time being.

Reconnaissance first to see the strength of the opponent.

I don’t know if the other party has any associated forces. What if it is a civilized fleet of steel barbarians?

The evil man still doesn’t want to fight with the Gangman civilization.

Predator civilization fleet.

“Boss, we found a space station nearby…”

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