Chapter 323 Hidden Names in the Mayflower Pact

Inside a simple and bright office.

A young man in a suit and leather shoes is giving a report to a middle-aged man who also wears a suit and has white temples.

"Chairman, do you want to go and watch the professors whom the TV station has appointed today?"

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Go for a while, I hope they can bring me some good news."

"Okay, then I'll go down and make arrangements right away."

The young man said that he turned around and left, but was stopped by the middle-aged man when he approached the door: "Wait, the Ye family...

"Chairman, you are talking about Ye Qing's parents, right?" The young man smiled and said, "I have sent condolences years ago, but it is strange to say that this family does not look like someone in the family. Looks missing."

"Just go there, you don't care about the others. Ye Qing takes care of Lingling over there. We can't let him chill out. Go down."

The middle-aged man is naturally Zhao Ling's father. Since Zhao Ling's accident, he has never given up looking for Zhao Ling.

Since the last call, Ye Qing and Zhao Ling had analyzed for him that they may no longer be the original world plane and other weird words. Although he could not believe it, when he thought of the previous search and rescue team looking for the past based on the radio signal, they After only finding a piece of reef, Zhao Ling's father, although he didn't believe it, expanded the search and rescue area in the wrecked sea area, and at the same time set out to explore this direction.

The TV station and several professors mentioned by the youth earlier were exactly what Zhao Ling's father did.

He directly bought a column from the TV station. On the one hand, he regularly invites several professors at home and abroad who have a better understanding of dimensional space to discuss this issue. On the other hand, he can also broadcast it through TV to make more People know what kind of situation their daughter is facing, and offer rewards about Zhao Ling through TV.

"Welcome everyone to explore today. I am the host Wang Dan."

"Humanity has a thousand years of history in the exploration of the universe, but whether there are other universes outside of the universe, whether there are parallel spaces outside of our world, these problems that have plagued us for thousands of years are still unanswered. We are fortunate to have Mr. Chen Qingshan, a well-known professor of prince studies in China, and two well-known space theory professors abroad, the Wiley brothers, Jim and Sam, to discuss these cosmic issues with us."

"At the same time on my left is the famous entrepreneur Mr. Zhao Jianguo, and our topic today also starts with the plane crash of Mr. Zhao's daughter, Ms. Zhao Ling."

"Mr. Zhao, according to what you said on the Internet, Miss Zhao Ling had contact with you after the plane crash, right?" The host said that it started at the beginning, and the topic was introduced into the subject as soon as it came up.

As soon as Zhao Jianguo Road pondered, he said: "Yes, we had two short radio conversations after the dysfunction."

"Okay, what you said on the Internet that Miss Zhao Ling's current location may not be the same space as the universe we live in has aroused heated discussions on the Internet. Here I take the liberty to ask, this conclusion is that you have lost your daughter. My heart hurts for a while, or is there any real evidence?"

"Of course I don't have any evidence." Zhao Jianguo showed a smile before his face became serious again, and said: "In fact, it was not me who came to this conclusion, but a young man who died with Lingling passed by him. The conclusion drawn from the experience, Lingling has also confirmed this matter with me, so even though I personally find it very unbelievable, I am still willing to believe them. After all, one more direction will bring them back. Isn't it?"

The host again said: "So that's the case, then regarding these questions, I wonder if you, Mr. Zhao, have asked for verification in private?"

Hearing this, Zhao Jianguo's eyes flashed a little bit of dislike, but he was quickly covered up, no one noticed, and then he slowly said: "Of course I have, for example, I opened this column for this purpose. ."

This sounded like a joke, but the host was not a fool. He quickly heard Zhao Jianguo's unhappiness. He immediately smiled awkwardly, and then turned to the three professors over there and said: "Okay, of course the professional problem must be Let a professional person solve it. I wonder what the three teachers think about this?"

The three gray-haired old men glanced at each other, and then Chen Qingshan, a well-known domestic quantum mechanics professor, took the lead to speak: "From the perspective of quantum mechanics, conceptually speaking, if the quantum activity in a space is sufficient, a difference can be made. In the space of the world in which we exist, it is not impossible for time and space to be misaligned with the main world in this space."

Immediately afterwards, the older brother of the Willy brothers, Jim, took over and said: "I think Professor Chen's words are very reasonable. It is very possible that there are other spaces outside the universe we live in, even Mr. Hawking. In his book, he proposed the theory of wormholes, that is, outside the main world, there is another parallel world, and the two worlds are connected by wormholes.

, Ms. Zhao Ling and the others have been killed for so long and haven't found it, perhaps because they went through a wormhole during the plane crash and reached another world.

Sam also said: "Yes, although all of this has not been confirmed yet, I believe that these are true, and there is also a concept of dimensionality in mathematics. Some scientists have pointed out that the world we live in currently consists of at least ten It is composed of one dimension and one time dimension. What we currently know is only three dimensions and one time dimension. Perhaps Miss Zhao Ling and her companions have accidentally gone to a higher-dimensional world that we cannot understand. This caused us to be unable to find them.

In the next hour, three highly respected professors had a heated discussion on the two topics of space and time, completely disregarding their own image.

It can be said that, in the end, what I said at the beginning was somewhat useful, and it was completely off the track later.

Zhao Jianguo persisted until the end of the program, only feeling his two ears buzzing, and he couldn't remember what the three professors had just said.

Just when he was about to leave the TV station, a figure suddenly broke through the bodyguard's defense line and rushed directly in front of him. "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, I am a crew member on a ship in the search and rescue team you organized. Could you please take a look at this, it has something to do with your daughter!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jianguo trembled, and immediately let the bodyguard let go and let the man come over.

This was a young man dressed in hip-hop style. As soon as he approached Zhao Jianguo, he didn't get too wordy, and directly overtook the computer in front of Zhao Jianguo.

Zhao Jianguo frowned and glanced at the content on it. It was a photo. He vaguely saw a few English words in the "Mayflower Convention" and wondered if this person had misplaced the content.

When he was about to remind, the man stretched out his hand, pointed directly at the end and said: "Look here."

Zhao Jianguo stared at him, and suddenly he trembled.

Where the man pointed, at the end of a string of English (Li Qian's), two Chinese characters were particularly conspicuous.

Ye Qing!

Actually Ye Qing!

It is undeniable that in the whole country, there are not one hundred and eighty Ye Qing. If you push it forward for a few hundred years, this number will be even higher.

But the reason why Zhao Jianguo was so shocked was because he knew that this Ye Qing was exactly the Ye Qingqin that he thought in his heart!

"Where did you get this thing?!" Zhao Jianguo anxiously grabbed the shoulder of the man in front of him and shook it.

The man was shaken so badly and quickly said: "I have a friend who works in the Plymouth Immigration Village. This is the original photo of the Mayflower Convention he sent me yesterday. According to him, the original list is at the end. There is a small area that was deliberately smeared with a certain material, because it does not look obvious, so it has not been found. My friend also accidentally discovered that the brightness of the light in that place is a little different from other places, please After I came to the experts to study, I realized that there were still two names. They uploaded the pictures to the Internet just now. In less than half an hour, this matter has caused an uproar on the Internet."

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