Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 432   Honey adds sweetness! (2, please complete order!)

Chapter 432 Honey adds sweetness! (Seeking full order!)

"It just feels like these are starting to get old. I can't find the fresh ones. What are you going to do with these mint leaves? Squeeze them into juice? But I feel that these mint leaves have no moisture in them? Look

Li Shuixin asked Lin Han while holding a pen and paper, what would she do with these mint leaves if she looked at Lin Han.

"Yeah! It looks like these mint leaves are a little old, but it shouldn't matter, I have a way! 99

Lin Han smiled slightly, took the mint and washed it in clean water to dry, then came to the side of the grill.

"help me!"

Lin Han handed the mint leaves to Li Shuixin, then directly took off the grill, inserted it vertically on the ground, then opened a bamboo, split it into two from the top, and cut it in the middle to make a big chopstick .

Lin Han used the chopsticks to spread the roasted belly.

"Give me!"

Lin Han stretched out his right hand and took the mint leaves from Li Shuixin's hand, and then stuffed them all into his roasted stomach.

"After roasting, a part of the water dripped down to the ground along the roasting pan, but most of the water came to the abdominal cavity of the roasted mug, so put the mint leaves in, and the water will naturally infiltrate all the mint leaves. , and then the temperature - the aroma of mint leaves will be fully distributed and spread along the texture of the goose meat to the entire roasting inside!"

After Lin Han finished this, he put the pan on the grill and continued to bake.

"Yeah! Got it! As long as you come across a plant with very little juice, you can boil it with water to extract what you need in it, right? fi

Li Shuixin directly stated the truth of this.

"Yes! This principle is used in the thermal preparation of traditional Chinese medicine. As long as the thinking is not backward, the method is more than the problem, haha!

Lin Han laughed.


At this moment, Zhang Xiaofei's roar came from a distance.

"This guy is really anxious to shout, he can't wait until he's done!

Li Shuixin looked at the swaying jungle in the distance and said.

Along with Zhang Xiaofei's rhythm, Lin Han also found a black and yellow object in his mouth.

"What is it holding?

Lin Han said and approached the past.


Zhang Xiaofei approached and put the object in his mouth directly on the ground, and then started to circle around Lin Han.

"Hive! Where did you come from?!"

Lin Han was both shocked and excited, but he never thought that Zhang Xiaofei would have such a thing!

"You don't even tell me when you find this thing, but you came here in time from the hive, I'll give you a little more! Look!

Lin Han smiled slightly. He didn't say the last few words directly, but smiled slightly. Of course, Zhang Xiaofei understood what Lin Han meant.

"We have honey!

Lin Han took the honeycomb to the grill and held it up for Li Shuixin to see.

"Zhang Xiaofei is really timely, it seems that he wants to eat more roasting pots, right? fi

"Since it can give us a honeycomb, then of course I want to eat it. I will give it a little more. With honey, our roast goose will taste even better! 66

Lin Han said and started to deal with the hive.

Since the interior of the hive is mostly honey, and of course there are organic substances on the periphery, the honey can still be extracted by pressing.

Lin Han rinsed and dried the grooved slate with clean water, then put the honeycomb on it, and then found a large stone and pressed it heavily on the surface at night.

"Take half a coconut shell and catch it here!"

Lin Han said to Li Shuixin.


Li Shuixin went to get another half of the coconut shell and placed it on the left side of the slate. Because the whole stone is high on the right and low on the left, the honey will definitely move to the left along the groove on the right.

As the strength of Lin Han's hand was gradually exerted, the gap between the two slates gradually began to decrease. To a certain extent, Lin Han directly put his legs on the slate above, and the whole person is now kneeling at night. On the surface, the distance between Shiguan is also more Xiaoxi.

The honey also flowed into the coconut shell one by one, and in less than a while, half of the coconut shell was completely filled.

"Enough! The rest we can stay!

Li Shuixin said to Lin Han.

"Okay! Leave the rest, and you can add some honey to it whether it's cooking or drinking water, it's more nutritious than sugar!

Lin Han found a large leaf and wrapped the rest of the honeycomb in, then picked up a brush and began to brush the whole body of the baked potato with honey.

The golden-yellow honey becomes more and more yellow-brown after being roasted at the flame temperature, which makes the roasting pan more delicious and attractive.

"Of course you can't forget this one!"

Lin Han looked at these own pets and said.

The most simple food of course needs to be cooked in the most simple way, so Lin Han did not do too much modification today, just enriched the inner taste of the roasting pan, honey to increase the taste and sweetness, and olive oil to increase the deliciousness of the meat. , It also has the effect of frying, wild pepper has the effect of removing the bad taste in the pot meat, and star anise has the effect of being fresh, what about the salt?

"Of course, we can't forget salt. Salt can not only increase the taste, but the main reason is that the human body cannot lack salt. If there is no salt, people will have no strength. After the salt is absorbed in the body, it will be decomposed into ions. This is also the electrical signal in our body. 770 Essential substances for transport, without these people's muscles would not be commanded.

While Lin Han was talking, Li Shuixin recorded with pen and paper.

"Where did you know so much, how does it feel like you know a little about everything!

Li Shuixin cast a look of admiration.

"A little? I personally think it's a lot!

Lin Han gave Li Shuixin a blank look, as if to say, "Give you a look and feel it yourself! On the mountain

"I've already turned it over for you just now, and now it's time to move on to the other side. I think this side is yellow too!"

Li Shuixin stood up and took the initiative to help Lin Han turn the roast goose over.

"The overall look is good, the last side, you can eat it in a while, are you ready? 99

Lin Han looked at this roast goose, and his own heart was also hungry.

"It's ready, just waiting to eat!"

Li Shuixin came to the roast goose for Zhang Xiaofei and the others and continued to roll.

"Their roasting pan will take a while, don't put salt, animals don't need salt, and if there is too much salt, it may affect the circulation of substances in their bodies, and it will directly damage the kidneys! 39

Lin Han exhorted.

"For god horse?

Why is Li Shuixin's 100,000 online again?

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