Just a conservative set of robes.

The Grand Master's style is simple, and she doesn't even regard herself as a woman at all, so for her, a linen robe is enough for her to attend any occasion.

The robe was loose and tight, completely covering the Grand Master's body without revealing anything.

However now,

The robe was changed, and the Grand Master put on a cool gown, exposing a large area of ​​delicate and jade-like white skin.

Although the size of the dress she put on was not very flashy - but for the great mentor personally, the exposure of her dress had soared.

Italian on the side was stunned.

This pointed ear, just slightly dressed up, trimmed the hair, and changed into a skirt, the whole person becomes stunning and eye-catching!

The former great mentor was already incredibly beautiful.

Now, after upgrading her skin, the great mentor has finally completely liberated her appearance.

And let the world understand it deeply.

What exactly is a goddess?

It's just a pity that this goddess can only accommodate one person in her eyes.

The Grand Master showed shyness and a somewhat flattering smile:

"Rhine, I've kept you waiting for a long time...I'm back."


Thanks to Yu Xing and Zen Feng for the reward, the two bosses are so generous!


ps: The author's update time is unstable, and I don't know if it will torture readers who are waiting for the update, so I will roughly explain the update time of the next chapter at the end of each chapter, but it may continue to change or be postponed according to the situation. , but in short, I will try my best to let everyone have a clear understanding.

Chapter 101 Punishment and Reward, Bullying and Sweetness

In the end, with the help of the Grand Master, the behemoths of the insect swarm were killed. Seeing that there was no hope of victory, the remaining soldiers quickly defeated and fled.

But Etalion had no intention of letting go of these deserters. The brilliance of the forbidden curse struck one after another from behind the insect swarm, and the deserters were brutally massacred.

As for Rhine and the Grand Master, they did not have such a strong will to fight. The insect swarm was repelled. After saying hello to Italian, the Grand Master immediately activated the teleportation spell and took Rhine first to a safe place.

Rhine and the great mentor returned to the familiar greenhouse.

"Um...Rhine, look, after listening to your words, I changed into new clothes..."

After arriving at a safe place.

The Grand Master shyly showed off his new look to Rhine.

While speaking, the great mentor's eyes dodge and she hesitates to speak. It is obvious that she is still very uncomfortable with flattering others.

However, she did look forward to Rhine's evaluation of her.

As she said…

After being ridiculed by Rhine, the great mentor broke her guard for a time and became disheartened, but she did not give up on this relationship. She reflected on herself...

In the end, in order to please Rhine, she decided to change herself. A space portal opened. She disguised herself and did not go to Leta. Instead, she came to the elven paradise above the clouds, which is famous for its luxury, enjoyment and cultural prosperity. —The great mentor found a famous tailor shop and customized a set of exquisite dresses for himself there.

Now it’s this long white dress.

Completely different from the simple linen robes, the attire worn by the Grand Master now can only be described as gorgeous.

As soon as the experienced seamstress saw this strange but shockingly beautiful elf customer, she immediately realized that no outfit in the world could match the beauty of this stunning silver-haired elf.

All the clothes in the world would be dull and dull to her, and they would not match her at all, let alone add beauty to her...

Although the other party used some kind of spell to block its own intelligence.

But there is no doubt that this guest must be a noble elf demigod.

Clothes can't play the icing on the cake on her body. All they can do is try to ensure the overall harmony and not hinder the demigod's stunning appearance.

As for how to highlight the beauty of the demigod's body as much as possible without letting the vulgar fabrics of the world be too distracting.


Show more.

There is no blasphemous or obscene thought in this. After all, demigods are such beautiful beings. The tailor only pursues the most reasonable design out of the simplest professional spirit in order to highlight the beauty of the customer to the greatest extent. …


This is what the Great Teacher is wearing now.

At first glance, the scale of the dress seems quite conservative, but if you look closely, you will find that this carefully tailored dress uses thin yet gorgeous fabrics to cleverly outline every curve of the silver-haired demigod's body. Showing everything - the sound is better than the silence.

Rhine is fair.

Pretty sexy.

However, this set of clothes made the Grand Master quite distressed.

Frankly speaking, if he were a former great mentor, he would never dress himself up like this.

This outfit contains too much unnecessary and meaningless exposure.

It’s not that she has a conservative personality, but fundamentally, she doesn’t think that as a dangerous God of Law machine, with countless sub-gods and their residues entrenched in her body, is there any need for her to show off her beauty?

In her opinion, the fact that the elves did not scream and run for their lives when they saw her was a sign of honor for her.

But things are different now...

Because there were actually people who judged the Grand Master from the perspective of the opposite sex, and even put forward harsh and disappointing opinions.


She wanted to change that bad review.

All the great mentor did was hoping to make the man in front of her look at her again...


The Grand Master knows that for [Electra Lucia].

How crazy and depraved it all is.

But there was no way around it... After all, this was also the order given to her by the Lord God.

She could only obey...

Rhine smiled: "Electra, your new clothes are beautiful."

The Grand Master was overjoyed: "Rhine, um, I..."

However, after a little compliment, Rhine frowned and asked:

"But let's talk about it, Electra, where have you been this week? I thought you were a person who could distinguish between public and private matters. Could it be that just because of this trivial matter between you and me, you are going to betray the relationship between Hein and Leta? Cooperation between us?”

"No, it's not..."

Rhine's voice was stern and filled with resentment, and the Grand Master immediately panicked.

The dressed-up silver-haired demigod lowered his head nervously, not knowing how to answer.

Rhine's praise made her very happy.

But the reprimand that followed made her feel a little at a loss.

The Grand Master felt a little uncomfortable... but also felt vaguely comfortable.

The Grand Master could only defend softly: "It took me some time to customize this dress... I don't mean to be angry with you, please forgive me."

"It's hard for me to forgive you, Electra."

In fact, what Rhine wanted to complain about was not just the Grand Master's absence from duty.

Rhine looked at the great mentor and asked curiously:

"Electra, why did you suddenly appear when my sister and I were attacked by an insect wave? You don't mean to say that you just happened to pass by. Do you think this kind of coincidence is possible? Could it be that...this period of time , you have been secretly observing my sister and me, and then deliberately waited until we were in danger before pretending to show up in time so that you could sell me a favor?"

Ah...I was scolded by him again.

The Grand Master blushed slightly and explained in a panic: "No, you misunderstood. I just couldn't find you, so I wandered in the frozen soil. But just now, I suddenly noticed the fluctuation of magic power..."

Since breaking up with Rhine, the Grand Master has actually lost his place in Rhine.

Greenhouse as a coordinate has been deprecated.

On the vast frozen soil, it is actually not easy for the Grand Master to find Rhine and Italian.


Rhine's question was actually not entirely wrong.

The Grand Master did have that idea. Rhine had just rejected her. The Grand Master did not want to appear in front of Rhine so hastily.

At least... if she can help Rhine solve a crisis when she appears, it will probably make Rhine accept her more.

However, contrary to expectations,

Rhine exposed her thoughts as soon as they met.

This made the great mentor look very embarrassed.

I can tell,

When he came back this time, Rhine's attitude towards the great mentor became even more severe.

In the past, Rhine would only give a few stern reminders to the great instructor because he made mistakes during class.

Although the words are a bit sharp every time, they are well-founded and make people unable to find fault.

but now……

It was hard for the Grand Master to tell whether Lain's reprimand was due to his inner anger and confusion, or... simply out of disgust for her.

He simply...is probably complaining so much out of his dislike of Electra...

Rhine Hein...

Electra blushed.

You are such a man, you are really too much...

Pretend to be submissive and gentle to make me fall in love with you, and then once I fall in love with you, abandon me immediately and start humiliating me unscrupulously...

Too much...why do you have to go so far...

The great master screamed in his heart.

But...this feeling...

The Grand Master's heart was trembling.

She actually... didn't hate it.

At least compared to before, when Rhine used cold violence on her with respect, now Rhine... She felt that this made her more comfortable.

The experience of getting along with Rhine was an extremely novel experience for the Grand Master.

When he was young, the Grand Master was born in the Moonlight King's Court and was a candidate for the Moonlight King. He received all kinds of preferential treatment since childhood.

When he grew up, although he failed to be crowned the Moonlight King, he joined the White Light Courtyard and successfully became a demigod mentor.

Later, she became the strongest demigod among the elves, invincible in the world.

Although she suffered too much physical and spiritual pain for this,

In terms of her personality, she has always been bathed in praise and worship, and has been cared for...

The elves of Leta have nothing but infinite respect for her. Even Alice, the next Moonlight King, will respectfully call her teacher.

And all sentient beings other than Laita only have awe and fear towards the Great Master.

Even the demigod imperial guard Histia, who is recognized as the pinnacle of human beings in the world, regards her as a powerful enemy and does not dare to look down upon her in the slightest...

Although it is strange to say this,

But in the entire world, the only person who dared to look down on her, dared to rebuke her, and was indeed qualified to do so... was Rhine Hein.

In front of this man...

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