Sweep the World

Chapter 744: : Some people are happy and some are worried

Yuan Kuai’s son was already dead when he was found and could no longer die. As a revenge, he was subjected to a cruel dismemberment. The limbs and head were dismembered. People in the past saw their bodies hung in the room when they entered the house. Liang, while the scene is very scary, the blood on the ground is also full of blood.

Xie Ai must give Yuan Kuai an explanation for his collaborator. After discussing with Li Kuang, Yuan Xiao was asked to record the official as being killed in battle. The government hunted down some of the heads of the rioting party and gave Yuan Kuai three of them. This was due to the fact that the Han Dynasty was in the northwest. Yuan Kuai’s special policy has gone from being a mere person to being a master.

The head of an enemy soldier will become a servant of the twenty ranks. According to the Han law, he can get a hundred acres of fields and a servant. At the same time, the government will also fund the construction of a "house" house. A "house" in each era has its own specifications. Today, a "house" in Han Dynasty is a house with a contract of three acres, including houses and necessary front and back yards.

The total population registered in Han is just over 17 million, and there are no more than 300,000 people with titles. The number of civil servants at the first rank is the largest. The civil servants are basically either a member of the standing army or a basic-level civil servant in the local area. . What position you want to hold in Han is not the knowledge you have, but how many ranks you have, especially the most stringent position in the military.

Every fifty-seven talents produce a title holder. This is still not long after the country was established, and the country's wars broke out frequently.

If you look at the data, the 300,000 title holders are mainly concentrated in the first year of Yuanshuo to the sixth year of Yuanshuo.

The number of title holders that emerged six years after Yuanshuo is a decline in the form of cliffs. Based on the current situation, it is getting harder and harder to obtain title. It also indicates that the frequency and number of wars launched by the country is decreasing.

After losing his eldest son in exchange for a superior title, it is difficult for Yuan Kuai to tell whether he made a profit or lost it. However, he became one of the vested interests of the Han nation, for his own safety and for the family’s protection against retaliation. It can only be more coordinated with the official elimination of chaotic parties.

In fact, the dead are not a big deal to people in this era. The main reason is to die well, or to put it simply, death must have corresponding value.

With Yuan Kuai as an example, the chaotic party will appear weak again, and more people choose to cooperate with the government. The number of chaotic parties discovered and eliminated has been increasing. That is to say, the follow-up people did not get the extra-standard treatment that Yuan Kuai received.

"Most of the chaotic parties that were eliminated were the old forces of Liang Country, but they have not found a trace of Zhang Dan and Pei Heng." Li Kuang did not hide his disappointment, but was more confused: "Did the two have escaped? "

Having said that, the Zhang family did not lose popular support in the northwest, and the country was destroyed only when it was unable to stand up to its military strength. With popular support and unwillingness of the bureaucracy, there will inevitably be resistance after the country is eliminated from the military level. The forces are generally led by the original officials.

A resistance based on popular support can be replenished even after repeated loss of manpower. The leader of the resistance organization can also be protected to the greatest extent if they want to hide, especially for some people with incomparably important identities.

Xie Ai is still very concerned about eliminating the disobedient forces. The existence of those people will make the Han country's governance of the Northwest infinitely more difficult. The people in the Northwest who have the guidance of public opinion and troubles will increase the contradiction with the official.

The combination means that contradictions have increased in the confrontation and the situation has become worse and worse. At the same time, the Northwest people hate the government more and more, and the government has less and less caring for the Northwest people. As a result, both the Northwest people and the government are actually victims. By.

Xie Ai can be regarded as one of the high-ranking officials of the Han country. Standing at the level of an intellectual and a high-ranking official, it is clear that once the country decides to ignore a certain area in favor of beneficial policies, that area will not get better and better. , On the contrary, it will get worse because of the country’s ignorance.

Whether it is for her own errands or because of her background, Xie Ai really wants to solve the current difficulties, so that it is possible to benefit the Northwesterners under the central policy tilt this time, and at the same time to ease the relationship, out of interest. The link made Northwesterners feel a sense of belonging to Han.

"I found that one will inevitably eliminate one, but..." Xie Ai said with a wry smile, "I also hope that Chengji can grasp the strength."

In just half a month, under the full launch of the Northwest, the number of people recorded on the extermination list has reached 1,400, and more than 2,000 people have been arrested and imprisoned. The number of people being wiped out and arrested is increasing every day. Some of them must be people who should be killed and arrested from the standpoint of Han, but there are definitely people who are implicated and truly innocent people.

In many cases, the unlucky person implicated is not simply unlucky. On some levels, they may not have committed much serious things, but they were regarded as threats to the rule by the authorities, and they simply took advantage of the current situation to clean up. As for the true innocent, it is difficult to tell clearly. Under the crushing of the general situation, it is always difficult for the grievances and innocents to get timely redress, and it is unknown whether they will be rehabilitated in the future.

What can Li Kuang say? If it happened in his hometown in Changguang County, he wouldn't want to see the innocent fathers and elders suffer. He has a very good relationship with Xie Ai. In the current situation, it is still a community of interests. The face that should be given to Xie Ai will be given. It is really impossible to give Xie Ai and dare not fill the head. He can only respond with a smile without giving any practical promises.

"There have been as many as 30,000 young people gathered in Yangguan, which shows that the people are still quite enthusiastic." Xie Ai changed the subject himself: "Zhengxi Zhonglang will end the battle against Xiqiangshan, and he will lead his army north to Yangguan. ."

Li Kuang is different from Xie Ai, who was transferred to the Imperial Palace. In the military system, he can get some newspapers after a period of time, and he can get news about every place where fighting is breaking out. That is to say, the news is clear to what point. The level of one's own position.

"Before Xie Zhonglang (Jiang) arrives, Kuang needs to be prepared to the utmost extent." Li Kuang knew that Xie An led his army into Xiqiang Mountain and was pulling the carpet-like net, destroying a lot of Qiangdi's remaining dens. However, the number of people is not appreciable: "I think that in recent months, the first batch of people will be able to set off to the Western Regions."

This is what Xie Ai wants to say. What he knows is that the folk xiaoguo who went to Yangguan brought a small amount of their own weapons, horses and dry food, but the vast majority of them had to credit the military, and most of them belonged to the Zhang’s Liang army system. They were very worried. What happens under the ulterior motives, and it will definitely be a big deal as soon as it happens.

"Mingda suspects that Zhang Dan and Pei Heng may go to Yangguan?" Li Kuang himself has similar guesses, thinking that those who want to make trouble will not let go of such an excellent opportunity: "Yangguan gathers 30,000 people, if something goes wrong, It will be a shocking event."

"Ai has already let relatives and friends pay more attention to the old age." Xie Ai can't help but worry: "Although this is the case, it is difficult to calm down."

Therefore, the central government will formulate relevant policies only for general reasons, and the details will be improved by the executors and the locals. It's not because the center loses the pot, it's the difference in the angle of view, which leads to the ease of the makers of the mouth, and the people who actually execute are too busy to bear the important relationship.

Li Kuang knew that Xie Ai's worries were not groundless worries. The gathering of so many soldiers from the Zhang Liang army in Yangguan itself was an opportunity for conspirators to make trouble. They first act on the overall situation. In some respects, they are deterring conspirators, but they can only be deterred. People with conspiracies can only do what they can do to prevent them to the utmost extent.

"There was a garrison in Yangguan, and the young man would be controlled by the formation after he left." Li Kuang advised Xie Ai: "If there is still an accident, it is because you and I are not doing things badly, and it also allows Dahan to recognize the reality of the Northwest."

This is what Xie Ai is afraid of. It took a very intense discussion for the center to have a tilted policy for the Northwest. Once the good intentions are not reported, it will be the face of those who agree to the tilted policy, together with Liu Yan, who is the ruler. Also slapped.

If something really happened, the people who repelled the Northwest before would be even more repulsive. Those who were neutral should shout and scream for the sake of performance. Those who originally stood in a well-meaning position would be embarrassed after being shaken, and there would be anger from the ruler. However, it is light to not take care of face-shaking. If there is a malicious policy inclination, and then there is a necessary cleaning and encirclement, how many people will die in the northwest?

It's not nonsense. After the centers of dynasties hate a place, the tax that should be taxed will only become heavier, but when it is the turn to take care of it, it will be completely forgotten. No matter what the reason, the people there are rebellious. The method of the center is to send a large army to calm down, and come twice or three times if one time is not enough... Even if the entire area is killed, it will feel that the harm is eliminated, and the time permits is a matter of relocating new people to fill it.

Once it is considered by the center to be an area with poor mountains, bad waters, and troublesome people, and the entire state apparatus is confronted by a single place, especially when most areas are strictly controlled by the center, it is the region that is ultimately uncomfortable.

Li Kuang can stay in Yumen County safely, and the military is ready to suppress it at any time. His failure to move is also a strategy in itself, attracting people who want to make trouble, and then letting the military conduct a raid in the most intense and **** way.

Xie Ai knows the relevant arrangements and does not want the worst to happen. He bid farewell to Li Kuang, and when he went outside, he was surprised to find that the sky was overcast with clouds. Almost everyone who could see looked up at the sky in a daze.

"Uncle." Xie Ping leaned over when Xie Ai saw Xie Ai, and said in surprise, "It's going to rain?"

The entire sky was shrouded in dark clouds, but there was no wind and no thunder was heard.

People with a bit of common sense will think of "it is going to rain" when they see the sky full of clouds. Few people know that although it is overcast, how much rain or how much rain can depend on the wind, more Although it was cloudy and thunderstorms at the time, it was usually thunder and rain, and the stronger the wind, the heavier the rain.

In previous years when the climate was normal, the current stage is actually in the continuous rainy season. There will be several rainy seasons before. This year, when it should rain before, droughts occurred in most parts of the northwest.

"It will definitely rain heavily." Xie Ai is not a psychic or an old farmer. In fact, there is really no way to call the wind and rain, nor can he judge how much rain will rain from some details, purely out of good hope: "Yes Yes, it will definitely rain a lot."

If it rains and it rains heavily, it will not only improve the drought situation in the Northwest, but it will actually involve politics.

Before Zhang’s Liang State was destroyed by Han, the northwestern country was in good weather for a long time. Even if Zhang’s Liang State’s taxes were heavy, the people did not have the pressure that they could not bear. In some respects, it still means. God gave Zhang's face and admitted that Zhang ruled the northwest.

The Han state destroyed Zhang’s Liang Kingdom, God suddenly gave no face, the military disasters coupled with natural disasters, the people didn’t care what Han was actually doing to the Northwest. Seeing God brought natural disasters because of the change of ownership in the Northwest, the first thought was definitely Han. The country is not qualified to rule the northwest.

The things that gods and gods talk about are ridiculous to people who understand the truth, but they can’t bear the majority of people to believe it, especially in the current era. No matter how good the people are to rule, but if God does not give face, the people will renounce the ruler. Another incentive is that there will be smoke everywhere. How many times are changing dynasties because of natural disasters?

The officials of the central civil administration system opposed the large-scale use of troops in the year of the disaster. Under the premise that natural disasters will break out, the military will not dare to jump too much in opposition. It is not necessary to maintain stability in various places and be ready to respond to possible civil upheavals at any time. As for why the civil commotion occurred? It was God who embarrassed Liu Yan, the large-scale drought that was about to erupt, and the subsequent locust ravages.

"It's going to rain?" Li Kuang didn't know when he stood beside Xie Ai: "It's just in time..."

Almost as Li Kuang stretched out his hand, the first raindrop fell on his palm. In a moment, there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and after a short while thunder rumbling, the wind suddenly became stronger, and then a violent wind rolled up. Grass clippings everywhere.

With the first drop of rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was almost an instant dense raindrops. Xie Ai stared blankly at the rain that was heavy rain at the beginning, listening to cheers everywhere. , Laughed heartily, still reserved at first, and then laughed like a seizure.

Xie Ai was not the only one who was having seizures. A rain changed the destiny of too many people, and most of them were delighted, but after all, some people were still unhappy, even angry.

"God of the thief!" Pei Heng stood in the rain, pointing to the sky and cursing: "It's raining at this time!"

The people who stood in the open and soaked in the rain included Zhang Dan and other leaders of the resistance forces. Most of them looked desperate. They hoped that when the natural disaster broke out in the northwest, the people would be even more alienated from the Han country, waiting to detonate the entire northwest and accomplish their major events. But God is actually raining?

"How can this be good?" Song Cheng said with a little loss of squareness: "This is a warning from the heavens, shouldn't you do it at this time?"

Whether it is true or false, they think that God sent the drought to the people in the Northwest. It is to remind the people in the Northwest to resist the rule of Han, and they can indeed be used to attract more Northwest people to participate. The question is how suddenly the gods are down. It's raining? !

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