Sweep the World

Chapter 346: : Things full of shame

Liu Yan's reason for supporting Ran Min is a bit complicated.

One is that Liu Yan needs Ran Min to continue to persevere. The life and death of Ran Qin is not only about one surname and one country, but also about the overall situation of the world.

The second is that Liu Yan is planning for the future ahead of time. Everyone ignores Ran's Qin State's prestige. He lends a helping hand even if Ran Min, who is a king, is not grateful, wouldn't the subjects of Ran Min's subordinates be grateful at all? A small amount of ordnance can be exchanged for the goodwill of a country, and no matter how you look at it, the sale is extremely cost-effective.

The third is that Liu Yan is showing his strength to all parties in the world, only to understand that he yells, Lao Tzu is not wrong after a hard fight, just defeated more than 500,000 enemy forces and still have the ability to support others, if you are afraid, don’t fight. Lao Tzu's idea.

Previously, the Han Ministry had been playing the role of a shield. Before Ran Min set up his troops, Liu Yan and the others had carried them alone for three years. Affect other countries or forces?

Youdao means getting stronger and stronger, referring to the morale and spirit of the army. Shi Jie Zhao Guo has not been able to win, naturally, his spirit and morale will continue to weaken, and vice versa.

Shijie Zhao is still the country with the greatest harmony and prestige in the eastern territories. Regardless of the partial defeats, it’s not the Jin, the Zahu, the Qiang and Di ethnic groups that can be lost, and the Jie ethnic group has not been harmed at all. Don't dare to underestimate it.

The second largest in the Eastern Territory is the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Before that, all parties recognized the status of Xiao Dynasty~Ting Zhengshuo, but Murong Yanguo made the start. After Murong rejected the status of Xiao~ Dynasty~Ting Zhengshuo. In the eyes of the world, the status of the small ~ imperial ~ court can be described as plummeting, and there is a tendency that the phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken.

The countries of the Eastern Continent are arranged according to their territorial area as follows: Shijie Zhao Kingdom, Dongjin Xiao~Zhao~Ting, Zhang's Liangguo, Murong Yanguo, Tuoba Daiguo, Han Dynasty, Li's Chenghan, Goguryeo, Ran's Qin State, Baekje, Silla.

In terms of national strength, it is not very well ranked. It is generally recognized that the Han Dynasty, which has a short rise in productivity and economic strength, is a little weird in terms of productivity and economic strength, or...too unreasonably strong.

At present, everyone wants to know who is in charge of the internal affairs of the Han Ministry. No one thinks that it is Ji Chang who is in the face. After all, Ji Chang has always been more inclined to military than civil affairs. However, Tian Shuo, who has been in charge of civil affairs, has received the most attention. The rest of Lu Yi, Cai You, Sang Yu... and so on are a large number of people, no matter how they look at them, they are more inclined to the military.

"Li Xian's other goal in Qingzhou is to observe the civil affairs planning over there."

Ran Min was sitting on the throne of the great king, and on both sides of the hall below, sitting on both sides of the main hall were a group of civil and martial arts of the Ran clan's Qin State.

Today is the great meeting of Ran's Qin State. From the very beginning, Sikong Tiaoyou announced a good news, saying that Liu Yan agreed to support the ordnance.

The Dachaohui, as long as the officials in the capital are of sufficient rank, they must increase. Regardless of the small territory of Ran's Qin State, the country looks bad, and its various developments are even worse. As a kingdom, although the sparrow is small and complete, there are officials for any official position.

Ran Min is of course the great king. He is now wearing a black crown dress with red lines and gold threads embroidered with gorgeous patterns. He wears a crown on his head, but it is not the nine crowns of the princes and kings, but the twelve crowns of the emperor.

The current Mianfu will not be embroidered with animal designs, and the Chinese nation has not yet begun to worship the "dragon", a fantasy beast. At present, the types of totems in China are beyond imagination, and the most used ones are birds, such as the mysterious bird or the phoenix. For example, the Qin Dynasty chose the Xuanniao, while the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasty chose the Golden Crow. The dragon representing the emperor began in the Ming Dynasty, and the pattern on the flag began with "I Daqing", and it was considered that the national totem was not determined until the heavenly dynasty.

Above the hall, on the right is the military commander group headed by Tai Wei Shen Zhong and General Jiang Gan, on the left are Sikong Tiaoyou, Shang Shuling Wang Jian, Zuo Pu She Zhang Qian, You Pu She Lang Xiaoquan, Pai Shi Zhong Miao Song, Zhan Shi The civil official group such as Liu Yi.

Song Bin, the servant of the Yellow Gate, stayed under the steps of the main hall near Ran Min.

Speaking of it, the bureaucratic system of Ran’s Qin State is far more complete than Liu Yan’s side. As long as Ran Min’s confidant has been banned from official posts before, Ran Min appears to be a bit stingy in the title. It is also the practice of wanting to engage in no knighthood without military merit.

After Ran's Qin State entered Guanzhong, the strategy adopted was that those who followed me prospered and those who opposed me died. Guanzhong has long lived in a mixed state of Qiang, Di, Jin, and miscellaneous Hus, among which Di are the most numerous.

Di people regarded Guanzhong as their own territory, how could they easily obey Ran Min. They and the Qiang people who were also in Guanzhong took the lead in rebelling against Ran Min's rule. Of course, they were **** cleansed by Ran Min.

The purge in Guanzhong affected the Zahu and Jin people. It was caused by the plundering formed by Ran Min’s army during the purge of the Di and Qiang people. There will naturally be resistance when there is oppression, and then Ran Minchu entered the Guanzhong. The people did not have much deterrence, the result is that the entire Guanzhong has been in a mess.

It is extremely difficult to restore people's livelihood under the chaos of war, and again, the once fertile fields have long since disappeared with Zheng Guoqu's desolation. Not only the Zhengguo Canal built in the Qin Dynasty, but also the Weishui Canal, Bai Canal, Chengguo Canal, Six Auxiliary Canal, Lingzhe Canal and so on in the Western Han Dynasty. And be destroyed or abandoned.

It's almost the same to expect the Hu people to destroy them. You must not expect the Hu people to carry out construction. Don't even think about thousands of miles of fertile fields. It is good to expect that there are no ruined walls everywhere.

The Guanzhong that Ran Min got was really a land full of ruined walls. The entire Guanzhong was built when Liu Yaoding was the capital of Chang'an, which made Chang'an look like a city. The conditions of the rest of the place are similar to those of the Central Plains. Like most areas, the prosperous cities and villages have become ruins, and the once mulberry fields have become pastures full of weeds.

"The King..." As Sikong, Tiao You had to say something, even though those words sounded incredibly ugly. He straightened his waist and saluted in the direction of Ran Min, and said: "After entering Guanzhong, we have always exceeded the levy under the rule. The young people used for military service and the agricultural service. Wanmin's support for us has repeatedly declined. , The king had to be cautious."

It is always said that taxes are levied, but taxes and taxes must definitely be separated.

Fu talks about military service and corvee, that is, providing people to contribute. This is Fu.

The tax is mainly based on the head tax. After becoming a child, how much grain or money does each person need to pay every quarter or every year, and then there is the commercial tax and the salt and iron tax.

The number of people in Guanzhong who obey Ran Min’s rule is probably less than 120,000 households. It’s hard to say how many members there are in each household. However, Ran Min’s requirement for them is that each household must have at least one young scholar, and basically all of them are paid. It is used as a soldier. He also asked the family under him to provide additional people for corvee. For example, more than 100,000 people were enlisted for labor activities during the construction of the Chang'an Palace.

In terms of taxes, the poll tax is of course one that must be paid. The other is the military tax and the insurance tax. Each quarter is a bucket of grain or equivalent money. Commercial tax is a ten-tax one policy, while salt and iron are officially owned.

The description of Ran's Qin State's rule over Guanzhong with the tyrannical tyranny is absolutely not excessive, but Ran Min is purely compelling.

In fact, if history had not been changed by Liu Yan, Ran Min did the same thing after raising his army, and it was even too late. As a result, Ran Wei perished in less than three years, and Ran Wei under Ran Min’s rule only gave orders in such an isolated city like Ye. Someone listened, but the rest of the world deviated.

Of course Ran Min knew that this way of ruling was wrong, but what could he do! Without recruiting people, there will be no source of troops and labor, and a small amount of money will be collected for use in the war. As far as their ruling team is concerned, governing the hearts of the people is far more important than survival, as long as they can survive and then compensate the governed people in the future.

"We must make it clear to the ruler of Qian, only to eliminate the unwilling to submit, only to defend Tongguan and Xiaoguan..." Ran Min did not show his helplessness, he is a true man of iron and blood, and then he will be a king. , No matter how you have to look dignified: "Hold on, everyone must hold on!"

Tiao You was speechless for a while, and he cheered himself up again before saying, "My lord, the old man in the countryside has been asked to persuade the countryside, but... once the blood is gone... I'm afraid you can't just use words."

Shen Zhong stepped forward at the appropriate time, and after saluting, he said: "The king is in Guanzhong. The method of farming and warfare was only used in the pre-Qin Dynasty. The king of Han can use it, and the king can also use it."

There is a sound of approval in the temple. Everyone knows that the morale of the people can be unfavourable. The empty mouth can touch the hearts of all people for a short time, but long-term dedication without any return can make people shrink back. Then we will talk about the nation. I don’t know if anyone listens to it.

What is even more embarrassing for Ran’s Qin State is that if they are the only force in the north of the Yangtze River to represent the Chinese people, they must resist for survival, shout Hu Han’s enmity, and so on. It’s slogan that is righteous and strong, but Qingzhou doesn’t still have it. Is Liu Yan a force?

Liu Yan is about to establish a nation and become a Han. Compared with Ran Min, Liu Yan calls for the restoration of the glory of a strong man earlier, and continues to promote the concept of protecting the Han.

Ran Min started his army only the third year after Liu Yan called out to restore the glory of the Han family and protect the Han people. He did a remedial action, which was to pull Zhang Jun into an alliance. As a result, Zhang Jun asked Liu Yan to be added. The so-called "Three Kings Alliance" appeared.

Now that Zhang Jun is expanding to the Western Regions, he has refused to ask Ran Min's troops for help cleanly. On the contrary, Zhang Jun has been continuously assisting Ran's Qin State with food and grass.

According to Ran Min and others, the reason why Zhang Jun did not cut off the aid of the grain and grass is not without reason, but it is to allow Ran's Qin State to continue to support it, or until Ran's Qin State is finished, facing Shijie Zhao's state can be directly It is Zhang's Liang Country.

Similarly, Liu Yan's agreement to support the ordnance seemed to Ran Min and others to be the same as Zhang Jun's starting point, that is, to allow Ran's Qin State to continue to support it, and to use Ran's Qin State as a shield.

With that kind of mentality, if you accept things, you won't be grateful. Can't blame Ran Min and others, after all, they are really mutual use of relations, there is no favor or kindness in it.

"Is it time to do that now?" Ran Min doesn't know how to be pretentious and doesn't like pretentiousness. He is a character who talks about everything: "Besides, how long will we see results after we do that?"

Tiao You was embarrassed in an instant.

The system of the strategy of farming war is of course a useful system, but there is no good environment for resuming farming because of the constant war in Guanzhong. The attractiveness of the military meritorious title system is also incalculable. After all, it is one thing to obtain the title, and whether it is useful to obtain the title is another matter. If it is not supported, the Qin State of Ran’s country will be destroyed. Any country will recognize Ran. Is the title of Qin State?

More importantly, after thinking about it, Tiao You is really hard to support the welfare problems brought about by the military meritorious title system. Any level of title requires official feedback. Slaves, land, houses, wealth... In addition to Ran's Qin State There is no shortage of land for the time being, and everything else is lacking.

"I can only... I can only..." Tiao You couldn't speak, his face flushed, and said: "For now, I will owe... the credit...", he couldn't continue.

Tiao You's straight waist softened, and his head was lowered.

The hall fell into a terrible silence. Nearly everyone lowered their heads. Those who did not lower their heads closed their eyes and calmed down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The widow king is probably the worst king ever. . "Ran Min did not use a questioning sentence: "The grain and grass depend on the Liang country, and the ordnance depends on the Han country. Now even the soldiers can only pay for what they deserve. ", he said that the tiger's eyes were red, and he raised his head slightly as if he didn't want to be found out, and the mianqi beads on his face looked cold.

"Or..." Zhang Qian's voice was relatively abrupt, and when he said two words, he was watched by the crowd. He took a deep breath, smiled bitterly, and said, "Look for the King of Han to borrow money?"

The wealthy Hanbei is absolutely famous in today's world. It is not only the weapons and armors of the army, but also the only force in all the countries in the east that uses bed and crossbows and other equipment. The military can best reflect a country’s financial strength, followed by productivity and technological strength. The military’s well-equipped equipment is really unreasonable to say that the rear is poor. After all, everything complements each other, especially the ordnance that relies heavily on logistics.

Ran Min's cheek twitched a few times, and there was no sound. He kept thinking back to the words Liu Yan asked by Wang Meng, especially the sentence "Yan Chang heard that Min has the heart to regain the glory of the Han, do you still hold this idea today?". He thought about it, Liu Yan's question is definitely not easy, but it is also the emperor's solicitation that seems very strange and ridiculous.

Ran Min was extremely bored. Of course he knew that finding Liu Yan to borrow money was a way:

……split line……

Honor is very sincere to explain that there is nothing to discredit Ran Min, everything is described based on the historical data found.

In addition, one chapter is four thousand words, and if there is a shameless honor, one chapter of two thousand words is divided into two chapters. That is also called two chapters. Two changes of three thousand words in one chapter, wait until the end of the Spring Festival, and they are all one chapter recently.

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