Sweep the World

Chapter 570: :1 Han to 10 Hu

Li Hong, the Han army, just gave up after chasing and killing the collapsed Rouran cavalry. That was because some peripheral scouts used wolf smoke to warn that several Hulu cavalry were approaching quickly.

Now is not the time to calculate the results of the battle. Even the head cutting, which the Han army loves very much, only cut off a few parts, mainly looking for the dead or wounded robes and packing up some things.

Li Hong saw that the goal of stimulating the Hu people to be achieved was not to directly lead the army back to the valley position, but to continue marching to the southeast.

About two quarters later, a group of Huren cavalry arrived at the battlefield just now. After they arrived, they dismounted directly. What they did on the battlefield was to collect things that were of interest and usefulness, and would not go to pick up the corpses.

After fighting in the grassland, unless it is some people who are related by blood, otherwise no one will bother to clean up the bodies of the dead, and they will be exposed.

Only less than two quarters after the fight, there have been many vultures on the battlefield after the fight. They even ignored the arrival of a living person. They wandered freely to destroy the human body with a sharp pecker, and just peck a piece of fresh meat. Will swallow it "grumbling" with its neck raised.

Not only vultures, some carnivorous birds and animals are also active in the ruins after the fight, but apart from the vultures, they are still afraid of living people. After the appearance of the Huren cavalry, most of the "corpse-eaters" have left.

Liga has long been accustomed to animal eating carcasses. What he wants to know most is whether the public can find useful things.

The Rouran tribe alliance is relatively primitive, and primitiveness indicates that the pursuit is straightforward. For most of the Rouran tribe leaders, they are completely indifferent to what alliance of kings will participate in.

The leaders of the various tribes in Rouran care about only one thing, what benefits they can get in that alliance, and the kind of benefits that can be seen and quickly obtained.

"Dear Tong Lifa, we searched all over the battlefield. The Han army only left some dead horses, but didn't find the others."

The biggest in Rouran is of course the Khan, and there are many official positions under it. Tu Lifa, also known as Tu Nifa, has a very high position. He is the Khan clan and holds the military power of one party.

In fact, the name Khan is the "new generation." The highest rulers of all ethnic groups on the grassland before are called Shanyu, which is a legacy of the Xiongnu system. After waiting for Rouran to replace the Xiongnu as the new overlord of the grassland, the Khan also replaced Shanyu as the supreme ruler, which is tantamount to the beginning of another era.

From the beginning, there was no such name in the grassland since then, and the later generations of Turks, Khitan, Mongolia, etc., were considered to be the use of khan, as for anything alone, go to hell.

Rouran is not only influential on the title of Khan, but also an official system they have established that affects generations of grassland tribes. Official titles will change, but their duties are basically the same.

The reason why the Rouran culture has influenced many generations of grassland tribes is quite simple. The Turks that emerged later came to a system similar to the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system. The Turks adopted almost the entire system of the Rouran people, and the Turks were once strong enough to be inherited. If we continue, we have to say that the nomads of the steppe are not creative, and there is a ready-made one that can be used, so we don't want to worry about that.

"Isn't it that the Han people are very rich?" Liga hurried over, just to be the first to clean up the battlefield: "Couldn't it be those southerners who cheated us?"

There is really no problem for Rouran people calling the Xianbei and other Hu peoples southerners, just as Donggaoche calls Rouran people southerners. This is determined by its geographic location.

"We..." Liga was about to speak, but the corner of his eyes caught a long black line on the horizon. He squinted his eyes very hard to watch: "Are there any of us in the southeast?"

No one can answer Liga's question.

Numerous Hulu learned that a Han army was approaching the old site of Langjuxu Mountain, and Bati deliberately showed force to temporarily terminate the alliance attack. Of course, the other kings would not object.

The surrounding area of ​​Langjuxu Mountain is now the territory of Rouran people. There are quite a lot of tribes. Without long-distance communication, no one knows how many tribes will find that the Han army will come to intercept. There were also many teams on the side, and it was really hard to tell if it was his own when he was far away. Black Belly Boss Covenant Wife

Liga didn't bother to think, but instinctively told the soldiers: "Let people gather together."

The bursts of horns were blown, and the Rouran people who hadn't gotten much gotten closer to each other cursingly. They were actually not too concerned about the appearance of large groups of people in the distance.

Rouran people are notoriously considered by the surrounding ethnic groups that they have only muscles and no brains. They can suffer from the same thing repeatedly, and they don't even have a long memory. When Donggaoche and Rouran fought, both sides were regarded as ignorant peoples. They relied on experience and head-to-head. The Rouran people were stronger than Donggaoche by force, and they were considered to have the upper hand in the confrontation.

On the horizon in the distance was the Han army. After Li Hong marched southeast, he discovered that there were tens of thousands of unknown troops in the southeast.

There are only so many Han troops on the grassland. Xie Ai is leading the main force near the valley. For Li Hong, "unknown" means hostility.

Li Hong didn’t want to take the troops out to break out to the southeast. He was cruising in the vast grassland. When he encountered what could be hit, he would go around. The ultimate goal is to attract enough hatred so that the enemy can do it. Follow behind his ass.

"It's the Rouran cavalry again." Li Hong has a telescope, and his field of view is not a slight advantage: "There is no other enemy within 30 miles around, so you can get another vote!"

The grassland is really flat. Depending on the number, the distance between the two parties can find each other. Under normal circumstances, if the number exceeds a certain level, it is necessary to hide in a special terrain.

Liga gathered his troops instinctively. They didn't know what kind of formation to put in. They just piled up loosely together, and perhaps it was a little remarkable that they all stayed on horseback.

The Han army has a unified uniform, which is probably the only one of the eastern countries and forces. They began to accelerate slowly when they were within ten miles of Lijia, the Rouran cavalry.

Shili was still vaguely seen with naked eyes, and Lijia realized that something was wrong because the team that had arrived did not act in accordance with the etiquette of the grassland.

When the two teams on the grassland meet, when the distance is still far away, no one can interfere with each other's actions, but when the distance between the two parties is close enough, neither party can make the speed soar, and the speed is a battle that is about to erupt. There is such a custom because the tribes on the grassland will never lack horses at all. The fighting on the grassland is the battle between the cavalry. Instead of slowing down, it speeds up. It does not mean hostility or something.

Lijia yelled "drive", patted the horse belly with his legs, and waited for the mount to move before shouting, "Enemy attack!"

On the other hand, Li Hong, who was observing with a telescope in his hand, was already enjoying himself, probably because he had seen a relatively distinctive big 纛.

The 纛 is a dance tool made of feathers or an ornament on the emperor’s car. It is the banner of the army or guard of honor in ancient times. All ethnic groups will have similar things. After waiting for the development of the Chinese civilization to a certain point, the feathers of the 纛 will be woven with cloth. Replaced by the items of the nomadic people, the original features of the nomads have been retained.

There are quite a lot of levels in the 纛, the more gorgeous the 纛, the more expensive or powerful the holder, and the gorgeousness is reflected in what kind of animal skin and feathers the 纛 is made of.

Li Hong didn’t know the difference between the official positions of the Rouran Tribal Alliance, but he understood that the more special the Huren’s big hunger, the higher the status. He originally launched an attack with excitement. He found that catching a big fish would inevitably become excited. As for Ben Fang only had more than 6,000 cavalry, and the opponent had at least 20,000. He didn't think there was any problem.

The Han army was accelerating, but instead of letting go of the gallop, only commanders who didn't understand cavalry would stupidly accelerate far away from the enemy with all their strength. It would be a physical disadvantage if they really waited for their horses to engage.

Warhorses need a certain degree of warm-up before engaging in battle. The Han army has always been cruising, and the warm-up has already been completed a long time ago. Knowing how to command the cavalry and not knowing, some subtle differences in control will determine the degree of combat power a cavalry can exert. Li Hong believes that he knows how to command the cavalry, and he can only move when the enemy is within four miles of his side. When he got up, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Liga was hesitating. Of course he knew that he had come from afar, and he stayed in place for about a quarter of an hour during the period. The mount had been on the way for a period of time. After the rest, the sweat of the horse was blown dry, and it was very difficult to enter a state suitable for combat again. The reason why he hesitated was that it was difficult to judge the endurance of the Han army's mounts, including how high and how long they could gallop. I am terrified

[The enemy army is about five thousand...] Lijia has been able to see a little bit what the Han army looks like: [Sure enough, they are very rich, all of them are shiny! 】

The so-called shining is the reflection of sunlight on the smooth plate armor. The plate armor is a dark silver color, and the rest of the joints are dark copper, which will reflect the light belonging to the metal when the sun is full.

Whether there are metal minerals underground in the grassland is the same for the nomads. They have no exploration technology, even if they are lucky to find an open-pit mine, they also have no smelting technology. The result is that the nomads on the grassland have always been in an extreme lack of metal. state.

[It seems... will be overtaken soon? Lijia has sufficient experience in riding warfare, and he is greedy for the shining Han army: [I have 20,000 cavalry, and the Han army is only about 5,000? Even if it is a loss in speed, four hits one, even if the loss is heavier, it doesn't make sense to beat it! 】

Metal, the metal that has been made into armor and weapons, Rouran's desire for them is so great that Lijia is willing to exchange it with at least 10,000 people. He also thought of a point. There are several friendly forces approaching around him. It is not just 20,000 to several thousand. Reinforcements will appear after a long time. No matter how they feel they should fight.

Lijia didn't directly collide with the attacking Han army. He let more than 3,000 people collide with him. The rest of the cavalry went around and spent more time adjusting the state of the horses.

The more than 3,000 people sent out were the death squads in Lijia's eyes. They did not expect to get as many kills as possible, but simply used the fighting to slow down the speed of the Han army. His knowledge also determined one thing, that is, he didn't expect the death squad to disrupt the formation of the Han army, all because Rouran didn't even know that there was such a thing as a formation.

The fight between the two sides started with arrows shooting each other. The difference was that the crossbow arrows shot by the Han army had a long enough range, but the arrows shot by the Rouran cavalry could not touch the Han army. After firing each other, the two sides immediately entered the close fighting stage, the cavalry intertwined with each other, and it was indispensable that the cavalry would directly collide with each other. The scene was chaotic.

After all, they are fighting at a high-speed movement. The pace of the cavalry fighting is fast, but the fast pace does not mean that the final victory can be determined at a time. On the contrary, after the cavalry fights, unless one party retreats immediately, otherwise. It is difficult to decide victory or defeat in an instant.

Li Hong found that the front was empty, and without looking back, he pointed the saber in his hand at the big sword not far away.

The bursts of horns were sounded "Woo", that was the order of the Han army to charge again.

Liga, who was on the periphery, felt scared to pee. He tried his best to observe just now. The three thousand cavalry sent out were only one intertwined, and there were no more than five hundred who could wait to go through each other alive. The surviving cavalrymen didn't know if they were dizzy or what the situation was, they just dispersed after piercing each other.

[The loss of the Han army... will not exceed two hundred? Lijia’s shock lies in this. He even discovered: [Some of the Han troops returned to the battlefield, they were actually packing up their own war dead? 】

As long as the Han army has a chance, they will definitely bring back the body of the dead robe. Taking back the equipment is secondary. Sending the robe into the Hall of Valor is the main thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For every Han army, it is to live and earn. Military merit is rewarded. After the battle, you can also enjoy the incense after returning to the Hall of Valor. The ashes are best placed in the Hall of Valor. It is still lacking in meaning to get a crown instead. Everyone wants to take their ashes back after death, and no one can guarantee that they will not die in battle. Of course, they hope to set an example and try their best to take away the dead robe.

Li Hong was originally going to hit the place where he was, but he caught the wolf smoke in the distance and yelled with all his face, "Wandering, get away!"

Of course, if you can kill the important person in the enemy army, you must kill it. If you can't kill it, don't hesitate. Cavalry is the most greedy in combat.

Lijia soon discovered that the Han army was circling around, and he saw the inexplicable wolves the next moment, and he kept yelling with his savage face: "Bite, you must bite, kill them all, steal all the armor and weapons!"

Yes, what Rouran people want is those shining standard equipment.

……split line……

Before there was a BUG, ​​the contemporary Rouran Khan should be Bati, not Tuhezhen. Bati is the son of Tunu puppet.

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