Sweetest Top Actress in My Home

Chapter 607 Single Dogs Don't Seek Abuse

A few days after Vera's public relations incident, the atmosphere in the entire girl group of Almighty Girls was very strange. The other two girls would not take the initiative to call on Jenny whether it was training or eating activities. Even if Jenny was there, the two Not too active in speaking.

Jenny could tell that the other two were pushing her away, but the last public relations incident allowed her to test Vera's bottom line and let her know that even if she offended Jiang Yuning, Vera didn't want their girl group to disband, so, Jenny became even more confident.

Especially during the rehearsal in the dance studio in the afternoon, the other two didn't say a word to Zhen Ni, which made Zhen Ni extremely upset, and always wanted to find fault: "Hey, I am the captain, you two love me Ignore it, isn't it too much?"

However, in the entire dance practice room, there was only her shouting. The other two picked up their towels and planned to leave the dance practice room, but they were stopped by Zhen Ni.

"You must be very upset, right?"

The other two stopped and looked at Zhen Ni impatiently: "Can I be less boring?"

"Because Vera prefers me, are you jealous? Jealous, you quit... But allow me to remind you, even if you quit, Vera still likes me the most. The big deal is to change two people to form a group with me."

The two looked at Zhen Ni in disbelief, and shook their heads speechlessly, because they really did not expect that this person would have such a big face.

"Then you go to Vera and ask her to change two players for you."

After finishing speaking, the neutral girl pushed Zhen Ni away. However, perhaps because she was in a fit of anger, she struck harder, and Zhen Ni was almost pushed to the ground.

Jenny turned her head and stared at the two, seeing that they were about to walk out of the dance practice room, she went around and purposely stretched out one foot, tripping them up at the same time.

Afterwards, she still crossed her arms and said triumphantly, "I... am not something you can bully!"

The other two sat on the ground, blushing with anger, but there was nothing they could do about her.

After Zhen Ni left, the two stood up with each other's support, and cursed: "Idiot!"

"I really don't understand why Vera likes that kind of scheming bitch, is it because she is better at acting than us?"

The two of them were very puzzled by Vera's attitude. After being by Jiang Yuning's side for so long, why was their judgment so weak?

Vera had just broken up for a few days, and because she had to arrange announcements and procedures, her mind was not on the three of them. She didn't know that the conflict between the three had reached the point of irreconcilability.

What she didn't even know was that the other two members directly bypassed Vera and went to find Shen Yichen.

At this moment, the door of Shen Yichen's office was closed tightly, because the two girls were really bullied to the point of helplessness, but they didn't want others to know.

"Mr. Shen, although we know that we shouldn't cross Vera to find you, please take a look at this."

The two girls are not stupid, of course they know that everything needs evidence, so they recorded a video of Zhen Ni deliberately looking for trouble.

In the video, Jenny is arrogant and domineering.

"Vera protects Zhen Ni, so the two of us can only be bullied like this. I hope Mr. Shen can make the decision for us."

The two hard-working and down-to-earth girls are full of grievances because they can't be as brazen as Zhen Ni, but they are also worried that their future will continue to be affected. With Zhen Ni's character, they firmly believe that this girl group will be affected by Zhen Ni sooner or later. implicated.

Shen Yichen held the video and looked at the two little girls: "Why don't you want to ask Vera to respond?"

"Vera protects Zhen Ni, even at the expense of offending Jiang Yuning, how dare we go to her?"

After listening to it, Shen Yichen understood what the two of them meant, and nodded: "You guys go back first, I will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

"Mr. Shen... Please, give us a little hope..."

Shen Yichen didn't answer, but looked at the two very seriously.

It is indeed painful enough to put your future on someone like Jenny.

Of course, Shen Yichen didn't go to Vera directly, but asked someone to set up a camera in the dance studio where several people were rehearsing.

That's a public place, not about privacy.

He had already put the ugly words first, if Zhen Ni caused trouble again, she would just get the hell out of her. But if he just handed over the video to Vera, Vera might think that it was the other two girls who framed Jenny. If that's the case, let's catch it!

And the media who suspected Vera's public relations fraud a few days ago, under the guidance of various clues, have found a lot of leftovers.

After all, the place where Jenny and her friends had dinner together was a public place.

That Jenny was so high-profile, and Jiang Yuning was so annoying, there must be witnesses.

When the time comes, the golden agent's public relations car will be overturned and he will be slapped in the face. That scene must be very exciting.


It was the end of September, and Jiang Yuning was about to leave the mountain.

The itinerary has already been released, but there is no activity listed, and Jiangtang heard some rumors before, so everyone believes that the Queen Mother came out this trip just to take wedding photos with Lu Erye.

Although they were very upset by Vera and Zhen Ni's affairs before, but now that there is a happy event, the Jiangtangs temporarily let go of their nausea and wish their big baby wholeheartedly.

Now Jiang Yuning doesn't have an agent, so he still needs to report to Shen Yichen for a big itinerary. In case there is any news, it will be convenient for Shen Yichen to prepare a public relations document.

"The director, I've already called. The vacation is two days. The director agreed very happily, because you finished the shooting task ahead of schedule, and it's not that urgent now. He even asked me if two days is enough." Shen Yichen said on the phone Li said to Jiang Yuning, and asked again, "Do you want to take this opportunity and take an extra day off?"

"The filming arranged by the second brother is in Los Angeles, so it won't take three days..." Jiang Yuning thought for a moment before answering Shen Yichen.

"You don't want to have a date with Second Master Lu?"

"He's been transferred recently, and he's busier than me. I'm still alone at home, so it's not necessary." Jiang Yuning refused happily.

After hearing this, Shen Yichen couldn't help laughing: "I don't know who used to be bored..."

"Oh, single dogs don't seek abuse."

The two had a meeting and joked, and then, Shen Yichen told Jiang Yuning about the current situation of the almighty girl.

Jiang Yuning still listened, but didn't feel much.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Did you forget that you will take over my position after the next year? Although I can't wait for you to deal with it, but... I think the other two girls are pretty good."

This is...

"Also, if I deal with Zhen Ni, she will definitely retaliate deliberately. I don't know how much trouble she will create. Your own public relations should be done by yourself."

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