Sword of Coming

Chapter 975 Mud Bottle Alley

Chen Lingjun didn't dare to pat that person on the shoulder. Of course he wouldn't go to death, but he just didn't roll around in the Mud Bottle Alley. The old master had no choice but to give up and let the boy in green take him out of the town, but he didn't go to the Immortal Tomb. , instead of going to Man Mo Temple, we just took a detour to walk to the Longxu River, to see the stone arch bridge, and finally to take a look at the ruins of a small temple similar to a pavilion.

Chen Lingjun asked tentatively: "The Holy Master, the tall old Taoist immortal from the Taoist sect before, and his realm is very high?"

The old master nodded, "It's very high. If the realm is not high, Taoist ancestors will not teach him Taoism. Moreover, this Taoist friend has been a great benefactor to our human race in his early years, so the sage of rites has formulated the rules that are consistent with the earthly branches." Among the twelve zodiac signs, it ranks very high. It’s just Taoist friend’s arrogant temper...forget it, talking about right and wrong behind one’s back, it’s not kind.”

Chen Lingjun was worried, "But it sounds like you are having some trouble with my master?"

What should I do? I definitely can't beat the old Taoist. The Holy Master also said that he would be frightened when fighting with the Taoist. So no matter what, I don't take advantage of him.

Nonsense, of course he and the Holy Master are in the same camp. As a human being, you cannot turn your elbows outward. What is meant by gangsterism? It means two gangs fighting or fighting in groups. Even if there is a huge disparity in the number of people and one's own side is small and destined to be defeated, one has to stand with his friend and not run away.

The old Taoist mentioned the Lotus Root Blessed Land before, and judging by his tone, he had suffered losses and lost face there.

Regarding the blessed land that was renamed Lotus Root Blessed Land, Chen Lingjun only knew that Pei Qian and Cao Qinglang, as well as the old cook and Mr. Zhong, all came from this Feng Shui treasure land with outstanding people, but none of them liked to say more about their hometown. Chen Lingjun was too lazy to ask more about the matter, so he always misunderstood that it was a low-ranking Lotus Root Blessed Land in the past. There were not even many Taoists, let alone earthly immortals, so it could cause any trouble.

Who would have thought that a guy who was called a Taoist friend by the Taoist ancestors would come out? He is so shameless. Fortunately, he is always kind and kind to others. He mentioned too much about the green grass in his own mountains. Otherwise, this stupid account would have been ruined by his little arms. I can't carry it off my calf.

The old master shook his head, "Actually, that's not the case. Back in Ouhua Blessed Land, this fellow Taoist quite recognized your master's conduct in life, especially the Taoist priest who said something from the bottom of his heart, which was just right to comfort people's hearts."

Chen Lingjun was relieved, puffed up his chest, and said with a laugh: "My master, I have always had a good relationship with the elders. As for me, I can learn from others, so it's okay."

The old master smiled and said: "I'm not very good at things like eldership. When I took my disciples to study the world, I met a fisherman and couldn't cross the river by boat. Looking back, I was still very energetic at that time, not Delighted by the great road.”

Chen Lingjun plucked up the courage and said: "My master took Baoping and the others on a study tour in the Sui Dynasty. They had mountains and water to eat and drink. My master and the woodcutter knocked on the door to stay overnight. It was quite smooth."

The old master asked: "Jing Qing, you have been practicing Taoism with Chen Ping'an for many years. You have a lot of books on the mountain, but you have never read Master Lu's Fisherman's Chapter. You don't know the origin of the idea of ​​fighting in separate courts. You once scolded me, 'Master, you still have an arrogant look.' ?”

Chen Lingjun looked embarrassed and said: "I have finished reading the books for my master. I only know how to practice diligently every day in Luolu Mountain, so I haven't paid attention to it for the time being."

The old master smiled and said: "I still need to read more, so that I can pick up the conversation when chatting with others."

Chen Lingjun pecked at the rice, nodded vigorously and said: "From now on, I will definitely read and practice at the same time."

Every time I go down the mountain for a stroll, I often go to the Confucian Temple in Huaihuang County to offer incense and kowtow to the Holy Master!

Chen Lingjun hesitated for a moment and asked curiously: "Can I ask the Buddha about his Dharma?"

The implication is that I want to ask you whether the old man can beat the Buddha.

The old master stroked his beard and smiled and said: "You can condense the entire world into a speck of dust, and you can pick up a flower to transform the world of mountains and rivers. What do you think of Buddhism?"

Chen Lingjun sighed, and without stopping, he subconsciously patted the old master's sleeve. It was okay. Fighting would hurt harmony anyway, so it would be better to fight less.

The old master didn't take it seriously and asked casually: "I've been here for a long time. Is there anyone you don't like?"

Chen Lingjun retracted his hand angrily, and simply imitated his master's practice of holding his sleeves with his hands, so as not to behave similarly rudely again. After thinking about it, he didn't really hate anyone. It was just that the Holy Master asked, and he had to give an answer, so he chose A relatively unpleasant guy came out, "Ma Kuxuan from Xinghua Lane is not particular about what he does, and he is far worse than my master."

The old master naturally knew about Zhenwu Shanma Kuxuan, but he did not say whether the young man was good or bad. He just laughed and revealed the secret to Chen Lingjun, giving the inside story of an old incident: "Over there in the wild world, the puppets were driven to move The old blind man from Shiwanda Mountain was once very disappointed with a few of us, so he took out a pair of eyeballs and threw them into Haoran Tianxia and Qingming Tianxia respectively, saying that he would watch with his own eyes each of us become the same as the gods we once were. That kind of existence. Of these two eyeballs, one was taken to the Lotus Flower Blessed Land by the old concubine and given to the Shaohuo Taoist boy. The rest stayed with Ma Kuxuan. Old Man Yang stayed with Ma Kuxuan in his early years. It’s not a small bet.”

The old master said with emotion: "At that time, the old blind man only said that he was the best in terms of appearance. Chen Qing was far worse than him, but they were both stubborn, stubborn and bad-tempered."

As he was hurrying to talk, Chen Lingjun remembered something, "Actually, there are still people who hate her, but there is nothing to say. She is an unreasonable womanizer. As a man, I can't do anything to her. She is the one who is unjustly accused." The woman who Pei Qian killed Bai Goose insisted on paying her, but Pei Qian finally paid. Pei Qian was actually quite sad at that time, but the master was traveling abroad at the time and was not at home, so he could only hold it in. In fact, when Pei Qian just went to school, he would go back and forth on the way to and from school. He really liked to chase away white geese, but every time he would let Xiao Mi Li carry some rice bran corn in his pocket. After the trouble, Pei Qian would give it a big hand. She waved, and immediately threw a handful of millet grains in the alley, as a reward to her so-called defeated generals."

The old master nodded, "I want to be sad."

In the earliest glorious era when a hundred schools of thought contended, the Mohist school was the most prominent school in the world. In addition, there was the Yang Zhu school, which became unknown in later generations. ” statement. Then there was an important turning point that later generations did not pay much attention to, that is, Ya Sheng asked the ceremonial saint to return to the Confucian Temple in China from the outer world to discuss the matter. In the end, the Confucian Temple's performance was to suppress the Yang Zhu School and not let the entire world follow this school's cultural direction. Going forward, and after that, there is the rise of the sub-sage, who accompanies worship in the Confucian Temple, and after that, the Wen Sage, who proposes that human nature is inherently evil.

Many of the founders of various schools of thought were very critical of this, believing that the sages were worried about their own Tao, "etiquette and rules," and that they were incompatible with the "individual freedom" advocated by the Yang Zhu School. Conflict, they feel that there is indeed an invisible battle between the order of the world and individual freedom. Therefore, many people believed that Li Sheng agreed to Ya Sheng's proposal out of selfish motives.

The Lisheng, who had never been a big fan of drinking, rarely took the initiative to seek out the Holy Master for a drink that time. But when he was drinking, the Lisheng didn't say anything and just drank.

Of course the old master knows the reason. It’s not that Yang Zhu’s school of thought, which advocates “everyone for himself, as a matter of course,” is not good. If it were not good, it would not become a famous school in the world. It talks about life and death very openly and thoroughly, and talks about self-esteem. It is even more unique and extremely unique. It is novel and the tenet of "Don't be burdened by things and don't hurt foreign things" is also excellent. It's not that this school of knowledge is close to Taoism. It's just that this line of knowledge will one day spread out like a river pouring into the world. If it becomes the way of the world, all the people walking on this road will become more and more extreme. This involves a more hidden dispute between human heart and divinity.

The old master asked: "Jingqing, what does your master think of the Yang Zhu School?"

Chen Lingjun thought for a while and replied honestly: "My master has never mentioned it, but I heard it from Big White Goose. It is a kind of chaotic refinement, which is not good. It is harmless and beneficial for a group of people to study this way." In the world, if everyone is like this, they will all be short-lived."

If it weren't for Cui Dongshan's nonsense, Chen Lingjun would have never heard of the Yang Zhu School.

Chen Lingjun has always felt that Dabai Goose is a drunkard, the kind of person who can talk drunkenly even if he doesn't drink.

The two of them walked along the Longxu River. Along the way, the Holy Master knew everything about him. Chen Lingjun walked a little unsteadily, "The Holy Master, you have talked to me so much today, you must feel that I’m something that can be made, right?”

The old master smiled and said, "What's the truth?"

Chen Lingjun said with a sincere look on his face, "You are so busy, but you are willing to chat with me."

The old master answered the question: "Every person you were yesterday is our biggest supporter today."

"Jingqing, why do you like drinking?"

"Huh? Do you need a reason to like drinking?"


"Holy Master, can I ask you a question?"


"What kind of person are you most afraid of at the wine table?"

"He's the kind of guy who drinks on his face."

Oh, it really can't stop the Holy Master! This sentence suddenly spoke to my heart.

Chen Lingjun continued to ask tentatively: "Which sentence bothers you the most?"

"You're saying that drinking alcohol will harm your character. I'll do whatever you want with me."

Oh, oh, oh, the knowledge of the sage master is indeed remarkable. Chen Lingjun admired it from the bottom of his heart and said with a grin: "I didn't expect that you, the old man, are still experienced."

"Jingqing, let me ask you, what do you think means poverty?"

"All you have is money, no knowledge?"

The old master glanced at the kid in green clothes beside him who started to swing his sleeves.

Chen Lingjun immediately put his hands on his sleeves again and changed his words: "A rich, ruthless, cruel and evil person?"

The old master smiled and said, "Just tell me what's on your mind."

Chen Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief and was exhausted from thinking about it, "That means you have no money in your pocket, you are too poor to afford a wife, you are a bachelor, you can't find anyone to buy wine on credit, but no one is willing to lend you money, you are too poor to save face, and this To save face, you have to hide and hide, as if you can't see the light, and then snap. The last bit of face you have left is trampled to pieces by someone casually one day. You can only wait until everyone disperses and others have finished watching. It was so lively that I dared to find a chance to pick it up from the ground."

"that's it?"

"You only dare to doubt the world, but don't dare to doubt yourself?"

The old master nodded and gave two answers, especially the latter, which was a bit unexpected. He asked with a smile: "Did you think about it at the wine table?"

Chen Lingjun felt a little embarrassed, raised his sleeves and rubbed his face, "How can you do that? I was really drunk at the wine table. I don't know how high the sky is. I followed the master to the mountain. I was too lazy. I also like to make excuses for myself. Fazi wanders around all day long and likes to come down to the town to relax. Don’t blame me, Holy Master. I said before that I was diligent in my practice. Damn it, I just eat on the mountain and drink when I go down. Fortunately, the master is watching. In his eyes, he never cares about me. Master doesn’t care. How can other people have the nerve to care about me? Holy Master, I’m not bragging. No matter who we are in Luopo Mountain, we all respect the master from the bottom of our hearts.”

The old master raised his head and glanced at Luopo Mountain.

Except for a less common name, Lunwu, there is actually nothing weird about it.

But that’s the biggest weirdness.

The old master asked: "When Chen Pingan bought the mountain, why did he choose Luolu Mountain?"

Chen Lingjun chuckled and said: "There is a saying here. I heard Pei Qian secretly say that back then, the master first fell in love with two mountains, one was the Pearl Mountain. It cost very little, just a gold and copper coin, and the other This is the Luolu Mountain where our Patriarch Hall is now located. At that time, the master spread out a map of the mountainous landscape and didn't know what to choose. As a result, a bird happened to fly by and dropped a piece of shit on the map, which happened to fall on it. On Luolu Mountain, haha, I’m laughing so hard..."

The old master smiled and asked: "Is there an old saying in the small town?"

Chen Lingjun rubbed his face vigorously and managed to hold back his laughter, "The master is really willing to say anything to Pei Qian, the founder of the disciple. The master said that when the old man Yao, the master of the kiln, took him into the mountains to find soil, he said There are supernatural beings in the mountains and rivers, and there are gods three feet above the head. Anyway, my master believes in this the most. But the master also said it back then, and he later speculated that it might be the intention of the national master. "

The old master nodded. Chen Ping'an's guess was the truth. It was indeed Cui Chan.

Of course, abjection is not a good word, but if it can be given a definite word, the meaning is completely different.

The reason why Cui Han peeled off Cui Dongshan, who had an out-of-mind temperament, was that in addition to the big plans that had come to light, he also hid a more interesting method, which was to use another self, maybe to use one or two key words. Opening a certain restriction is like a "letter home" sent to yourself in the future, helping to remind yourself what you should say and do at what stage, moment, and node. Just like when Daozu walked out of Lotus Cave and Qingming World this time, he 'talked to himself' early. He had different questions and answers with some destined people who had already seen the future but had not come to him for the time being. It is the evolution of the great road in the cave sky, and it has been carefully deduced and calculated long ago.

Haoran Xiuhu, this time invited the founder of the three religions to sit down. One person asked, and the three dispersed.

Of course, this does not mean that Cui Chan's mind, Taoism, and knowledge are higher than those of the founders of the three religions.

It's like the founder of the three religions has thousands of choices. Cui Chan said that the path he helped choose can be proven to be the most beneficial to the world. This is the undoubted contingency. Then you three, To go or not to go?

When he reached the stone arch bridge with no more hanging swords, the old master stopped and looked down at the river. Then he looked up slightly. Beyond the green cliff by the river in the distance was the place where the straw-shoe boy and the ponytail girl first met. One of them entered the water to grab... Fish, one watches people catch fish.

How many small fish are swimming happily in the clear water, fighting for the fish to transform into a dragon, and the eternal dragon gate is seen again in the world, with purple, gold and white scales vying to jump.

Chen Lingjun sat down on the edge of the bridge, with his feet dangling in the air and his arms folded across his chest. He raised his head and asked, "Holy Master, what were you looking at inside the house at Mud Bottle Alley?"

The old master clasped his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "A child who was poor, frightened and frightened, in order to survive, dried fish and ate them all, leaving nothing behind. He ate them completely and wiped them clean, quietly."

A helpless child in Mupin Alley, he first learned how to cook medicine from a drugstore clerk, then learned how to climb mountains and water from Liu Xianyang, and then learned the art of porcelain firing from old man Yao of Long Kiln, practicing boxing from boxing manuals, and learning how to recognize. I learned to write by relying on Lu Chen's prescriptions. After leaving my hometown, I still looked at the world cautiously, constantly learning from others how to behave in the world, and learning as many skills as possible. Every kind of recognition from the heart, every time Careful self-realization and mind cultivation are a kind of silent growth. At the same time, we do our best to continuously give back to the world. The young Chen Ping'an once told others that he would learn everything good. In the end, even Wu Shuangjiang and Zheng Juzhong's art of dismantling all things and people's hearts was still learned by the young hermit official in his forties. , presumably Chen Pingan will still be like this in the future.

The old master looked at the river and asked: "The term world is originally a Buddhist language. World, if we follow the explanation of our Master Xu?"

Chen Lingjun said with a mournful face, "Holy Master, don't glance at me again. I definitely don't know."

The old master raised his finger and pointed at the fields beside the river, and said with a smile: "The fields are a place where crops are grown, with criss-crossing roads. The old scholar once said that people are born with desires, and if you don't get what you want, you can't stop asking for it. But if there is no measure of demarcation, we have to fight. Listen, is it a very clear context? So the final conclusion is that human nature is inherently evil, which is where etiquette comes from. The knowledge of the old scholar is still very real. , and if you were the ceremonial saint, wouldn’t you be happy to hear that?”

Chen Lingjun felt extremely ashamed, "Holy Master, I haven't studied enough. I don't understand anything you ask. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Books don't last long. There will be plenty of opportunities to read them in the future, so don't read them in vain."

The old master patted the boy in blue on the head, and after comforting him, he also gave a word of advice, "The journey is not far from the people, don't suffer in vain."

Chen Lingjun was confused and didn't care. He would remember what he heard before talking.

The old master said kindly: "Jingqing, you can go about your business on your own, there is no need to help lead the way."

Chen Lingjun plucked up the courage and asked, "Would you like to go to Qilong Lane for a drink? My master is not at home, I can help him drink a few more bowls."

The old master shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not cool to drink now. Don't act like a good boy when you get an advantage. This is a good habit. Don't worry, I'm not talking about you, but us Confucians."

Chen Lingjun took a few steps back and bowed respectfully to the Holy Master. Then he turned around and ran down the stone arch bridge. He did not dare to return to Luoluo Mountain directly against the wind. He planned to go to Qilong Lane to meet Brother Jia for a drink to calm down his shock.

The kid in green clothes had already run far away. He suddenly stopped, turned around and shouted loudly: "Holy Master, I think you are the most powerful. I don't understand how powerful you are. Anyway, it's just... this!"

Chen Lingjun raised his arms high and gave a thumbs up.

The old master smiled and nodded, which was very comforting.

Heaven and earth are the reverse journey of all things; time is the passer-by of hundreds of generations, and we are also travelers on the road. So sad and so bitter? What a blessing.

Crossing the water to look at the flowers, I arrived at Jun's house before I knew it. I said goodbye and thanked you.

The old master bowed to the whole world to express his gratitude, which was also a farewell.

A Taoist monk walks against the wind and flies high towards the sun and moon, which is calm and good.

People in this world, because they are not free, pursue freedom, hoping that next time the sea will change, the sea of ​​suffering will become a field of blessing, everyone will have enough food and clothing, and the sound of books will be heard everywhere.

Finally, the Holy Master took a look at the back alley in the town.

The small alley is called Mud Bottle Alley.

Heaven is in good health, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement.

A flower blooms from the mud. Isn't it wonderful to make a vase with one's heart and bloom outside the vase?

I believe that the other two people traveling through the town also view that one in the same way.


The old temple owner glanced sideways at the mountain road, like a white cloud falling from the green mountain.

In addition, there was a female martial artist walking down the mountain. The young man in white was circling around the woman, shouting, jumping, and performing clumsy fist and kick moves.

The woman was probably used to it, so she turned a blind eye to his troubles and went down the mountain, walking around and throwing punches.

The old patron was too lazy to look at Cui Dongshan anymore. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and found two more things in his hand, a token talisman sword cast by the Longquan Sword Sect, and a safe and sound plaque issued by the Great Li Punishment Department. The marks were rough and the carving work was rough. Rustic.

As for where these two things came from, God knows.

The old temple master held the talisman sword with both fingers and squinted his eyes to examine it. Sure enough, it contained an ancient sword technique that was not easy to detect. Qi practitioners with insufficient realm were destined to not be able to see through this.

As for what is meant by insufficient realm, of course it means that it is not enough for the Fourteenth Realm Qi Practitioner or the Ascension Realm Sword Cultivator.

It's just that the sword skills are incomplete. To make up for it, about five or six talisman swords are needed. But no matter what the price of the Talisman Sword is, as long as someone is willing to do it, it will be a hugely profitable business. How can you make it? This sword technique alone is enough for a swordsmanship sect to gain a firm foothold in the world. The key is that the threshold for this technique is low. As long as you are a sword cultivator, you don’t need to be very qualified. You can practice sword training step by step. If you talk about killing The strength and sword skills are not high in rank, but they are stable in practice. Therefore, the larger the sect, the more they value this type of Taoist formula.

Cui Dongshan jumped up high on the steps, turned sideways, and settled down beside the table. He shook his two snow-white sleeves, looked up into the distance, and said to himself: "Autumn is about to come, the autumn wind clears the autumn moon. Ming, the autumn clouds are full and the sky is empty, and the autumn water falls on the lotus."

Then he put away his gaze, first looking at the old cook, and then at the old spectator who was no stranger to him. Cui Dongshan said with a playful smile: "The autumn water is coming, and hundreds of rivers are flowing into the river. It is so vast that it is difficult to distinguish between cattle and horses."

Zhu Lian laughed it off, saying it was a bit unworthy of a beating.

Cui Dongshan turned his back to the table, sat down on the bench, raised his feet and turned around, asking: "The mountains and rivers are far away, the clouds are deep and the roads are secluded. Where did the old Taoist master come from?"

Zhu Lian was eating melon seeds, thinking that he was an old patron, so he would probably hit someone.

The old temple master sneered and said: "Everything in the world has cracks. Everything you see in your eyes, even the invisible golden body of the god, even the Taoist heart of the cultivator, is not a complete one. This path, There is no way. No matter how hard you Cui Chan spends his life, you still can't find it. It is doomed to be in vain, otherwise why would the founder of the three religions come here. If Tao and One were a real thing, wouldn't it mean that the world would be turned upside down again."

Cui Dongshan complained: "What a bastard, I am Dongshan."

The old spectator laughed.

Cui Dongshan shook his shoulders and muttered words, like a master in a school, "Besides, is the Tao close? The eye can't see the eyelashes. Is the Tao far? When you touch it, it is true. Is the sage close? There are merchants and merchants. How far is the sage? Understanding is the beginning. god."

The old temple master smiled and said: "Back then, Cui Chan still looked like a scholar. If you had been this virtuous back then, Pindao can guarantee that you won't be able to leave the Lotus Root Blessed Land."

Cui Dongshan patted his chest, as if he was scared.

The old patron took a sip of tea and said, "If you know how to be a daughter-in-law, you can hide it from both sides, but if you are not a wife, you can tell both sides. In fact, it is often difficult to hide things from both sides."

Wiping the table with his sleeve, Cui Dongshan rolled his eyes and said, "Senior's words are inappropriate."

Seeing that this guy continued to act stupid, the old spectator turned to look at the woman walking along the steps and asked, "Is this the boxing disciple you selected?"

Zhu Lian smiled and said: "I'm not a registered disciple. Besides, my little Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu won't be beautiful if a woman learns it."

The old temple master disagreed and asked the woman, "Is your name Cen Yuanji?"

Cen, the mountain is small and high, describing the appearance of mountains, rocks, cliffs and steep banks. The mandarin duck machine is a secular brocade machine, and poets have a metaphor for moving the shadows of flowers.

Lu Chen always does whatever he wants. He likes to fish for big fish for a long time, but it doesn't matter if he can't catch it.

Whether it’s Shi Rou from Qilong Alley or the golden robe that comes from all the twists and turns, it’s like it only wants one willing person to take the bait, and doesn’t care at all about the broken fishing lines and the swimming fish that eat the bait and run away.

Cen Yuanji just stopped at the gate of the mountain. She knew the importance. An old Taoist priest who could make Mr. Zhu and Cui Dongshan take the initiative to go down the mountain to meet must not be simple.

For some reason, the old Taoist looked as usual, but Cen Yuanji felt extremely stressed. He cupped his fists and said, "In reply to the Taoist Master, this junior's name is indeed Cen Yuanji."

Zhu Lian smiled and said, "Why are you trying to scare a little girl?"

Cui Dongshan waved his hand, "Crush some millet seeds with some melon seeds."

The little girl in black immediately got up from the bamboo chair, trotted over to the table, and took out all the remaining melon seeds from the cotton satchel, which was not much, "Here, little senior brother."

Cui Dongshan patted his head and asked: "Right Protector, is that all?"

Xiaomi Li heard the big white goose change its name, and with a straight face, he took out a large handful from his sleeve pocket.

Cui Dongshan nodded, "The right protector is generous!"

The old temple master asked Zhu Lian again: "What about the swordsmanship? Do you plan to choose from the embryos of sword immortals in the Great Wall of Sword Qi?"

The same old temple master, Taoist Master Sun from Daxuandu Temple, encouraged Lu Chen to become a Taoist and reincarnate as a sword cultivator. This was not all a joke, but a well-aimed one.

Of course, with Sun Huaizhong's temper, if Lu Chen really wanted to become a sword cultivator, it is estimated that no matter what, Lu Chen would have to become the lowest-ranking Taoist boy in Xuandu Temple. He would call himself "ancestor" several times a day, or he would be hanged on a peach tree. beat.

Zhu Lian smiled and said: "How can I have the nerve to teach others swordsmanship? It would be a mistake to mislead others."

Any one of Haoran's sword cultivators who was thrown into the Lotus Flower Blessed Land would be a worthy swordsman.

In the history of Ouhua Blessed Land, there are also some deeds of earthly immortals recorded by officials and unofficial historians, but there is no evidence to check. In addition to accounting books and construction, Zhu Lian also started to compile official family history books, and he has seen many unofficial official and unofficial histories. What kind of earthly immortals spit out sword pills from their mouths, and with a flash of white light, they can take the heads of people from thousands of miles away. However, in my hometown, even these rumors about ghosts and monsters have nothing good to say when it comes to the lineage of sword immortals. It is not the path of eternal life, but just side magic. It is difficult to achieve the path of flying swords. But Zhu Lian's path to martial arts, in the final analysis, really came from books. This is exactly the same as Jia Sheng, a scholar in the world, who was self-taught without a teacher and relied solely on reading to become a talent. One is martial arts.

When Zhu Lian first entered the world, he also traveled far and wide with a sword, visiting famous mountains and rivers, visiting immortals and asking questions.

Another one, with hidden thoughts, Zhu Lian wanted to know the boundaries of the world. If the sky and the earth are truly round, no matter how vast the world is, there will eventually be an end, right?

Xiaomi Li didn't go far, with a shocked face, he turned around and asked, "Can the old cook still play with a sword?"

Zhu Lian waved his hand and said: "What kind of swordsmanship do you know? Don't listen to the polite words from such guests. It's far behind Pei Qian's crazy swordsmanship."

Cui Dongshan lowered his head and ate melon seeds, "Xiaomili, don't you know? Our old cook takes off his apron in the kitchen and goes out to play with a sword. It's quite beautiful. In the arena of Lotus Flower Blessed Land, he is famous. Very often, it is said that the long sword of the noble master Zhu Lian is wrapped with the charming emotions of women, which cannot be compared with Yu Mi. I don’t know how many female heroes in the world have devoted their lives to practicing swordsmanship, just to compete with the old cook. field."

Cui Chan once followed an old scholar and traveled to Ouhua Paradise, and he knew a lot about the customs and customs there.

Xiaomi Li quickly covered her stomach with one hand, pursed her lips, and said vaguely: "The old cook was once a nobleman."

Zhu Lian smiled and said: "It's a thing of the past if a good man is not brave enough in the past. All affairs in the world are spread by rumors, and the more rumors spread, the more suspenseful they become."

Xiaomi Li nodded heavily, hummed, turned around and ran back to the bamboo chair, grinning, just to take care of the old cook, and didn't laugh out loud.

The left guardian from Qilong Lane had just wandered to the entrance of the mountain. He raised his head and glanced at the old Taoist priest from a distance. He immediately turned around and ran away.

The old viewer took a look, but it was a pity. For some reason, that Ruan Xiu changed his mind, otherwise he would have almost followed the old saying, a toad swallows the moon, and a tengu eats the moon.

Sui Zuoyou came from another mountain with a sword. She did not sit down because she wanted to ask about her husband's affairs with the God of Lotus Root Blessed Land.

The old temple master said to her: "Tell Chen Ping'an that the survival of Tongyezhou Golden Summit Temple does not matter to me, but I must keep that Shao Yuanran. As for the Ni Yuan hairpin, you only need to tell him to give it away." Jin Dan, he is free."

The legal tradition of Jinding Temple comes from the Louguan School of Taoism, which "knots grass into a building and observes the stars and energy". As for the Ni Yuan hairpin that supports the grass in the blessed land of Yunku, it is just a chess piece thrown out of the blessed land by the old temple master.

Sui Youyou was about to speak but stopped, but in the end, he still didn't say a word.

Zhu Lian helped to relieve the siege, nodded proactively and said, "What's the problem? It's just a message."

The old temple leader asked: "Why is Jiang Shangzhen from the Jade Guizong not on the mountain?"

Zhu Lian smiled and said, "We were supposed to stay in the mountains and go to Tongyezhou together, but our Chief Zhou got more and more angry and sneaked away to the wild world."

Sui Zuoyi caught Zhu Lian's look, and she left silently and went to Xiaomili.

The old temple leader looked around and sighed, "With the matter of dispersing Taoism, I never thought that in the end, you Confucians would be the ones to take advantage. Yu Dou would probably be very angry."

Once the founders of the three religions spread Taoism at the same time, academies, temples, and Taoist temples can be found everywhere, then the world of Haoran, which is relatively most accommodating of other religions, will naturally receive the most gifts.

While preaching, the founders of the three religions will join hands to visit the ruins of the old heaven. Of course, this huge problem will not be left to others.

Cui Dongshan smiled and said: "It's best to be angry to death."

The old temple master said softly: "Just one thing, when there are no more fifteenth realms in the world, but those who are already in the fourteenth realm, how will you treat the monks who have the opportunity to become the fourteenth realm?"

Cui Dongshan nodded, "It's going to change. There will be bad and good. Anyway, I am more inclined to the latter now."

The old temple master asked: "Now? Why?"

Cui Dongshan said seriously: "My husband is here."

The old temple master turned to look at Zhu Lian, one of Lu Chen's Five Dreams and Seven Appearances, maybe even the second.

Zhu Lian smiled and said: "Senior, what do you think I do? I'm not as handsome as my young master."

The old temple master chuckled and said, "It's such a good place. It's a worthwhile trip for me, and the family tradition is very upright."

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