Nanxing is entangled in the youkai.

And what is even more terrifying is that although Nan Xing knows that this little girl who sticks to him like cowhide candy is a monster.

But he couldn’t find anything about youkai from her.

Even, quite the opposite.

She is so cute that people can’t help but want to be close to her.

For example, when facing a large choppy river.

“I, I can’t swim.”

“Can you carry me behind my back?”

She blinked her big eyes and asked pitifully.

The ghost knows how much Nanxing struggled at that time, and finally overcame his inner desire to protect.

And it turned out that he was right in doing so.

——If he really carries this little girl on his back, he will find that the little loli who is light and soft in itself; It will become heavier than Mt. Fuji in an instant.

This is also a trick that Ibuki often uses.

During the Heian period, she and Ibaraki often pretended to be lost girls and asked well-wishers passing by to take them home.

And, it is worth mentioning.

Ibarakika’s arm was overturned during a “playing game” and cut off by a martial artist named Watanabe Tsunabe.

“Cut, whatever.”

Looking at Nanxing, who had a cold face and crossed the river alone

Ibuki Chuika’s face showed a very unresentful expression.

But she didn’t have a seizure after all.

She’s a game lover.

As long as she is in the game, she will follow the rules of the game.

For her now, this “encounter” with Nanxing is undoubtedly a game similar to “hide and seek”.

She wanted to see if this human being, who could make Ibarakihua fanned, could discover her true identity in this month’s time.

And now.

“Hey, wait for me!”

Seeing Nanxing’s figure getting farther and farther away.

Somewhat anxious, Ibuki directly found a piece of dead wood about the size of her body.

Then “poofed” and jumped into the water.

It’s just a pity that she didn’t wait for her to flutter twice.

The wood in her hand was washed away by the rushing river.


Ibuki Cuixiang, whose body lost support, was instantly stunned.

Then, the expression suddenly became flustered.

This is the real panic:

“Help, help!”

“Don’t go, don’t go.”

“I remembered, I remembered my name.”

“Save me!!!”

Tell a joke.

Although Ibuki is the ghost king, he is also the head of the four heavenly kings.

However, she really can’t swim.

[Ding, you triggered the mission: Save the Overboard Child (Level B). 】

[Mission rewards: XP *1000; random water attribute ninjutsu scroll*1.] 】


The little girl who fell into the river kept struggling.

Nanxing, who was standing on the shore, had a complicated expression.

How to say it.

He can actually not save.

He shouldn’t save either.

He should take advantage of this opportunity and run away at the speed of light.

——This may be his best chance to get rid of this mysterious monster.

But after hesitating for a long time, Nanxing still did not choose to leave after all.

Because he found that this mysterious loli monster is too fragrant!

“Kikyo is outrageous enough.”

“In a word, it’s a C-level mission.”

“But this little guy is even more outrageous than Kirito.”

“It’s just the start of a B-level mission.”

At the same time, more importantly.

Compared to those “demon removal” tasks that Kikyo issued to him.

The “mission” that this little girl gave him didn’t even require him to fight.

“Tudun Tuliu Wall.”

With a simple wave of his hand, a huge stone wall rises from the ground. Break through the limitations of the river and take the overboard monster Lori to the sky by the way.

[Ding, congratulations on completing your mission: saving children who have fallen into the water. 】

[You have received mission rewards: experience * 1000; “Water Formation.] 】

The system’s prompt sound, crisp and pleasant.

A B-level ninjutsu, it’s so simple to get it.

Although for Nanxing, the effect of this ninjutsu may not be as great as imagined.

But something is better than nothing.

At the same time, what’s even more outrageous is that that’s not the end of it.

“Big brother.”

The little loli standing on the rock wall looked at the ground that was six or seven meters away.

Her body suddenly began to tremble.

“I’m afraid.”

[Ding, you triggered the mission: Rescue the trapped girl (grade B). 】

[Mission Rewards: XP *1000; Random Earth Attribute Ninjutsu Scroll *1].



The task of rescuing the trapped little girl is simple.

However, when Nanxing carried Ibuki to the ground, he never moved again.

“Big brother, what’s wrong with you?”

Ibuki asked with some curiosity.

In my heart, I was secretly rejoicing.

She thought that Nanxing must have been impressed by her charm.

“Hmph, compared to me, Hua Fan is still too immature.”

She thought a little proudly.

However, she was not wrong.

At this moment, Nanxing was indeed impressed by her charm.

It’s just that the charm here may be a bit different from the “charm” she imagined.

“What is the origin of this little loli?”

Look at the thousand experience points just gained.

Take a look at the ninjutsu scroll of “Tudun Tuliu Dahe” that has just been baked in my hand and is still hot.

Nanxing had already begun to wonder if this little girl was the illegitimate daughter of the goddess in the High Heaven Plain.

The probability of this task triggering, as well as the quality of the mission reward, simply reached the level of an outrageous opening of her mother to the outrageous – outrageous to the point of home!

“I don’t have to do anything every day, just surround her to trigger tasks!”

Thinking of this, Nanxing suddenly felt blessed.

He finally understood that before this, this little girl would give him a time limit of “one month”.

It turned out that it was not to scare him.

It’s to limit him and not give him the opportunity to brush tasks all the time.

– If you keep letting him brush it, then you still have it?

“In other words, I need to seize this month and trigger as many tasks as possible?”

Look at this little loli in front of you.

Nanxing felt that he seemed to understand her and the true meaning of the task of [escorting the little girl home].

“This wave, this wave is the limited-time welfare bureau!”

PS: Thank you [Demon King CWK] and [RigoMax] for their tip support.

Thanks to [Illas], [Yono], [RigoMax], [Your Male God 1] for their monthly pass support.

Fifth more.

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