Fujiwara Meihong, who ate Penglai medicine, has endless soul power.

In other words, she is now a soul-embodied existence.

If she were placed in a certain moon world, it would probably be immediately enshrined by a group of magicians who wanted to go crazy and worshiped as a legendary magic messenger.

But alas, this does not seem to be the world where human history has always been played badly.

Fujiwara Meihong is not the so-called “magic messenger”.

With endless soul power, her development of her soul power is crude.

Spiritual power is released and then burned—this is the only way she uses spiritual power.

And when Nanxing asked why she didn’t use her spiritual power in a more effective way.

“I won’t!”

Fujiwara Meihong was a little embarrassed, but said rationally.

She really hadn’t learned how to use spiritual power.

Even, when she was active in the world, she did not have the profession of [Onmyoji].

——She was a member of the Asuka period (700 AD), and as the founder of the Onmyoji tradition, the birth of Abe Haruaki dates back to the middle of the Heian period (990 AD).

Between her and Abe Qingming, there is a generational difference.

Not to mention those apprentices and grandchildren with Abe Qingming.

In addition, at that time, Fujiwara Meihong was deeply hit by “immortality”, and she had been hiding in hiding, and even people did not want to see it.

Not to mention learning from others how to use spiritual power.

In fact, even this method of “releasing spiritual power and then making it burn” was learned by Fujiwara Meihong from youkai in the course of a long struggle with them.

Therefore, she fights more like a youkai than an onmyoji or witch in the traditional sense.

It is probably for this reason that her personality has gradually evolved from the lady of the Fujiwara family back then to the violent temper of “Laozi” who opens her mouth and closes her mouth and “gets out”.

“It’s okay.”

“I’ll teach you.”

Nanxing said with interest.

Conveniently received a task of “teaching Fujiwara Meihong (Grade B)”.

Of course, the task reward is secondary.

The main thing is that he is really interested in the way Fujiwara Meihong exists.

I also want to see how much Fujiwara Meihong, who was born with infinite spiritual power, can break through to after learning those true “skills”.

“At the very least, it won’t be worse than Kikyo, right?”

Think of the Kirito, who can force the big youkai back with three arrows.

Think again about Fujiwara Meihong, who has unlimited spiritual energy, and the posture when she draws her bow and shoots arrows.

Nanxing felt that the scene must be wonderful.


The next time is teaching time.

Just as Kikyo taught Nanxing at the beginning, Nanxing also used the same method to teach Fujiwara-mei how to use her spiritual power.

However, to the surprise of the South Star.

Fujiwara Meihong’s comprehension speed… Surprisingly poor.

“What a concentration of thoughts!”

“This bumpy sea, I can’t even stand up in battle!”

After half an hour of trying.

Fujiwara Meihong, who had not learned how to use spiritual power at all, but had forgotten how to burn spiritual power, was obviously a little crazy.

“Don’t learn!”

She lay a little angrily on the deck, looking lazy like a salted fish.


All right.

Looking at Fujiwara Meihong like this, Nanxing finally understood.

She obviously has the ability to live forever, why would she achieve nothing in these eight hundred years, only know how to steal clothes.

“It’s not a learning material at all.”

Like the stubborn stone, it is her.

Not only is his understanding poor, but he also doesn’t like to learn.

Blinded by this ancient and shining spiritual power.

Moreover, she also had words for Nanxing’s accusation.

“No one can kill me anyway!”

“If I encounter an enemy who can’t be killed, I will grind with him.”

“If you die once and you can’t die, then die twice; If you can’t kill it if you die twice, kill it three times! ”

“As long as I have patience, I can always kill it!”

Fujiwara Meihong said as a matter of course.

In this regard, Nanxing was also silent.

Yes, although Nanxing knows that Fujiwara Meihong is using strong words.

But that’s also true.

The infinite resurrection itself is Fujiwara Meihong’s biggest plugin – just like the system he has.

Not making good use of this plug-in, but looking for other ways to improve strength, is itself an act of putting the cart before the horse.

But here’s the real problem:

“What if in this world there is an enemy that you want to kill no matter what, but you can’t kill anyway?”

Nanxing asked suddenly.

His original intention with this question was to stimulate Fujiwara Meihong’s desire to win or lose and a sense of crisis.

It is a kind of radical method.

But the clever Fujiwara sister red, how could she be fooled like this!

“How is that possible!”

Lying on the deck, she gradually adapted to the bumpy waves.

Feeling the sea breeze, now she is not only not uncomfortable, but also a little comfortable.

“In this world, how can there be something I can’t kill…”

Fujiwara Meihong said confidently.

As long as there is enough time, even if it is a god in the High Heaven Plain, she can kill you!

But, wait a minute.

Fujiwara Meihong, who thinks she is omnipotent, suddenly remembers someone.

A woman who made her grit her teeth and want to eat her flesh raw.

If it was that woman, maybe maybe eighty percent maybe… Really not going to be killed by her?

“Penglai Mountain… Kaguya!!! ”


It’s a magical name.

The magic was so amazing that Fujiwara Meihong, who was still very lazy just now, instantly stood up from the deck.

“Mr. Nanxing!”

“Please teach me how to use spiritual power again.”

“This time, I promise to study seriously!”

She asked Nanxing very seriously.

Between words, there is even a tendency to treat Nanxing as a teacher.

The prodigal son turned back and lost his way.

That’s probably her current state.

It’s just that in the face of Fujiwara Meihong, who is hard to “turn back and want to study well”.

This time, Nanxing slowly shook his head.


He ignored Fujiwara’s sister Hong’s surprise, and even with a slightly lost look, he straightforwardly refused.

“The use of spiritual power should not be very suitable for you.”

He already saw it.

Wandering for nearly a thousand years has made Fujiwara Meihong develop a fighting instinct similar to that of a youkai.

In this case, the human way of fighting may no longer be suitable for her to learn.

Her brain, instinctively resists “reason.”

“Since you are already wrong, it is better to be wrong to the end.”

“Anyway, her soul is already constant, and there is no risk of degenerating into a youkai.”

PS: Sixth more, plus more.

Thanks [extraordinary], [. Monthly pass support for [Gili], and [Enji].

That, although the protagonist really doesn’t know much about the East.

But some of the more circle-breaking people, he still has understood.

For example, Frandolu (the blessing of the holy gun).

For example, the purple lady [email protected] #$%sa.

In addition, the currency of the system store is not the same as the real currency.

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