After Nangong Luoyu sent Estes over, Estes did not turn against the water.

Then, under the planning of the Doghead Military Master, everything began to get on track.

After getting the names of the officials who colluded with the minister from the minister’s memory, the sect leader directly let the night raid begin.

Then, because there were too many of them, Esders gathered the imperial envoys of the empire and set up a hunter army to work with the night raid.

With the little emperor as a puppet, all this is easy.

It’s that Chelsea feels a little uncomfortable, she doesn’t want to play the minister!

However, when those officials were almost cleaned up, and the sect leader replaced those officials with people from the Crucifix, the status of minister was useless.

Then, the ministers who were imprisoned were directly and publicly executed.

Moreover, let the people execute themselves.

The empire issued a decree that everyone could cut off a piece of the minister’s flesh with a knife until the minister died.

That scene was really bloody, Nangong Luoyu glanced at it curiously, and almost vomited himself.

After the death of the minister, the empire entered a new chapter.

Then, the puppet of the little emperor is useless.

Chelsea and the sect leader joined forces and used the remaining divine power to launch a brainwashing.

They changed the memory of the good officials, especially Bude.

In their memory, the little emperor was not royal bloodline at all.

The one who really has royal blood is Chelsea.

It’s just that by the time they find out, it’s too late.

The little emperor has already ascended the throne.

For the stability of the empire, they can only endure.

Fortunately, they recently found the owner of Chelsea, the orthodox royal bloodline.

So, now everything is in order.

The little emperor was directly pulled off the horse, and Chelsea became the first female emperor in the history of the empire under the expectation of everyone.

Although Chelsea is a woman, because she is the only one left in the royal bloodline, there is no other choice.

After Chelsea ascended the throne, except for Bude’s position unchanged, the patriarch was appointed as a minister at the same time as the head of the Cross Church.

Just like Chelsea retains her status as a saint, she is also a female emperor.

Then, Chelsea did the same operation as the previous little emperor.

Government affairs were completely entrusted to the sect leader.

This time, he almost didn’t put those loyalists into cardiac arrest.

Fortunately, the sect leader is different from the previous minister, and this is a real good official for the country and the people.

The sect leader issued a number of decrees, and in the case of night raids and hunters cleaning up the tumor, these decrees were implemented one by one.

The empire is getting better day by day at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this way, instead of letting the female emperor who does not know how to govern the country mess around, it is better for the new minister of the sect leader.

This is probably the only comfort in the hearts of those loyal subjects.

However, although the sect leader began to reform boldly, he did not touch the aristocracy.

Although the sect leader really wanted to abolish the aristocratic system, the current situation of the empire was completely internal and external.

Once the nobles resisted, the empire would enter a state where everyone was king and the mighty were divided.

At that time, it will be necessary to fight not only the revolutionary army, but also foreign nationalities, but also these guys, where did the empire get so many troops and resources?

Therefore, the sect leader can only give up temporarily.

However, the sect leader soon couldn’t bear it, because those nobles actually resisted the preaching of the Cross Sect!

So, the sect leader directly found Nangong Luoyu.

“Lord, what should those nobles do? Their presence has hindered the development of the church. ”

Located in the royal palace, a very luxurious palace, Nangong Luoyu has lived here since Chelsea ascended the throne.

Nangong Luoyu held his cheek with one hand and looked out the window lazily, as if he didn’t care about everything in the outside world.

However, no one will ignore him, his ‘presence’ is too strong.

He is just there, and he will make others ignore everything around him.

This is the effect of the recent increase in faith and some spillover of divine power.

After hearing the words of the sect leader, Nangong Luoyu nodded and said indifferently: “Since they want to die, then complete them, let the hunters of Estes and the night attack of Naje Xitan dispatch, since they can’t solve the noble system for the time being, then solve the nobility.” ”

“Worthy of the Lord, I see the problem much more thoroughly than I wait.” This style of ‘if you can’t solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem’ made the sect leader show a look of admiration.

For Nangong Luoyu’s simple and rude method, the sect leader expressed considerable approval.

Or rather, God’s will is His will.

Chelsea, who had just come over, looked at the sect leader, and it was a little difficult to speak.

I have to say that faith is really a terrible thing, even smart people like the sect leader have now become like this because of faith.

And when the sect leader saw Chelsea’s arrival, he did not have the slightest embarrassment, and said to Nangong Luoyu: “Lord, I will retreat first.” ”

As a new minister, he still has a lot of work, and although he has the help of the following people, he is still very busy.

Now, after Nangong Luoyu made a decision, he also had to arrange it.

Although the hunter and night raid can eliminate all the nobles, there are still some problems to deal with in the future, and he needs to arrange for people to act with them.

After Nangong Luoyu nodded, the sect leader left.

Then, Nangong Luoyu looked at Chelsie, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“O my Holy Daughter, how does it feel to become a female emperor?”

“It’s okay.” Chelsea nodded.

I have to say that although her behavior is like a comatose monarch, it is still very cool to be a comatose monarch.

As an emperor, she wanted to do whatever she wanted.

After answering, Chelsea pouted and said, “What else are you playing now?” It’s the same as who doesn’t know whom. ”

“Isn’t that what God should do?”

Nangong Luoyu spread his hands and asked, “By the way, what about Mad San?” I haven’t seen her lately? ”

“Mad San is now on a mission with the night raid all day, and he is very busy.” Chelsea replied.

Hearing this, Nangong Luoyu smiled bitterly and said, “Although I know that she wants to repay me, she won’t be so desperate, right?” ”

“Part of the reason, but more not because of you?” Chelsea glanced at Nangong Luoyu.

“Because… I? Nangong Luoyu was a little stunned.

“Of course.” Chelsea nodded and said, “You’ve been in this state lately, it’s just walking hormones, and you’ve been accidentally attracted. ”

“Oh~” Nangong Luoyu showed a bad smile and came to Chelsea’s side, “Then is my holy daughter attracted to me?” ”


To Nangong Luoyu’s surprise, Chelsea nodded directly, put her arms around his neck, and went straight up.

In this regard, Nangong Luoyu was stunned for a moment and gave a counterattack.

With a direct wave of his hand, this palace was isolated, and outsiders could not enter at all.

And then…………

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