System No. 9

Chapter 13

Looking for the direction where the voice came from, Yang Xiaojin walked forward lightly.

Just a few steps away, the cat barking came again, this time significantly louder.

Yang Xiaojin quickly found a big tree, and then squatted behind the tree to hide his body.

By the size of the two voices, Yang Xiaojin judged that Wang Cai was approaching where he was.

What he has to do now is not to rush out to chase Wang Cai, but to quietly ambush him, and when Wang Cai is close to him within a certain range, he will trap it while he is unprepared, and then he will rush up again, so that he can catch Wang Cai very well.

After all, chasing head-on, how can a two-legged one run more than four, let alone in the woods.

This self-knowledge Yang Xiaojin still has, as for why chase yesterday?


Not considered!

But it turned out to be good, didn't it?

Yang Xiaojingang hid himself, and a black shadow entered his field of vision in front of him on the right, and when he saw the black shadow, he immediately determined that it was Wang Cai who ran towards him, because the white hair on the black shadow's tail was too conspicuous.

It's just that Yang Xiaojin immediately wondered again, Wang Cai was obviously running, but the speed of its running was much slower than yesterday, and Wang Cai's cry seemed to be very weak, and there seemed to be a trace of fear in his voice!

Could it be that Wang Cai got lost and ran in the woods for a day?


It is said that the old horse knows the way, in fact, most animals have the same skills.

Dogs can find their way through the smell of urine left along the way.

The same goes for cats, each cat has a unique smell, as long as it passes the place, it can recognize the smell through a strong sense of smell and then find its way back.

In addition, cats also have a particularly powerful biological clock, relying on the biological clock will not lose their way.

Therefore, the idea of getting lost is not true at all

, and when Yang Xiaojin was thinking, Wang Cai was only more than ten meters away from him.

But Yang Xiaojin didn't make a move, this distance is still a little far.

Yang Xiaojin secretly estimated that even if he forcibly overdrew his spiritual power now, he would trap Wangcai for a maximum of 3 seconds when he drew a prison, and in the case of overdrawn mental power, he was not sure that he could run more than ten meters to catch Wangcai in 3 seconds.

Therefore, he must wait for Wang Cai to get closer a little closer, so that the grasp is greater, and he only has one chance!

However, the mutation suddenly appeared, and Wang Cai, who was still running slowly, suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground, with a weak meow sound coming out of his mouth.

When Wang Cai fell, Yang Xiaojin clearly saw a scarlet wound on Wang Cai's back, and the blood flowing from the wound had coagulated on the black hair.

Not good!

Xiao Jiu is right, Wang Cai really encountered danger!

Moreover, it seems that Wang Cai's injury is still very serious, so serious that it is no longer able to run!

You have to bring Wangcai back for treatment immediately, otherwise Wangcai's life will not be saved.

Legend has it that cats have nine lives, but we are now talking about science, metaphysics will not help Wang Cai's injury at this time, as long as Wang Cai can't come up in one breath, he will die when he dies, where is there a second life to bring it back to life!

Yang Xiaojin was about to get up from behind the hidden tree when a thought in his mind made him stop again.

And so on....

If Wangcai is simply injured, then it should hide in a corner and lick its wounds now, instead of running desperately, running will only make its wounds worse, unless...

At this time, from the route that Wang Cai ran over just now, another figure broke into Yang Xiaojin's field of vision, it was a dog, a huge dog, the body was almost the size of an adult goat, such a large earth dog, really rare.

I saw that it rushed left and right, and although its body was huge, it could sensitively avoid all the trees on the path.

Obviously, it was this giant dog who hurt Wangcai!

Seeing that the giant dog was getting closer and closer to the place where Wang Cai fell, Yang Xiaojin thought that he could not wait any longer, if he let the giant dog get close to Wang Cai, Wang Cai's little life would definitely not be saved, the most important thing was that Wang Cai died, and his task could not be completed.

So Yang Xiaojin jumped out from behind the tree, and at the same time shouted in his mouth: Oh!

The reason why Yang Xiaojin shouted when he jumped out was because animals would instinctively feel scared when they suddenly heard sounds from the outside world.

If you meet a dog on the road, don't be afraid, you just bend down to pick up something, and then shout in your mouth, and the dog basically turns around and runs.

If after doing this set of actions, the dog is not scared away, then you can ask for blessings!

Yang Xiaojin yelled and jumped out, he thought the giant dog would be scared away, but it didn't.

The giant dog stopped one meter away from Wang Cai and stared at Yang Xiaojin who suddenly popped out with blood-red eyes.

Yang Xiaojin was stared at by this, and only felt that his back was cold, and then when he saw the appearance of the giant dog, his eyes widened in horror.

The hair on the giant dog's body has fallen out, the skin of the whole body is gray, more than a dozen red lumps on the body, some have been broken, pus is flowing out of it, and there is a slap-sized wound on the back, extremely hideous, the eyes have turned blood red, and a large amount of saliva drips down between the teeth.

It wouldn't be a zombie dog, would it?

This is Yang Xiaojin's first reaction, the giant dog in front of him is very similar to the zombie dogs in many zombie movies he has seen.

The giant dog looked at Yang Xiaojin, and Yang Xiaojin was not to be outdone and looked at the giant dog, staring at who was afraid of whom!

Suddenly, the giant dog moved, and it abandoned the wealth in front of it and frantically pounced towards Yang Xiaojin.

I'll go!

This dog doesn't talk about martial virtue!

Ten meters is the distance of two jumps and one flying for the giant dog.

When the giant dog pounced, it had already opened its mouth wide, showing its fangs, and was about to throw Yang Xiaojin to the ground and tear him to pieces.

Looking at the giant dog that was about to arrive, the muscles on Yang Xiaojin's body instantly tightened, which was the most dangerous moment he had encountered in his life.

He also knew very well that if he was pounced on by this giant dog, the consequences would be unimaginable.

There was no time to think about it, at the moment when the giant dog flew, Yang Xiaojin's legs exerted strength, jumped out to the left, when his body just landed, before he had time to stand firmly, the giant dog's body also flew over, its huge dog head almost stuck to Yang Xiaojin's face, and when he passed by, Yang Xiaojin even smelled the stench emanating from the giant dog's mouth.

Yang Xiaojin, who escaped, secretly shouted that if it weren't for the increase in his attributes by 0.5, he might have been pounced on by the giant dog just now, even so, his back was wet with sweat.

After the giant dog landed, it was not carried forward by inertia, but directly stopped its figure with its strong physical strength.

Turning around, the giant dog did not hesitate in the slightest and pounced on Yang Xiaojin again, as if all its hatred was attracted by Yang Xiaojin now.

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