Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1001: The cannibal tyrant under the technological night

Rockefeller was frightened by the gunshot, and closed his eyes tightly. As expected, those who hold power are so arrogant and impetuous. If they are dissatisfied, they will kill and vent their anger, even women do not hesitate.

However, for some time in the past, he did not smell the stench of blood, and was a little curious, so he tilted his head slightly and glanced at it with the corner of his eye. Suddenly found that the scenery ahead was not as **** as imagined. There was no brain exploded by bullets, and there was no blood splashed on the sofa bed. The beautiful woman was lying on the ground next to her with her legs bent, with a wound on her forehead. , But there was no blood flowing out, and there was a dull arc bouncing above.

"Machine...robot?" Rockefeller felt that someone was poking his heart, and he almost didn't bite off his tongue. He thought that the 13th prince would find a robot to serve him. This... it's really hard to let him. People accept.

How can robots be compared with humans? At the current level of human social science, although intelligent technology is advancing rapidly, at best, it is only at the stage of simulated intelligence, far from reaching the level of artificial intelligence. His Royal Highness Halifax not only used her as a maid, but also used the requirements of treating normal people to restrain her behavior. Isn't this not a reason to ask for fish, fishing in the sea, it is completely unhappy for herself? Of course, he dared to think so, but he didn't have the guts to say so.

After leaving the dead robot, he scanned the faces of the three maids in front of the sofa bed, and he discovered an abnormality that should have been discovered long ago. The side faces of these maids were almost exactly the same, only the number on the shoulder and chest of the spacesuit. different.

This is the first time he has faced Halifax, because of the rumors circulating in the imperial aristocracy, Rockefeller, as an imperial lieutenant general, is equally afraid of this big man in front of him. Don't talk too much, don't even dare to look at it. .

It is said that the greatest pleasure of the thirteenth princes is to experiment with living people. For example, Tang Fang once exposed on the Star Alliance sns TV station to inject DNA fragments of the Ipsyron to induce genetic mutations in the human body to obtain biochemical fighters, and for example, special electronic products It is implanted in the human nervous system to become an inhuman and ghost cyborg, which is used to match the rumored experimental fighter armor to improve its combat capability.

Since the Star Alliance sns TV station publicized Halifax’s general Faraday’s inhuman experiments on Roy, Martin, Tanglin and others, the entire Helumbir region’s zhu country has respected the Monya emperor. There was a massive public opinion war with the favorite prince, and some people organized the "cannibal tyrant under the dark night of science and technology" to describe him with strong derogatory meaning.

The advancement of science and technology has brought many conveniences to mankind, whether it is transportation, education, medicine, food and other fields. However, it has greatly weakened the individual's ability. For example, in terms of resisting strong quan and oppression, the cold weapon era can use two kitchen knives to make revolution, and then release more individuals' hatred of quan people, making a single spark. . However, in the current era of the universe, when social resources are firmly controlled by interest groups, individual abilities are squeezed and restricted. It is impossible to vent dissatisfaction in the original simple and rude way, overthrow the superior ruling group, and break Class barriers. Therefore, from the perspective of the oppressed, some people in the country and society call it "the dark night of science and technology", which means that the enslaved and oppressed civilians do not see the dawn and dawn under the lofty term "technology". Can live in the long and cold night, taste the pain, the scars, and mourn forward. As for the "cannibal tyrant", as the name suggests.

Ever since, His Royal Highness Halifax Stewart became notorious and became the villain of the era second only to Monya Emperor Kirklaw Stewart. He was condemned by many people, abused by many people, cursed by many people, and Many people despise.

He did not hesitate to personally lead the high-speed battleships of the Hydra Corps to attack the Dillard star system, not only because Tang Fang was a confidant of the empire and wanted to get rid of it quickly, but also to avenge Faraday and others. Fighting back at that guy with killing and death and paying the price for what he did on sns TV is also an important reason.

Rockefeller did not move any more after he retracted his gaze. Even the guard in black power armor outside the door entered the room and lifted the robot down. He didn't look up and strictly followed the rule of watching, talking and doing less in front of powerful people. Be a quiet baby.

Halifax is not Belek, and the prince is not a lord’s private fleet commander than he is smarter than him. He naturally knows what to do. Even if the prince said before, if he could seize control of the ruins, he would definitely Helped him to ask the emperor for credit, but he was humble, just hoping to give those rewards to the families of the Monya naval soldiers who unfortunately died in this battle. So that Halifax affectionately called him the mainstay of the army, the good general of the country.

He is really good at insight into people's hearts and using human nature.

The dead robot did not leave any traces of her presence in the room, which is much better than using a real woman, at least it will not be stained by blood, and will not be upset by the smell of the body.

"Have you remembered what I just said?"

The three female robots sitting on the ground in front of the sofa bed said in unison: "Remember..." The voice is not crisp at all, it is slightly hoarse and hasty, and looks very timid, like a real girl fears death. .

Halifax was very satisfied with their performance. He sorted the hair that fell from his forehead with his hands, shook the blood-red cloak behind his back, sat back on the red sofa bed, and raised his legs to let the shiny leather boots light in the light. Swing lightly.

In fact, he really likes the rhetoric of "Technology Night", but he doesn't want others to call him "Man-eating Tyrant". Faraday dominates research on human genetic engineering, but he puts most of his energy on artificial intelligence, because the former is against ethics and the experiment process will make people feel uncomfortable, and artificial intelligence is more technological and high-energy. , Deeply loved by him.

Therefore, he likes the term "technological night", and hopes that those people call him "the father of artificial intelligence" and hate vicious and gloomy adjectives like "cannibal tyrant".

He is the prince of the empire, but he is also a normal person. Of course he likes compliments more than cursing...Although the artificial intelligence he is proud of is not used to benefit mankind, the research motive is not pure, it can even be said.

Although human beings entered the industrial civilization, science and technology developed explosively, and the individual abilities became weaker and weaker and unable to fight against the powerful quan institutions that mastered various weapons and resources. However, at the same time as the technological explosion, human rights awareness The ideological craze for freedom of the people is also rising.

When claims such as gods granted imperial power and princes from heaven were falsified, the people's wisdom became more open, the emperor, the emperor, and the pope faded away from the sacred cloak, and the enslavement and oppression of civilians by the quan government lost its legitimacy.

Although it can be maintained by force and high pressure with the propaganda, the society under the oppression of dictatorship is like an explosive barrel, and sporadic flames will ignite a big explosion that symbolizes liberation and freedom.

Therefore, don't look at the aristocratic master, but they are very scared, afraid that one day the gunpowder barrel under the buttocks will explode and overturn their whole family. They can use death and killing to dissolve resistance, but they cannot clear the people's dissatisfaction. Although the aristocracy and the descendants of officials control important leadership positions, the actual control of guns is in the hands of the civilians. One or two killings can have the effect of punishing the previous and the next, but ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, it is difficult to guarantee that the grassroots soldiers from poor and humble backgrounds will not develop rebellious mentality, choose to take risks and initiate mutinies... This kind of thing has not happened before. The Hydra Legion exists to suppress the Garcia Rebels and the Marquis of Thorne.

Since Kirklaf came to power, he has continued to exercise high-handed rule, and his strength has surpassed the Phoenix Empire, becoming the No. 1 of the Hillenberg Region. The hatred of the people towards interest groups has approached a critical point, and brainwashing propaganda and enslaving education have been suppressed. The trend of living. As the prince of the Monya Empire and the successor to power, he had to plan ahead and plan early.

Halifax saw the dangers of the future. Ironically, he did not seek a way to improve, starting from the root to cure or delay the illness of the monstrous giant Monya Empire. Instead, use the eyes of a scientist to solve the political problem-similar to a patient who has a fatal disease, if his heart is broken, install an artificial heart, and if his leg is broken, then build a mechanical prosthesis. , I think there is no problem in this world that cannot be solved by science.

Since the power that threatens the Stewart family's rule comes from the country to a large extent, especially the army. What if these soldiers who actually operate guns are replaced by robots? There is no doubt that they will be more loyal to their duties than human soldiers. Anyway, they are just some basic operational tasks. The descendants of nobles and officials are responsible for the command. In this way, the army will be inflexible, and those humble civilians will lose all opportunities to resist, and they will completely become livestock kept in captivity by power and force.

If they are still disobedient and want to resist, just kill them. In this way, the hidden dangers can be reduced to a minimum, which can be said to solve the big problems faced by the empire once and for all, without sacrificing the interests and privileges of the nobles, on the contrary, it can be improved.

This idea was appreciated by the emperor, so the thirteenth princes became more and more favored by the emperor, and the power and majesty increased day by day. Kirklaf even assured him that the command of the Hydra Army was granted to him.

Of course, the research on artificial intelligence cannot be completed overnight. Even the state powers of the Charles Federation, known for its robotics in the Hirombel region, cannot develop perfect intelligent robots, let alone Halifax.

However, His Royal Highness is not discouraged, he is very confident in himself, and there is a big opportunity in front of him. As long as he can capture the Ypsilon in Bridge’s mouth, wouldn’t it be very simple to make a perfect intelligent robot? one thing? It can be seen how the military and technological level of the Monya Empire will develop in the next few years. It will annex the countries of the Helenberg Region and become a superpower like the United States of Jupiter. It will be like a dragon whisperer and the Supreme Council. All the hidden forces have to bow their heads to the Stewart family.

"Send some landing craft to pick them up." Halifax saw a horror in Bridge's pupils, thinking that what he had just acted should be to frighten each other, so he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a smile to show comfort.

A communications officer relayed his words to the deputy commander of the Hydra Corps, Woolf Keith. A few minutes later, the abdomen doors of several large ships under the Hydra Corps opened, and one landing craft sailed towards the remnants of the Cangshi Fleet and the Sandra Fleet.

At the same time, several other landing craft flew to the Tiankeng with blood wolf warriors equipped with Sulu Empire silver steel-class power armor and Griffin Rider-class power armor imitated by the Monya Empire.

Since Tang Fang and the Ypsilon were hostile, as long as they helped the latter defeat the former, it would be equivalent to giving a gift. The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. His Royal Highness the Thirteenth Prince believes that even aliens with very different human civilizations must understand this truth.

Judging from the intelligence returned by Church, Tang Fang’s units are fighting with the Ypsilons~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they must be fighting for control of the relic. According to Rockefeller's suggestion, if we can help the Ypsilons to repel Tang Fang at this time, and then let Tang Fang go, the matter will evolve from an act of war to a political incident.

Do the Ypsilons want revenge? As long as the answer is yes, then she must need the help of human allies to get rid of the insidious guy who tried to seize control of the ruins and swallowed a large number of the Epsilon ruins for personal gain.

He will tell her that Tang Fang has the Star Alliance behind her, the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, the Silver Eagle Group, and the powerful Dragon Whisperers. Faced with such a situation, she wants to avenge her wrist. , If you want to kill the guy who can steal Ypsilon's civilization heritage, the best way is to cooperate with him to form an anti-Morningstar casting alliance.

As long as she tied her interests with the interests of the empire in the process, deliberately fought a few defeats in the war with the Star Covenant, and dragged the Ypsilon's back a bit, so that she realized the importance of the power of allies. And combat power defects, then... to obtain technical support from the Ypsilon people is naturally a matter of course.

He was very satisfied with this strategy, and very satisfied with Rockefeller, so that the commander from the local fleet was able to stand by his side instead of returning to the Demon Wolf to be a local lord. A native dog breed. (To be continued.)

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