Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1026: Deep dive


The first thousand and twenty-sixth chapter of the deep dive

"If it's a'deep diver', then everything makes sense." Tang Fang remembered the rumors he had heard. It is said that the "deep diver", like the Celtic Guard, is a team directly to Kirklaf. The fleet that King I was in charge of, the commander of the Hydra Corps, many military officials, and even several favored princes, had no right to mobilize it.

Unexpectedly, in order to win this war, the old Krem with innocent blood on his hands was transferred to the battlefield in no man's land.

According to the intelligence collected by Emma, ​​the battleships of the "Deep Submersible" are different from those of the general Hydra Corps. The cost of the fifth-generation warship is ten times, or even dozens of times, that of the fourth-generation warship. However, the cost of the fifth-generation warship is also dozens of times different from that of the warships under the "Deep Submersible".

It's not that the warships of the "Deep Submersible" have the level of the 6th generation warships. They are more expensive in the materials used to build the warships.

As we all know, among the 10 countries in the Hilumbel region, the Monya Empire has extremely profound accomplishments in the refining technology and material engineering of zero elements. There is no doubt that this benefited from the development and utilization of relic technology by the Stewart family.

Just like when Namistar hid an Epsilon zero isotope refinery factory, large relics have also been found in Monya before, such as the Epsilon hidden by the satellite "Azeroth" of the Tambo planet in the Garcia star system. The relics, the rebels led by Marion, Krisugad, Payne and others once occupied it, and obtained the epsilon equipment of the zero element space effect field generator, which can be used for the long-term existence of the Garcia rebels. It laid a solid foundation for not being quickly wiped out by the Mongolian Navy.

According to the information provided to him by the old Marion, it can be seen that the Epsilon remnants of the Garcia star system also belong to the smelting industry. Therefore, he believes that perhaps for the Ypsilon people, the area where the Monya Empire was located was probably a region specialized in smelting projects. It is this geographical advantage that created the characteristic technology of the Monya Empire.

The birth of the battleship of the "Deep Divers" is based on the exquisite smelting technology.

The Monya Empire is not like a fandom country like the Star Alliance, the Charles Federation, and the Dolanx Republic. The exploitation of the people by the powerful groups is unbearable. In addition to various taxes, miscellaneous expenses, and military service, there are also various Various economic and financial traps. Civilians have become targets of government conspiracy and enslavement since they were born or even before they were born. Childhood is used as a hostage-like tool to enslave their parents, and when they are adults, they will be dragged down by the next generation. In this way, generation after generation worked hard for the aristocratic group and official class in power. The money they earn and the money they save seems to belong to them, but those powerful and powerful have 10,000 ways to steal for themselves.

To put it bluntly, the 1% at the top of the pyramid are nobles and officials, who own 100% of the wealth of the entire Monya Empire. Including the lives of civilians, as well as the lives of their offspring.

In this situation, Kirklaf is completely different from Adam Oliver, Antoinette, Layla Sinava and others. He can spend a lot of money to build a diamond gold without worrying about anyone. fleet.

This is also why the domestic economy is deteriorating, but the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire are still able to fight back and forth with the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic in the Gampna Theater, turning into a long war that lasts for several years. .

This is how the "Deep Diver" was born, using advanced materials to build a hidden mobile fleet at no cost. It is said that in terms of stealth effect, there is 30% effect of the semi-relic warship Ghost Light of the Saint Anthony Fleet, which can effectively avoid the surveillance network constructed by military-grade warp probes, and naturally can easily escape the Rutonado Star System and Slander The Star Covenant Navy, whose star system was devastated by the war, entered the airspace inside the defense line.

The above is the result of a series of information obtained by Tang Fang through the intelligence network formed by the Marion-Alice-Emma-Bahamut Pirate Group. The reason why he didn’t tell Grant, Byron, and others, was because he didn’t think that Kirklaf I would put this fleet built with a coffin on the battlefield in no man’s land. In case something goes wrong, I’m afraid he will throw that old thing. Distressed.

The fact is that he underestimated the courage of Kolklav I. Even if he knew that he might encounter the fleet under Captain Tang, he still sent this gilded and silvered fleet to the frontline battlefield.

Eguire said: "This fleet is not only capable of concealing the no man's land surveillance network, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it is not inferior to the 1-9 Hydra Corps, and its defense and mobility are even better. Therefore, it was intercepted. "Dawn of Light" and the **** fleet are not their opponents...Finally, the general..."

Grant looked shocked, while Tang Fang looked gloomy. His admiration for Mackintosh grew a little bit. He thought that the sixth prince, who was known for his timidity and resourcefulness, was really not easy. He was in the director. At the same time as the joint operation plan of the Rutonado star system and the Slander star system, a dark move was also arranged.

Although with his help, the Star Alliance Navy had achieved a great victory, but who would have thought that when he turned his face, a highly respected five-star general died like this...it was tantamount to being stabbed to death in his own backyard. There is no doubt that this is a major defeat and shame for the Star Alliance Navy.

With this action, Mackintosh severely slapped the newly-victorious Star Alliance Navy. Although Tang Fang could not talk about friendship with Luc Stillberg, what the "deep diver" did made him feel dull.

This was the sixth prince's counterattack against the Star Alliance Navy, but it was not a provocation against him. Speaking of which... the mental quality of that guy is really good.

The shocked expression on Grant's face slowly faded, and he asked in a deep voice, "What are you going to do?"

He was referring to the meeting between Eguire, Hank King, and others with the Star Alliance Defense Department and the No Man’s Land Naval Command.

"Before the arrival of the new commander, the military commander of the Rutonado Star System will temporarily be held by Spartacus United Commander General Jean Johnson. The Ministry of Defense will take the opportunity to inform the domestic people of this matter. As for us... The general means to give up the idea of ​​counterattack, and still focus on defense in the short term, so as not to be seized by the'deep dives' to destroy our fleets like the'light of dawn'. At the same time, domestic scientific research institutions will make full efforts to develop Targeted reconnaissance equipment will be produced as soon as possible and put on the frontline battlefield to deal with the threat from the'deep dives'."

"Then...you don't plan to take revenge?" After asking this sentence, he regretted it because it was naive.

A major general next to him said bitterly: "What if you want revenge? You must find the enemy's trail before you can talk about revenge."

Tang Fang was silent from the side. He had a detector, a crow, a science ship, and an eyeworm, but these things could not be provided to the Star Alliance navy. Even if he was willing, it would be difficult to build a trans-star system with them. Monitoring network. So there is only silence, only silence.

The atmosphere in the conference hall became a little depressed, and Grant unbuttoned his neck with his hands to vent his heat.

Aquel turned off the projection equipment, looked at Hank King, got up to say goodbye to Tang, and hoped that he could stay here for more time to help the Star Alliance Navy consolidate the battle.

Regarding this request, he did not refuse, but accepted it in one fell swoop and got up to bid farewell to several generals.

After the people left, Grant looked at him and said, "What are you going to do?"

Tang Fang shook his head and did not respond. Although he learned about Luc Stillberg's death in the attack through Equel and Hank King, the people like Adam Oliver will definitely connect with him and give an official announcement. It’s not too late to make a decision based on the words of the Star Alliance government. Now, what I can do is to sit in the Slander Star System, which is located among the Ayalos Star System, the Coplin Star System, and the Rutonado Star System. The Asian Empire and the Sulu Empire have formed a military deterrent, try to help the Star Alliance buy more time in order to find a way to deal with the "deep dive".

As he expected, a few hours after Aguirre and Hank King left, he received contact from the Star League government, Adam Oliver, Rene Ismail, David Conan, Vice President Ju Leah Butler and several other members of the National Security Council participated in the meeting.

Adam Oliver formally informed him that Luc Stillberg had been intercepted by the 10 "Deep Diver" of the Hydra Corps, and briefly introduced the process of the attack and the high level of the Star Alliance government’s Views on the matter and the aftermath. Basically the same as what Eguire, Hank? King, etc. told.

But at the end of the meeting, Julia Butler made a request to him, to be precise, made a request to Morningstar Casting. She represents the military scientific research department of the Star Alliance, and hopes that the engineers of Morningstar Casting can help them to develop targeted methods as soon as possible to counter the fleet of Deep Submersibles that come and go without a trace.

Although the battleships of the "Deep Submersible" are very powerful, the "Dawn of Light" is a semi-relic warship after all. The opponent sank the "Dawn of Light" by attacking in groups, but also lost dozens of large and small battleships. The Star Alliance hopes that Morningstar Casting can separate some scientific research forces and join the work of analyzing the composition and casting technology of the battleships of the Deep Submersible Fleet, which will surely speed up the process of cracking the stealth capabilities of enemy ships.

Tang Fang thought for a moment and agreed to the request of the Star Alliance government, promising to send Iger Stetman to the nearest scientific research center of the Star Alliance. However, there is a condition that Morningstar Casting shares the research results with the Star Alliance government and has the right to use it. Related technical processes derived from this achievement.

Adam Oliver agreed to this request very happily, and then the two parties disconnected the communication connection.

After the meeting, he immediately contacted Kylenia and told her about the latest situation on the battlefield in the no man’s land. At the same time, he will assign Iger Stetman to the government scientific research institution to assist the Star Alliance scientists in analyzing the technological process of enemy ships. The order was communicated to everyone, ignoring the objections and protests of the parties, and unilaterally disconnecting communications.

For the next few days, Tang stayed in the Slander Star System, deterring the Sulu and Monya navies, and also able to give the Star Alliance naval soldiers fighting confidence. In addition to this, there is another project waiting for the arrival of the ships of the Star Alliance transporting elements. There are 4 thousand tons of elements promised by the Adam government, which is equivalent to 400w of gas resources. If you add the existing resources of the system space... …Nearly 20 million crystals and nearly 1,000w gas, he can be a local tyrant again.

The "Dawn Light" sank, and the news of Luc Stillberg's death in the attack was deliberately propagated by Monya, Sulu, Phoenix and other countries. It was larger than the previous days when the Star Alliance Navy was assisted by Captain Tang. The news of the defeat of the Sulu, Mongolian and Asian coalition forces will quickly spread throughout the Hilumbel region.

The celebrations in the Star Alliance only ended, and the entire social atmosphere had a 360-degree reversal. Although the whole country was not sorrowful, it was bleak and sad.

Many people feel uncomfortable and lament that often excitement and sadness are only one step away.

The military held a grand farewell ceremony for Luc Stillberg. Many active and retired generals attended the meeting. Kylienia also attended the memorial service on behalf of Tang Fang. In fact, she had another purpose when she went to Heisenberg, sending Iger Stetman to the Sulna Military and Aerospace Research Institute to invest in the analysis and research of the warships of the Deep Submersible Fleet.

Just like before, it can be said that a few are happy and some are sad. When the Star Alliance society was immersed in the ocean of sorrow, the territory of Munya and Sulu could be said to be a nationwide jubilation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fireworks went up to the sky, firecrackers contended, ribbons and red silk dyed the city neon colors, Celtic The square under the holy sword was full of people, "Long live" ears.

Of course, this kind of celebration is full of deliberate and artificiality. Only those young people who have been dazzled by ai nationalism will walk through the streets and alleys in the footsteps of officials’ families and children, and use Long Live and Wuyun Changlong to decorate Cole The name of Clough and Munya.

As spectators, the nobles and officials of the Phoenix Empire and the Sauron Empire had thoughts about this incident, which was probably a gloat and mockery of the Star Alliance people's joy and sorrow, and deserved such a disaster.

What if Captain Tang helps, that guy is not an all-knowing and omnipotent **** who can help the Star Alliance navy win for a while, but can't take care of them forever. Luc Stillberg’s experience is a sad thing for the Star Alliance people, and it is also a lesson... Relying on people is never as good as relying on yourself. The strength of borrowing is a passing moment, only self-growth and improvement. It is the most reliable and true.

The Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, and the Silver Eagle Group all sent people to attend the memorial service. Although the grandson of the legendary Marshal Layton Freeman, Les Freeman, did not show up, he provided relief and condolences to Luc Stillberg's family via telephone connection. (To be continued.)

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